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龙门石窟文物区岩体波动测试与分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了波动测试的原理及方法,并通过波动测试以及数学力学的类比法,确定了龙门石窟岩体的动态力学参数,为分析龙门石窟文物区岩体的动态性能与稳定性提供了资料及依据。  相似文献   
δ18O of a stalagmite collected from Shihua Cave, 50 km southwest of Beijing is analyzed. The uppermost 2 cm was sampled at about 3-year intervals by a computer-controlled microsampling device. A total of 133 samples were analyzed, covering the last 480 years. A comparison of the δ18O record with the instrumentally recorded precipitation in Beijing and Tianjin back to 1840 AD shows that high precipitation correlates with negative δ18O peaks. The long-term δ18O trend records temperature changes. Between 1620 and 1900 AD, the temperature was cooler than the average value for the 480-year record, corresponding to the Little Ice Age. Temperatures warmer than the average prevailed during 1520–1620 and 1900—present. Superimposed on the long-term trend are about 14 δ18O cycles of 30–40-year periodicity, with wet periods centered around 1985, 1955, 1910, 1880, 1840, 1800, 1760, 1730, 1690, 1660, 1630, 1600, 1560 and 1530 AD. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 9615875).  相似文献   
Fine-grained sedimentation in caves often occurs by the parallel accretion of laminations upon the underlying bedforms. These laminations show remarkable persistence in unit thickness and grain size in a down-passage direction. A translatory flow mechanism ofdeposition is postulated which results in the rhythmic pulsing of sediment-laden water into subterranean lakes in response to variations in surface climate. The sediments are pulsed into standing water via multiple inputs, often resulting in coarser sediment being deposited on steeper slopes than on more gentle slopes. The final extension of this sediment input is the complete filling of the cave passage to the roof. The problem of sediment stability on steep slopes remains an unanswered anomaly.  相似文献   
重庆酉阳伏羲洞不仅发育有洁白无瑕似千秋田的“边石坝”、酷似人脚的“仙人脚”、神似清朝将领佩戴的“将军帽”等独特的景观,而且洞穴规模宏伟、形态险峻秀美,洞宽多在10~20m,高多在20~35m,其中的“伏羲大厅”直径达130m,高达85m;龙宫石瀑布高43m,宽93m;擎天石柱高26m,直径3.5m;地下河川流不息,池水觥筹交错。为了充分发挥伏羲洞景观资源优势,促进酉阳旅游业的发展,本文在分析酉阳伏羲洞景观资源特色、资源价值的基础上,提出了突出“神秘”特色、强化科普性与趣味性,以及以人为本,尊重自然生态,开发与保护并重的开发规划理念。与此同时,还认为灯光配套对突出伏羲洞“神秘”特色具有举足轻重的作用。布光上,对峡谷洞壁形态可采用白、蓝、浅绿、青等不同色调来分层次展示;对地下河宜用淡绿色光表现;对流石、钟乳石等景观可采用冷、暖光相结合;对于伏羲大厅鳞次栉比的岩层纹理可采用白光处理。   相似文献   
Stable isotope data on humid tropical hydrology are scarce and, at present, no such data exist for Borneo. Delta18O, δ2H and δ13C were analysed on 22 water samples from different parts of the Sungai (river) Niah basin (rain, cave drip, rainforest pool, tributary stream, river, estuary, sea) in north‐central Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. This was done to improve understanding of the modern stable isotope systematics of the Sungai Niah basin, essential for the palaeoenvironmental interpretation of the Late Quaternary stable isotope proxies preserved in the Great Cave of Niah. The Niah hydrology data are put into a regional context using the meteoric water line for Southeast Asia, as derived from International Atomic Energy Agency/World Meteorological Organization isotopes in precipitation network data. Although the Niah hydrological data‐set is relatively small, spatial isotopic variability was found for the different subenvironments of the Sungai Niah basin. A progressive enrichment occurs towards the South China Sea (δ18O ?4·6‰; δ2H ?29·3‰; δ13C ?4·8‰) from the tributary stream (δ18O ?8·4‰; δ2H ?54·7‰; δ13C ?14·5‰) to up‐river (δ18O c. ?8‰; δ2H c. ?51‰; δ13C c. ?12‰) and down‐river values (δ18O c. ?7·5‰; δ2H c. ?45‰; δ13C c. ?11‰). This is thought to reflect differential evaporation and mixing of different components of the water cycle and a combination of depleted biogenic δ13C (plant respiration and decay) with enriched δ13C values (due to photosynthesis, atmospheric exchange, mixing with limestone and marine waters) downstream. Cave drip waters are relatively enriched in δ13C as compared to the surface waters. This may indicate rapid degassing of the cave drips as they enter the cave atmosphere. