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The geochemical characteristics and the spatial distribution of the fluoride were studied in the soils of Indo‐Gangetic plains using multivariate analysis. The fluoride (F) distribution in soil profiles and surface soil (0–15 cm) samples were studied. It was found that total fluoride (TF) in the profiles ranged from 248 to 786 mg kg?1 with a mean of 515.1 mg kg?1 whereas CaCl2 extractable soluble fluoride (FCa) was found to be in the range of 1.68 to 99.1 mg F kg?1 soil. On the other hand, in surface soils, the TF and FCa ranged from 118 to 436 mg kg?1 with a mean of 251.2 mg kg?1 and 1.01 to 5.05 mg kg?1 with a mean of 2.12 mg kg?1, respectively, in the study area. The principal component analysis revealed that the natural weathering of fluoride bearing rock and minerals, various ion‐exchange and dissolution processes in the soil, alkalinity, sodium adsorption ratio, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and clay contents of the soil are responsible for high fluoride occurrence in the area. The fluoride contamination index developed by using these factors could explain more than 76% variance of F contamination due to FCa in soils. The interpolated kriged map of FCa in surface soil indicated a distinct loop of 1.0–2.0, 2.0–3.0, 3.0–4.0, and >4.0 mg kg?1.  相似文献   
Mineral magnetic analyses are applied to a series of diamict samples taken from the Quaternary sequence in the Isle of Man in order to assess the relative magnitude of the intra-and inter-unit variation of the magnetic properties. The results are analysed both qualitatively and quantitatively and show that the level of intra-unit variation is significantly less than the level of inter-unit variation. The intra-unit variation detected appears to show some relationship to the basic stratigraphy. Previous correlations based upon field evidence of diamict units exposed upon the east and west coasts of the Isle of Man are supported by their mineral magnetic properties. The statistically significant differences in the magnetic mineralogy of the stratigraphically lower Wyllin and Shellag Tills and the upper Orrisdale, Ballavarkish and Ballaquark Tills suggests distinct provenances for these two suites of sediments, allowing potential source areas to be suggested. These source areas are consistent with published data on ice flow directions in the Irish Sea Basin during the Devensian.  相似文献   
Based on the results of the Conference on Resource Assessment Techniques of IGCP Project 98 in Loen, Norway, 1976, the importance of mineral and energy inventories is demonstrated by their long-term objectives which aim at the solution of problems of quantitative and qualitative mineral and energy reserve and resource assessments, estimates of the exploration potential, supply analysis, future land-use planning, and national mineral policy. Prior to establishing a mineral and energy inventory it is essential to clearly define both the long-term and short-term objectives, because they control the scope of an inventory and determine the approach to and the method of constructing the data base. Only then can questions be answered as to the kind of data required, the advantages of regional-versus commodity-based inventories, the necessity of computer-processable data files, the availability of a user-oriented data base management system, and the usefulness of conducting a pilot project. Examples are given for simple and complex types of mineral and energy inventories. The “Mineral Deposit Inventory” of the Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Hannover, Federal Republic of Germany, serves mainly as an information and reference system, whereas the mineral inventory of “Project Manitoba” of the Geological Survey of Canada forms the base for reserve and resource assessment as well as land-use planning of that province. For developing and industrialized countries alike, mineral and energy inventories are appropriate tools in planning new exploration activities and decisions on future national mineral policy. Used by the Regional Mineral Resources Development Centers of ESCAP and ECA, the United Nations economic commissions in Asia and Africa, these tools could be of great advantage and mutual benefit to the developing countries of those regions. This paper was presented at the International Geological Correlation Program (IGCP) Project 98: “Standards for Computer Applications in Resource Studies” held at Taita Hills, Kenya, November 8–15, 1977.  相似文献   
