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刘福来  薛怀民 《岩石学报》2007,23(11):2737-2756
如何建立苏鲁-大别超高压岩石深俯冲-超高压-快速折返过程连续而完整的P-T-t轨迹及精细的年代谱系,是目前地学界研究的热点。而变质锆石是否记录深俯冲石英榴辉岩相进变质阶段的年代学信息和超高压峰期变质时代的准确归属,是目前苏鲁-大别超高压变质带需要深入研究的核心问题。本文在对前人同位素年代学方面所取得的成果进行系统总结的基础上。采用锆石中矿物包体激光拉曼和电子探针测试、锆石阴极发光图像成因分析以及SHRIMP U-Pb定年等综合研究手段,确定苏鲁-大别地体榴辉岩及其强退变质围岩在深俯冲-构造折返过程中主要经历了四个阶段的变质演化:深俯冲石英榴辉岩相进变质(Ⅰ)、超高压峰期变质(Ⅱ)、构造折返初期石英榴辉岩相退变质(Ⅲ)和构造折返晚期角闪岩相退变质(Ⅳ)。研究发现,扬子板块(中)新元古代巨量的陆壳物质在早三叠纪(246~244Ma)俯冲到华北板块之下约65km的深处。发生了石英榴辉岩相进变质,相应的变质温压条件为T=542~693℃,P=1.7~2.02GPa。这些高压石英榴辉岩相岩石在中-新三叠纪继续向下俯冲,在235~225Ma期间,俯冲的深度至少达到了170km的地幔深处,并发生了峰期柯石英榴辉岩相超高压变质,相应的变质温压条件为T=722~866℃,P>5.5GPa。苏鲁-大别超高压地体自石英榴辉岩相进变质阶段到超高压峰期变质阶段的俯冲速率为7.0km/Myr。这些超高压岩石在219~216Ma期间,发生了第一次构造抬升至75km的深处,并经历了石英榴辉岩相退变质作用的改造,退变质温压条件为T=730~780℃,P=1.7~2.6GPa。这些退变质岩石在212~205Ma期间,又经历了第二次抬升至25km中-下地壳深处,并叠加了角闪岩相退变质作用,该阶段变质温压条件为T=610~710℃,P=0.7~1.2GPa。苏鲁-大别超高压地体两次构造抬升的速率大致相同,为5.6km/Myr。该项成果不仅确定了苏鲁-大别榴辉岩及其强退变质岩石深俯冲过程石英榴辉岩相进变质-超高压峰期变质、构造折返过程石英榴辉岩相-角闪岩相退变质连续而完整的变质演化P-T-t轨迹及精细的年代谱系,而且对于重新建立苏鲁-大别巨量陆壳物质快速超深俯冲-快速折返的动力学模式有着重要的科学意义。  相似文献   
Diffusion modelling of growth-zoned garnet is used in combination with standard geothermometric and geobarometric techniques to estimate cooling and denudation rates from the mafic eclogites of the Red Cliff area, Great Caucasus, Russia. Euhedral garnet porphyroblasts exhibit different degrees of prograde growth zoning depending on the size of the grain (100 μm to several mm in diameter). Zoning patterns are mainly expressed in terms of Fe–Mg exchange, with 100*Mg/(Mg+Fe) increasing from 18–20 to 33–37 from core to rim. Geothermobarometry yields conditions of 680±40 °C and a minimum of 1.6±0.2 GPa and of 660±40 °C and 0.8±0.2 GPa for the high-pressure and retrograde stages of equilibration, respectively. A temperature of 600±40 °C has been recorded for the late-stage metamorphic overprint in the mica schists surrounding the eclogites. Relaxation of garnet zoning profiles was modelled for three different hypothetical PT t trajectories, all with an initial temperature of 680 °C and a pressure change of 0.8 GPa. The first two trajectories involve decompression associated with regular cooling down to 660 °C (near isothermal) and 600 °C. The third path is a two-step trajectory comprising near-isobaric cooling down to 600 °C followed by isothermal decompression to 0.8 GPa. These P–T trajectories cover as wide a range of pressure and temperature changes endured by the rocks as possible, thus representing extreme cases for calculating cooling and exhumation rates. Calculations indicate that the zoning pattern of the smallest garnet (i.e. garnet for which the zoning is most easily eliminated during post-growth processes) along the different paths can be preserved for the following average exhumation and cooling rates: path 1, 143 mm a?1 and 102 °C Ma?1; path 2, 60 mm a?1 and 171 °C Ma?1; path 3, 11–30 mm a?1 and 200–400 °C Ma?1. These results are discussed in light of theoretical P–T–t paths extracted from thermal models of regions of thickened crust, and from analogue models of accretionary wedge and continental lithosphere subduction.  相似文献   
