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鄂尔多斯盆地北部主力气源岩太原组、山西组煤系地层热成熟史的研究对本区天然气充注过程和有利目标区预测具有重要的参考价值。在对研究区烃源岩评价和一维、二维地质建模研究的基础上。利用BasinMod盆地模拟软件对单井以及研究区内二维剖面、平面进行了煤系烃源岩热演化史模拟研究。研究结果表明:(1)该区在中三叠世进入生烃门限,中侏罗世以后,烃源岩持续埋深,早白垩世末期至最大埋深(4000m左右),绝大多数的天然气都在这一阶段生成,早白垩世末构造抬升以后只有少量天然气生成;(2)研究区上古生界太原组和山西组煤系源岩最大累积生烃强度可达到2200×10^8m^3/km^2,对现今天然气的分布具有较强的控制作用。  相似文献   
南黄海盆地钻遇二叠系的井仅有4口,对大面积无井区(如崂山隆起)的地层特征认识不统一。从二叠系岩性特征和海陆钻井地层对比为出发点,结合二叠系内部及其上下地层的地震波组和速度特征,认为南黄海盆地二叠系分上下2段。上段为大隆—龙潭组含煤碎屑岩地层,煤系地层较薄且分布不稳定,存在相变特征,使得该组地层在地震反射特征上的规律性变差,地震上表现为较连续、中—高频反射和低速特征;下段为栖霞组灰岩夹泥页岩地层,地震上表现为较连续、中—低频反射和高速特征。在无井区识别二叠系时,抓住二叠系地层界面极性为"2负+1正"的强反射特征。下二叠统—中、上石炭统地震波组特征相似,由4~5个同相轴组成,厚度稳定(时间约为200 ms),地震波极性表现为"上正下负"的地层界面反射特征,可作为全区追踪的标准层。  相似文献   
Identification of the main hydrocarbon source rocks of the large Puguang gas field (northeastern Sichuan Basin, southwest China) has been the subject of much discussion in recent years. A key aspect has been the lack of a comprehensive understanding of the development of hydrocarbon source rocks of the Upper Permian Longtan Formation, which had been thought to contain mainly coal seams and thick carbonate layers. In this paper, based on geological data from more than ten wells and outcrops and their related mineralogy and geochemistry, we investigated the depositional environment and main factors controlling organic matter enrichment in the Longtan Formation. We propose a model which combines information on the geological environment and biological changes over time. In the model, organic matter from prolific phytoplankton blooms was deposited in quiescent platform interior sags with rising sea-levels. During the Longtan period, the area from Bazhong to Dazhou was a platform interior sag with relatively deep water and a closed environment, which was controlled by multiple factors including syngenetic fault settling, isolation of submarine uplifts and rising sea-levels leading to water column stratification. Although the bottom water was anoxic, the phytoplankton were able to bloom in the well-lit upper euphotic zone thus giving rise to a set of sapropelic black shales and marlstones containing mostly algal organic matter with minor terrestrial contributions. As a consequence, these rocks have a high hydrocarbon generation potentials and can be classified as high-quality source rocks. The area from Bazhong to Dazhou is a center of hydrocarbon generation, being the main source of reservoired paleo-oils and presently discovered as pyrobitumen in the Puguang gas field. The identification of these source rocks is very important to guide future petroleum exploration in the northeastern Sichuan Basin.  相似文献   
Upper Jurassic organic matter-rich, marine shales of the Mandal Formation have charged major petroleum accumulations in the North Sea Central Graben including the giant Ekofisk field which straddles the graben axis. Recent exploration of marginal basin positions such as the Mandal High area or the Søgne Basin has been less successful, raising the question as to whether charging is an issue, possibly related to high thermal stability of the source organic matter or delayed expulsion from source to carrier.The Mandal Formation is in part a very prolific source rock containing mainly Type II organic matter with <12 wt.-% TOC and HI < 645 mg HC/g TOC but Type III-influenced organofacies are also present. The formation is therefore to varying degrees heterogeneous. Here we show, using geochemical mass balance modelling, that the petroleum expulsion efficiency of the Mandal Formation is relatively low as compared to the Upper Jurassic Draupne Formation, the major source rock in the Viking Graben system. Using maturity series of different initial source quality from structurally distinct regions and encompassing depositional environments from proximal to distal facies, we have examined the relationship between free hydrocarbon retention and organic matter structure. The aromaticity of the original and matured petroleum precursors in the Mandal source rock plays a major role in its gas retention capacity as cross-linked monoaromatic rings act on the outer surface of kerogen as sorptive sites. However, oil retention is a function of both kerogen and involatile bitumen compositions. Slight variations in total petroleum retention capacities within the same kerogen yields suggest that texture of organic matter (e.g. organic porosity) could play a role as well.  相似文献   
目前进行的地震危险性分析计算中, 潜在震源区范围和震级上限的确定过程中存在很大的不确定性。 采用二级划分和三级划分潜在震源区的方法, 对潜在震源区范围不确定性进行了研究; 用震级上限的单边正态分布模型代替固定的震级上限模型, 分析了这种改进对地震危险性分析结果的影响及其工程意义。 结果表明, 用三级划分潜源的方法代替二级划分潜在震源方法可降低局部地区的地震危险性, 对于在潜在震源区附近选址和降低工程成本有重要意义。 震级上限的改进, 使得地震危险性降低, 这对百年使用年限的工程更具有实用性。  相似文献   
张锟  任鲁川  田建伟  刘哲 《中国地震》2016,32(4):702-709
以琉球海沟俯冲带作为研究区,将广义极值理论用于估计潜在地震海啸源震级上限,首先分析了琉球海沟俯冲带的地震地质构造特征以及历史地震资料,界定潜在地震海啸源区,然后根据地震活动性特征按时间域进行分割,并提取各时间段发生的极限震级的地震样本,最后通过广义极值分布模型估计了该区域的震级上限值和强震重现水平,并对其进行了不确定性分析。  相似文献   
