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河北兴隆复式叠瓦扇构造   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
姜波  刘洪章 《地质科学》1997,32(2):165-172
河北省北部兴隍-平泉复向斜的西端发育了一种特殊类型的推覆构造,该推覆构造具有三重结构的特点,即由上叠瓦扇、下叠瓦扇和下伏系统组成。上叠瓦扇可以分为被分支断裂分割的太古字、长城系、蓟县系、青白口系和寒武-奥陶系5个逆冲岩席;各分支断裂上陡下缓,向下逐渐归并于F1主逆冲断裂上。F1断层下的石炭-二叠系也发育了一组叠瓦状逆冲断层,形成了与上叠瓦扇具有不同变形特征的下叠瓦扇。由于这一构造特殊的两套叠瓦扇结构,故笔者称其为复式叠瓦扇构造,这是一种新的推覆构造类型。  相似文献   
作为地质历史时期深俯冲作用产物的超高压变质岩,尽管有不同的形成演化历史,但其最终的折返作用无不是在逆冲扩展过程中完成的。因此,逆冲扩展作用及其数值模拟的研究对完整认识苏鲁高压-超高压变质带的折返机制和折返过程具有重要意义。逆冲扩展作用最显观的构造效应是不同层次构造界面和应力场的变化,对于地壳尺度的逆冲扩展作用而言,陆表面和Moho是最重要的活动性构造界面,陆表面的变化导致山体抬升和滞后伸展盆地的形成,出现盆-山相间的构造格局。初步的模拟计算表明,山体的抬升量、滞后伸展盆地的坳陷量和Moho的上拱量与逆冲地块的平移速度和逆冲扩展速度成正相关关系,而且随着时间的推移,山体的抬升速度、滞后伸展盆地的坳陷速度和Moho的上拱速度都有逐渐增大趋势。逆冲扩展过程中,构造应力场的变化总的表现为随着平移速度和逆冲扩展速度的增大和逆冲扩展作用的持续进行,逆冲块体内部由挤压应力状态逐渐向拉张应力状态转化。地块的平移速度是构造强度的一个重要标量,当高压-超高压变质带以仰冲块体为运动载体,沿断裂带向陆壳浅部折返时,构造界面的移动规律基本反映了高压-超高压变质带的折返过程,可见,构造作用的强度和性质应该是制约高压-超高压变质带折返的重要因素之一,在岩石密度差相同的条件下,拉张构造应力场更有利于折返作用的进行。苏鲁高压-超高压变质带的折返是通过多期构造作用完成的,根据数值模拟结果可以推测,每期构造作用都伴随有折返速度由慢到快的变化,在整个折返过程中,构造运动性质和强度的差异导致了折返速度的不均一,总体上,折返速度将随着逆冲地块由挤压向拉张状态的转化和拉张强度(构造作用强度)的不断增强而逐渐增大,最终在以拉张为主导的构造应力场中完成了高压-超高压变质带折返的全过程。  相似文献   
嘉黎—迫隆藏布构造混杂岩带的基本特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
嘉黎—迫隆藏布构造混杂岩带实质上是一个多类型、多体制、多级别 ,但有成生联系的构造形迹及构造夹块组成的复杂构造体系 ,露头几何学特征为高角度逆冲断层 ,蛇绿杂岩混杂堆积 ,剖面上为大规模的逆冲岩片和剪切岩块的定向排列 ,具有逆冲推覆—右行走滑的构造运动学演化。  相似文献   
In this paper, we analyze small scale examples of thrust faults and related folding in outcrops of the Cretaceous Boquillas Formation within Big Bend National Park in west Texas to develop detailed understanding of the fault nucleation and propagation that may aid in the interpretation of larger thrust system structure. Thrust faults in the outcrop have maximum displacements ranging from 0.5 cm to 9 cm within competent limestone beds, and these displacements diminish both upward into anticlines and downward into synclines within the interbedded and weaker mudrock layers. We interpret the faults as having nucleated within the competent units and partially propagated into the less competent units without developing floor or roof thrusts. Faults that continued to propagate resulted in hanging wall anticlines above upwardly propagating fault tips, and footwall synclines beneath downwardly propagating fault tips. The observed structural style may provide insights in the nucleation of faults at the formation scale and the structural development at the mountain-range scale. Décollement or detachment layers may be a consequence rather than cause of thrust ramps through competent units and could be over interpreted from seismic data.  相似文献   
《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(3-4):299-316
