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The crater lake of Kawah Ijen volcano contains extremely low pH (<0.4) waters with high SO4 (70000 mg/kg), Cl (21000 mg/kg), F (1500 mg/kg), Al (5000 mg/kg), Fe (2000 mg/kg) and trace metal (Cu 0.5, Zn 4, Pb 3 mg/kg) contents. These brines seep outward through the western crater rim and reappear on the other side as streamlets, which form the headwaters of the Banyupahit stream. The Banyupahit first mixes with fresh rivers and thermal springs in the Ijen caldera and then irrigates a coastal agricultural plain which is 30 km from the summit crater.We discuss the downstream composition changes affecting the Banyupahit waters by using stable isotope, chemical and mineralogical data collected from sites along the stream length. The saturation of the stream waters with respect to minerals was evaluated with SOLVEQ and WATEQ4F and compared with the geochemical observations. An aluminous mineralogy (alunogen, pickeringite, tamarugite and kalinite) develops in the upper part of the Banyupahit due to concentration of the headwaters by evaporation. Downstream attenuation of dissolved element concentrations results principally from dilution and from mineral precipitation. The stream pH changes from 0 at the source to >4 close to the mouth. The δD and δ18O values and the relative SO4–Cl–F contents of the Banyupahit waters indicate that the tributaries are mostly meteoric. Dissolved SO4 in the acidic stream come only from the crater lake seepages and are not involved later in microbially mediated reactions, as shown by their δ34S and δ18O values. Re-equilibration of the stream SO4 oxygen-isotope composition with H2O from tributaries does not occur.Calcium, SiO2, Al, Fe, K and SO4 behave non-conservatively in the stream waters. Gypsum, silica (amorphous or poorly ordered), a basic aluminum hydroxysulfate (basaluminite?), K-jarosite and amorphous ferric hydroxide may exert a solubility control on these elements along the entire stream length, or in certain stream sections, consistent with the thermochemical model results. Downstream concentration trends and mineral saturation levels suggest that precipitation of Sr-, Pb-rich barite and celestite consume Ba, Sr and Pb, whereas dissolved Cu, Pb and Zn may adsorb onto solid particles, especially after the junctions of the acidic stream with non-acidic rivers. We calculated that significant fluxes of SO4, F, Cl, Al, SiO2, Ti, Mn and Cu may reach the irrigation system, possibly causing serious environmental impacts such as soil acidification and induration.  相似文献   
陈荷生  李幼芬 《湖泊科学》1998,10(S1):59-66
According to the social and natural conditions of Taihu Lake Basin, the planning objectives and some ideas for water pollution prevention in Taihu Lake and its surrounding river-lake system are proposed.  相似文献   
In this work the development and the application of an operational management tool for the Greek Seas is described. This tool consists of a three-dimensional floating pollutant prediction model coupled with a weather, a hydrodynamic and a wave model in order to track the movements and the spreading of the pollutants and indicate those coastal areas which might be affected. The tool is part of the Poseidon system which has been designed to provide real time data and forecasts for marine environmental conditions in the Greek Seas. In this paper, we present four case studies based on realistic scenarios that show the value of the application for long-term strategic planning and short-term decision making in oil spill accidents.  相似文献   
某石化污染场地含水层自然降解BTEX能力评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地下水污染问题是国家关注的重要环境问题之一,监测与评估含水层自然降解污染物能力是防治地下水污染的基本手段,也是国外地下水中修复技术研究热点课题。以华北平原某石油化工类场地为案例,通过调查场地水文地质条件、土壤及地下水污染现状,监测场地地下水中苯系物(BTEX)浓度及相关化学参数变化,运用微生物水文地球化学方法和水文地质方法,估算了该场地含水层自然降解苯系物量。这一研究成果为评估我国石油类场地地下水污染的自然修复能力提供了实证和基础数据。  相似文献   
