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伊犁地块南缘元古宙特克斯群变质岩中侵入有花岗岩类,其形成时代和构造背景一直没有详细的研究。文章通过野外观察和室内分析,确定花岗质侵入体主要由弱面理化黑云母花岗岩、强面理化二云母花岗岩和未变形黑云母花岗岩组成。全岩地球化学和锆石U-Pb年代学分析显示,弱面理化黑云母花岗岩和强面理化二云母花岗岩属于过铝质钙碱性系列,其年龄分别为438 Ma和426 Ma;未变形黑云母花岗岩则属于典型的钙碱性系列,富集大离子亲石元素,相对亏损高场强元素,其年龄介于400~380 Ma之间。结合前人对区域地质的研究认识,笔者认为这些花岗岩类记录了两期不同构造背景的岩浆作用,指示研究区经历了两阶段构造—岩浆演化,即早古生代过铝质钙碱性弱面理化黑云母花岗岩与强面理化二云母花岗岩形成于哈萨克斯坦微大陆汇聚拼贴过程的后碰撞造山环境;中—晚古生代钙碱性未变形黑云母花岗岩则形成于准噶尔洋俯冲作用的活动大陆边缘。  相似文献   
Several petrographic studies have linked accessory monazite growth in pelitic schist to metamorphic reactions involving major rock‐forming minerals, but little attention has been paid to the control that bulk composition might have on these reactions. In this study we use chemographic projections and pseudosections to argue that discrepant monazite ages from the Mount Barren Group of the Albany–Fraser Orogen, Western Australia, reflect differing bulk compositions. A new Sensitive High‐mass Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) U–Pb monazite age of 1027 ± 8 Ma for pelitic schist from the Mount Barren Group contrasts markedly with previously published SHRIMP U–Pb monazite and xenotime ages of c. 1200 Ma for the same area. All dated samples experienced identical metamorphic conditions, but preserve different mineral assemblages due to variable bulk composition. Monazite grains dated at c. 1200 Ma are from relatively magnesian rocks dominated by biotite, kyanite and/or staurolite, whilst c. 1027 Ma grains are from a ferroan rock dominated by garnet and staurolite. The latter monazite population is likely to have grown when staurolite was produced at the expense of garnet and chlorite, but this reaction was not intersected by more magnesian compositions, which are instead dominated by monazite that grew during an earlier, greenschist facies metamorphic event. These results imply that monazite ages from pelitic schist can vary depending on the bulk composition of the host rock. Samples containing both garnet and staurolite are the most likely to yield monazite ages that approximate the timing of peak metamorphism in amphibolite facies terranes. Samples too magnesian to ever grow garnet, or too iron‐rich to undergo garnet breakdown, are likely to yield older monazite, and the age difference can be significant in terranes with a polymetamorphic history.  相似文献   
Supracrustal units metamorphosed at mid-crustal conditions withinthe Paleoproterozoic Trans-Hudson Orogen are preserved withinan obliquely exposed continental collision zone on Baffin Island(Canada). Early granulite-facies assemblages yield thermobarometricdata and phase diagram information that define a steep, compressiveP–T path segment. These assemblages are bracketed betweenca. 