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This work presents the temporal evolution and spatial distribution of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) measured with the help of passive diffusion tubes in different environments: rural, sub-urban, urban, at La Réunion Island in December 1997 and November 2000 (austral spring), respectively. NO2 concentration exhibits notable enhancement from 1997 to 2000. For instance, its mean concentration was 16 and 20 μg/m3 in December 1997 and November 2000, respectively, at La Réunion Island, especially in inhabited regions due to increase of local anthropogenic activities, mainly traffic circulation, in the absence of house heating and biomass burning. We also observe a net increase of pollutant levels by a factor two in rural/remote areas within 3 years, which is tied to the extension of inhabited areas and air-flows from enhanced local sources. The increase of atmospheric pollutants is mainly due to enhancement of anthropogenic activities (traffic) since the 1990s at La Réunion Island, which results from a constant increase of population and consequently, from a higher number of vehicles in circulation. Importantly, in cities like Saint-Denis, where traffic network has been subject to notable improvement (e.g. single to double lanes, etc.), pollutant levels exhibit little variability as in temperate continental latitudes. Semi-continuous NO2 concentration measured in parallel with ozone in November 2000 also showed that daytime photochemical ozone production is influenced by pollutant and precursor (NO2) levels at Saint-Denis, while nighttime ozone increase is mainly tied to dynamical processes. The November 2000 ozone diurnal pattern is notably different from that observed in September 1995, during which a daytime ozone loss was observed, pointing out that atmospheric conditions have been subject to notable changes, i.e., clean to moderately polluted, within a few years at La Réunion Island. The results presented here point out that the ‘source enhancement effect’ is superimposed on dynamical and photochemical processes to influence pollutants variability and hence atmospheric chemistry, in a quite ‘pristine’ tropical oceanic region.  相似文献   
Groundwater is a key factor controlling the growth of vegetation in desert riparian systems. It is important to recognise how groundwater changes affect the riparian forest ecosystem. This information will not only help us to understand the ecological and hydrological process of the riparian forest but also provide support for ecological recovery of riparian forests and water-resources management of arid inland river basins. This study aims to estimate the suitability of the Water Vegetation Energy and Solute Modelling(WAVES) model to simulate the Ejina Desert riparian forest ecosystem changes,China, to assess effects of groundwater-depth change on the canopy leaf area index(LAI) and water budgets, and to ascertain the suitable groundwater depth for preserving the stability and structure of desert riparian forest. Results demonstrated that the WAVES model can simulate changes to ecological and hydrological processes. The annual mean water consumption of a Tamarix chinensis riparian forest was less than that of a Populus euphratica riparian forest, and the canopy LAI of the desert riparian forest should increase as groundwater depth decreases. Groundwater changes could significantly influence water budgets for T. chinensis and P. euphratica riparian forests and show the positive and negative effects on vegetation growth and water budgets of riparian forests. Maintaining the annual mean groundwater depth at around 1.7-2.7 m is critical for healthy riparian forest growth. This study highlights the importance of considering groundwater-change impacts on desert riparian vegetation and water-balance applications in ecological restoration and efficient water-resource management in the Heihe River Basin.  相似文献   
