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A discrete-element model is used to investigate the manner in which deformation and fault activity change in space and time during the development of a doubly vergent thrust wedge in the upper crust. Deformation is a result of shortening at a subduction slot in the base of the model, a configuration which produces a dynamic backstop within the cohesionless, frictional cover material. A series of experiments with differing basal (decollement) friction are performed. The distinct manners in which thrust wedges grow, and the variability of fault development and activity in space and time, are then examined. Both predicted large-scale wedge geometries and individual fault-fold structures are similar to those observed in sandbox models, and show the complex manner in which shortening is accommodated and localized during the development of the thrust wedge. When compared to a sandbox model with similar boundary conditions, model results are strikingly similar. In all cases, deformation initiates above the subduction slot with the formation of an axial zone; the wedge is then developed by displacement on a retro-wedge thrust and propagation of deformation into the pro-wedge region. Models with low coefficients of basal friction typically develop wide, shallow wedges with distributed, spaced deformation and rather symmetric, box-like structures; whereas those with high coefficients of basal friction develop narrower, steeper wedges, consisting of a series of stacked, pro-wedge thrust sheets, and a high-displacement retro-wedge thrust. In general, fault initiation and linkage is extremely complex in our models, with several smaller faults operating until linkage occurs to form a major through-going structure. Of particular interest is the observation that many of the faults do not develop at the basal decollement and propagate upwards through the cover but rather initiate at high levels in the cover and propagate/link downwards with other, deeper structures. Results also indicate the utility of the discrete-element approach in modelling large-displacement, complex deformation of geological materials.  相似文献   
<正>金刚石俗称钻石,以其高硬度和稀缺性成为世界上最珍贵的矿物之一。金刚石矿床按成因可分为原生矿床与次生矿床两大类,原生矿床又可分为金伯利岩和钾镁煌斑岩型,蛇绿岩地幔橄榄岩和铬铁矿、碱性辉长辉绿岩、超高压变质岩、火山岩、陨石及其冲积相关的岩石中均有金刚石产出,但未形成矿床(路凤香等,1998;Cartigny,2005;Gurney et al.,2010)。次生矿床主要为砂矿床。其中原生金伯利岩型金刚石是世界上金刚石矿产的主要来源(Mitchell,1991;Gurney et al.,2005)。辽宁省瓦房店地区以盛产金伯利岩型原生金刚石闻名世界,尤以50号金伯利岩管金刚石品质最好,宝石级约占70%,质量属于世界一流(任厚民,1992;宋瑞祥,2013)。  相似文献   
霍尔果斯活动构造的断裂扩展褶皱作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冯先岳  邓起东 《内陆地震》1993,7(4):335-343
作者在论述霍尔果斯活动构造地表特征的基础上,进一步讨论了霍尔果斯活动逆断裂的扩展和背斜褶皱的发育过程。断裂扩展褶皱作用以后断裂构造活动演化为背斜后翼向上分叉的数条南倾的叠瓦状逆断裂,地壳总缩短量在5km以上,缩短率大于5mm/a。  相似文献   
The Himalayan mountain system has many depressions of regional dimensions, which are found oriented mostly E–W to NE–SW, mainly to the north of the main boundary fault (MBF). The Karewa Basin in the Kashmir Himalaya has sediments belonging to late Neogene to Quaternary formations, which represent an almost 1,300-m-thick succession of sand, mud and gravels exposed in the river valleys and the plateau margins of the entire Kashmir Valley. Sandbox analogue experiments show a great variety of wedge shapes showing significant changes in the taper angles due to the change in basal friction. Between two pop-ups or depressions (pop-down) of significant dimensions develop along the strike of the growing wedge. In order to maintain the critical angle, these depressions initially receive material from the hinterland, and later on, from the foreland end of the wedge. The depressions have developed due to the change in the surface slope of the wedge, and receive the eroded material only from the adjacent upheaved portions of the wedge. On continuation of the experiments (in cases where the wedge is highly unstable), these depressions are coupled with the wedge along with their sand-fills. The depositional history of the Karewa sediments indicates a sequential evolutionary pattern of the basin and thus represents a natural analogue of the sandbox experiments.  相似文献   
The thruster is the crucial factor of an underwater vehicle system, because it is the lowest layer in the control loop of the system. In this paper, we propose an accurate and practical thrust modeling for underwater vehicles which considers the effects of ambient flow velocity and angle. In this model, the axial flow velocity of the thruster, which is non-measurable, is represented by ambient flow velocity and propeller shaft velocity. Hence, contrary to previous models, the proposed model is practical since it uses only measurable states. Next, the whole thrust map is divided into three states according to the state of ambient flow and propeller shaft velocity, and one of the borders of the states is defined as critical advance ratio (CAR). This classification explains the physical phenomenon of conventional experimental thrust maps. In addition, the effect of the incoming angle of ambient flow is analyzed, and Critical Incoming Angle (CIA) is also defined to describe the thrust force states. The proposed model is evaluated by comparing experimental data with numerical model simulation data, and it accurately covers overall flow conditions within ±2 N force error. The comparison results show that the new model's matching performance is significantly better than conventional models'.  相似文献   