1849 and 1835 Ma, and are interpreted to result from (1)heat advection by an 1865 +4/–2 to 1848 ± 2 MaAndean-type granitic batholith, and (2) a ca. 1845 Ma crustalthickening event associated with accretion of an intra-oceanicarc terrane. A subsequent regional metamorphic event is characterizedby the growth of retrograde, upper amphibolite-facies assemblagesthat define a clockwise, decompressive P–T path. Mineralgrowth is bracketed between 1820 ± 1 and 1813 ±2 Ma, and is localized within deformation zones associated withthe 1820 +4/–3 to 1795 ± 2 Ma collision of theRae and Superior cratons. The metamorphic history of BaffinIsland supports a progressive change from plate-margin to intraplateprocesses within an evolving convergent orogen during the Paleoproterozoicthat is similar to those documented in younger collisional belts. KEY WORDS: polymetamorphism; geochronology; Paleoproterozoic; Trans-Hudson Orogen  相似文献   
The SHRIMP U-Pb ages of detrital zircon from the oldest Mesozoic strata, the Fanghushan Fomation, in the Hefei Basin range from 200 Ma to ca. 2500 Ma, which indicates that the Dabie Orogen as the early Jurassic sedimentary provenance was complex. The composition of the Dabie Orogen includes: the Triassic high pressure-ultrahigh pressure metamorphic rocks, of which the detrital zircon ages are from 234 Ma to 200 Ma; the rocks possibly related to the Qinling and Erlangping Groups representing the southern margin of the Sino-Korean craton in the Qinling and Dabie area, of which the detrital zircon has an age of 481-378 Ma; the Neo-proterozoic rocks originated from the Yangtze croton, of which the detrital zircon ages are 799-721 Ma old; and the rocks with the detrital zircon ages of ca. 2000 Ma and ca. 2500 Ma, which could be the old basement of the Yangtze craton.  相似文献   
The allochthonous Cabo Ortegal Complex (NW Iberian Massif) contains a ~500 m thick serpentinite‐matrix mélange located in the lowest structural position, the Somozas Mélange. The mélange occurs at the leading edge of a thick nappe pile constituted by a variety of terranes transported to the East (present‐day coordinates; NW Iberian allochthonous complexes), with continental and oceanic affinities, and represents a Variscan suture. Among other types of metaigneous (calcalkaline suite dated at 527–499 Ma) and metasedimentary blocks, it contains close‐packed pillow‐lavas and broken pillow‐breccias with a metahyaloclastitic matrix formed by muscovite–paragonite–margarite–garnet–chlorite–kyanite–hematite–epidote–quartz–rutile. Pseudosection modelling in the MnCNTKFMASHO system indicates metamorphic peak conditions of ~17.5–18 kbar and ~550 °C followed by near‐isothermal decompression. This P–T evolution indicates subduction/accretion of an arc‐derived section of peri‐Gondwanan transitional crust. Subduction below the Variscan