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我国地震的现今地球动力学研究的进展与方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从活动构造、大陆地壳形变与现代地壳运动、地震活动区与大震震源区的深部探测及动力学、大陆强震区的地壳介质结构与地震成因、构造的物理及数值模拟、大陆岩石圈动力学以及地球动力学模型研究七个方面扼要介绍了近年来我国开展的与地震有关的现今地球动力学研究进展和取得的一系列新认识以及研究动向。在此基础上提出了微动态地球动力学,上地幔的非均匀性、深浅部构造关系及其动力学和地球动力学模型的理论研究三个应该优先发展的研究领域。  相似文献   
曹仁关 《地层学杂志》1995,19(2):140-143
云南路南上泥盆统的划分与对比曹仁关(云南省地质科学研究所,云南昆明,650011)关键词云南,路南,上泥盆统,一打得组,寨黑组,地层划分,地层对比云南东部泥盆系发育完整,分布较广,南起元江龙孔,经后屏双拼,建水石关山、华宁盘溪,至路南老人山都有出露。...  相似文献   
伊通地堑上地幔剪切带   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过研究糜棱岩型幔源包体的变形显微构造、位错亚构造及组构特征,确定它是上地幔剪切带的代表物质。该带形成温度为729~828℃、压力为1.10~1.38GPa、差异应力为97~150MPa、应变速率为IO ̄(-14)~1O ̄(-12)s ̄(-1)、等效粘滞度为10~1000EPa·s和深度为37~45km。这是一种与地幔底辟作用有关的规模较小的缓倾斜剪切带,也是应变集中带,能导致上地幔地震波速各向异性,并与地震活动有关  相似文献   
结构模糊随机可靠度的实用计算方法   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文以模糊随机变量为基本变量,定义了结构的模糊随机功能函数,分析了结构有效状态与失效状态之间的模糊性,建立了结构的模糊随机极限状态方程。利用序关系给出单失效模式结构的模糊安全准则,讨论了a-约束水平条件下单失效模式结构的失效概率、可靠度及可靠指标,进而得出结构的模糊随机失效概率、模糊随机可靠度及模糊可靠指标等。本文给出的具体计算方法和目前设计规范中彩的方法是相对应的。  相似文献   
上地幔橄榄岩流变性研究新进展及其地球动力学意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文系深部地幔流性研究进展综述文章之一,重点介绍了近年来国际地球物理学界在涉及橄榄岩上地幔流变性的下述三方面取得的进展:(1)化学环境因素对橄榄石高温塑性的影响;(2)高温高压下水在橄榄石晶体中的溶解度和赋存状态;(3)橄榄石多晶体的变形机制转变,并对由此得出的地球动力学意义作了讨论。  相似文献   
Centrifuge Modeling of Rock Slopes Susceptible to Block Toppling   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary This paper presents the results of centrifuge tests that were aimed at validating the Goodman-Bray method for rock slope toppling analysis. The Goodman-Bray method was extended by the authors to accommodate non-persistent basal planes of rock columns. Two gypsum column models, with and without anchors were used to represent the failure modes. Measured critical centrifuge accelerations were in agreement with the results obtained from numerical modeling. A background of the toppling slope failures associated with a large hydropower project in China instigated the need for the centrifuge study. The centrifuge model tests used an artificial rock. The observed failure mode did not follow a straight failure plane as proposed by Goodman and Bray. The failures revealed a bi-planar slip surface with a deep-seated portion near the toe of the slope. The outcomes of the centrifuge tests illustrated the need to search for the critical failure surface when performing a toppling analysis. The search technique is similar to that usually performed in a conventional sliding analysis.  相似文献   
Eocene to Early Oligocene syn-rift deposits of the southern Upper Rhine Graben (URG) accumulated in restricted environments. Sedimentation was controlled by local clastic supply from the graben flanks, as well as by strong intra-basinal variations in accommodation space due to differential tectonic subsidence, that in turn led to pronounced lateral variations in depositional environment. Three large-scale cycles of intensified evaporite sedimentation were interrupted by temporary changes towards brackish or freshwater conditions. They form three major base level cycles that can be traced throughout the basin, each of them representing a stratigraphic sub-unit. A relatively constant amount of horizontal extension (ΔL) in the range of 4–5 km has been estimated for the URG from numerous cross-sections. The width of the rift (L f ), however, varies between 35 and more than 60 km, resulting in a variable crustal stretching factor between the bounding masterfaults. Apart from block tilting, tectonic subsidence was, therefore, largely controlled by changes in the initial rift width (L 0). The along-strike variations of the graben width are responsible for the development of a deep, trough-like evaporite basin (Potash Basin) in the narrowest part of the southern URG, adjacent to shallow areas in the wider parts of the rift such as the Colmar Swell in the north and the Rhine Bresse Transfer Zone that delimits the URG to the south. Under a constant amount of extension, the along-strike variation in rift width is the principal factor controlling depo-centre development in extensional basins.  相似文献   
冲沟侵蚀是中国西部山区一个重要的环境问题。小流域研究表明,黄河和长江中的泥沙主要是冲沟侵蚀引起的。目前,长江上游80%的冲沟因被幼林草植被覆盖而处于非活跃期。到底这些冲沟系统是什么时候形成的?未来的暴雨和径流是否会激活这些冲沟系统?土地利用与景观结构对冲沟系统的发生、演变有何关系?基于这些问题,近几年来在中科院山地环境学“百人计划”和“国外引进杰出人才”项目及德国洪堡基金的资助下,中德科学工作者进行了合作研究。本文介绍了长江上游地区土地利用变化与冲沟发生、演变的部分研究成果。我们在西昌安宁河干暖河谷选择了两个冲沟系统一个位于西溪乡长山岭,一个位于大青梁子。为了定量评价土地利用对冲沟发育的影响,我们对研究小流域的航片、土壤剖面、泥沙堆积与土地利用历史等进行了详尽的综合对比分析。同时,对两个冲沟系统的大小和土壤流失的体积进行了详细的野外调查、测定和计算。据此,获得了研究流域的冲沟侵蚀速率。研究结果表明,长江上游数百年的持续景观演变,尤其是20世纪中期人为强烈的不合理农业垦殖和利用土地,造成了四川西南部大量冲沟系统的形成和发展,研究流域的冲沟侵蚀速率高达375t/hm2*a-1。采取成功的水土保持措施以控制冲沟侵蚀,对中国西南山地退化环境的生态修复具有重大实践意义。  相似文献   
The numerical algorithm of calculation of Lyapounov coefficients (L k) of any order is developed. The apparatus of analytical calculations is not used in this algorithm. The proposed algorithm is of use for usual computer languages and allows us to find the numerical value of L k for any k and to make complete qualitative analyses of dynamic models on the plane.  相似文献   
黄河上游的阶地与水系变迁   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:23  
杨达源  王云飞 《地理科学》1996,16(2):137-143
黄河上游于贵德盆地和共和盆地中有7级阶地,再往上游方向存在阶地级数递减的趋势。共和盆地中还有3级古黄河阶地,黄河上游水系是通过一级级河流袭夺相继贯通的,共和盆地与贵德盆地间的黄河古道始于中更新世末期,龙羊峡河段始于60ka B.P.前后,玛多与唐乃亥 间的峡谷河段是20ka B.P.才贯通的。  相似文献   
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