Western Anatolia (Turkey) is a region of widespread active N-S continental extension that forms the eastern part of the Aegean extensional province. The extension in the region is expressed by two distinct/different structural styles, separated by a short-term gap: (1) rapid exhumation of metamorphic core complexes along presently low-angle ductile-brittle normal faults commenced by the latest Oligocene-Early Miocene period, and; (2) late stretching of crust and, consequent graben evolution along Plio-Quaternary high-angle normal faults, cross-cutting the pre-existing low-angle normal faults. However, current understanding of the processes (tectonic quiescence vs N-S continental compression) operating during the short-time interval is incomplete. This paper therefore reports the results of recent field mapping and structural analysis from the NE of Küçük Menderes Graben—Kiraz Basin—that shed lights on the processes operating during this short-time interval. The data includes the thrusting of metamorphic rocks of the Menderes Massif over the Mio-Pliocene sediments along WNW-ESE-trending high-angle reverse fault and the development of compressional fabrics in the metamorphic rocks of the Menderes Massif. There, the metamorphic rocks display evidence for four distinct phases of deformation: (1) southfacing top-N ductile fabrics developed at relatively high-grade metamorphic conditions, possibly during the Eocene main Menderes metamorphism (amphibolite facies) associated with top-N thrust tectonics (D1); (2) top-S and top-N ductile gentle-moderatley south-dipping extensional fabrics formed at relatively lower-grade metamorphic (possibly greenschist facies) conditions associated with the exhumation of Menderes Massif along presently low-angle normal fault plane that accompanied the first phase of extension (D2); (3) moderately north-dipping top-S ductile-brittle fabrics, present configuration of which suggest a thrust-related compression (D3); and (4) south-facing approximately E-W-trending brittle high-angle normal faults (D4) that form the youngest structures in the region. It is interpreted that D4 faults are time equivalent of graben-bounding major high-angle normal faults and they correspond to the second phase of extension in western Anatolia. The presence of thrust-related D3 compressional fabrics suggests N-S compression during the time interval between the two phases of extension (D2 and D4). The results of the present study therefore support the episodic, two-stage extension model in western Anatolia and confirm that a short-time, intervening N-S compression separated the two distinct phases.  相似文献   
湘西花垣—张家界逆冲断裂带地质特征及其控矿意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨绍祥 《湖南地质》1998,17(2):96-99,104
