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台风可以改变海面波浪状态并激发出微地动信号,该信号可以传播至陆地并被宽频带地震仪记录到。本研究以201601号台风"尼伯特"为例,利用短时傅里叶变换,分析了7月3日12时至7月9日0时台风期间中国台湾和日本114个宽频带地震仪垂向分量信号功率谱特征。分析结果发现,在7月5日至7月7日之间,当台风距离台站1500~2000km时,中国台湾、琉球群岛及屋久岛的33个地震台站的地振动信号功率谱密度值显著增强,7月5日前后,在0.4Hz频率左右出现功率谱密度值增强的现象,之后由高频转至低频,7月7日左右功率谱密度值增强频率变化至约0.2Hz。利用全球地震背景噪声能量辐射模型模拟KGM台站所在位置(128.22°E,26.76°N)的双频微地动功率谱,结果表明7月5日至7日0.2~0.4Hz功率谱密度值增强,频率由约0.4Hz变化至0.2Hz的现象为海岸线反射效应所致。  相似文献   
将遥感手段和动力估产模型相结合,即通过NOAA卫星获得有效绿度模式;通过绿度-叶面积关系式,估算水稻群体叶面积指数;依据水稻生物量分配规律及环境条件对其影响,估算水稻各器官的干重,取得了较好的模拟效果。  相似文献   
SiGOG: simulated GPS observation generator   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents a calibration model for CE-QUAL-W2. CE-QUAL-W2 is a two-dimensional (2D) longitudinal/vertical hydrodynamic and water quality model for surface water bodies, modeling eutrophication processes such as temperature–nutrient–algae–dissolved oxygen–organic matter and sediment relationships. The proposed methodology is a combination of a ‘hurdle-race’ and a hybrid Genetic-k-Nearest Neighbor algorithm (GA-kNN). The ‘hurdle race’ is formulated for accepting–rejecting a proposed set of parameters during a CE-QUAL-W2 simulation; the k-Nearest Neighbor algorithm (kNN)—for approximating the objective function response surface; and the Genetic Algorithm (GA)—for linking both. The proposed methodology overcomes the high, non-applicable, computational efforts required if a conventional calibration search technique was used, while retaining the quality of the final calibration results. Base runs and sensitivity analysis are demonstrated on two example applications: a synthetic hypothetical example calibrated for temperature, serving for tuning the GA-kNN parameters; and the Lower Columbia Slough case study in Oregon US calibrated for temperature and dissolved oxygen. The GA-kNN algorithm was found to be robust and reliable, producing similar results to those of a pure GA, while reducing running times and computational efforts significantly, and adding additional insights and flexibilities to the calibration process.  相似文献   
地质体三维可视化模拟系统的研究与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于传统的二维GIS无法满足实际地质工作中对复杂地质体的描述和模拟,构建三维实体GIS成为目前GIS研究的热点和发展趋势.介绍了地质体三维模拟系统的基本原理和系统实现,探讨在已有构模方法的基础上应用Dephi、SQLServer2000、OpenGL图形库和传统的二维GIS数据(Geomedia数据)相结合,针对地质体的不规则性,采用线框模拟的方法来构造三维地质体,生成高真实感三维立体模型,并可进行地质体的储量计算.  相似文献   
Taiyuan city has experienced serious land subsidence since the 1950s, with the maximum accumulated subsidence of 2,960 mm and a total affected area of 585 km2 by 2003. Tectonic settlement was found to contribute about 1% and the major cause is over-exploitation of groundwater. The spatial–temporal relationship between the areal distribution of land subsidence and that of groundwater drawdown from 1956 to 2000 indicates that although land subsidence centers overall match groundwater depression cones, there are local deviations, and that although the time series curves are similar, land subsidence always lags behind groundwater level decline, with different lag time at different sites. The major findings of this work on the control of stratigraphic heterogeneity on the spatial pattern of land subsidence at Taiyuan include: (1) land subsidence centers shift from the corresponding groundwater depression cones to the sides with thicker accumulated clay layers; (2) under the same pumping rate, land subsidence at places with more clay interlayers and thinner individual interlayers is greater and the lag time shorter; and (3) land subsidence is closely related to the physical properties of clay soils. The Interbed Storage Package-1, a modular subroutine of MODFLOW was employed to simulate the areal distribution of individual layer compression. The modeling results show that compression of different clay layers has different contribution to land subsidence. Pumping groundwater from water-bearing zones close to the most compressible clay layers should therefore be carefully controlled.  相似文献   
本文利用MM5模式,采用数值模拟方法,诊断分析了北京“12.7”强降雪的发生机理,发现500hPa湿位涡与降雪区有较好的相关性  相似文献   
利用以时钟中断驱动的后台定时任务群调度,选用成熟的标准RS-232C异步通讯设备,建立可靠的上/下位机通讯数据流向系统;利用SVGA显示系统中丰富的控制寄存器设计一套高效模块化图形程序,并用之于工况模拟系统,从而减少了前台作业的工作时间,确保计算机在指定周期内完成所有的任务。  相似文献   
黄土高原南缘午城黄土底部火山碎屑的来源和成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一种与多类撞击记录共存的灰黑色碎屑,发现于黄土高原南缘段家坡黄土地层剖面午城黄土底部Ga/M边界(2.48MaB.P.)附近,通过对此碎屑的矿物学和地球化学特征研究,表明它们最初是源自青藏高原北部及其邻近地区碱性玄武质火山喷发的碎屑物,后来又在表生条件下与黄土层一起经历了包括水解、成土化和氧化等作用在内的风化改造。此外,本文更为强调的是,在火山碎屑形成过程中存在具有富Ni和Ce,高Sm/Nd比以及低Eu/Sm比等特点的地外物质的参与,据以论证这种火山活动确系N/Q界面撞击事件引发。在黄土地层中,深入研究各种类型的火山碎屑,无疑对全面探讨第四纪环境变迁有着十分重要的意义。关键词午城黄土底部松山-高斯边界火山碎屑风化作用地外物质新近的研究表明,第四纪气候和环境变迁往往与起因于撞击和火山事件的大量尘埃物质有关[1],而地外物体的撞击又常能引发火山活动[2、3],因此第四纪沉积物中的火山喷发空落堆积物研究,无疑应该引起更大的关注。火山学发展至今,对各种火山碎屑物质,已有十分详尽的研究[4、5]。从国内第四纪火山碎屑的研究现状来看,虽然丁国瑜等早在1964年就曾在河北平原及太行山东麓的黄土地层中,首次发现了火山碎屑堆。  相似文献   
北京降水缺测资料恢复的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
黄嘉佑  张镡 《气象》1996,22(7):6-11
利用1941-1980年北京降水量资料进行了缺测降水量资料恢复的研究,并单月序列使用非线性函数作降水量正态化的变换,然后用预测残差最小逐步回归及对多月序列使用各月降水量变换序列,各月降水量变换序列与各月气温混合序列为因子作缺测资料恢复和用各月缺测资料前后实测资料作简单内插恢复等三种方案进行试验结果表明,以降水和气温作混合因子使用残差最小逐步回归模型有最好的可性。还使用该方案对1841-1950年缺  相似文献   
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