The response of massive caisson foundations to combined vertical (N), horizontal (Q) and moment (M) loading is investigated parametrically by a series of three-dimensional finite element analyses. The study considers foundations in cohesive soil, with due consideration to the caisson-soil contact interface conditions. The ultimate limit states are presented by failure envelopes in dimensionless and normalized forms and the effects of the embedment ratio, vertical load and interface friction on the bearing capacity are studied in detail. Particular emphasis is given on the physical and geometrical interpretation of the kinematic mechanisms that accompany failure, with respect to the loading ratio M/Q. Exploiting the numerical results, analytical expressions are derived for the capacities under pure horizontal, moment and vertical loading, for certain conditions. For the case of fully bonded interface conditions, comparison is given with upper bound limit equilibrium solutions based on Brinch Hansen theory for the ultimate lateral soil reaction. A generalized closed-form expression for the failure envelope in M–Q–N space is then proposed and validated for all cases examined. It is shown that the incremental displacement vector of the caisson at failure follows an associated flow rule, with respect to the envelope, irrespective of: (a) the caisson geometry, and (b) the interface conditions. A simplified geometrical explanation and physical interpretation of the associativity in M-Q load space is also provided. Finally, the derived failure envelope is validated against low (0.67 Hz) and high frequency (5 Hz) dynamic loading tests and the role of radiation damping on the response of the caisson at near failure conditions is unraveled.  相似文献   
Blocks and tectonic slices within the Mersin Mélange (southern Turkey), which are of Northern Neotethyan origin (Izmir–Ankara–Erzincan Ocean (IAE)), were studied in detail by using radiolarian, conodont, and foraminiferal assemblages on six different stratigraphic sections with well‐preserved Permian succesions. The basal part of the Permian sequence, composed of alternating chert and mudstone with basic volcanics, is assigned to the late Asselian (Early Permian) based on radiolarians. The next basaltic interval in the sequence is dated as Kungurian. The highly alkaline basic volcanics in the sequence are extremely enriched, similar to kimberlitic/lamprophyric magmas generated at continental intraplate settings. Trace element systematics suggest that these lavas were generated in a continental margin involving a metasomatized subcontinental lithospheric mantle source (SCLM). The middle part of the Permian sequences, dated by benthic foraminifera and conodont assemblages, includes detrital limestones with chert interlayers and neptunian dykes of middle Wordian to earliest Wuchiapingian age. Higher in the sequence, detrital limestones are overlain by alternating chert and mudstone with intermittent microbrecciated beds of early Wuchiapingian to middle Changhsingian (Late Permian) age based on the radiolarians. A large negative shift at the base of the Lopingian at the upper part of section is correlated to negative shifts at the Guadalupian/Lopingian boundary associated with the end‐Guadalupian mass extinction event. All these findings indicate that a continental rift system associated with a possible mantle plume existed during the late Early to Late Permian period. This event was responsible for the rupturing of the northern Gondwanan margin related to the opening of the IAE Ocean. When the deep basinal features of the Early Permian volcano‐sedimentary sequence are considered, the proto IAE oceanic crust formed possibly before the end of the Permian. This, in turn, suggests that the opening of the IAE Ocean dates back to as early as the Permian.  相似文献   
Application of snowmelt runoff model for water resource management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Snow‐covered areas (SCAs) are the fundamental source of water for the hydrological cycle for some region. Accurate measurements of river discharge from snowmelt can help manage much needed water required for hydropower generation and irrigation purposes. This study aims to apply the snowmelt runoff model (SRM) in the Upper Indus basin by the Astore River in northern Pakistan for the years 2000 to 2006. The Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) data are used to generate the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the region. Various variables (snow cover depletion curves (SCDCs), temperature and precipitation) and parameters (degree‐day factor, recession coefficient, runoff coefficients, time lag, critical temperature and temperature lapse rate) are used as input in the SRM. However, snow cover data are direct and an important input to the SRM. Satellite data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) are used to estimate the SCA. Normalized difference snow index (NDSI) algorithm is applied for snow cover mapping and to differentiate snow from other land features. Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient of determination (R2) and volume difference (DV) are used for quality assessment of the SRM. The results of the current research show that for the study years (2000–2006), the average value of R2 is 0·87 and average volume difference DV is 1·18%. The correlation coefficient between measured and computed runoff is 0·95. The results of the study further show that a high level of accuracy can be achieved during the snowmelt season. The simulation results endorse that the SRM in conjunction with MODIS snow cover product is very useful for water resource management in the Astore River and can be used for runoff forecasts in the Indus River basin in northern Pakistan. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
根据截断的G-R模型计算东北地震区震级上限   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
震级上限是指一个地区可能发生地震的最大震级,其概率意义为发生超过该震级地震的概率几乎为0.在有些地区,由于对其内部的地震构造研究和认识存有局限性,很难根据构造或者地质学的原则来确定震级上限.因此,根据数学模型,采用统计手段,使用地震活动性资料来计算震级上限的估计值是一种可行的方法.本文根据截断的G-R关系模型,采用最大似然计算方法,使用东北地震区的地震目录,计算了东北地震区震级上限,结果表明东北地震区的震级上限应为Mu=7.5左右.计算中我们考虑了不同震级的转换、震级误差的修正以及计算方法的影响.最终结果表明,不论采用何种方案进行计算,东北地震区的震级上限值均始终保持在7.5左右,这说明我们采用本文中方法计算得到的东北地震区的震级上限值是合理可信的,同时也说明在以往的研究中对东北地震区震级上限的估计大都是偏小的.  相似文献   
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