NORTH QAIDAM ULTRAHIGH PRESSURE METAMORPHIC (UHPM) BELT ON THE NORTHEASTERN QINGHAI-TIBET PLATEAU AND ITS EASTWARD EXTENSION1 YangJS ,XuZQ ,LiHB ,etal.DiscoveryofeclogiteatnorthernmarginofQaidambasin ,NWChina[J] .ChineseScienceBulletin,1998,4 3:1755~ 176 0 . 2 ZhangJX ,ZhangZM ,XuZQ ,etal.TheagesofU PbandSm NdforeclogitefromthewesternsegmentofAltynTaghtectonicbelt—theevidencesforexistenceofCaledonianorogenicroot[J] .ChineseScienc…  相似文献   
Compared to other mafic and ultramafic rocks from the CCSD main borehole as well as from the outcrops, rocks from the 540-600 m section is extraordinary in terms of its geophysical as well as geochemical properties. It consists of > 70% hematite-ilmenite garnet pyroxenite (HI-GPX) and < 30% intercalated rutile garnet pyroxenite (R-GPX). Whole-rock geochemical data show that HI-GPXs have: (1) relatively high V with an average of 606 ppm, but lower Nb and Ta; (2) highest TFeO, Fe2O3/FeO ratio, and highly variable but strong positive Eu anomalies with Eu/Eu? up to 2.9; (3) anomalously high V/Sc ratios ranging from 8.39 to 43.23, average 15.03; and (4) high amounts of hematite-ilmenite solid solutions with a very fine intergrowth structure down to nanometer scale. V/Sc ratios in the CCSD garnet pyroxenites are correlated negatively with MgO, but positively with Fe2O3/FeO ratios. Both suites of pyroxenites have similar rare earth elements and high field strength elements geochemistry. These features demonstrate that these pyroxenites were formed from metamorphism of high-Fe and/or -Ti gabbroic cumulates. This can account not only for low high field strength elements (HFSE) and rare earth elements (REE) but also low Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf ratios in these rocks. Seemingly negative correlation between Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf in the CCSD metabasites, not significantly affected by UHP metamorphism, is also consistent with the silicate differentiation trend in a basaltic magma chamber.  相似文献   
U–Pb geochronological, trace-element and Lu–Hf isotopic studies have been made on zircons from ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) mafic eclogite from the Kumdy-Kol area, one of the diamond-facies domains of the Kokchetav Massif (northern Kazakhstan). The peak eclogitic assemblage equilibrated at > 900 °C, whereas the bulk sample composition displays light rare-earth element (LREE) and Th depletion evident of partial melting. Zircons from the eclogite are represented by exclusively newly formed metamorphic grains and have U–Pb age spread over 533–459 Ma, thus ranging from the time of peak subduction burial to that of the late post-orogenic collapse. The major zircon group with