对2004-2007年在福建省南平市行政区域内发生的公路运输危险品污染事件进行统计分析,研究结果表明:南平市4年间共发生26起公路运输危险化学品事故,每年平均6.5起.其中夜间发生事故的比率为57.7%,夏季发生事故的比率为34.6%,35~45岁驾驶员年龄段事故发生率高达59.1%,驾龄在11~15年的为事故多发驾龄段,其发生率为45.5%,发生在弯道的事故占61.5%,超载发生事故的可能性为44.0%,占总数65.4%的事故对环境产生污染.205国道南平段发生危险化学品运输事故的概率为0.0124次/(a·km),发生危险化学品泄漏事件的可能性为0.0142次/(a·km),发生危险化学品1t以上大规模连续泄漏事件的概率为0.0098次/(a·km).  相似文献   
The Kwinana Coastal Fumigation Study took place inearly 1995 at Kwinana near Perth in Western Australia.The study involved surface and elevated meteorologicaland plume fumigation measurements in sea-breeze flowsnear the coast, and has yielded a comprehensive dataset that is suitable for assessing meteorological andplume dispersion models. In this paper, wesimulate the meteorology and turbulence on four casestudy days, and compare model results with thedetailed surface and aircraft measurements takenduring the study. These days had surface synopticwinds ranging from southerly to northeasterly, witheither stable or near-neutral temperature profilesover the sea.The model used was based on that developed by Hurley(Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 83, 43–73, 1997), but extended here to allow domain nesting,optional non-hydrostatic simulations, and a vegetativecanopy at the surface. The model was forced bystandard weather service synoptic data, and thesimulations have captured the essential features ofthe strong sea-breeze circulation observed on thesedays. The boundary-layer structure over the sea waspredicted to be near-neutral or stable in agreementwith the observations on the particular day. The windspeed and direction in the sea-breeze flow weregenerally predicted well, although the predictedmaximum inflow speed over the land was a little toohigh. The potential temperature was generallyover-predicted, but temperature gradients agreed well.Predicted turbulence levels in the bottom-half of thethermal internal boundary layer compared well to theobservations, but under-estimated the observations inthe in the upper half of this layer. Near-surfacemeasurements of meteorological variables werepredicted well over the entire diurnal cycle, althoughthe predicted sea-breeze onset was generally tooearly. A quantitative model evaluation for thenear-surface sites showed the model performance to bebetter than that from other studies, with Index ofAgreement (IOA) values of 0.8 (wind speed) and 0.96(temperature), compared with values of 0.5–0.6 (windspeed) and 0.33 (temperature) obtained from otherstudies.The availability of new higher resolution synopticanalyses should obviate the lack of spatial andtemporal resolution in synoptic inputs. Theincorporation of these higher resolution synopticinputs and new parameterisation schemes should improvefuture model performance.  相似文献   
韩立建 《地理科学进展》2018,37(8):1011-1021
快速的城市化和经济发展在改善我们物质生活的同时,也因其剧烈人为活动导致了严重的环境污染,尤其是近年来以细颗粒物(PM2.5)为首要污染物的城市与区域空气污染问题凸显。而传统的研究更注重孤立地开展空气污染或城市化的研究,缺乏对二者相互耦合关系的综合研究。本文以中国近年来广受关注的以PM2.5为首要污染物的城市空气污染为切入点,系统地分析总结了在城市化与PM2.5时空格局演变及其影响因素方面的主要研究进展,包括研究框架、主要方法和相关的主要研究成果等。指明该领域的研究已从空间格局分析逐步深入到健康影响、社会经济驱动等相关方向,并已延伸至复合主题的研究。未来,开展更为深入细致的研究,对于拓展城市与景观生态学的理论体系,了解城市化与城市空气质量的影响关系,解析不同城市发展阶段所面临的城市空气质量问题,将具有重要的科学与现实意义。  相似文献   
上海旱地农田氮磷随地表径流流失研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
选择上海宝山罗店镇具有代表性的旱地蔬菜农田生态系统,从2004年3月到8月的近半年时间里,通过对径流及径流中侵蚀泥沙的氮磷流失情况的连续监测,研究了旱地农田施肥与氮磷流失污染之间的关系,探讨了农田氮磷的迁移特征及环境效应,主要结果表明:当季施用化肥的地表径流总流失量,总氮为32.77kg/hm^2,总磷为8.1kg/hm^2,随径流排出农田的氮素中有37.7%是当季施用的氮素化肥,磷素中有26.9%是当季施用的磷素化肥;从过量施肥与环境污染之间的“因”与“果”来看,减量15%施肥区相比常规施肥区的茄子的产量减少2.7%,但是其污染负荷却减少了13.4%,表明在化肥利用的有效性上或增施化肥与控制环境污染之间,应该寻找一个最佳的平衡点。  相似文献   
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