Diffusion of divalent cations in garnet: multi-couple experiments   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We demonstrate the possibility of studying several diffusion couples in a single run, i.e. under almost similar PTt– conditions, allowing direct comparison of the diffusion rates in different diffusion couples. Thus the duration of experimental study and the risk of failure of expensive experimental equipment can be decreased considerably. The diffusion experiments were carried out in piston-cylinder apparatus. Gem-quality garnets of almandine, spessartine and grossular compositions together with inclusion-rich eclogitic garnets were embedded in a powder of natural pyrope and annealed together under dry conditions at P = 1.9–3.2 GPa and T = 1,070–1,400°C. Diffusion profiles were measured by electron microprobe and fitted numerically on the basis of multicomponent diffusion theory. The datasets derived from different diffusion couples yields parameters of the Arrhenius equation for Ca, Mg and Fe in natural eclogitic garnets and Mg, Mn and Fe in gem-quality garnets. We have also studied the effect of grain-boundary diffusion in the sintered pyrope matrix on interdiffusion on the basis of 2D modeling. Under conditions analogous to those of our experimental runs, we show that observed irregularities in some measured diffusion profiles (not applied for the diffusion modeling) can be directly related to the superposition of local grain-boundary diffusion on dominant volume diffusion.  相似文献   
《China Geology》2019,2(3):342-353
Intermediate acid-complex rock masses with low-density characteristics are the most important prospecting sign in the Beiya area, of western Yunnan province, and provide a physical basis for good gravity exploration. It is usually difficult to obtaining solutions in connection with actual geological situations due to the ambiguity of the conventional gravity-processing results and lack of deep constraints. Thus, the three-dimensional (3D) inversion technology is considered as the main channel for reducing the number of solutions and improving the vertical resolution at the current stage. The current study starts from a model test and performs nonlinear 3D density-difference inversion called “model likelihood exploration”, which performs 3D inversion imaging and inversion of the known model while considering the topographic effects. The inversion results are highly consistent with those of the known models. Simultaneously, we consider the Beiya gold mine in Yunnan as an example. The nonlinear 3D density-difference inversion technology, which is restricted by geological information, is explored to obtain the 3D density body structure below 5 km in the mine area, and the 3D structure of the deep and concealed rock masses are obtained using the density constraints of the intermediate-acid-complex rock masses. The results are well consistent with the surface geological masses and drilling-controlled deep geological masses. The model test and examples both show that the 3D density-difference nonlinear inversion technology can reduce inversion ambiguity, improve resolution, optimize the inversion results, and realize “transparency” in deeply concealed rock masses in ore-concentrated areas,which is useful in guiding the deep ore prospecting.  相似文献   
In the Port Edward area of southern Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa, charnockitic aureoles up to 10 m in width in the normally garnetiferous Nicholson's Point Granite, are developed adjacent to intrusive contacts with the Port Edward Enderbite and anhydrous pegmatitic veins. Mineralogical differences between the country rock and charnockitic aureole suggest that the dehydration reaction Bt + Qtz → Opx + Kfs + H2O and the reaction of Grt + Qtz → Opx + Pl were responsible for the charnockitization. The compositions of fluid inclusions show systematic variation with: (1) the Port Edward Enderbite being dominated by CO2 and N2 fluid inclusions; (2) the non-charnockitized granite by saline aqueous inclusions with 18–23 EqWt% NaCl; (3) the charnockitic aureoles by low-salinity and pure water inclusions (<7 EqWt% NaCl); (4) the pegmatites by aqueous inclusions of various salinity with minor CO2. As a result of the thermal event the homogenization temperatures of the inclusions in charnockite show a much larger range (up to 390 °C) compared to the fluid inclusions in granite (mostly <250 °C). Contrary to fluid-controlled charnockitization (brines, CO2) which may have taken place along shear zones away from the intrusive body, the present “proximal” charnockitized granite formed directly at the contact with enderbite. The inclusions indicate contact metamorphism induced by the intrusion of “dry” enderbitic magma into “wet” granite resulting in local dehydration. This was confirmed by cathodoluminescence microscopy showing textures indicative for the local reduction of structural water in the charnockite quartz. Two-pyroxene thermometry on the Port Edward Enderbite suggests intrusion at temperatures of ∼1000–1050 °C into country rock with temperature of <700 °C. The temperature of aureole formation must have been between ∼700 °C (breakdown of pyrite to form pyrrhotite) and ∼1000 °C. Charnockitization was probably controlled largely by heat related to anhydrous intrusions causing dehydration reactions and resulting in the release and subsequent trapping of dehydration fluids. The salinity of the metamorphic fluid in the contact zones is supposed to have been higher at an early stage of contact metamorphism, but it has lost its salt content by K-metasomatic reactions and/or the preferential migration of the saline fluids out of the contact zones towards the enderbite. The low water activity inhibited the localized melting of the granite. Mineral thermobarometry suggests that after charnockite aureole genesis, an isobaric cooling path was followed during which reequilibration of most of the aqueous inclusions occurred. Received: 8 November 1998 / Accepted: 21 June 1999  相似文献   