concordant age estimates have a concordia age of 508.1 ±4.4 Ma, which corresponds to exhumation of the eclogite-bearing UHP crustal slice to granulite- or amphibolite-facies depths. This may indicate potentially incoherent exhumation of different crustal blocks within a single Kumdy-Kol UHP domain. Model Hf isotopic characteristics of zircons (εHf(t) +1.5 to +7.8, Neoproterozoic model Hf ages of 1.02–0.79 Ga) closely resemble the whole-rock values of the Kumdy-Kol eclogites and likely reflect in situ derivation of HFSE source for newly formed grains. The ages coupled with geochemical systematics of zircons confirm that predominantly late zircon growth occurred in Th–LREE-depleted eclogitic assemblage, that experienced incipient melting and monazite dissolution in melt at granulite-facies depths, followed by amphibolite-facies rehydration during late-stage exhumation-related retrogression.  相似文献   
超基性岩本身难以生长锆石的特性,使得研究其中的锆石需要特别谨慎。超基性岩中的锆石虽然具有多解性,但是锆石也携带了很多演化信息。产出不同地质背景的超基性岩,其中的锆石特征不同。本文总结现有的研究实例表明:(1)经历高温高压变质作用的石榴橄榄岩通常通过交代作用获得锆石,且锆石能够记录峰期变质时代,其中的继承锆石较少,可能在高温高压条件下,继承锆石发生分解重结晶;(2)大洋蛇绿岩型超基性岩和地幔岩捕掳体中通常具有年龄分布很广的锆石年龄特征,锆石年龄峰值通常与区域上构造事件相吻合,为捕掳晶锆石。接下来本文以西南天山超高压(UHP)蛇纹岩为例,对其锆石年龄进行解释。西南天山蛇纹岩为经历过超高压变质作用的大洋蛇绿岩型超基性岩,2个蛇纹岩样品中锆石的阴极发光图像分析和SIMS U-Pb定年分析结果显示,西南天山UHP蛇纹岩中的锆石包含捕掳晶锆石和变质锆石,捕掳晶锆石的年龄为2.1~1.0Ga,对应该区变泥质岩中碎屑锆石记录的年龄峰值。409~537Ma可能代表了蛇纹岩原岩结晶时代。区域上的变质压力峰期年龄(~320Ma)在蛇纹岩中没有记录,仅有1颗锆石记录了309±5Ma的近峰期时代。270~155Ma的退变质时代在西南天山蛇纹岩中出现较广,这与榴辉岩中出现的退变年龄相吻合,代表了折返过程中较为普遍的后期热液事件。基于对超基性岩中锆石特征的初步了解,结合西南天山蛇纹岩的研究实例,认为通过研究锆石的年代学,结合锆石矿物化学、包体矿物学、同位素地球化学等特征,不仅可以提供年代学信息,还可以对超基性岩的来源和演化过程进行解析。  相似文献   
为查明磁化率和密度对于中国大陆科学钻探工程(CCSD)主孔100~2000m岩性的响应和判别特征,利用SPSS10.0统计分析软件进行了判别分析.研究结果显示,岩石的密度和体积磁化率主要受岩性的控制.采用迫入法建立全模型,对CCSD主孔100~2000m井段岩心的岩性判别率达84.8%.其中,蛇纹石化橄榄岩、正片麻岩、副片麻岩、榴辉岩、角闪岩和退变质榴辉岩的判别率分别为100%、87.1%、89.7%、89.6%、96.7%和63.7%.该研究表明,密度和磁化率可以为超高压变质岩石的岩性鉴别和区分提供定量约束,有利于地球物理探测成果和测井资料的准确解析.同时,本文也是SPSS统计分析软件在超高压变质岩石类型判别方面的一个应用实例,对于其他岩石类型的判别分析具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   
刘福来  薛怀民  刘平华 《岩石学报》2009,25(7):1575-1586
在北苏鲁超高压变质带的威海地区的正片麻岩中,存在大量规模不一的含石榴石斜长角闪岩的透镜体或不规则团块。锆石中矿物包体的激光拉曼测试、阴极发光图像分析、稀土元素和微量元素以及Lu-Hf同位素的LA-(MC)-ICP-MS测试等综合研究结果表明,含石榴石斜长角闪岩 (WH17) 只存在一种成因类型的锆石,即变质锆石。该类锆石自核部到边部均保存了典型的超高压包体矿物组合:柯石英 (Coe)+石榴石 (Grt)+绿辉石 (Omp)+多硅白云母 (Phe)+金红石 (Rt)+磷灰石 (Ap),相应的阴极发光图像自核部到边部十分均匀,具有典型变质锆石的特点。锆石核部和边部的稀土元素含量特征和配分模式也十分相似,主要表现为轻稀土元素相对亏损,而重稀土元素相对平坦,无Eu异常 (Eu/Eu*=0.94~1.04), 具较明显的正Ce异常 (Ce/Ce*=83.4~111.0),低的Th/U (<0.02) 和 Lu/Hf (<0.00010) 比值以及极低的 Th (1×10-6~4×10-6) 含量。锆石核部到边缘的重稀土元素亏损与石榴石稳定有关,而无Eu异常则与斜长石分解关系密切。上述特征表明,含石榴石斜长角闪岩中的锆石均是在超高压变质阶段形成的变质锆石,而研究样品中继承性岩浆结晶锆石的缺乏,是由于含石榴石斜长角闪岩在原岩形成时Zr的成分明显匮乏所致。SHRIMP U-Pb定年结果表明,含柯石英锆石自核部到边部记录了十分一致的206Pb/238U 年龄,变化于 240.2±3.3Ma 到220.2±2.8Ma 之间,加权平均年龄为229.8±2.0Ma, 这组年龄与前人对苏鲁超高压变质带中榴辉岩、正片麻岩、副片麻岩和大理岩等含柯石英锆石微区记录的年龄完全吻合,应代表苏鲁地体超高压变质时代。Lu-Hf同位素研究结果表明,含石榴石斜长角闪岩中变质锆石的Hf同位素特征与苏鲁超高压变质带中榴辉岩的继承性岩浆锆石和变质锆石均存在本质差别,其中176Hf/177Hf=0.00001~0.00003, 176Hf/177Hf (t)=0.282052~0.282107, 相应的εHf(t)=-21.1~-18.8, 模式年龄tDM2=2.14~2.24Ga,这些Lu-Hf同位素特征与围岩正片麻岩含柯石英锆石微区的Hf同位素性质十分相似, 充分表明了北苏鲁含石榴石斜长角闪岩在超高压变质阶段形成的变质锆石所必须的Zr和Hf成分不是来自体系本身,而是来源于围岩正片麻岩。  相似文献   
