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This study considered the possibility of using visible and near infrared (VNIR) spectral absorption feature parameters (SAFPs) in predicting the concentration and mapping the distribution of heavy metals in sediments of the Takab area. In total, 60 sediment samples were collected along main streams draining from the mining districts and tailing sites, in order to measure the concentration of As, Co, V, Cu, Cr, Ni, Hg, Ti, Pb and Zn and the reflectance spectra (350–2500 nm). The quantitative relationship between SAFPs (Depth500nm, R610/500nm, R1344/778nm, Area500nm, Depth2200nm, Area2200nm, Asym2200nm) and geochemical data were assessed using stepwise multiple linear regression (SMLR) and enter multiple linear regression (EMLR) methods. The results showed a strong negative correlation between Ni and Cr with Area2200nm, a significant positive correlation between As and Asym2200nm, Ni and Co with Depth2200nm, as well as Co, V and total values with Depth500nm. The EMLR method eventuated in a significant prediction result for Ni, Cr, Co and As concentrations based on spectral parameters, whereas the prediction for Zn, V and total value was relatively weak. The spatial distribution pattern of geochemical data showed that mining activities, along with the natural weathering of base metal occurrences and rock units, has caused high concentrations of heavy metals in sediments of the Sarough River tributaries.  相似文献   
红外光谱技术,辅以显微镜下鉴定和矿物地球化学分析,通过系统采集达斯矿区地表岩石与钻孔岩芯样品,开展精细蚀变矿物填图,利用绢云母矿物Al- OH基团在2200 nm附近的光谱变化特征,开展勘查区及其外围的找矿预测。结果显示:① 研究区主要矿物为钠长石、微斜长石、石英、绢云母、高岭石、蒙脱石和绿泥石,另含有少量明矾石、电气石、石膏和黑云母等;② 电气石、明矾石、高岭石和绢云母矿物及其组合与成矿关系密切,具有中硫化浅成低温热液型矿床蚀变矿物组合特征;③ 目前已发现的Pb矿(化)体,主要产于300 m以浅,矿体底板为一套蒙脱石+绿泥石为主的蚀变矿物组合。矿体赋存于绢云母(高岭石+少量明矾石+电气石)蚀变带内,蚀变分带特征(矿化体中心向外)表现为:绢云母化→绢云母+高岭石(+少量明矾石+电气石)→绢云母+蒙脱石→蒙脱石+绿泥石;④ 区内长波绢云母指示了深部热源的位置,短波绢云母反映出热液流体与浅部大气降水的混合作用,根据绢云母矿物Al- OH波长插值填图及矿物组合特征变化确定了成矿流体pH值偏中性、温度逐渐降低的变化趋势;⑤ 绢云母矿物在2200 nm附近的光谱吸收深度与Pb品位之间呈正相关关系,10%吸收深度阈值可区分具有相似Al- OH吸收特征的绢云母和高岭石矿物;⑥ 结合GIS空间叠加分析,认为勘查区外围仍具一定找矿潜力。  相似文献   
The Southwest Indian mid-ocean ridge (SWIR) is an ultraslow spreading ridge. Based on the submarine bathymetric data, we develop a new division principle on submarine morphotectonics and subdivide the SWIR into the seven-order tectonic geomorphologic units. Taking its submarine morphotectonics in the middle segment and adjacent seafloors of the mid-ocean ridge between Discovery II and Gallieni transform faults as a sample, this paper systematically analyzes its tectonic evolution, segmentation, segmentation and propagation mechanism, the formation of the central rift valley, the ridge-plume interactions, and the ocean ridge jumping. The results showed that the mid-ocean ridges can be divided into four three-order morphotectonics units (i.e., one-order segments of mid-ocean ridge), from west to east, which are separated by the Andrew Bain, the Prince Edwards, the Discovery II, and the Gallieni transform faults, respectively, corresponding to ridge landforms associated with a strongly hotspot-affected ridge, a weakly hotspot-affected ridge, and a normal ultraslow spreading ridge. Each segment can be further subdivided into three or four secondary segments. This paper focuses only on the segmentation and division from fourth-order to seventh-order morphotectonics units between the Discovery II and the Gallieni transform faults (i.e., the fourth-order morphotectonics unit of mid-ocean ridges can be subdivided into other three secondary units). Here the seventh-order morphotectonics unit consists of segments of laterally-aligned rifts (shear zone), en echelon rifts, and other transverse-faulting structures. The mid-ocean ridge segment experienced three oceanic ridge jumping at about 80 Ma, 60 Ma and 40 Ma, respectively, which were affected by the Marion and Crozet hotspots, or the Madagascar Plateau, etc. The oceanic processes of the SWIR are related to the Gondwana breakup, and its tectonic processes has been analyzed in detail as the periodic pull-apart extension, domino-style half-graben, graben subsidence, oceanic core complex, etc. in axial mid-oceanic ridge since 20 Ma. ©, 2015, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   
