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The Early Cretaceous Takanokura Formation in the eastern part of the Abukuma Mountains consists of a lower felsic ignimbrite and upper intermediate lavas and volcaniclastic rocks, representing the initial arc-type in northeast Japan. In this study, I analyzed the major and trace element contents and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic ratios of these eruptive products; then, I discussed their magma genesis based on their geochemical properties. Although igneous rocks of the same period in other localities of northeast Japan are characterized by the occurrence of adakites, these volcanism are composed of non-adakitic high- to medium-K andesite to rhyolite that are rich in large-ion lithophile elements and poor in high-field-strength elements and have low Sr/Y values and flat heavy rare earth element patterns. Furthermore, these rocks have high radiogenic Pb isotopic ratios. The rhyolite and dacite have been thought to derive from crustal melting, whereas the andesite formed by the mixing of crustal felsic melts and mafic magmas generated by melting of the lithospheric mantle. Although previous studies attributed the formation of the Early Cretaceous adakites to the hot subduction of a mid-ocean ridge, recent global plate motion reconstructions reject this model. To generate magma from a cold slab and lithospheric mantle that does not spontaneously melt, the mantle wedge under northeast Japan must have experienced heating. During this period, the volcanic province along the eastern margin of Eurasia expanded rapidly toward the trench, forming grabens. Therefore, I concluded that the advance of the hot asthenosphere into the forearc region that led to this expansion, which caused the retreat of the subduction boundary of the paleo-Pacific plate to retreat and ultimately converted northeast Japan from an accretionary complex into a volcanically active region.  相似文献   
白垩纪:中国及邻区板块构造演化的一个重要变换期   总被引:42,自引:4,他引:42       下载免费PDF全文
吴根耀 《中国地质》2006,33(1):64-77
中国及邻区是一系列不同起源的微大陆(克拉通)和地块经多期增生和碰撞而形成的复合大陆,海西-印支旋回和新特提斯旋回在其形成中起了决定性的作用。侏罗纪末白垩纪初部分新特提斯洋(有人称中特提斯)闭合,亚洲大陆的雏形出现,白垩纪末新特提斯洋全面消减,亚洲大陆形成,因而白垩纪是中国及邻区板块构造演化的一个重要变换期。笔者从地球动力学系统的变换、构造格局的变换、北东向新生构造的出现和造山作用类型的多样化等方面论述了这一变换。这一变换集中表现在中国及邻区的构造演化由原来的南、北分异在白垩纪转变为东、西两部发生分异,西部以构造的继承性为特色,东部则新生构造起了主要作用。反映在地形一地貌上,早白垩世该区东高西低,白垩纪末开始出现今日的西高东低面貌。盆地发育和“盆”“山”系统也在白垩纪开始发生重要变换,说明东亚大陆边缘因向太平洋的蠕散而不断解体,大陆内部构造则日趋复杂。中国及邻区的这一实例再次说明必须坚持活动论构造观,以动态演化的思路来重塑区域大地构造演化。  相似文献   
襄樊-枣阳凹陷位于南襄盆地的南部,与北部"小而肥"的南阳、泌阳凹陷相比,该区油气勘探一直未获得突破。通过对凹陷内核桃园组烃源岩特征的研究及油气资源评价表明,核桃园组烃源岩未成熟,生烃量和聚集烃量均较少,且已施钻的以核桃园组为主要目的层的钻井均未获得油气成果。因此,襄樊-枣阳凹陷核桃园组不能作为油气勘探的主要目的层。凹陷东部的部分盐井提供了区内白垩系烃源岩具有生油气潜力的信息,而且土壤地球化学勘探也指示了该区白垩系具有一定的勘探前景;襄参1井揭示区内震旦—寒武系碳酸盐岩有机质丰度高,其生油气潜力值得进一步探索,土壤地球化学勘探也显示,存在与震旦—寒武系有关的热演化气;土壤地球化学勘探显示区内存在幔源成因天然气。综合分析认为,中生界白垩系、幔源天然气及震旦—寒武系碳酸盐岩是襄樊-枣阳凹陷油气勘探值得探索的新层位和新领域。  相似文献   
The skin of Crocodyliformes is characterized by osteoderms of various sizes and shapes. It plays roles in defence, thermoregulation, sexual attraction, calcium reserves, and locomotion. This study presents the morphometric characteristics of osteoderms preserved in the nuchal, dorsal, ventral and appendicular shield of Montealtosuchus arrudacamposi, a Peirosauridae crocodyliform from the Turonian-Santonian (Upper Cretaceous) of Adamantina Formation, Bauru Basin, Brazil. The results of the analysis show that its dermal shield had protective and thermoregulatory functions and a well-defined mechanical function allowing terrestrial locomotion and enabling good agility and capacity for movement.  相似文献   
六盘山群沉积物磁化率记录的早白垩世气候变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
