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滇中富民县宝石洞岩溶地下河洞穴景观系统规模适中,洞内岩溶景观千姿百态,洞中有宝(玛瑙),洞外有优美的生态环境和多元民族宗教文化以及潜在的温泉资源,加上优越的交通区位,旅游要素集群度较高,具较高开发价值.文章根据宝石洞地区区域地质背景,分析了该地区区域地史演化特征,根据本次对宝石洞的实地探测成果,总结了宝石洞旅游地质特征...  相似文献   
A geophysical investigation of a landfill area was conducted as inextricable phase of a preliminary geotechnical, geological and hydrogeological study of the area under investigation. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), one of the most promising prospecting techniques mainly concerning its effective contribution to resolve several environmental problems, was applied for the geophysical modeling. ERT is a robust imaging method the theory and implementation of which are well documented in geophysical research literature. The survey site is located in Akrotirion Peninsula, about 7 km east of Chania city in Crete I. The geological setting comprises Trypalion limestones, marly limestones and a clayed weathered layer. Cavities are also identified at various scales which are recent tectono-karstic voids. Due to the above-mentioned geological singularity and in the light of the requirement for an environmentally safe construction of the landfill, an ERT survey was carried out. Specifically, seven geoelectrical tomographies were conducted reaching the prospecting depth of 36 m. The resulted images conduced, to overcome geotechnical problems since the spatial distribution of karstic voids was determined, to plan the future sites for waste disposal as the geological conditions were studied in detail and to reliably estimate the thickness of the already deposited wastes. The resulted images were confirmed using available borehole logs and ambient noise measurements.  相似文献   
The resistivity method is often used in cave prospecting. In this paper the pole–dipole array ability to detect cavities at different depths and with different water contents is investigated. The research was performed using analogical and numerical modelling. According to the results, empty caves at a depth less than four times its diameter can be easily detected. The ability of the pole–dipole array to detect water-filled caves reaches a minimum at filling percentages of 30–50%. Overburden effects research shows that low resistivity overburden reduces the resolution capability of the array. This study shows that equivalent results can be obtained by modelling the empty caves as infinite resistivity bodies or, alternatively, as very high resistivity ones. The analysis of field data acquired in the Maciço Calcário Estremenho (Portugal) shows the practical importance of the pole–dipole array in cavities prospecting.  相似文献   
Uranium-series ages have been obtained for 87 speleothems collected from nine major cave systems in the Craven district of northern England. Large systems such as Ease Gill Caverns, the West Kingsdale caves, and Gaping Gill-Ingleborough Cave, which contain relict high-level tunnels, are found to be older than 350,000 years (the limit of the 230Th/234U dating method). There is little evidence to indicate a significant enlargement of these passages since this time. Estimates of the age of Victoria Cave from 234U/238U isotopic ratios suggest that the cave has been fully relict for more than 500,000 years. Ages of in situ speleothems immediately adjacent to local base level cave streams show that mean maximum downcutting rates in limestone channels are about 2 to 5 cm 1000 yr. These rates are significantly lower than those obtained from direct measurements on limestone bedrock in stream channels but are comparable to areal denudation rates based on solute budgets. Using the present elevation of caves with respect to adjacent valley floor levels, mean maximum valley entrenchment rates are found to range between 5 cm/ky and < 20cm/ky, which corresponds to 6 m to < 24 m of lowering per glacial/interglacial cycle. These rates suggest that upper beds of the limestone were incised to form the Yorkshire Dales between 1 and 2 million years ago. The results indicate that the erosional effects of individual glaciations are not as severe as previously proposed in the literature.  相似文献   