《China Geology》2020,3(2):230-246
The Dongyang gold deposit is a newly discovered epithermal deposit in Fujian Province, Southeast China, along the Circum-Pacific metallogenic belt. Herewith, the authors present mineralogical, scanning electron microscope, and laser ablation inductively coupled clasma mass spectrometry analysis to reveal the relations between Au and Te, As, S, Fe, etc., and discuss the gold precipitation process. The pyrites in this deposit are Fe-deficient, and are enriched in Te and As. The authors infer that As was mainly in form of As-complexes, and Te-Au-Ag inclusions/solid solution also exsits in the Py I. Along with the depletion of Te and As, they were less active chemically in the Py II, and Au may be incorporated into As-rich and Fe-deficient surface sites by chemisorption onto As-rich growth surfaces. Because of the incorporation of new fluid, Te and As became the most active chemically in the Py III, which was the main elements precipitation stage, and As dominantly substituted for S in the lattice of pyrite, due to the more reducing condition. The authors propose Au was in form of invisible gold, and the incorporation of gold can be considered as post-pyrite event, while the Au-bearing minerals were result of post incorporation of gold in arsenian pyrite.  相似文献   
The Palar and Cheyyar River Basins in Tamil Nadu state of Southern India are characterised by different geological formations, and groundwater is the major source for domestic, agricultural and other water-related activities. Hydrogeochemical studies were carried out in this area with the objective of identifying the geochemical processes and their relation to groundwater quality. Groundwater samples were collected once a month from 43 groundwater wells in this area from January 1998 to July 1999. Sampling procedures and chemical analysis were carried out as per the standard methods. Chemical data are used for mathematical calculations and graphical plots to understand the chemical process and its relation to the groundwater quality. The chemical composition of groundwater in the central part of the study area mainly depends on the recharge from lakes and the river, which is explained by a mixing mechanism. In addition, weathering of silicate minerals controls the concentration of major ions such as sodium, calcium, magnesium and potassium in the groundwater of this area. Further, the activity ratios indicate that the groundwater is in equilibrium with kaolinite, smectite and montmorrillonite. The reverse ion exchange process controls the concentration of calcium, magnesium and sodium in hard rock formations, and dissolution of carbonate minerals and accessory minerals is the source of Ca and Mg, in addition to cation exchange in the sedimentary formations. In general, the chemical composition of the groundwater in this area is influenced by rock–water interaction, dissolution and deposition of carbonate and silicate minerals, ion exchange, and surface water interactions.  相似文献   
The Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) main drill hole (0–3000 m) in Donghai, southern Sulu orogen, consists of eclogite, paragneiss, orthogneiss, schist and garnet peridotite. Detailed investigations of Raman, cathodoluminescence, and microprobe analyses show that zircons from most eclogites, gneisses and schists have oscillatory zoned magmatic cores with low-pressure mineral inclusions of Qtz, Pl, Kf and Ap, and a metamorphic rim with relatively uniform luminescence and eclogite-facies mineral inclusions of Grt, Omp, Phn, Coe and Rt. The chemical compositions of the UHP metamorphic mineral inclusions in zircon are similar to those from the matrix of the host rocks. Similar UHP metamorphic PT conditions of about 770 °C and 32 kbar were estimated from coexisting minerals in zircon and in the matrix. These observations suggest that all investigated lithologies experienced a joint in situ UHP metamorphism during continental deep subduction. In rare cases, magmatic cores of zircon contain coesite and omphacite inclusions and show patchy and irregular luminescence, implying that the cores have been largely altered possibly by fluid–mineral interaction during UHP metamorphism.

Abundant H2O–CO2, H2O- or CO2-dominated fluid inclusions with low to medium salinities occur isolated or clustered in the magmatic cores of some zircons, coexisting with low-P mineral inclusions. These fluid inclusions should have been trapped during magmatic crystallization and thus as primary. Only few H2O- and/or CO2-dominated fluid inclusions were found to occur together with UHP mineral inclusions in zircons of metamorphic origin, indicating that UHP metamorphism occurred under relatively dry conditions. The diversity in fluid inclusion populations in UHP rocks from different depths suggests a closed fluid system, without large-scale fluid migration during subduction and exhumation.  相似文献   

提出了 2 0 0 0年山东省地矿工作改革与发展的目标任务 ,部署了需要重点做好的各项工作。面对历史新纪元 ,全省地矿系统干部职工要继续发扬团结奋斗、开拓创新的精神 ,以更加优异的业绩 ,为山东经济的持续、快速、健康发展和社会全面进步做出新的贡献。  相似文献   
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