The Llanos foothills are located in the frontal thrust zone of the Eastern Cordillera in Colombia in a complex environment that BP has been exploring actively since 1988. This exploration has resulted in the discovery of several fields with a variety of hydrocarbon fluids (gas condensate and volatile oil) in very tight quartz-arenites. The structural style and complexity of this fold-and-thrust belt changes along the trend from single frontal structures to an imbricate of up to five thrust sheets in a triangle zone. In highly complex environments, the seismic image quality is poor, and interpretation becomes very challenging. The structural models of the area have evolved as more data have been acquired. The initial structural model required inversion of the basin at the end of the Andean orogeny. The structural style changed to an in-sequence imbricate thrust stack with very long, trailing back limbs that return to regional elevation and finalize in a tighter structures with short back limbs. The concept of early deformation and multiple phases has been introduced. Three main phases have been distinguished: (1) an early event during the deposition of the Lower Carbonera (39–29 Ma), with incipient structures formed to create syntectonic deposition; (2) a phase of steady subsidence that increased notably at the end of the period (29–7 Ma); and (3) the latest phase (7–0 Ma), when most deformation and uplifting occurred. The migration of hydrocarbons happened simultaneously with the deformation, and its final distribution, amount, and variation in composition is related to the structural evolution of the area.  相似文献   
In fold-and-thrust belts, shortening is mainly accommodated by thrust faults which are preferential zones for recrystallisation and mass transfer. This study focuses on a detachment fault related to the emplacement of the Monte Perdido thrust unit in the southern Pyrenees. The studied fault zone consists of a 10 m thick intensively foliated phyllonite developed within the Millaris marls, of Eocene age. The lithological homogeneity of the hanging wall and footwall allows us to compare the Millaris marls outside the fault zone with the highly deformed marls located in the fault zone and to quantify the chemical, mineralogical and volumetric changes related to deformation processes along the fault.The Millaris marls are composed of detrital quartz, illite, chlorite, minor albite and pyrite, in a micritic calcite matrix. In the fault zone, the cleavage planes are marked by clay minerals and calcite ± chlorite veins attest to fluid–mineral interactions during deformation.The mineral proportions in all samples from both the fault zone and Millaris marls have been quantified by two methods: (1) X-ray diffraction and Rietveld refinement, and (2) bulk chemical analyses as well as microprobe analyses to calculate modal composition. The excellent agreement between the results of these two methods allows us to estimate mineralogical variations using a modification of the Gresens' equation. During fault activation, up to 45 wt% of calcite was lost while the amounts of quartz and chlorite remained unchanged. Illite content remained constant to slightly enriched. The mineralogical variations were coupled with a significant volume loss (up to 45%) mostly due to the dissolution of micritic calcite grains. Deformation was accompanied by pressure solution and phyllosilicates recrystallisation. These processes accommodated slip along the fault. They required fluids as catalyst, but they did not necessitate major chemical transfers.  相似文献   
土楔和冰楔假形及其古气候意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于土楔及冰楔所处冻土的含冰状况不同,二者对冻土退化的响应不同。土楔的形状及大小乃至其中的充填物可以完整地保存下来,而冰楔在融化过程中经受强烈变形,其原形状很难保存下来,以至无法辨认。已报道的冰楔假形中,有相当部分可能是原生土脉,甚至是活动层土楔。冰楔在多年冻土环境下生长,其假形可以指示古冻土曾存在过。但它与温度之间没有简单的对应关系,因为楔形构造的形成是地-气综合因素相互作用之结果。土楔可以是原生的,也可以是次生的,它与多年冻土环境并无必然联系。  相似文献   
由于大巴山地区处于独特的构造背景,拥有丰富的油气资源,正吸引人们开展日益深入的研究。本文通过有限差分方法,利用平面应变的二维弹塑性本构模型,对大巴山前陆冲断带开展了系列数值模拟研究。结果表明,前陆区拥有相对软弱的滑脱层(含膏盐岩的中下三叠统),是大巴山前陆冲断带主滑脱面由后陆向前陆逐渐抬升的主控因素。该滑脱层的分布以及同构造沉积的分布限定了主前缘逆冲断裂(镇巴断裂)的位置,通过该断裂,大巴山后陆的强烈缩短应变由深滑脱层(震旦系下部)向南传递至浅滑脱层(三叠系中下统)。镇巴断裂和城口断裂一起,它们的长期活动性,可能调节了大巴山一半以上的总缩短应变。同构造沉积发生后,前陆区浅层侏罗山式褶皱往前扩展的同时,后陆的先成断裂也继续活动并发生顺时针旋转,构成无序逆冲扩展序列。主要断层的逆冲扩展和经典背驮式不同,缩短应变主要由主断层下盘向后陆深部俯冲来实现。模拟结果和大巴山地质原型的近似程度,说明了利用有限差分软件对地质构造进行模拟的可行性。  相似文献   
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987114001091   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Wulungu Depression is the northernmost first-order tectonic unit in the Junggar Basin.It can be divided into three sub-units:the Hongyan step-fault zone,the Suosuoquan sag and the Wulungu south slope.The Cenozoic strata in the basin are intact and Mesozoic—Cenozoic deformation can be observed in the Wulungu step-fault zone,so this is an ideal place to study the Mesozoic—Cenozoic deformation.By integration of fault-related folding theories,regional geology and drilling data,the strata of the Cretaceous—Paleogene systems are divided into small layers which are selected as the subjects of this research.The combination of the developing unconformity with existing growth strata makes it conceivable that faults on the step-fault zone have experienced different degrees of reactivation of movement since the Cretaceous.Evolutionary analyses of the small layers using 2D-Move software showed certain differences in the reactivation of different segments of the Wulungu Depression such as the timing of reactivation of thrusting,for which the reactivity time of the eastern segment was late compared with those of the western and middle segments.In addition the resurrection strength was similarly slightly different,with the shortening rate being higher in the western segment than in the other segments.Moreover,the thrust fault mechanism is basement-involved combined with triangle shear fold,for which a forward evolution model was proposed.  相似文献   
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