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鸿沟引水口与渠首段经流考辩   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖冉  何凡能  刘浩龙 《地理学报》2017,72(4):711-722
鸿沟是先秦至魏晋时期中原地区一条重要的人工运河,对古代北方地区水运交通有着极其深远的影响。但其引水口和渠首段经流的问题,至今仍存歧见。本文在实地考察的基础上,通过对史料及考古资料的系统梳理与分析,深入探讨了战国至魏晋时期鸿沟引水口与渠首段经流的变迁过程,结果表明:① 战国时期,魏国在荥阳一带的实际控制线当在魏长城以西,包括当时的卷邑、衍邑等,魏惠王初开鸿沟运河时,其渠首段是利用流经魏国境内的济隧河道,而不是利用流经韩国境内的荥渎河道;② 秦兼并六国过程中,消除了国界的障碍,并在广武山设置了敖仓,为水运转输方便,遂将引水渠道西移至距敖仓较近的荥渎河道,并在荥口设置水门,以控制航运;③ 东汉后期,荥渎被黄河泥沙侵淤,鸿沟渠首段再次西迁至有柳泉、广武涧等清澈溪水注入的石门水河道,并一直沿用至隋开通济渠。  相似文献   
作为关键生态保护区域边界线,生态红线划定当前已经上升为中国国家层面战略部署,然而当前生态红线的研究尚处于探索阶段,对于如何针对红线区域具体设计法规保障、制定管理规则、限定开发行为等方面的研究较为匮乏。鉴于英国已经较为成熟的科研专用区相关保护管理的历史经验,梳理和定位了英国科研专用区的3个发展阶段,探讨了各个发展阶段的基本原则、管理机制和实施保障的演变过程,总结英国科研专用区的规划与管理经验,提出了完善法律保障与规程规范、实施统一监管和区域统筹、并行生态补偿与保护自住、签订标准化管理协议、加强公众参与与研讨机制、提升资金保障与使用效率等对我国生态红线区管理与保障的有益借鉴。  相似文献   
A new approach to GPS ambiguity decorrelation   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
Ambiguity decorrelation is a useful technique for rapid integer ambiguity fixing. It plays an important role in the least-squares ambiguity decorrelation adjustment (Lambda) method. An approach to multi-dimension ambiguity decorrelation is proposed by the introduction of a new concept: united ambiguity decorrelation. It is found that united ambiguity decorrelation can provide a rapid and effective route to ambiguity decorrelation. An approach to united ambiguity decorrelation, the HL process, is described in detail. The HL process performs very well in high-dimension ambiguity decorrelation tests. Received: 9 March 1998 / Accepted: 1 June 1999  相似文献   
美国全球变化研究现状   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
罗勇 《气象》1999,25(1):3-8
美国的全球变化研究主要由美国全球变化研究计划(USGCRP)支持,重点资助季节—年际尺度气候变率,十年—百年尺度的气候变化,臭氧、UV辐射以及大气化学的变化,土地利用以及陆地、海洋生态系统的变化等4个领域。当前,水汽与云仍是全球变化研究中不确定性较大的一个方面,因而受到关注。关于气候变化的信号检测以及成因分析也是一个研究热点。气候模拟研究是全球变化研究的一个主要方法。卫星资料在全球变化研究中的应用取得了大量成果。近期美国在全球变化研究领域的重点是气候模拟,短期气候预测,十年—百年尺度的气候变化,臭氧、UV辐射以及大气化学的变化,地表以及陆地、海洋生态系统变化,对全球变化的区域尺度估计,卫星资料的应用,气候变化影响的国家级评估等8个方面。  相似文献   
To better assess the spatiotemporal variations of the snow shielding effect on surface exposure dating, we compiled a dataset of 1341 10Be ages from alpine moraines and glacially eroded valleys across western North America, and conducted a sensitivity test with both modern and time-integrated snow data covering the same region. Our analyses reveal significant differences in snow shielding both across our geographic domain and through time. In our time-integrated experiments we find snow-based exposure age corrections as low as 3.5% in the Great Basin region and high as 28.4% in the Pacific Northwest for samples dating to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) when no wind-sweeping is assumed. As demonstrated with our time-varying snow conditions with a global climate model and a positive degree day model, modern snow conditions across western North America cannot account for the varying snow patterns under large scale climate shifts since the LGM. The snow-based exposure age corrections from the modern data differ from those calculated by our time-varying model by up to 17% across our model domain. In addition, we find that the 10Be ages calculated under two end-member scenarios regarding wind-sweeping effects, specifically whether boulders were shielded only when the total snow accumulation exceeded boulder heights or were always shielded when the snow was present, can differ by ∼7.6% on average for LGM aged samples. Our analyses provide a model-based estimates of the spatiotemporal variability and complexity of snow shielding effects on surface exposure dates across western North America and highlight the need to consider snow depth variations both spatially and temporally when conducting surface exposure dating in terrains where snowfall accumulation is significant.  相似文献   
A proposed nationwide ban on the sale of shark fins within the United States would undermine sustainable shark fisheries, would have little effect on global shark mortality, and would perpetuate the misconception that the shark fin trade is the only threat facing sharks. Instead, placing a priority on policies focusing on sustainable shark fisheries management is preferred for meeting the goals of shark conservation.  相似文献   
Transition to low carbon sea transport is a logical response to the extreme dependency of the Pacific Islands region on imported fossil fuel, its significant vulnerability to the effects of climate change and the critical shipping needs of Pacific Island countries (PICs). Building on previous work in low carbon sea transport in the Pacific, this paper further considers the barriers to achieving such transition by assessing, through a ‘post-Paris Agreement’ lens, the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) submitted by PICs and contrasting these to the near total lack of investment and planning for low carbon transition in the transport sector with the parallel occurrence in the electricity sector where ~USD 2 billion of donor investment is deployed or queued despite electricity using only ~20% of fossil fuel across the region. Consistent with recent international studies, inadequate and inappropriate financing and policy have been identified as dominant transition barriers for low carbon sea transport development in PICs. This paper further examines the regional level barriers to policy development, and finds them inhibited by the silo nature of the major regional actors. The implications that the Paris Agreement has for climate financing to support the essential research and capacity development needed to underpin a successful low carbon sea transport transition strategy at any useful scale and speed are also considered in this paper.  相似文献   
美国碳排放权交易体系评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过评析当前美国最主要的两类碳排放交易体系--自愿减排和总量控制与交易体系的发展现状与前景得到,自愿减排终因需求不足而难以维系,只有建立碳排放的总量控制与交易体系,才能进行持续的碳交易,完成减碳目标。借鉴美国区域温室气体行动、西部气候倡议和加州总量控制与交易体系的经验,建议中国选择具有一定基础的省份或行业试行总量控制与交易体系,初期排放配额的分配以免费发放为主,拍卖为辅,并严格控制碳抵消的数量和范围等,然后再逐步过渡到拍卖方式。  相似文献   
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