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A simple model of the convective (thermal) internalboundary layer has been developed for climatologicalstudies of air-sea-ice interaction, where in situobservations are scarce and first-order estimates ofsurface heat fluxes are required. It is amixed-layer slab model, based on a steady-statesolution of the conservation of potentialtemperature equation, assuming a balance betweenadvection and turbulent heat-flux convergence. Boththe potential temperature and the surface heat fluxare allowed to vary with fetch, so the subsequentboundary-layer modification alters the fluxconvergence and thus the boundary-layer growth rate.For simplicity, microphysical and radiativeprocesses are neglected.The model is validated using several case studies.For a clear-sky cold-air outbreak over a coastalpolynya the observed boundary-layer heights,mixed-layer potential temperatures and surface heatfluxes are all well reproduced. In other cases,where clouds are present, the model still capturesmost of the observed boundary-layer modification,although there are increasing discrepancies withfetch, due to the neglected microphysical andradiative processes. The application of the model toclimatological studies of air-sea interaction withincoastal polynyas is discussed.  相似文献   
文章证明了模式在预报时段的位温误差,是由于在模式大气和真实大气中,该时段内位温变化过程的不同而造成的。还证明了原始方程的无加速定理对各强迫因子的线性分解同样适用于研究NWP模式热量误差的成因。对国家气象中心T42L9模式1992年1月和7月预报结果的动力诊断表明,模式对纬向位温分布具有较好的预报能力,但在各纬带也存在明显的误差。通过无加速定理的分解分析,研究了这些误差的成因及改善模式的可能途径。  相似文献   
全型垂直涡度倾向方程和倾斜涡度发展   总被引:75,自引:21,他引:75  
文中证明了不仅包括动力因子,而且包括热力因子、摩擦耗散及非绝热加热作用的和可用于三维空间的全型垂直涡度倾向方程。证明经典的、平面上的涡度方程只是它的特例。并且用该全型涡度方程严格证明了倾斜涡度发展(SVD)理论。沿着倾斜等熵面下滑的气块,当热力参数CD减小时,其垂直涡度将发展。最后通过用θ坐标模式模拟一次西南低涡的形成,证明SVD引起的涡度发展要比传统所考虑的辐合项的贡献大一个量级。  相似文献   
选取福州大学校园教学区为研究区域,基于典型冬季日背景,运用三维非静力微气候模型ENVI-met,分析模拟校园热环境的差异变化及其热舒适度响应。结合实地勘测,对模型进行校准和验证。结果表明:ENVI-met模型能较好地表征室外热环境,准确预测温度和相对湿度的日变化趋势。混凝土路面、灰色地砖路面行人高度的日平均气温分别比草地高出0.1 ℃和0.3 ℃,逐时最大温差分别为0.68 ℃和0.65 ℃。建筑物阴影和树阴可降低行人高度的气温1.1—1.9 ℃;同一组团在有无遮阴的条件下,平均辐射温度(Tmrt)相差最大可达30 ℃;树木附近和建筑物组团内部生理等效温度(PET)值较小,比硬质路面低2—3个等级。无植被方案下,高温低湿区范围有所扩张,在垂直方向上的增温效应可伸展至10.5 m;风速最大增幅可达1.23 m·s-1,平均辐射温度较高区域的面积增加了69.25%;热舒适区和热不适区面积分别增加了19.78%和2.03%。  相似文献   
三个陆面模式对新疆地区陆面过程模拟的对比研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
刘金婷  马柱国  罗德海 《高原气象》2009,28(6):1242-1249
利用实测的大气观测数据建立陆面模式驱动场, 分别驱动Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme(BATS), Land Surface Model(LSM), Common Land Model(CoLM)三个陆面模式, 对新疆地区99个测站的陆面热力过程进行了off-line模拟研究, 对比分析了三个模式模拟结果的异同, 并利用观测的土壤温度检验了各个模式的模拟性能。结果表明: 三个模式对所吸收的太阳辐射、 地表感热通量、 地表潜热通量和Bowen比的模拟结果有明显差别, 其中CoLM模拟的太阳辐射、 感热通量和土壤温度比BATS和LSM大。用观测的土壤温度对三个模式模拟性能的检验表明 BATS模拟的土壤温度最接近观测值, 大约偏低1℃, 而LSM和CoLM的模拟结果偏高, CoLM模拟的年际变化趋势与观测值相关性达到0.877, 高于另外两个模式的模拟; BATS在天山以北模拟值偏低, CoLM在天山以南模拟结果偏高, LSM模拟的区域分布状况与实际观测最一致。这些结果为研究陆面模式在新疆地区的应用提供了一些参考, 对于深入了解新疆地区的陆面过程具有重要意义。  相似文献   
针对复杂硝酸铵水盐体系溶解度的测定,传统分析方法操作步骤繁琐,且试剂较贵,引入一种简单准确的分析方法,即热分解法,对LiNO3-KNO3-NH4NO3-H2O体系和NaNO3-KNO3-NH4NO3-H2O体系中硝酸铵和水的含量进行精确分析。结果表明,热分解温度控制在230~240℃,若控制样品质量为1.5 g,分解时间不低于36 h,能将LiNO3-KNO3-NH4NO3-H2O体系中的硝酸铵和水彻底分解,且随着样品中硝酸铵含量增加,热分解时间也将延长,分析相对误差能控制在0.2%以内。针对复杂NaNO3-KNO3-NH4NO3-H2O体系,热分解温度控制在230~255℃,若控制样品质量为1.5 g,分解时间不少于44 h,且随着样品中硝酸铵含量的增加,相应延长热分解时间,能将复杂NaNO3-KNO3-NH4NO3-H2O体系中的硝酸铵和水彻底分解,分析相对误差能控制在0.2%以内。  相似文献   
