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The method of making quantitative assessments of mineral resources sufficiently detailed for economic analysis is outlined in three steps. The steps are (1) determination of types of deposits that may be present in an area, (2) estimation of the numbers of deposits of the permissible deposit types, and (3) combination by Monte Carlo simulation of the estimated numbers of deposits with the historical grades and tonnages of these deposits to produce a probability distribution of the quantities of contained metal.Two examples of the estimation of the number of deposits (step 2) are given. The first example is for mercury deposits in southwestern Alaska and the second is for lode tin deposits in the Seward Peninsula.The flow of the Monte Carlo simulation program is presented with particular attention to the dependencies between grades and tonnages of deposits and between grades of different metals in the same deposit.  相似文献   

西昆仑大红柳滩岩体被认为与伟晶岩锂(铍)矿化密切相关。为约束大红柳滩岩体形成时的物理化学条件、岩石成因类型及源区性质,本文选取大红柳滩岩体作为研究对象,对花岗岩中的黑云母进行背散射观察(BSE)和电子探针分析(EPMA)。研究结果表明:大红柳滩二云母花岗岩与正长花岗岩中的黑云母属铁质黑云母,具有富硅、铝、铁和钾,贫镁、锰、钠和钙的特征;黑云母花岗岩中黑云母为铁质黑云母和镁质黑云母,具有富镁,贫铝、铁的特征。二云母花岗岩和正长花岗岩中黑云母具有高的Al值(0.7~0.9),与电气石、石榴子石和白云母等过铝质矿物共存。黑云母花岗岩中的黑云母具有高的MgO含量(9.30%~10.11%),黑云母与角闪石共存。通过黑云母成分估算二云母花岗岩、正长花岗岩及黑云母花岗岩中黑云母结晶温度分别为661℃~673℃、621℃~669℃、685℃~714℃,固结压力分别为332~404 MPa、356~377 MPa、248~270 MPa,对应侵位深度分别为12.46~14.98 km、13.18~14.38 km、9.18~10.01 km,氧逸度分别为-15.8~-15.0、-16~-15、-14.9~-14.0。综合研究结果表明,大红柳滩地区二云母花岗岩与正长花岗岩为壳源物质重熔的产物,具有典型强过铝质S型花岗岩的特点,而黑云母花岗岩是具有幔源物质混入成因的Ⅰ型花岗岩。本研究成果为大红柳滩岩体不同岩性花岗岩成岩时的物理化学条件、岩石成因类型以及源区性质等方面提供了新资料。

This paper presents a methodology used to combine energy and mineral market variables between Less Developed Countries (LDCs) and Developed Countries (OECD) over the past 24 years (1966–1990). LDCs include all countries, except OECD and central planned economies (CIS) and other countries in Eastern Europe. This period permits a comprehensive view of the impact of the energy crisis and the changes in economic growth patterns, correlated with changes in trends of production and consumption of energy and metals in both country blocs. This complex relationship was evaluated by a factor model of consumption and production variables using the aluminum, copper, lead, and zinc industries. The following variables are used in the factor model: export dependence, geographic concentration of mining production, geographic concentration of refined demand, geographic concentration of refined production, import dependence, refined demand growth, stability of demand, income elasticity of refined demand, price stability, intensity of use, and intensity of energy. The model for all commodities shows that the factor scores projections for LDCs and OECD blocs depicted a clearly divergent trend after the two oil shocks (1973–1979), when the intensity of energy variable presents high loading in the factor. The results are in substantial agreement with findings that the demand for energy, as well as for metals, is growing more rapidly in LDCs than OECD.  相似文献   
根据泰安市区域矿产开发特点,及时掌握矿山企业开采情况,通过加强采矿登记现场预审查、开展矿山开采督察和采矿权人矿产资源开发利用年查等措施,强化了矿产资源开发过程中的监督管理,维护了正常开采秩序及采矿权人的合法权益。  相似文献   
对海鲡肌肉的营养成分含量及氨基酸、脂肪酸、无机质组成进行了研究,结果表明,海鲡的蛋白质和脂肪含量分别为21.5%和5.5%,必需氨基酸和鲜味氨基酸分别占氨基酸总量的40.9%和37.8%,不饱和脂肪酸占脂肪酸总量的65.2%,其中C205和C226的含量分别为4.5%和12.0%,3.4kg阶段的养殖海鲡肌肉的必需氨基酸和呈味氨基酸的比率最高。  相似文献   
《China Geology》2021,4(4):686-719
The Jiaodong Peninsula in Shandong Province, China is the world’s third-largest gold metallogenic area, with cumulative proven gold resources exceeding 5000 t. Over the past few years, breakthroughs have been made in deep prospecting at a depth of 500–2000 m, particularly in the Sanshandao area where a huge deep gold orebody was identified. Based on previous studies and the latest prospecting progress achieved by the project team of this study, the following results are summarized. (1) 3D geological modeling results based on deep drilling core data reveal that the Sanshandao gold orefield, which was previously considered to consist of several independent deposits, is a supergiant deposit with gold resources of more than 1200 t (including 470 t under the sea area). The length of the major orebody is nearly 8 km, with a greatest depth of 2312 m below sea level and a maximum length of more than 3 km along their dip direction. (2) Thick gold orebodies in the Sanshandao gold deposit mainly occur in the specific sections of the ore-controlling fault where the fault plane changes from steeply to gently inclined, forming a stepped metallogenic model from shallow to deep level. The reason for this strong structural control on mineralization forms is that when ore-forming fluids migrated along faults, the pressure of fluids greatly fluctuated in fault sections where the fault dip angle changed. Since the solubility of gold in the ore-forming fluid is sensitive to fluid pressure, these sections along the fault plane serve as the target areas for deep prospecting. (3) Thermal uplifting-extensional structures provide thermodynamic conditions, migration pathways, and deposition spaces for gold mineralization. Meanwhile, the changes in mantle properties induced the transformation of the geochemical properties of the lower crust and magmatic rocks. This further led to the reactivation of ore-forming elements, which provided rich materials for gold mineralization. (4) It can be concluded from previous research results that the gold mineralization in the Jiaodong gold deposits occurred at about 120 Ma, which was superimposed by nonferrous metals mineralization at 118–111 Ma. The fluids were dominated by primary mantle water or magmatic water. Metamorphic water occurred in the early stage of the gold mineralization, while the fluid composition was dominated by meteoric water in the late stage. The S, Pb, and Sr isotopic compositions of the ores are similar to those of ore-hosting rocks, indicating that the ore-forming materials mainly derive from crustal materials, with the minor addition of mantle-derived materials. The gold deposits in the Jiaodong Peninsula were formed in an extensional tectonic environment during the transformation of the physical and chemical properties of the lithospheric mantle, which is different from typical orogenic gold deposits. Thus, it is proposed that they are named “Jiaodong-type” gold deposits.©2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   