热液喷口附近的羽状流中存在明显的化学及浊度异常,通过探测这些异常可判断是否存在热液喷口及确定喷口的具体位置。本文研制了一款可用于探测热液喷口的多通道化学传感器,该传感器具有体积小、精度高的特点,且可在4000米深海中进行工作。该化学传感器共配备五个全固态电极,一个为参比电极,其余四个为离子选择性电极,并且可根据所测量的化学离子进行更换。本文基于该化学传感器共进行了两组实验。在第一组浅海试验中,化学传感器集成了pH,Eh,CO32-和SO42-电极,在浅海海域中测量对应化学量,结果表明该化学传感器可在实际应用中获得高精度、稳定的测量数据。第二组实验为深海热液探测,装配了pH,Eh,CO32-和H2S电极的化学传感器在西南印度洋中脊区域的29次测线中投入使用,共获得有效数据27组。通过对测量所得到的化学量进行分析,本文提出了一种确定热液喷口的化学异常探测方法,若某时间段内Eh和H2S的电势降低,而pH和CO32-的电势上升则可判定存在化学异常。利用该方法对27组有效数据进行分析,共发现5个潜在的热液喷口。实验结果表明,该化学传感器可有效地探测由热液引起的化学异常,适用于实际热液探测中。  相似文献   
The multi-source data fusion methods are rarely involved in VNIR and thermal infrared remote sensing at present.Therefore,the potential advantages of the two kinds of data have not yet been adequately tapped,which results in low calculation precision of parameters related with land surface temperature.A new fusion method is put forward where the characteristics of the high spatial resolution of VNIR(visible and near infrared) data and the high temporal resolution of thermal infrared data are fully explored ...  相似文献   
IntroductionSustainableDevelopmenthasbecomeacatchwordinthepresentworldsincetheSummitMeetinginRiodeJaneiroinJune1992(UNConferenceonEnvironmentandDevelopment).Althoughitisnotaconceptthatcanbeusedasabasisforeithertheoryoraction(Wibanks,1994)andmeansdifferentth…  相似文献   
During the last two minutes before closest approach of Deep Space 1 to Comet 19P/Borrelly, a long exposure was made with the short-wavelength infrared (SWIR) imaging spectrometer. The observation yielded 46 spectra covering 1.3-2.6 μm; the footprint of each spectrum was ∼160 m × width of the nucleus. Borrelly's highly variegated and extremely dark 8-km-long nucleus exhibits a strong red slope in its short-wavelength infrared reflection spectrum. This slope is equivalent to J-K and H-K colors of ∼0.82 and ∼0.43, respectively. Between 2.3-2.6 μm thermal emission is clearly detectable in most of the spectra. These data show the nucleus surface to be hot and dry; no trace of H2O ice was detected. The surface temperature ranged continuously across the nucleus from ?300 K near the terminator to a maximum of ∼340 K, the expected sub-solar equilibrium temperature for a slowly rotating body. A single absorption band at ∼2.39 μm is quite evident in all of the spectra and resembles features seen in nitrogen-bearing organic molecules that are reasonable candidates for compositional components of cometary nuclei. However as of yet the source of this band is unknown.  相似文献   

仁里铌钽多金属矿是近年来在江南隆起带内发现的一个超大型稀有金属矿床,仁里地区稀有金属找矿潜力巨大。本文采用红外光谱技术对仁里矿床钻孔ZK708、ZK716开展了矿物光谱填图工作,结合矿物镜下和地球化学分析,查明该矿床的蚀变矿物种类及组合,探讨了仁里矿床中典型蚀变矿物波谱特征与矿化之间的关系,构建了仁里矿床的红外光谱勘查模型,并对幕阜山西南缘地表进行热液蚀变中心的圈定。研究发现:(1)伟晶岩中白云母Pos2200 (2197~2198nm)异常低值,IC值异常高值(>3)可作为找矿指标;(2)通过对幕阜山西南缘地表白云母特征参数研究可知,幕阜山西南缘寒石村附近存在成矿有利区域,永享村东南为区域的热液蚀变中心。红外光谱技术可以有效地查明仁里地区的矿床蚀变分带和矿化中心,为幕阜山稀有金属矿床的进一步找矿勘查工作提供科学依据。

青海省阿尔金黄石山地区近红外蚀变矿物填图   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用近红外光谱对羟基(OH-)等敏感的特性,可以区分多种蚀变矿物及其矿物的不同结晶度,如舍羟基之硅酸盐矿物(绿帘石、闪石等),碳酸盐矿物(方解石、白云石等),层状硅酸盐中单矿物(粘土矿物、绿泥石、蛇纹石等),硫酸盐矿物(明矾石、黄钾铁矾、石膏等)等;矿物的结晶度不同,其红外吸收峰形也不相同,而矿物的结晶度标志着矿化作用...  相似文献   
短波红外光谱土壤反射率的测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用DG-2短波红外光谱辐射计,得到了短波红外波段不同含水量下的土壤反射率。分析了土壤短波红外区的光谱特性,表明1.6μm附近有较好的光谱响应,以及该波段反射率与含水量有较好的负相关性的特点。所得结论为气象卫星短波红外区域的通道选择提供了可行性的依据。该实验为卫星遥感数据的处理、分析和判读积累了部分实测资料。  相似文献   
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