Garnet‐bearing peridotite lenses are minor but significant components of most metamorphic terranes characterized by high‐temperature eclogite facies assemblages. Most peridotite intrudes when slabs of continental crust are subducted deeply (60–120 km) into the mantle, usually by following oceanic lithosphere down an established subduction zone. Peridotite is transferred from the resulting mantle wedge into the crustal footwall through brittle and/or ductile mechanisms. These ‘mantle’ peridotites vary petrographically, chemically, isotopically, chronologically and thermobarometrically from orogen to orogen, within orogens and even within individual terranes. The variations reflect: (1) derivation from different mantle sources (oceanic or continental lithosphere, asthenosphere); (2) perturbations while the mantle wedges were above subducting oceanic lithosphere; and (3) changes within the host crustal slabs during intrusion, subduction and exhumation. Peridotite caught within mantle wedges above oceanic subduction zones will tend to recrystallize and be contaminated by fluids derived from the subducting oceanic crust. These ‘subduction zone peridotites’ intrude during the subsequent subduction of continental crust. Low‐pressure protoliths introduced at shallow (serpentinite, plagioclase peridotite) and intermediate (spinel peridotite) mantle depths (20–50 km) may be carried to deeper levels within the host slab and undergo high‐pressure metamorphism along with the enclosing rocks. If subducted deeply enough, the peridotites will develop garnet‐bearing assemblages that are isofacial with, and give the same recrystallization ages as, the eclogite facies country rocks. Peridotites introduced at deeper levels (50–120 km) may already contain garnet when they intrude and will not necessarily be isofacial or isochronous with the enclosing crustal rocks. Some garnet peridotites recrystallize from spinel peridotite precursors at very high temperatures (c. 1200 °C) and may derive ultimately from the asthenosphere. Other peridotites are from old (>1 Ga), cold (c. 850 °C), subcontinental mantle (‘relict peridotites’) and seem to require the development of major intra‐cratonic faults to effect their intrusion.  相似文献   
陈仁旭  郑永飞  龚冰 《岩石学报》2011,27(2):451-468
对超高压变质岩中含水矿物和名义上无水矿物的地球化学研究,极大地深化了我们对大陆碰撞带地壳俯冲和折返过程中流体体制的认识。就流体体制和化学地球动力学来说,有关研究在大别-苏鲁造山带进行的最为详细,因此已经成为研究大陆俯冲带变质的典型地区。本文以大别-苏鲁造山带为对象,从矿物水含量的角度,结合稳定同位素论述了大陆俯冲带流体活动。超高压变质岩中名义上无水矿物含有大量的水,以结构羟基和分子水形式存在。名义上无水矿物中结构羟基和分子水出溶与含水矿物分解共同构成了折返过程中退变质流体的主要来源。名义上无水矿物所释放的水以富集轻的氢氧同位素为特征,而含水矿物分解则提供了富集D的流体来源。折返过程中,名义上无水矿物降压脱水存在亏损D的分子水的优先丢失和不同形式水之间的相互转化。不同岩性的水含量差异导致了它们在折返过程中不同的流体活动行为。大陆板块俯冲和折返过程中,在不同矿物、不同岩性以及板片不同部位之间存在水的再分配;板片的一部分作为富水流体的源,而另一部分可能作为汇。  相似文献   
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