地球物理信号通常在多个尺度段表现尺度不变性,这些不变性起因于不同的地质、地球物理或成矿过程的自相似性. 利用这种在多个尺度段的尺度不变性可以设计多维分形滤波器,滤波所得信号表征了具尺度不变性的地质地球物理或成矿过程,可以用于成矿预测或环境评价. 本文研究了Walsh变换列率空间地球物理信号的列率功率谱密度与列率之间的分形与多维分形关系, 试验证实了大洋钻探、石油以及煤系地层地球物理测井资料在Walsh域的多维分形性质,提出了用于分解地球物理场,提取有用信号并用于矿产资源勘探或环境评价的多维分形W-A模型. 利用波列率域中的多维分形关系构造了W-A图解(W-A Plot). 借助W-A图解可以确定最小平方误差(LS)意义下Walsh功率谱变化的不同自相似性的频率分界点,从而用于设计W-A分形滤波器. 这种滤波器可将地球物理场分解成具有不同自相似性的局部场,并且保留原场的各向异性结构. 与通常使用的基于Fourier变换的滤波技术相比,W-A模型具有许多优点:W-A适用于检测地球物理信号中的突变、线性、环状、局部与纹理结构等弱信号. 同时,由于Walsh变换中只有简单的变号(加法与减法),其计算速度远快于建立在复数乘法之上的Fourier变换,所以W-A计算速度远快于Fourier域的滤波方法,可以用于地球物理信号的现场实时处理. 用加拿大Nova-cotia省西南地区的布格重力异常进行了W-A方法的试算,处理结果反映了地质、矿产分布规律,能够很好地进行矿产预测.  相似文献   
根据金川超镁铁质岩体主要造岩矿物和副矿物的共生组合关系及各种矿物的化学成分特点;选用5种较成熟、使用较方便的矿物地质温度计、压力计(主要是辉石温压计和角闪石压力计),对岩体形成的温、压条件进行了估算,其结果为:成岩温度为1000~1300℃(上限可到1400~1500℃),成岩压力约为5×10 ̄8~11×10 ̄8pa。金川超镁铁质岩体的主要岩石类型为尖晶石二辉橄榄岩,这一岩石类型在复杂体系相关系图中的稳定区域大致处于5×l0 ̄8~15×10 ̄8pa的范围,这与矿物温压计估算的成岩温压条件是一致的。  相似文献   
中国的快速工业化发展和经济腾飞必须有大量金属矿产资源的支撑,在共享世界资源的同时,其根本出路在于立足本土.因此提出第二深度空间(500~2000 m)金属矿产资源的找矿勘探新理念.通过对国内外金属矿产资源地球物理勘探发展的概况分析和研究提出:①金属矿产资源的集聚和分布受控于地壳内部物质与能量的交换和其深层动力过程;②在地壳内部第二深度空间存在着丰富的矿产资源,包括大型和超大型矿床;③必须充分发挥高精度地球物理探测方法的效能,并进行综合技术集成.  相似文献   
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