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黄河流域气候水分盈亏时空格局分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以中国气象局整编的1961~2001 年的气象资料为数据基础,采用联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)1998 年推荐使用的Penmanmonteith模型,并以GIS技术为手段进行黄河流域气候水分盈亏的时空分布格局分析。结果表明:黄河流域干旱缺水是一种普遍现象,气候水分盈亏量在空间上总的变化规律表现为自南向北、自东向西气候水分亏缺量呈逐渐增大趋势,大部分地区全年气候水分亏缺量介于200~600 mm之间;就季节分布而言,水分亏缺的主要时期在春季和初夏,亏缺量一般在180~300 mm之间;就典型站点气候水分盈亏量逐月变化而言,存在着区域差异。研究结果和结论对区域充分发挥水分利用效率、发展高效节水农业具有重要意义。  相似文献   
黄河下游典型灌区河南段是豫北平原重要的农业种植区。该地区浅层水质整体较差,因常用于作物灌溉或家畜饮用,会对人体健康产生风险,因此对该地区地下水中砷与氟浓度变化特征和机制的研究将有助于提高对该地区地下水污染的认识水平。本文基于2010年和2020年在灌区范围内采集的327组浅层地下水样品,研究区内地下水砷和氟分布情况,并在此基础上对比研究十年间灌区浅层地下水中砷、氟的演化特征,探索分析砷与氟浓度及空间变化机制。研究结果表明:该地区浅层地下水中存在砷与氟超标问题,2020年浅层地下水中高砷(砷浓度大于10μg/L)和高氟(氟浓度大于1mg/L)的样品数量分别占总数的26.1%和26.06%。高砷水分布在太行山前洼地与黄河冲积平原等泥沙互层结构的沉积环境中,还原性较强,同时地下水径流不畅,较强的阳离子交换作用使得其所处环境中Ca2+浓度较高。近十年间砷浓度增加的水样占总数31.8%,砷浓度减少的水样占36.7%。砷浓度的增长(减少)是地下水还原性增强(减弱)使得锰氧化物溶解释放(吸附)导致。近十年间不同地区农业灌溉和水源置换等用水方式导致水位变化是引起砷浓度变化的潜在因素。高氟水主要分布在河南新乡与濮阳的黄河沿线,氟离子浓度受到沉积物中萤石等钙质矿物溶解影响,使得高氟地下水出现在低钙环境中。近十年间研究区中氟离子浓度减少的占总数60.2%,氟离子浓度增加的占32.1%,整体变化趋势向好,但是高氟区中氟离子浓度继续增加。氟浓度的变化同样受到Ca2+变化影响,在Ca2+浓度降低(升高)时氟浓度进一步升高(降低)。地下水中氟升高地区分布在黄河沿线,因此受到黄河水补给影响较大,地下水径流条件较好,阳离子交换作用减弱,使得Ca2+浓度降低,此时地下水中砷浓度受到环境影响而降低,因此研究区氟增加地区中砷与氟的分布和演化呈现反向关系。  相似文献   
通过对长江中下游地区1∶20万金元素不同尺度数据的地球化学特征响应的研究,认为长江中下游存在地球化学巨省,这个地球化学巨省为长江中下游地区提供源源不断的矿源.同时,讨论了低密度地球化学方法能够用于全国或全球地球化学填图的可行性.  相似文献   
自1855 年黄河改道北行至今,山东省的渤海湾海岸线向海方面推移了19km ,黄河泥沙的造陆面积达2827km2 ,而在江苏省北部从双洋口至小丁港150km 的海岸线上共失去土地1320km2 以上。作者认为,可以疏通明清黄河故道作为引黄工程,利用黄河携带的大量泥沙淤积于黄海沿岸,以减缓黄海岸线的侵蚀,还可抑制黄河泥沙沉积而造成的渤海的淤积。  相似文献   
TheSonghuaRiver,oneofthemajorriversinNortheastChina,hastwosources:thenorthsourceistheNenjiangRiverandthesouthsourceistheSecondSonghuaRiver.ThetrunkstreamoftheNenjiangRiver,risingatthesouthernfootoftheYilehuliMountain,is1370kmlonganditswatershedareais…  相似文献   
Withthesocialdevelopment,humanbeingshadtopaymuchatentiontothecrisisofenvironmentastotheeconomiccrisis.Waterdeficiencyanddeser...  相似文献   
A severe Cochlodinium geminatum red tide (>300 km2) was observed in the Zhujiang (Pearl) River estuary, South China Sea in autumn 2009. We evaluated the environmental conditions and phytoplankton community structure during the outbreak. The red tide water mass had significantly higher dissolved inorganic phosphate (DIP), ammonia, and temperature, but significantly lower nitrite, nitrate, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), and DIN/DIP relative to the non-red-tide zones. The phytoplankton assemblage was dominated by dinoflagellates and diatoms during the red tide. C. geminatum was the most abundant species, with a peak density of 4.13×107 cell/L, accounting for >65% of the total phytoplankton density. The DIN/DIP ratio was the most important predictor of species, accounting for 12.45% of the total variation in the phytoplankton community. Heavy phosphorus loading, low precipitation, and severe saline intrusion were likely responsible for the bloom of C. geminatum.  相似文献   
