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王明娜  向友珍 《地下水》2008,30(4):21-23
现代灌溉引水工程的发展,改善了灌区的农业用水条件,但同时改变了灌区上的自然生态环境、地质条件与水文地质条件等。分阶段总结了地下水的相关研究与应用;剖析了地下水调控的必要性与重要性;分析了地下水调控研究现状;最后通过总结给出了进一步研究的建议。  相似文献   
洞穴完井工艺在寿阳地区煤层气钻井中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
洞穴完井工艺包括钻井、完井、排水采气等工序,为提高煤层渗透率,最大限度的保证煤层气解析与运移,洞穴完井一般要求有效井径3-4m,及一定范围的破碎带。远东能源公司为开采寿阳地区15#煤层中的煤层气,部署了4口生产井.其井身设计为三开结构。钻井主要设备为T685WS顶驱车载钻机及多台不同型号的空压机,采用潜孔锤冲击钻进.以空气、空气泡沫为冲洗介质,钻进至15#目标煤层底板以下46m处完钻,然后利用可伸缩式扩孔器进行扩孔。在扩孔至距三开井底8~10m时.开始采用空气和清水憋压,通过瞬间释放压力,使煤层坍塌,如此反复,至造穴直径达到要求。由于严格按照技术标准及操作流程作业,采取的技术措施合理,4口井均已顺利投入生产,增产效果显著。可见该种洞穴完井技术的应用,不仅可以保护煤层原生结构及环境,并且还能减少煤层气射孔、压裂等环节的费用.对于煤层气井施工具有重要的经济意义。  相似文献   
依托“西部煤炭资源高精度三维地震勘探技术”工程,对晋城矿区进行了旨在提高小断层,小陷落柱探测能力的高密度三维地震勘探。根据面元选择因素及该区地质任务,采用5m×5m网格进行野外数据采集;考虑炮检距、方位角、覆盖次数、排列片横纵比及煤层埋深(350~500m)等因素,采用中点放炮、60道接收,24次覆盖(横向4次,纵向6次)的8线16炮束状观测系统,基岩中激发。原始资料经同一处理流程后,获得5m×5m×1ms、5m×10m×1ms、10m×10m×1ms及2.5m×2.5m×1ms不同单元的三维数据体多个,通过对比可以发现小断层,小陷落柱在其小面元叠加时间剖面、顺层切片及相干切片都有清晰的反映。实例说明,小面元采集技术可以提高对小构造的纵、横向分辨能力,满足山区对三维地震精确勘探的要求。  相似文献   
对九岭区地质灾害发育的基本特征及其地质环境条件进行了概述,并对其形成条件进行了相关性分析;通过对地质灾害发育的基本规律、控制因素、触发因素与地质灾害关系的分析,采用环境地质学原理,建立区域地质灾害空间预测模型,圈定九岭区地质灾害的危险性分区,为实时地质灾害时间预警预报圈定有效的空间靶区。预测单元采用规则的栅格(500m×500m),共14415个单元;评价指标主要包括地形地貌、工程地质岩类、地质构造、破坏地质环境人类工程活动等四大类26个因子;利用GIS技术,提取出相关的数据信息;信息量预测方程:Ii=-1.164X1-0.999X2-0.681X3 …… 0.203X25-0.135X26(其中X1、X2、X3、…X26取1或0,即某单元中存在某种因素时取1、否则取0),据此计算出各单元格的信息量;根据地质灾害危险性分区临界指标,确定单元格的地质灾害危险性等级;合并同类项,并考虑类似的地质、自然环境具有类似的地质灾害问题的原则,进行归并与单元边界线的修改,得出九岭区地质灾害危险性分区。  相似文献   
One of the most significant water resources in the Republic of Croatia is the catchment area of the Kupa River, located in the region bordering the Republic of Slovenia. About 88% of the total amount of water in this catchment originates in Croatia and just 12% from Slovenia; therefore, the largest part of the catchment area (about 1000 km2) is on the Croatian side of the border. It is a typical karst area of the Dinarides with aquifers characterized by a relatively rapid water exchange, high groundwater flow velocities and aquifers open to human impact from the surface. Consequently, the aquifers are highly vulnerable and at risk. Due to the availability of large quantities of high-quality spring water (about 6 m3/s), the entire area has a strategic importance within the context of any future development strategy pertaining to the western part of Croatia. The catchment area on the Croatian side was investigated using a wide range of research methods that included a classical hydrogeological approach, the detailed hydrologic calculation of water balance to the hydrogeochemical analyses and modelling. The objective was to determine protection zones and protection measures for the whole area. The difficulties are increased due to the fact that the karst catchment area is crossed by major traffic corridors, oil pipelines and a railway and that many settlements and a highly developed wood industry are present. The combination of protecting water resources with adequate prevention measures and necessary remedial activities that should satisfy the very strict requirements necessary for the protection of the karst aquifers while still allowing for present and future human activities is difficult – but not impossible – to achieve. One good example is the present highway with a closed dewatering system and waste water treatment before the water passes into the karst underground system.  相似文献   
以中国科学院盐亭紫色土农业生态试验站小流域为例,研究不同土壤侵蚀沉积地段(斜坡和沟谷不同部位)的土壤结构特征,以了解侵蚀沉积对土壤结构的影响。结果表明,在植被覆盖较好的坡体顶部,土壤侵蚀较弱,团聚度达到30.1%,MWD变化为3.4mm,土壤结构良好;沟谷底部由于沉积而有较多细土物质并具有适宜的水分条件,有利于土壤团聚体的形成,结构状况亦较好,团聚度达到50.3%,结构保持率为35.4%;而坡腰侵蚀较严重,团聚度仅为13.6%,结构保持率为14.1%,土壤结构状况较差。  相似文献   
尚洪田 《中国煤田地质》2006,18(4):25-26,52
分析了洪山预测区西部洪山岩体地质特征及其向外围扩散的范围和程度,研究了北掌勘查区和焦窑煤矿两邻区煤层受岩浆岩影响的程度,认为洪山岩体对预测区煤系及煤层赋存的影响较小,岩体外围仍有煤系赋存。为下一步找煤指明了方向。  相似文献   