orogenic wedge evolved to continental collision with important dextral component. Closure of the remaining oceanic peri‐Gondwanan domain and associated release of fluid led to hydration of the overlying mantle wedge and the formation of a low‐viscosity subduction channel, where return flow formed the mélange. The submarine metavolcanic rocks were deformed and detached from the subducting transitional crust and eventually incorporated into the subduction channel, where they experienced fast exhumation. Due to the cryptic nature of the high‐P metamorphism preserved in its tectonic blocks, the significance of the Somozas Mélange had remained elusive, but it is made clear here for the first time as an important tectonic boundary within the Variscan Orogen formed during the late stages of the continental convergence leading to the assembly of Pangea.  相似文献   
赞皇变质杂岩位于华北克拉通中部造山带中南段、太行山东麓低山区。出露于该变质杂岩区中南部的含石榴石的斜长角闪片麻岩、泥质片麻岩,均保存了三期矿物组合:进变质、峰期变质和退变质矿物组合。这两大类变质岩石中,进变质阶段矿物组合(M1)以石榴石变斑晶核部的包裹体矿物组合为代表,变质高峰期矿物组合(M2)由石榴石变斑晶"边部"和基质矿物组成,退变质阶段矿物组合(M3)主要是环绕石榴石边部发育的"白眼圈"状后成合晶矿物组合。泥质片麻岩中的石榴石变斑晶均保存了明显的成分环带,且在边部很窄的范围内XMn有所增加、Mg/(Mg+Fe)有所降低,指示存在变质高峰期后的退变质过程。温度与压力计算结果表明,赞皇斜长角闪片麻岩所经历的进变质阶段(M1)温度约为640~710℃、 压力约为8.2~8.6kbar;高峰期(M2)变质温度超过810℃,压力大于12.1kbar;退变质阶段(M3)的温压范围为590~670℃和3.2~5.6kbar。此前的研究已说明泥质片麻岩的进变质阶段(M1)变质温度为660~690℃,压力为9.0~9.2kbar;高峰期(M2)变质温度超过780℃,压力大于12.5kbar。变质高峰属于中压相系的顶部至高压相系的底部。斜长角闪片麻岩、泥质片麻岩均记录了典型的顺时针P-T轨迹,并显示近等温减压(ITD)的退变质片段。对泥质片麻岩中多颗锆石的变质增生边的SHRIMP U-Pb定年表明,变质高峰期时代为1821±17Ma。变质作用历史说明赞皇变质岩区卷入了华北克拉通东部陆块和西部陆块之间的俯冲-碰撞、随后的快速隆升过程,为华北克拉通中部造山带早元古代末期(~1850Ma)存在的造山事件提供了新的证据 。  相似文献   
对冷家溪群及其上覆板溪群斑脱岩中的锆石进行研究,测得冷家溪群小木平组斑脱岩SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄(822Ma±10Ma)和上覆板溪群张家湾组斑脱岩锆石U-Pb年龄(802.6Ma±7.6Ma),结合“江南造山带”东部变质基底双桥山群和西南地区四堡群、下江群的SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄,将冷家溪群与其相应的江南古陆变质地层明确定位于新元古界。该年龄对重新界定“武陵运动”的时限和进行同期地层的区域对比、构造演化研究都有重要意义。冷家溪群与双桥山群、梵净山群、四堡群、双溪坞群一样,均为低变质绿片岩系,构成了江南古陆地区的变质基底。多年来冷家溪群一直划归中元古界,并且视为“武陵运动”的主体,其时代的定位将影响整个江南古陆变质基底的地层划分和对比,也将制约江南造山带的地质背景和成矿条件解疑。上述锆石U-Pb年龄不仅标示了湘东地区新元古代地层的时代,也为江南古陆中部变质基底提供了新的、精确的年代学数据。  相似文献   
刘卉  张宏福 《岩石学报》2022,38(12):3760-3770



西秦岭造山带广泛发育与三叠纪岩浆活动密切相关的金、铜、钼等多金属矿床, 表明该地区存在一期三叠纪大规模成矿事件, 但其成矿地球动力学背景一直存在争议。恰冬铜矿是西秦岭造山带内与早三叠世高镁安山岩有关的铜矿床。本文对高镁安山岩开展了锆石U-Pb年代学、岩石地球化学和Sr-Nd-Hf同位素分析, 对其岩石成因及构造环境进行了探讨, 以进一步约束西秦岭造山带三叠纪大规模成矿作用的地球动力学背景。安山岩的锆石U-Pb年龄为246.1±1.6Ma, 形成于早三叠世。岩石属于高钾钙碱性-钙碱性系列, SiO2含量为54.60% ~56.21%, 具有较高的MgO含量(3.78%~4.57%)和Mg#(49.7~62.1), 与日本Setouchi火山岩带中典型赞岐岩相类似。安山岩富集轻稀土元素(LREE)和Cs、Rb、U、Sr等大离子亲石元素(LILEs), 显著亏损Nb、Ta、Ti、P等高场强元素(HFSEs), 其初始87Sr/86Sr比值、εNd(t)值和锆石εHf(t)值分别为0.7073~0.7090、-9.72~-11.03和-2.1~-18.6, 是俯冲沉积物熔融产生的熔体与地幔楔发生交代反应的产物, 并经历了一定程度的结晶分异。以上研究表明, 恰冬铜矿高镁安山岩形成于早三叠世古特提斯洋俯冲背景下的活动大陆边缘环境。结合区域成矿资料分析, 西秦岭造山带在早-中三叠世处于洋壳俯冲环境, 发育岩浆-热液成矿系统。

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