Individual participation of pollutants in the pollution load should be estimated even if roughly for the appropriate environmental management of a river basin. It is difficult to identify the sources and to quantify the load, especially in modeling nonpoint source. In this study a revised model was established by integrating point and nonpoint sources into one-dimensional Streeter-Phelps (S-P) model on the basis of real-time hydrologic data and surface water quality monitoring data in the Jilin Reach of the Songhua River Basin. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) and ammonia nitrogen (NH_3-N) loads were estimated. Results showed that COD loads of point source and nonpoint source were 134 958 t/yr and 86 209 t/yr, accounting for 61.02% and 38.98% of total loads, respectively. NH_3-N loads of point source and nonpoint source were 16 739 t/yr and 14 272 t/yr, accounting for 53.98% and 46.02%, respectively. Point source pollution was stronger than nonpoint source pollution in the study area at present. The water quality of upstream was better than that of downstream of the rivers and cities. It is indispensable to treat industrial wastewater and municipal sewage out of point sources, to adopt the best management practices to control diffuse pollutants from agricultural land and urban surface runoff in improving water quality of the Songhua River Basin. The revised S-P model can be successfully used to identify pollution source and quantify point source and nonpoint source loads by calibrating and validating.  相似文献   
在动态度、马尔柯夫链等数学方法和景观生态学理论指导下,建立了闽江口湿地时空演变模型,应用组件式技术,利用MapObjects在Visual Basic平台上,进行闽江口湿地时空演变信息系统设计和开发,并应用该信息系统对闽江口湿地时空演变进行实例分析。结果表明,该系统能更高效、直观管理闽江口湿地空间信息和属性信息,以形象化的方式对湿地作全局性时空分析,使得闽江口湿地管理和保护更加科学。  相似文献   
Investigations from August, 1985 to July , 1986 showed that the high concentration area of PO4-P , SiO3-Si and NO3-N gradually reduced with the reduction of the area of the Changjiang River diluted water from summer, autumn to winter , and that the seasonal distributions and variations of the nutrients concentrations were mainly controlled by the river flow and were also related to the growth and decline of phytoplankton . The conservation of SiO3-Si and NO3-N in the estuary in the flood season was poorer than that in the dry season .. The behaviour of PO4-P in the estuary shows that aside from -biological removal, buffering of PCU-P is possible in the estuary . The highest monthly average concentrations and annual average concentrations in the river mouth were respectively 0.88 and 0.57 umol/L for PO4-P,191.5 and 96.2 umol/L for SiO3-Si, and 81.6 and 58.6 umol/L for NOs-N . The Changjiang's annual transports of PO4-P , SiO3-Si and NO3-N to the sea were about 1.4×104tons , 204.4×104 tons and 63.6×104  相似文献   
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