Riparian corridors have the potential to function as thermal refuges, moderating extremes of local temperature variation. However, although demonstrated at individual sites, and over short periods, the consistency of this effect at wider temporal and spatial scales is poorly understood. The aim of this study is to assess the temperature differences between riparian corridors and adjacent non-riparian habitats and to explore the influence of environmental characteristics on these differences. Air temperature was monitored hourly at 20 paired locations (riparian and non-riparian) for two consecutive years. Urban index and canopy cover were characterised by calculating the percentage of impervious surface area and tree canopy cover within a 100 m radius from the centre of each sampling site. Canopy cover reduced summer thermal stresses in both urban and rural areas whereas high urban index tended to increase the daily thermal indices. Rivers had a significant mitigating effect on the urban riparian thermal condition, particularly in extreme hot weather. Riparian corridors were generally 1 °C cooler than non-riparian locations in summer and could be up to 3 °C cooler at some sites in extreme hot weather. Furthermore, riparian corridors at some sites were warmer than non-riparian locations in winter. These findings suggest that the proximity of rivers can modify riparian thermal environments, potentially reducing the heat stress of riparian corridors across landscapes.  相似文献   
This study examines the effect of contact metamorphism by an igneous dyke on parameters for kerogen maturation, such as elemental composition (H/C, O/C, N/C), 1H-NMR T1, vitrinite reflectance and infrared spectra. Although elemental composition and 1H-NMR T1 of the kerogen changed only within 1.5 and 5.0 m from the dyke respectively, vitrinite reflectance of the kerogen was thermally affected beyond 10.0 m from the intrusion. It is concluded that vitrinite reflectance is the most sensitive of the parameters evaluated to assess thermal stress of kerogens.  相似文献   
Abstract Three types of mineral associations are described from calc-silicate granulites from the Eastern Ghats, India, where geothermobarometry in associated rocks suggests extremely high P–T conditions of metamorphism ( c . 9 ± 1 kbar, 950° C). These mineral associations are: (i) calcite + quartz + scapolite + plagioclase, (ii) calcite + scapolite + wollastonite + porphyroblastic garnet + coronal garnet and (iii) calcite + quartz + wollastonite + scapolite + porphyroblastic garnet + coronal garnet, all coexisting with K-feldspar, titanite and clinopyroxene. The first two associations evolved through nearly isobaric cooling retrograde paths, whereas the third evolved through a nearly isothermal decompression path followed by an isobaric cooling retrograde path. Textural and compositional characteristics suggest the following mineral reactions in the calc-silicate granulites: calcite + quartz = wollastonite + CO2, calcite + plagioclase = scapolite, calcite + scapolite + wollastonite = porphyroblastic garnet ± quartz + CO2, CaTs + wollastonite = coronal garnet (association ii) and wollastonite + scapolite = coronal garnet (association iii) + quartz + CO2. Andradite content in garnet was buffered by the redox equilibria wollastonite + hedenbergite + O2= andradite + quartz (association iii) and wollastonite + andradite + CaTs + scapolite = hedenbergite + calcite + grossular + O2 (association ii). The contrasting mineral parageneses have been ascribed to interplay of variables such as X CO2, f O2, f HCl in the fluid, bulk Na content and the nature of the retrograde P–T–X CO2 paths through which the rocks evolved.  相似文献   
在前人研究成果和野外调查基础上,对新资深大断裂变质带特征进行系统总结,从宏观构造、显微构造与组构、岩石矿物学、年代学和地球化学等多学科角度综合研究,分析了新资断裂带各类岩石组构成因,并建立了其活动演化期次。新资深大断裂变质带构造岩主要包括定向组构系列岩石和块状系列岩石,主要是由早期的韧性变形变质作用阶段和晚期的脆性破碎作用阶段先后作用形成。越城岭岩体西侧规模巨大的花岗片麻岩带应属新资深大断裂变质带的一部分,属早期活动的产物,其原岩为越城岭岩体,为断裂变质和动力热流变质作用形成。韧性剪切系列岩石按变形变质强度可分为高温高压韧性剪切带和中温高压韧性剪切带,表明韧性剪切作用具有多期性。新资断裂带活动演化主要经历了四个阶段,始于加里东期,至喜山期均有活动,现在的新资断裂带是经过多个阶段不同类型变质作用由东向西不断迁移和相互叠加的结果。  相似文献   
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