湘西花垣-张家界断裂带显逆冲压扭性、与其分枝断裂古丈-张家界断裂带关系密切,平面上在张家界市后坪复合、具有类似的地质特征。形成时代较古丈-张家界断裂带晚,时间上有先后及生成关系,向上呈叠瓦状、深部收敛在一起。具有明显的控矿作用。  相似文献   
长江中下游燕山期逆冲推覆构造及成因机制   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
长江中下游地区为我国著名铜、铁多金属成矿带之一.本文根据长江中下游及邻近地区构造等特征,将该区构造单元自北向南划分为华北地块、大别造山带、长江中下游前陆构造带、扬子地块、华夏地块;并进一步将长江中下游前陆构造带细分为保康-武汉-宿松-巢湖褶冲带、长江中下游中生代坳陷带、通山-瑞昌-石台-宁国褶冲带三个次级构造带.在燕山早期,长江以北的保康-武汉-宿松-巢湖褶冲带逆冲构造极性指向SE,而长江以南的通山-瑞昌-石台-宁国褶冲带逆冲构造极性指向NW.长江以南褶皱样式在岳阳-通山-瑞昌一线以南由隔挡式变为隔槽式,叠瓦式逆冲断裂更发育.在九岭-幕阜山隆起及南部的白垩纪红色盆地基底中逆冲断裂多为高角度,褶皱多为隔槽式,元古宇的浅变质岩卷入逆冲作用,为典型的厚皮构造.长江以北的紧闭同斜褶皱主体形成在印支期,随后被早燕山期的逆冲推覆作用改造.结合野外地质调查,通过对已有跨长江中下游地区的深地震剖面重新解释,发现以长江为界,长江中下游地区北侧深部、浅部构造处于耦合状态;而南侧深部、浅部构造已经脱藕,形成上下地壳的“鱼骨刺”结构,深部构造可能是是印支期扬子地块向华北地块下俯冲的残余结构.长江中下游地区浅部从北向南的逆冲作用应该与大别造山带超高压变质岩挤出有关,而从东南向北西的逆冲推覆作用可能同中侏罗世古太平洋板块向亚洲大陆俯冲有关.  相似文献   
兰坪盆地贱金属矿床是一套独特的受逆冲推覆构造系统控制的矿床类型,连城Cu-Mo多金属矿床是其重要组成部分。成矿过程包括早、中、晚三个阶段,分别以石英-辉钼矿、石英-多金属硫化物和石英-碳酸盐组合为标志。矿区不同阶段石英中广泛发育流体包裹体,可分为水溶液包裹体(A型)、纯CO2包裹体(C型)、CO2-H2O包裹体(B型)三类。早、中阶段主要发育B型和A型包裹体,均一温度集中在177~346℃,流体盐度介于1%~22%NaCleqv之间,密度介于0.67~1.04g/cm3;晚阶段主要发育A型包裹体,均一温度为121~185℃,流体盐度介于1%~9%NaCleqv之间。发育在早、中阶段的B型和C型流体包裹体气相成分主要为CO2,含有少量的CH4。成矿压力为50~160MPa,成矿深度为5~5.9km。矿区不同阶段矿石氧同位素组成总体变化较小(5.5‰~8.6‰),氢同位素变化较大(-56‰~-109‰),碳同位素组成变化为-3.4‰~-8.1‰,表明成矿流体可能以岩浆源为主,并伴有大气降水的参与。综合对比研究认为,65Ma左右印度-亚洲大陆发生对接碰撞,由此诱发的岩浆热液作用可能导致了连城Cu-Mo多金属矿床形成。温度的降低和流体的不混溶是导致钼等成矿元素沉淀和富集的重要机制。  相似文献   

近年来川西北山前坳陷地区中二叠统天然气勘探取得重大突破,激发了勘探工作者向更大区域和更多层系探索的愿望。为了给下一步油气勘探提供依据与参考,本文系统讨论了川西北南华纪以来的盆地性质、构造—沉积格局及油气成藏条件。川西北经历了南华纪—早古生代、晚古生代—三叠纪、侏罗纪—新生代3大演化阶段,现今构造格局受燕山期龙门山、米仓山造山带以及向盆地逆冲推覆形成的冲断系统控制。其中龙门山北段冲断系统总体表现为由造山带向盆地方向扩展的“前列式”构造变形,在盆山结合位置,深部构造楔向造山带方向消减了大部分位移,造成前渊坳陷部位构造变形急剧减弱。川西北燕山期前陆盆地之下保存了南华纪—中奥陶世和泥盆纪—中三叠世两期完整、连续的裂陷层序与被动大陆边缘层序,具有优越的油气成藏条件。中⁃晚侏罗世—早白垩世龙门山与米仓山急剧隆升并向盆地大规模推覆,造成前渊坳陷内的海相层系急速埋藏增温,进入成藏高峰。由于山前冲断带自中⁃晚侏罗世(~160 Ma)以来处于抬升和剥蚀状态,而前渊坳陷始终处于埋藏状态,油气保存条件要优于山前冲断带,因此是深层—超深层油气勘探的重点地区。

The present study investigates the factors associated with the occurrence of landslides along with the National Highway (NH 39) connecting Assam-Manipur (India) to Myanmar. Kinematics and slope stability analyses were used to gain an understanding of the causes of slope failure despite the terrain comprising material with a high safety factor. The study area falls within a high seismic zone along the regional Churachandpur-Mao Thrust (CMT) situated west of the Indo-Myanmar subduction zone. Based on these studies of seismicity, slip rates, creeping, among others, it was inferred that CMT is a creeping regional fault running parallel to the subduction zone boundary creeping segment of CMT and that the CMT requires further monitoring to assess the landslide hazard in the region.  相似文献   
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