白垩纪气候环境研究对认识现今全球环境格局的形成具有重要意义,现有的白垩纪环境变化记录均来自海洋沉积物,本文通过对我国中部六盘山地区六盘山群地层沉积与岩石磁化率测量分析,获得了128.15~115.82Ma期间陆相沉积物记录的气候变化信息。结果显示磁化率值总体较低,以125Ma为界大致可以分为前低后高两个阶段;结合岩石磁学测量及沉积相、岩石中铁含量与磁化率变化关系分析,认为岩石磁化率主要与源区磁性矿物的种类及含量有关,据此揭示六盘山地区在该时间段气候总体为干热环境,并可分为128.15~125Ma间气候相对湿热和125~115.82Ma间气候相对温湿两个阶段。磁化率记录的这种气候转变与海洋沉积物记录的全球海平面温度变化趋势一致,但相对海平面温度由升高到降低的转折时间提前约1.7Ma。  相似文献   
辽宁西部地区中生代白垩纪存在两期火山旋回,时代分别属早白垩世早期和中白垩世早期。早白垩世火山旋同即义县组,中白垩世火山旋回本文称为大兴庄火山岩,该期火山岩火山活动微弱,火山岩分柑局限,主要出露于阜新—义县盆地的东侧上齐台一带,以宁静的侵出和次火山岩侵入为主,是早白垩世阜新组沉积之后,中白垩世孙家湾组沉积之前的一次火山活动,它与孙家湾组共同组成一个火山喷发—沉积旋回。  相似文献   
赵兵  伊海生等 《地质通报》2002,21(11):749-755
详细描述了北羌塘乌兰乌拉湖地区白垩纪地层剖面,将区内白垩系划分为错居日组和桑恰山组。沉积相分析表明,乌兰乌拉湖地区错居日组主要为冲积扇至河流相沉积,岩性及厚度变化较大,而桑恰山组为湖泊、湖三角洲至河流相沉积。初步认为错居日组为早日垩世地层,桑恰山组为早白垩世晚期至晚白垩世地层。  相似文献   
郭娜欣  刘善宝  赵正 《地球科学》2021,46(2):460-473
华南地区中生代基性岩浆岩以拉斑玄武岩系列为主,碱性系列少见.江西崇义铁木里地区发育由碱性辉绿玢岩和A型花岗岩组成的双峰式侵入岩组合,对其中的辉绿玢岩开展了矿物学、年代学和地球化学研究.辉绿玢岩的斑晶矿物以次透辉石为主,少量为透辉石和普通辉石;基质中的斜长石为中长石(Ab=39.11%~43.30%),角闪石为钛闪石.LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年结果表明辉绿玢岩的形成不早于136.6 Ma.岩石具有低SiO2(41.73%~46.68%)、TiO2(1.72%~1.94%),富TFeO(7.64%~9.24%)、Al2O3(15.70%~17.22%),全碱含量高(5.28%~6.60%)的特征,Mg#值为0.51~0.54,属于碱性玄武岩系列.轻重稀土元素之间、轻稀土元素内部分馏强((La/Yb)N=17.58~22.28,(La/Sm)N=4.72~5.18),Eu异常不明显(δEu=0.84~0.99),显著富集大离子亲石元...  相似文献   
Mantle-induced dynamic topography (i.e., subsidence and uplift) has been increasingly recognized as an important process in foreland basin development. However, characterizing and distinguishing the effects (i.e., location, extent and magnitude) of dynamic topography in ancient foreland basins remains challenging because the spatio-temporal footprint of dynamic topography and flexural topography (i.e., generated by topographic loading) can overlap. This study employs 3D flexural backstripping of Upper Cretaceous strata in the central part of the North American Cordilleran foreland basin (CFB) to better quantify the effects of dynamic topography. The extensive stratigraphic database and good age control of the CFB permit the regional application of 3D flexural backstripping in this basin for the first time. Dynamic topography started to influence the development of the CFB during the late Turonian to middle Campanian (90.2–80.2 Ma) and became the dominant subsidence mechanism during the middle to late Campanian (80.2–74.6 Ma). The area influenced by >100 m dynamic subsidence is approximately 400 by 500 km, within which significant (>200 m) dynamic subsidence occurs in an irregular-shaped (i.e., lunate) subregion. The maximum magnitude of dynamic subsidence is 300 ± 100 m based on the 80.2–74.6 Ma tectonic subsidence maps. With the maximum magnitude of dynamic uplift being constrained to be 200–300 m, the gross amount of dynamic topography in the Late Cretaceous CFB is 500–600 m. Although the location of dynamic subsidence revealed by tectonic subsidence maps is generally consistent with isopach map trends, tectonic subsidence maps developed through 3D flexural backstripping provide more accurate constraints of the areal extent, magnitude and rate of dynamic topography (as well as flexural topography) in the CFB through the Late Cretaceous. This improved understanding of dynamic topography in the CFB is critical for refining current geodynamic models of foreland basins and understanding the surface expression of mantle processes.  相似文献   
准噶尔盆地南缘紫泥泉子组的时空展布及成因解释   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
准噶尔盆地南缘的紫泥泉子组生物化石贫乏 ,以往在该组所见的少量古近纪介形类、轮藻化石也多集中在上部 ,因此《西北地区区域地层表新疆维吾尔自治区分册》和《新疆维吾尔自治区岩石地层》根据层位关系将紫泥泉子组置于古新统—上始新统下部。根据在准噶尔盆地南缘露头和钻井剖面的紫泥泉子组中新采获的介形类、轮藻化石 ,紫泥泉子组的时代应为晚白垩世—中始新世。紫泥泉子组在空间分布上存在较大差异 ,露头区地层缺失多 ,覆盖区沉积较全 ,这主要是由于气候变化导致的湖平面和河流平衡剖面升降变化控制了准噶尔盆地南缘紫泥泉子组的地层发育  相似文献   
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