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Dansgaard-Oeschger event 4(DO4 event) is a significant warming event that occurred in the late Marine Isotope Stage 3. At present,there are different understandings about the detailed characteristics and internal structures of the DO4 event. Based on 6 precisely-dated 230Th ages and 188 oxygen isotope data of a stalagmite(No.XYⅢ-28)from the Xianyun Cave,Fujian Province,we present δ18O time series with an average resolution of 7 yr from 29.13 to 27.94 kyr B.P. Our new stalagmites δ18O records uncover the detailed processes of the DO4 event. The onset and end time of the DO4 event recorded by the stalagmite δ18O is 28.83±0.06 and 28.46±0.06 kyr B.P.,respectively, and the duration is 0.37±0.06 kyr. Differential with abrupt change of NGRIP ice core δ18O record at the onset of DO4 based on the GICC05 layer count time scale,the Xianyun Cave δ18O shows a relatively slow change. The Xianyun stalagmite δ18O values negatively shift by 0.4‰ within 145±60 yr,which indicates that the Xianyun Cave was likely affected by the ocean-atmosphere coupling of the tropical. In addition,the Xianyun stalagmite δ18O reveals a series of sub-million-scale summer monsoon enhancement events in and around the DO4 event,corresponding to the NGRIP ice core δ18O record and the Arabian Sea basin record. Our results suggest that the East Asian summer monsoon is related to the north-high latitude temperature and the ITCZ position changes on the sub-millennium-scale event.  相似文献   
湖北郧西黄龙洞古人类石器技术与生存行为探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
湖北郧西黄龙洞古人类遗址自2004年发现以来已进行过3次系统发掘,出土了距今约10万年的晚期智人牙齿化石、哺乳动物化石和38件石制品。文章从类型、原料、剥片技术、加工技术等方法对石制品进行综合分析。结果表明,黄龙洞古人类选择围岩内部的石英质岩脉和洞外河流形成的河卵石进行剥片和加工石器,类型包括石锤、石核、石片、石器、断块和碎屑等,个体以中小型居多;锤击法为剥片基本方法,砸击法被少量使用;石器多为片状毛坯制作而成,刮削器是石器的主要类型,此外还有手镐、砍砸器、石锥和雕刻器等,石器为锤击法单向简单加工而成。另外,结合洞穴自然环境、动物化石埋藏及考古分析等证据,探讨了古人类于更新世晚期对黄龙洞的利用方式和生存行为。  相似文献   
利用观测数据,运用非线性统计-动力学方法,反演系统各因子之间的相互关系,建立了东亚亚热带季风变化的动力方程,为研究东亚亚热带季风的驱动机制提供了量化参考。研究发现:过去2 000 a东亚亚热带季风是多因子通过反馈机制相互作用影响且具有耦合效应的复杂非线性动力系统,其驱动力主要来源于普若岗日冰芯δ18О代表的青藏高原热力作用强迫、太阳黑子活动、ENSO、温室气体单因子CO2和CH4浓度、北极温度和CH4及北极温度与7月太阳辐射的耦合作用机制;反馈调节作用主要源于7月太阳辐射与太阳黑子活动、CH4浓度、中国陆地地表温、CH4与7月太阳辐射以及CO2和CH4的耦合调节作用。并通过动力反演机制推论热带西太平洋对亚热带季风有一定驱动作用,但并不是主要驱动力,即驱动亚热带季风变化的主源地并不在热带西太平洋海区,石笋δ18О指代的也主要是夏季风信息。  相似文献   
广东英德宝晶宫CO2浓度的时空变化特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于2011年12月至2013年4月每月一次对广东英德宝晶宫溶洞洞穴空气CO2浓度进行监测,结果显示洞穴空气CO2浓度存在明显的空间变化和季节变化。洞内空气CO2浓度在201×10-6?3 450×10-6之间变化,年平均值为1 018×10-6。在空间上,越靠近洞口或者通风效应越强的地方洞穴空气CO2浓度越低。在季节变化上,表现为洞穴空气CO2浓度在夏半年(5-10月)高而在冬半年(11-4月)低的特点。洞穴空气CO2浓度变化主要受洞穴通风效应和气候变化导致的植被呼吸作用和土壤微生物活动变化的影响。此外,宝晶宫特殊的洞穴结构及游客等因素也对该溶洞CO2浓度变化形成了一定的影响。  相似文献   
川东北楼房洞洞穴环境时空变化与影响因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于2011年8月―2012年6月的实地监测数据,文章报道了川东北楼房洞溶洞系统气温、相对湿度(RH)、CO2体积分数、水体电导率(EC)和pH值等为期近1年的监测结果,并对其影响因素进行了分析。结果显示楼房洞洞穴系统环境存在明显的空间变化和季节变化:1)洞穴内的气温变化幅度比洞穴外小,洞穴内夏季气温比冬季高出3~5℃;2)在洞穴内,相对湿度在地下河附近小于在水池附近,显示了地下河对洞穴环境的显著影响;3)洞内监测点SLPB和QCMY处的相对湿度与空气温度出现明显相反的变化趋势,反映主要受气温控制的特点;4)雨季期间SLPB、QCMY和LZLY处的CO2体积分数出现峰值,是较强的生物呼吸作用、“泵”效应和较弱的通风效应等因素综合影响的结果;5)pH值的变化趋势在洞穴内外各监测点一致,原因可能是夏秋季节基岩溶蚀较强所致。6)洞内各监测点的EC值也是夏秋季节高于冬春季节,反映了气候变化导致的化学溶蚀作用可能是影响离子含量的主要因素。  相似文献   
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