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阿克苏河源区的冰川融水和冰湖溃决洪水, 对我国境内阿克苏河乃至整个塔里木河的径流补给及下游的防洪安全都有着举足轻重的作用. 萨雷扎兹-库玛拉克河的麦茨巴赫冰川湖(Merzbacher Lake)为众多冰川湖中最大的一个, 同时又是频繁发生突发性溃决洪水的冰湖, 在1932-2008年的67 a内发生溃决突发性洪水62次, 其频率高达92.5 %以上. 随着气温的变暖, 冰川减薄后退, 冰川融水增多、 冰湖库容增加, 洪水总量在不断增大. 冰川洪水的总量已经由1960-1970年代的1×10~8m~3左右, 增加到1990年以来的3×10~8~4×1~8m~3 , 最高达5×1~8m~3 多; 年最大流量1990年代较1950年代增多37%, 洪水频率也在不断增加. 库玛拉克河流域冰川物质平衡变化也对冰湖溃决洪水影响很大, 冰川消融的越多, 产生的冰川洪水洪峰也越大. 随着全球气候进一步变暖, 将会加大下游的防洪压力. 所以, 要加强冰川消融观测及冰湖水位的监测, 建立预警系统, 进行冰湖溃决洪水预报, 为下游的防洪安全和水电安全运行提供科技支持.  相似文献   
The oxygen isotopic composition of carbonate in lakes has been used as a useful indicator in Palaeolimnological research, and has made some important contributions to our understanding of lacustrine systems. For modern lakes in arid or cold areas, however, there are few data available to test the effect of lake salinity and temperature on the oxygen isotopic composition of various carbonate sources such as ostracod, bulk carbonate, and fine-grained carbonate (< 60 μm). Here we examined the oxygen isotopic composition of ostracods, bulk carbonate, and fine-grained carbonates, as well as that of coexisting water from Lake Qinghai and the smaller surrounding lakes and ponds on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. Our investigation highlights three key effects. First, the oxygen isotopic composition of ostracods, bulk carbonate, and fine-grained carbonate in the lakes and ponds shows a clear response to lake water δ18O values, and these vary with water salinity. The relationship between lake water δ18O and salinity is not only dominated by the evaporation/freshwater input ratios, but is also controlled by the distance to the mouth of the major rivers supplying to the lake. Second, the ostracod, bulk carbonate, and fine-grained carbonate show similar isotopic change trends in the study area, and oxygen isotopic differences between ostracods and authigenic carbonate may be explained by the different water temperatures and very small ‘vital offsets’ of ostracods. Finally, the effect of water depth on temperature leads to increasing δ18O values in carbonates as water depth increases, both in benthic ostracods living on the lake bottom, as well as in bulk carbonate precipitated at the water surface.For arid, high-altitude Lake Qinghai, our results suggest that variations in the δ18O values of carbonate in Lake Qinghai are mainly controlled by the oxygen-isotope ratio of the lake water changing with water salinity. As a secondary effect, increasing water depth leads to cooler bottom and surface water, which may result in more positive δ18O values of ostracod and bulk carbonate.  相似文献   
近30年巢湖流域土地利用变化及其驱动力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地利用与覆被变化(LUCC)是全球变化的重要内容和主要表现之一,LUCC研究已成为全球变化研究的前沿和热点问题。基于多时相的TM影像数据,从流域尺度研究了巢湖流域的土地利用变化,分析探讨了土地利用变化的社会经济驱动力。研究结果表明,1979~2008年间巢湖流域的土地利用发生了比较明显的变化,主要表现在耕地锐减和建设用地激增;经济发展、城镇化、工业化、人口增加是造成巢湖流域土地利用变化的主要驱动力。  相似文献   
兹格塘错是一个内陆封闭型湖泊,位于藏北高原腹地,处于西南季风作用边缘地带。由于流域内无冰川分布,湖泊补给主要靠大气降水,因此水体的扩张与收缩能够直接反映西南季风的变化。半干旱气候地区湖泊沉积物碳酸盐含量能够敏感地反映水体的扩张与收缩。兹格塘错沉积物碳酸盐含量高,与可溶盐(氯离子与硫酸根离子)含量变化结合能更好地揭示水体的演化阶段。分析结果表明,在9.3~8.9calkaBP、8.3~7.8calkaBP、5.0~4.7calkaBP、4.0~3.8calkaBP和3.1~2.7calkaBP碳酸盐含量出现大幅度下降,指示湖泊淡化、水位升高。但在3.8calkaBP左右碳酸盐含量和可溶盐(氯离子与硫酸根离子)含量同时出现峰值,指示出湖泊水体盐度升高、水位出现下降;近1calkaBP以来,碳酸盐与可溶盐含量都呈现逐渐下降趋势,表明湖泊水体逐渐淡化、水位缓慢上升的过程。但近100a来可溶盐含量上升,指示出湖泊水体的不断浓缩和水位下降过程,这和近百年的气候暖干化过程是一致的。兹格塘错沉积岩心碳酸盐含量全新世以来5次极低事件,有力地证明青藏高原西南季风在全新世期间的不稳定性。  相似文献   
Lake Teletskoye occupies a narrow graben located in the northwestern sector of the Altai fold belt in South Siberia. The lake basin is thought to have formed during the Pleistocene as a distant result of the Cenozoic collision of India and Eurasia that caused a tectonic reactivation of the Palaeozoic Gorny–Altai (GA) and West Sayan (WS) blocks.The present work reports of a pilot fission-track study performed on 13 apatite separates collected from rocks that were sampled along two profiles in close proximity of the lake. The age–length data and AFT thermochronological modelling reveal two important phases of cooling in the Altai Mountains, a first one during the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous and a second one that started in the Miocene–Pliocene and that persists until today. The first event is interpreted to result from uplift-induced denudation probably related to the closure of the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean; the second event can be linked to the young Cenozoic movements that lie at the origin of the formation of the Lake Teletskoye basin.  相似文献   