Dolomite is a common mineral in the rock record but rare in recent superficial environments. Where it does occur, it is related to anoxic, sulfate-rich environments and microbial activity. The occurrence of some dolomite deposits in caves, however, indicates that dolomite formation is also possible in oxic, non-sulfate settings. Dolomite is forming at 17 °C and in oxic-vadose conditions on the host rocks and aragonite speleothems of the Castañar Cave, Cáceres, Spain. It appears as spheroids and dumbbells 50–300 μm in diameter that internally consist of micron-sized rhombic to rounded crystals. Initially this dolomite is Ca-rich, non-stoichiometric and poorly ordered. Mg-rich solutions allow the precipitation of metastable Mg-rich carbonates, such as huntite. This soon transforms into this Ca-rich dolomite, which later “ages” to form a more stoichiometric dolomite. These dolomites show similarities to those grown under anoxic, sulfate-rich conditions and their presence in caves provides a different setting that may contribute to the understanding of the “dolomite problem”, including their initial formation and later recrystallization processes.  相似文献   
褒禅山华阳洞主体发育于二叠系栖霞组灰岩中,是含山地区重要的地质遗迹之一。笔者从区域地质演化过程入手,针对岩溶洞穴发育的物质基础、局部构造条件、水流的定向溶蚀及新构造运动等方面进行综合研究,简要分析了华阳洞的形成机理,并从地学研究、旅游价值等方面阐述了对其保护的重要意义。  相似文献   
基于辽宁暖和洞年层石笋NH5的7个230 Th年龄和962个碳同位素数据,建立了10.6~3.5kaBP时段全新世气候及生态演化的δ13 C序列,其长期演化趋势与北大西洋海表温度变化基本一致。该记录表明,10.6~8.8kaBP,δ13 C值逐渐负偏,由-9.4‰降至-10.3‰,气候逐渐转暖湿;8.8~6.7kaBP,δ13 C值负偏显著,平均值为-11.3‰,此时,气候温暖湿润,对应于全新世适宜期,纹层计数显示其持续时间约为1 945a;6.7~3.5kaBP,δ13 C值显著正偏,由-11.3‰升至-8.3‰,干旱化趋势明显。石笋δ18 O时间序列显示出相似的变化趋势。在6.7kaBP前后,δ13 C、δ18 O均快速正偏,纹层计数显示约在40a内完成气候由暖湿到冷干的突变转型,可能是由于北大西洋海表温度降低和植被-大气系统的反馈作用对太阳辐射减少具有放大效应。  相似文献   
In the present paper, we describe the genetic mechanism that causes the precipitation of raft cones in caves. These speleothems usually form in a hydrothermal and epiphreatic environment where dripwater, dripping repeatedly over the same spot, sinks calcite rafts that were floating on the water surface of a cave pool. In particular, the paper describes a new variety of raft cones that were recently discovered in the Paradise Chamber of the Sima de la Higuera Cave (Murcia, south‐eastern Spain) based on their morphological and morphometric characteristics. These speleothems, dubbed ‘double‐tower cones’, have a notch in the middle and look like two cones, one superimposed over the other. The genetic mechanism that gave rise to the double‐tower cones must include an intermediate stage of rapid calcite raft precipitation, caused by a drop in the water table and by changes in cave ventilation leading to greater carbon dioxide (CO2) degassing and evaporation over the surface of the thermal lake where these speleothems formed. Calcite rafts were deposited in Paradise Chamber, completely covering many of the cones. Later, conditions for slower calcite raft precipitation were restored and some of the cones continued to grow at the same points. When the water table finally fell below the level of Paradise Chamber, the tower cones became exposed, as the incongruent deposits of calcite rafts were dissolved and mobilized to lower cave levels. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
喀斯特洞穴窝穴作为洞穴小形态的一种,记录了喀斯特地区地下河的演变过程和洞穴的发育状况。通过对双河洞系统中阴河洞、响水洞洞穴窝穴的规模、形态大小进行统计,对比了两洞穴窝穴形态的差异性并分析其成因。结果表明:在规模上,阴河洞窝穴分布面积较小,但窝穴数量相当可观,响水洞窝穴分布数量巨大,范围广泛,成千上万的窝穴沿洞穴通道两侧分布;在平面形态上,阴河洞内窝穴扁率要高于响水洞;在垂直剖面上,阴河洞内窝穴深宽比要比响水洞的偏大,且阴河洞窝穴以“V”型、倒“Ω”型窝穴为主,响水洞窝穴以倒“Ω”型窝穴为主,这与两洞穴水动力条件、地质构造、推移质、基岩、风化溶蚀作用等因素的不同密切相关。  相似文献   
岭南东江流域晚更新世哺乳动物化石的新发现   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
近年在南岭以南的广东东江流域河源地区东源县上莞镇的碧寿洞中发现较丰富的古哺乳动物牙齿化石。经鉴定为6个目5属5种,称之为碧寿动物群。根据碧寿动物群指示的古生态、化石层位、热释光测试结果和生物地层对比初步认为,该动物群与西江流域的罗沙岩动物群一样,都属于晚更新世时期的大熊猫—剑齿象动物群,生活在MIS5a时的间冰期,但罗沙岩动物群的时代略早,为(79.0±15)kaBP,而碧寿动物群则存在于末次冰期/末次间冰期之交的MIS5a之末叶。此动物群为广东东江流域历年首现,代表了当时的热带北缘森林草原的自然环境。  相似文献   
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