This study analyzed the causes of forest devastation, the characteristics of forest rehabilitation process, and the success factors of reforestation. And it reviewed the management of rehabilitated forest resources and identified the income sources of mountain villages in South Korea. The devastation of forest starting from the early twentieth century was continued to the 1950's. The main causes of deforestation were the illegal cutting of trees for fuel and the slash-and-burning agriculture in forest. The success factors of reforestation were the decrease in the dependence on forest of fuel source, strict administration system and national participation. Sustainable forest management could be made possible through the practical use of social issues like public work project for prevention of landslide damages caused by the thinned logs left in the forest. Also it could be possible by making people realize that the public benefit was obtained from forest and the income sources of mountain villages were supplemented by non-timber forest products and tourism. Food and Agriculture Organization indicated Korea as the country that forestation was succeeded in a very short period. Korea seems to be not ordinary because economic growth was accomplished with rehabilitating natural environment. Korean forestation can become a good prototype of combining environmental rehabilitation and economic development.  相似文献   
近些年来,生态系统的服务价值研究已成为生态学以及生态经济学领域中的一个热点问题。祁连山被称为伸进西北干旱区的一座湿岛,在我国"一带一路"建设中占有重要地位。景电灌区兴建以来从祁连山移出了大量农牧民。那么,景电灌区移民对祁连山植被恢复的生态价值如何呢?以景电灌区移民涉及到的祁连山东端景泰、古浪、天祝3县山区为研究区,用价值工程方法对从祁连山区向景电灌区移民退耕退牧还林还草的生态价值做了分析,并与模型因子当量法的计算结果进行了比较。结果表明:祁连山向景电灌区移民退耕退牧还林还草总的生态价值为37.458 1×108元。其中,退耕还林还草的生态价值为37.438 6×108元,退牧后草场植被盖度增加的生态价值为194.79×104元。计算结果为用COSTANZA和谢高地模型因子当量法计算得的祁连山向景电灌区移民退耕退牧还林还草总的生态服务价值40.054 0×108元的93.52%。两种方法计算结果祁连山向景电灌区移民退耕退牧还林还草总的生态价值为景电工程年总成本1.45×108元的...  相似文献   
基于GIS的森林资源变化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以黑龙江省汤旺河林业局部分区域森林资源为研究对象,以1968年和2004年森林分布图、小班数据库和其他数据资料为基础,以地理信息系统为技术支持,分析林地资源的数量、种类、空间分布及其森林资源的结构变化,在此基础上,调整恢复合理的森林结构,实现森林资源的永续利用。研究结果表明:有林地和非林地面积增加;针叶林所占比例减少,阔叶林增加;森林资源的结构不太合理,中龄林和近熟林面积占据较大比例。  相似文献   
本文应用统计方法,首先探讨南方涛动指数与西北太平洋副热带高压的联系,然后分析赤道和热带太平洋区域海温对南方涛动的响应情况,同时分析南方涛动响应区域的海温与当时及滞后的西北太平洋副热带高压的联系,从中探讨南方涛动、厄尔尼诺海温异常及西北太平洋副热带高压之间的一种可能的相互作用机制。  相似文献   
加拿大北方森林火烧迹地遥感分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林火灾是加拿大北方森林地区最主要的扰动因素,对北方生态系统起着主导作用。基于MODIS数据,采用全球扰动指数算法(MGDI),对加拿大萨斯喀彻温省和亚伯达省2004-2011年的森林火烧迹地进行检测和分析。通过与MODIS标准火烧迹地产品以及加拿大林业局数据进行比较,扰动指数算法检测的火烧迹地面积比MODIS标准产品更接近于林业局的统计数据。分析表明,在2004-2011年间,由于火灾原因,整个研究区森林面积平均每年减少76.36万hm2,占该区域森林总面积的3.36%。萨斯喀彻温省平均每年燃烧的森林面积为46.83万hm2,亚伯达省为29.53万hm2。其中,2006、2008、2010和2011年是火灾的高峰年份。火烧迹地主要集中在生态交错带的北方保护区、针叶林保护区、针叶林平原区,以及北方平原东北部的伍德布法罗国家森林保护区。  相似文献   
荒漠河岸胡杨(Populus euphratica)树干液流的时滞效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2012年4—9月树干液流速率与环境因子的实测数据,分析了荒漠河岸胡杨(Populus euphratica)树干液流的时滞效应。结果表明:不同月份胡杨树干液流速率对不同环境因子的时滞不同;4—9月,胡杨树干液流速率峰值时间比太阳辐射峰值时间晚约1h,比空气温度峰值时间早约1h,比水汽压差峰值时间早约2h,比空气相对湿度谷值时间早约2h;对影响胡杨树干液流速率的环境因子进行了主成分分析,发现胡杨树干液流速率与1h以前的第1主成分、第2主成分相关性最高,相关系数分别为0.864、0.875;对错位前后胡杨树干液流速率与环境因子进行多元线性回归分析发现,在胡杨树干液流的数值模拟中,考虑液流相对于环境因子的时滞效应可以提高模型的拟合精度。  相似文献   
通过对GF-2卫星影像正射校正及波段模拟配准误差试验,分析GF-2卫星正射校正方法的选择以及不同配准误差下对GF-2卫星影像自动分类结果的影响;最后介绍GF-2遥感影像在森林资源监测应用中的初步测试。研究结果表明:正射校正时,当校正精度要求控制在RMS2时,控制点数量选择范围在85~95间较为合理,且控制点数在90个时,RMS值最小;经有理函数模型与卫片模型比较后,卫片模型校正精度较高;以目视判读为主时,实践中建议使用三次卷积重采样法输出结果最好;波段模拟配准误差试验中,配准误差与各地类面积变化间存在显著的线性关系;对于森林面积监测时,配准误差应小于0.3个像元。此研究可为新型国产卫星数据在森林资源监测中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   
Tree stem (>2 m tall) mortality was assessed following a late dry‐season wildfire across a seasonally flooded elevation gradient at Workshop Jungle, near Darwin, in the Northern Territory of Australia. For all species combined, dead stems had significantly smaller diameter at breast height (dbh) than living stems. Assessment of tree‐stem damage following a tropical cyclone at Cobourg Peninsula, NT, revealed that damaged stems had significantly greater dbh than undamaged stems for all tree species sampled across a boundary between monsoon rainforest and savanna. A greater proportion of stems were damaged by the cyclone than by the fire (28 per cent as against 18 per cent), although there were considerable between‐community differences in the proportion of damaged stems at the two sites. The fire caused little impact (<10 per cent) on total basal area of three different forest communities on the elevation gradient at Workshop Jungle. The cyclone was found to cause >50 per cent damage to total basal area of three different communities on Cobourg Peninsula. It is suggested that the combination of a cyclone followed by an intense fire in storm debris could potentially destroy a monsoon rainforest through its impact on all tree‐size classes. This may explain why some monsoon rainforests rapidly contracted following Cyclone Tracy that destroyed the city of Darwin on Christmas Day, 1974.  相似文献   
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