Field investigations at Dugway Proving Ground in western Utah have produced new data on the chronology and human occupation of late Pleistocene and early Holocene lakes, rivers, and wetlands in the Lake Bonneville basin. We have classified paleo-river channels of these ages as “gravel channels” and “sand channels.” Gravel channels are straight to curved, digitate, and have abrupt bulbous ends. They are composed of fine gravel and coarse sand, and are topographically inverted (i.e., they stand higher than the surrounding mudflats). Sand channels are younger and sand filled, with well-developed meander-scroll morphology that is truncated by deflated mudflat surfaces. Gravel channels were formed by a river that originated as overflow from the Sevier basin along the Old River Bed during the late regressive phases of Lake Bonneville (after 12,500 and prior to 11,000 14C yr B.P.). Dated samples from sand channels and associated fluvial overbank and wetland deposits range in age from 11,000 to 8800 14C yr B.P., and are probably related to continued Sevier-basin overflow and to groundwater discharge. Paleoarchaic foragers occupied numerous sites on gravel-channel landforms and adjacent to sand channels in the extensive early Holocene wetland habitats. Reworking of tools and limited toolstone diversity is consistent with theoretical models suggesting Paleoarchaic foragers in the Old River Bed delta were less mobile than elsewhere in the Great Basin.  相似文献   
The Dead Sea is a terminal lake of one of the largest hydrological systems in the Levant and may thus be viewed as a large rain gauge for the region. Variations of its level are indicative of the climate variations in the region. Here, we present the decadal- to centennial-resolution Holocene lake-level curve of the Dead Sea. Then we determine the regional hydroclimatology that affected level variations. To achieve this goal we compare modern natural lake-level variations and instrumental rainfall records and quantify the hydrology relative to lake-level rise, fall, or stability. To quantify that relationship under natural conditions, rainfall data pre-dating the artificial Dead Sea level drop since the 1960s are used. In this respect, Jerusalem station offers the longest uninterrupted pre-1960s rainfall record and Jerusalem rains serve as an adequate proxy for the Dead Sea headwaters rainfall. Principal component analysis indicates that temporal variations of annual precipitation in all stations in Israel north of the current 200 mm yr−1 average isohyet during 1940–1990 are largely synchronous and in phase (70% of the total variance explained by PC1). This station also represents well northern Jordan and the area all the way to Beirut, Lebanon, especially during extreme drought and wet spells. We (a) determine the modern, and propose the past regional hydrology and Eastern Mediterranean (EM) climatology that affected the severity and length of droughts/wet spells associated with multiyear episodes of Dead Sea level falls/rises and (b) determine that EM cyclone tracks were different in average number and latitude in wet and dry years in Jerusalem. The mean composite sea level pressure and 500-mb height anomalies indicate that the potential causes for wet and dry episodes span the entire EM and are rooted in the larger-scale northern hemisphere atmospheric circulation. We also identified remarkably close association (within radiocarbon resolution) between climatic changes in the Levant, reflected by level changes, and culture shifts in this region.  相似文献   
洞庭湖河湖疏浚对洪水位影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周北达  李正最 《水文》2004,24(2):35-39,54
洞庭湖是长江中游的重要调蓄湖泊,但由于接纳湘江、资水、沅江、澧水四水和长江三口洪水、泥沙,造成河道湖泊泥沙淤积,洪水位抬高,加重湖区的防洪负担,造成严重的洪涝灾害。根据洞庭湖河湖疏浚规划和典型河段疏挖竣工资料,运用水力学和水文学方法对疏浚前后洪水位的变化进行了分析。  相似文献   
鄱阳湖区平垸行洪、退田还湖后的防洪减灾形势分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据鄱阳湖区“退田还湖”的实际资料,采用洪水模拟的方法分析计算出“退田还湖”降低湖口站洪水位和减少1954年洪水超额分洪量,分析了“退田还湖”后鄱阳湖区的防洪减灾形势,提出应继续加强对鄱阳湖区防洪工程的建设,探讨了“退田还湖”后江湖洪水关系的变化趋势。  相似文献   
湖泊沉积物蓄积的磷在湖泊环境发生变化(如pH值、Eh改变)时,往往能释放到水体,形成湖泊内源释放,造成湖泊富营养化。因此了解湖泊沉积物磷的蓄积特征,对于湖泊环境的治理和保护有重要意义。通过长江中游龙感湖不同部位钻孔的 210 Pb、沉积物磷和其他环境指标分析表明,近百年来东部湖区沉积速率明显大于西部湖区,北部湖区略大于南部湖区,人类活动在20世纪50年代后期主要通过修建水库和闸坝,改变龙感湖水系结构,也改变了龙感湖的物源供给,因而西部湖区沉积速率略有放缓,东部湖区变化不明显。龙感湖沉积物磷的浓度空间上表现为东部高于西部,这与不同物源磷的背景值相关,时间序列上近百年来呈上升趋势,上世纪50年代以来上升趋势更为明显。在确定沉积物磷背景值的基础上,由于人类活动导致的磷的增加量表明,20世纪50年代开始人类活动导致沉积物磷的增加量持续上升,20世纪70年代末开始增加幅度更大,这一特征与人类活动的方式有关。  相似文献   
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