Slurry pipe jacking was firmly established as a special method for the non-disruptive construction of the underground pipelines of sewage systems. Pipe jacking, in its traditional form, has occasionally been used for short railways, roads, rivers, and other projects. Basically the system involves the pushing or thrusting of concrete pipes into the ground by a number of jacks. In slurry pipe jacking, during the pushing process, mud slurry and lubricant are injected into the face and the over cutting area that is between the concrete pipes and the surrounding soil. Next, the slurry fills voids and the soil stabilizes due to the created slurry cake around the pipes. Fillings also reduce the jacking force or thrust during operation. When the drivage and pushing processes are finished, a mortar injection into the over cutting area is carried out in order to maintain permanent stability of the surrounding soil and the over cutting area. Successful lubrication around the pipes is extremely important in a large diameter slurry pipe jacking operation. Control of lubrication and gaps between pipes and soil can prevent hazards such as surface settlement and increases in thrust. Also, to find voids around the pipes after the jacking process, in order to inject mortar for permanent stabilizing, an investigation around the pipes is necessary. To meet these aims, this paper is concerned with the utilization of known methods such as the GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) system and borehole camera to maintain control of the over cutting area and lubricant distribution around the pipes during a site investigation. From this point of view, experiments were carried out during a tunnel construction using one of the largest cases of slurry pipe jacking in Fujisawa city, Japan. The advantages and disadvantages of each system were clarified during the tests.  相似文献   
福建省滨海火电厂地质灾害问题及风险控制探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滨海火力发电厂工程主要包括厂区建筑、码头、管道、取排水、填海和贮灰场等工程。其主要面临着福建省海岸带构造运动、断裂及地震活动、港湾淤积、海底滑坡、软土地基、海底活动地貌、基岩不均匀风化以及人类工程活动等主要的灾害性地质因素。通过对这些因素潜在的致灾特点分析,提出了滨海火电厂地质灾害风险控制应包括选址阶段地质灾害风险回避、设计施工阶段地质灾害风险处理及运行阶段地质灾害风险监控等3方面。地质灾害风险评估是滨海火电厂地质灾害风险控制的首要任务。针对滨海电厂工程的特点,评估内容应着重于地质灾害危险性评估及易损性评估。选址阶段地质灾害风险回避主要是对构造不稳定的回避。地质灾害风险处理主要是电厂工程的基础处理及管道抗冲刷处理。电厂运行阶段地质灾害风险监控主要是对建筑物基础稳定性及海域冲淤变化的监控。  相似文献   
A. Wezel  S. Bender 《GeoJournal》2002,57(4):241-249
In the Alexander von Humboldt National Park in eastern Cuba many endemic animals and plants are found in various different natural habitats, which are considered to be the most important ones for in-situ conservation in the entire Insular Caribbean. In some areas of the National Park agriculture is practised. Thus, the objective of this study was to document and analyse the different land use activities and their consequences for local resource management and conservation of biodiversity in two village areas. A particular question was: what has changed since the foundation of the National Park in 1996? As time series data for land use and aerial photographs were not available for this part of Cuba, a qualitative evaluation was carried out. For this, six different land use units were mapped in 2001 and additional information gathered for areas with special interest related to sustainable land use and resource conservation. Although most parts of the study area are influenced to various degrees by human impact, the different types of land use seem presently not to have a crucial or detrimental impact on the land resources of the Alexander von Humboldt National Park. However, exploitation of the natural resources in certain areas could be improved with different management options to reach sustainability as well as to meet the conservation objectives of the National Park. This includes reduced or abandoned agricultural use of steep slopes to reduce erosion risk as well as a facilitated regeneration of natural vegetation in many parts of the study area to be able to conserve the high valuable biodiversity of the Park. Environmental education seems to have played an important and successful role since the foundation of the Park in 1996. Since then, cropping on steep slopes as well as illegal logging and poaching could be reduced.  相似文献   
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