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The long‐term and current volumes of sediment exported from stream banks were calculated as potential sources of sediment in a large pond located at the catchment outlet of a small agricultural lowland basin strongly affected by anthropogenic pressure in France. Bank erosion was measured over a short period using a network of erosion pins along a small stream (1400 m long) to quantify the material exported during a single winter (2012–2013). The material exported by this same stream over the last 69 years was quantified using an original approach involving the comparison of a compilation of three‐dimensional historical stream redesign plans that date back to 1944 with the state of the banks in 2013 (differential global positioning system and LiDAR data). The results suggest that a global trend of material loss along the stream banks monitored by erosion pins, with an average erosion rate of 17.7 mm year?1 and an average volume of exported material of 75 t km?1. Over 69 years, this same stream exported an average of 36 t km?1 year?1, and the average loss of material from the banks throughout the whole catchment was estimated to be 14 t km?1 year?1. The contribution of bank material to the filling of the pond over the last 10 years is between 46% and 52% based on an extrapolation of erosion pin dynamics or between 27% and 30% based on the comparison of LiDAR data to the average historical profile extrapolated for the catchment. These results suggest that bank erosion represents a major source of sediment in degraded waters in traditionally understudied agricultural lowland catchments, where anthropogenic pressures are high.  相似文献   
通过黄河(山东段)悬河稳定性影响因素分析,各河段都有决口失稳的可能。该文从区域地壳稳定性、堤基稳定性、河道稳定性3个方面,采用模糊数学综合评判法进行悬河稳定性评价,对河段可能出现的失稳或决口险点及其可能造成的危害性进行分析和预测,初步确定了10处地质险段。  相似文献   
介绍一种基于斜率收敛的三维激光扫描隧道断面点云数据的提取方法,以适用于没有隧道中线数据的断面点云截取,实现了由斜率限差的迭代计算来控制中心线的拟合精度。  相似文献   
吴继敏 《矿物岩石》1999,19(2):25-30
用显微镜描绘技术在绘图纸上绘出线条清晰,反差很大的岩石薄片手绘图像,再将手绘图像通过电视摄像机(CCD)输入到计算机自动图像系统中处理,可以取得组成岩石主要矿物的密度分布、粒度、形状及空间分布模式,揭示岩石特征,为岩石学定量研究提供参数。  相似文献   
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):231-233

Traditional lectures generally force students to play a passive role in the classroom. In an effort to promote active learning, we added discussion sections to a large lecture hall course. Field trips, student journals, and group-based assignments, in particular, enhanced the learning experience. To ensure the success of the new format, course planners must enlist the sustained cooperation of key faculty and administrators on campus, as well as teaching assistants assigned to the new sections. The new discussion sections allowed students to acknowledge the environmental impact their actions have on campus and to recognize that environmental problems occur at multiple scales.  相似文献   
Tissot’s indicatrix or ellipse of distortion is a diagram that is the projection of an infinitesimal circle on the original surface. It is normally an ellipse of which elongation depends on the amount of distortion caused by map projection. It provides a medium for analyzing existing projections and developing new ones. The ellipse can be scaled and depicted on the map for visualization purposes. This paper presents an alternative approach, in which the projection of a finite small circle on the sphere is used. Its projection is normally an ellipse that can be very close to Tissot’s indicatrix, and is called quasi indicatrix, here. Its parameters can be derived from the forward projection equations without using partial derivatives. Therefore, it is a useful and practical approach from a programmer’s point of view. The quasi indicatrix approach is also numerically tested on Aitoff–Hammer projection with a set of points. The indicatrix parameters obtained by using this approach deviate 0.5% from the ground truths at most, being the average less than 0.2%.  相似文献   
Transporting capacity of overland flow on plane and on irregular beds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper the transporting capacity of thin flows, in the laminar and transitional flow regime, is studied. Experiments were carried out on irregular as well as on plane beds, using two totally different set-ups. The results of these two types of experiment were convergent. In both cases, sediment concentration was clearly related to grain shear velocity and unit stream power, expressed as the product of mean velocity and slope (Yang, 1973). The data agreed with those of Kramer and Meyer (1969). For a sandy bed, the unit stream power relationship was able to predict reasonably well the sediment concentrations measured on a mulched surface. For laminar and transitional flows, both the unit stream power and the shear velocity are related in the same way to slope and unit discharge. The unit stream power is a parameter which in particular can be very easily measured and might therefore become useful in obtaining a quick estimate of the transporting capacity of a thin flow. However, before a sediment transport equation for thin flows can be developed, more information is needed about the influence of the flow regime and grain size and density.  相似文献   
成矿区带深部有色金属矿产资源勘查评价方法技术研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄力军  徐刚峰 《地质学报》2006,80(10):1549-1552
目前我国大部地区的区域地质、物探和化探测量工作业已完成,确定出数十个成矿远景区带,成矿区带内进一步找矿工作,尤其是深部找矿工作一直是急于解决的主要问题。另一方面,危机矿山找矿问题早已提到议事日程,危机矿山大多处于成矿远景区带内,所以成矿区带找矿也是危机矿山深部和外围找矿的一个组成部分。物化探一直是寻找深部隐伏矿产资源的主要手段,如何把物化探方法技术有机地结合起来,如何将新方法新技术融入到找矿工作中是急需我们考虑的问题。就此问题,文中提出一些看法。  相似文献   
反转构造的研究已成为造山带构造研究的一个重要内容。反转构造模拟和实践所得出的断层组合形态和形成顺序有助于对造山带及前陆褶皱和逆冲带的正确认识。由于张性断层的控制作用,60年代中期发展起来的薄壳构造模式在现实中并不普遍适用,构造剖面的平衡恢复因此亦需加倍谨慎。在造山带研究中,还需注意反转构造与走滑构造之间的区分。  相似文献   
泥河湾盆地典型剖面沉积物磁化率特征及其意义   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
在对泥河湾盆地郝家台、小长梁、东谷坨三个典型剖面野外沉积特征初步研究的基础上,将剖面划分为四个沉积相:顶部马兰黄土堆积,上、下湖泊相和中部河流相。以15cm为间距,系统采集了1674块样品,进行质量磁化率的测定与分析。结果表明:沉积物磁化率值的大小与沉积相,尤其是与沉积物的粒度相关。一般规律是滨浅湖相粉砂、粘土质粉砂的磁化率值大,而深湖相、半深湖相粘土和粉砂质粘土的磁化率值较低。磁化率值的变化在一定程度上反映了古气候的变化,磁化率高峰可能反映了干燥的气候环境,而低谷则可能反映了温湿的气候。沉积相和磁化率变化曲线相结合,将剖面分为7个对比层,初步讨论了1MaB.P.以来,盆地大概可以分为三个大的演化阶段:早期扩张期,中期收缩期,晚期扩张到收缩期。并通过剖面间的对比,初步认为剖面所含石器层的年龄大约在1Ma.B.P.左右。  相似文献   
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