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Occurrence and evolution of the Xiaotangshan hot spring in Beijing, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thermal groundwater occurs in bedrock aquifers consisting of the dolomite of the Wumishan Group of the Jixianin System and the Cambrian carbonate in the Xiaotangshan geothermal field near the northern margin of the North China Plain, China. The hot water in the geothermal field of basin-type discharges partly in the form of the Xiaotangshan hot spring under natural conditions. The hot water has TDS of less than 600 mg/L and is of Na·Ca-HCO3 type. The geothermal water receives recharge from precipitation in the mountain area with elevation of about 500 m above sea level to the north of the spring. Thermal groundwater flows slowly south and southeast through a deep circulation with a residence time of 224 years estimated with the Ra–Rn method. The Xiaotangshan hot spring dried up in the middle of the 1980s owing to the increasing withdrawal of the hot water in the geothermal field in the past decades. The water level of the geothermal system still falls continually at an annual average rate of about 2 m, although water temperature changes very little, indicating that the recharge of such a geothermal system of basin-type is limited. Over-exploitation has a dramatic impact on the geothermal system, and reduction in exploitation and reinjection are required for the sustainable usage of the hot water.  相似文献   
顾延芬 《台湾海峡》1993,12(1):81-84
本文运用福建省沿海气象要素的异常变化,作台湾省的中、短期地震预报,取得了成功的效果。采用长乐历年各月14时最低气压的距平值,作台湾省未来4~7个月内出现强震的预报依据,并采用热异常进行短临跟踪。当秋冬季节连续4d 长乐、福州、台北的气温均比广州累计高出10℃时,预报未来1~5d 台湾省出现7级强震。又根据近百年来台湾发生的强震,统计其活动季节,得到近20年来7级地震发生的时间,绝大部分在9~12月。  相似文献   
资料显示,在整个台湾以东海区内磁异常几乎全为负磁异常,磁异常分块现象明显。通过对本海区的磁力资料进行分析和研究,表明本海区的地磁异常表现为明显的条带状异常特征。由于受板块差异性运动的影响,以加瓜海脊为界,东西两侧具有不同的磁条带方向,在加瓜海脊以东,磁条带为NW-SE向(120°),而在加瓜海脊以西则为近东西向(80°)。加瓜脊以西地区的扩张时间为45~38Ma,相当于19~16号磁条带;而加瓜脊以东地区的扩张时间为40~35Ma,相当于17~13号磁条带。加瓜脊以西的磁条带相对于以东的磁条带要老,由此推断出加瓜脊以西相对于东侧发生了北向位移。  相似文献   
王述功  高仰 《海洋科学》1989,13(2):24-27
根据我们实测的水深、重力连续剖面资料,计算了自东海至北斐济盆地的地壳厚度。本文旨在对冲绳海槽至马里亚纳海沟的重力异常和地壳结构进行初步的研究。该地段位于太平洋板块俯冲带以西,构造活动十分复杂、剧烈,并含有多种类型的地壳结构。  相似文献   
锌、铝及其合金涂层对钢铁的防护,不仅对阴极起保护作用(Gartland,1987), 对涂层本身也具有良好的抗腐蚀性能。此外,涂层中金属微粒表面形成的致密氧化膜,也起到了防腐蚀的作用。在不同大气环境下,锌、铝有良好的耐蚀性,其腐蚀速率比钢铁要低得多(李言涛,1998)。采用热喷涂锌、铝及其合金涂层对钢铁构件和构筑物进行长效防护早在20世纪20年代就已开始应用,至今仍是普遍采用的防护措施,并在继续发展(李守本等,1989)。20年代初,法国首先用于海水闸门的防腐;40年代美国用于墨西哥湾的海上井架和海上输油管以及舰船的防腐;60年代英、法、德等国海军将这一技术扩大应用到舰船的上部结构和船壳。而金属热喷涂技术在海洋工程中使用非常有限,第一次使用热喷铝涂层防护近海平台的实例是Conoco公司在北海的Murchison结构上的锥形塔,并且已获得了4a良好的使用效能(Fisher et al.,1987;Shaw et al.,1985)。1984年6月,Hutton张力支柱平台(TLP)在北海下水(水深148 m)安装。系链、升降机和锥形塔均采用火焰热喷涂技术喷涂铝涂层进行防护(Tyson,1985)。1992年6月,Hotton平台使用8a后,对升降机绳索进行观察,在飞溅区没有发现腐蚀现象,也没有检测到褐色渗漏效应(Fisher et al.,1995)。  相似文献   
白云凹陷地球物理场及深部结构特征   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
珠江口盆地白云凹陷是南海最具代表性的第三系深水陆坡沉积区。以穿过白云凹陷中部的一条深反射地震剖面(14s)为研究基础,采用综合地球物理研究方法分析了该区地球物理场特征,根据重力异常平面等值线勾画了白云凹陷的形态,并提取该测线相对应的重磁剖面数据,利用重磁资料和地震剖面进行了综合反演。以深剖面地震资料建立了地质模型,利用所得的重力数据进行了研究深部结构的正演拟合,实测与计算值拟合较好,支持中生代俯冲洋壳存在的观点;同时结合地震资料对深部结构进行了分析,该区莫霍面由陆向海抬升,呈阶梯状变化,地壳厚度逐渐减薄,具有大陆边缘陆壳向洋壳过渡的特征。根据地质模型还进行了变密度综合反演拟合来分析基底岩性特征,该区基底主要为中酸性岩浆岩,部分为变质岩和基性火山岩,岩石密度由陆向洋逐渐减小,磁性体分布不均。  相似文献   
重力异常垂向一阶导数的一种简便算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用拉格朗日插值导出了重力异常垂向一阶导数的计算公式,给出了地面以及地面之上不同高度的求导系数。该公式可以计算地面上的重力垂向一阶导数,还可以直接计算地面之上任意高度上的垂向一阶导数。鉴于该公式除系数不同外,与上延公式完全相同,因此,程序设计尤为简单。使用本公式对模型数据和实际资料进行了处理,证明了本算法的实用性。  相似文献   
在工作程度高的地区如何筛选矿致磁异常   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了在工作程度高的地区进一步筛选矿致磁异常的可能性;提出了在工作程度高的地区筛选矿致磁异常的优先顺序建议。  相似文献   
An updated analysis of geothermal data from the highland area of eastern Brazil has been carried out and the characteristics of regional variations in geothermal gradients and heat flow examined. The database employed includes results of geothermal measurements at 45 localities. The results indicate that the Salvador craton and the adjacent metamorphic fold belts northeastern parts of the study area are characterized by geothermal gradients in the range of 6–17°C/km. The estimated heat flow values fall in the range of 28–53 mW/m2, with low values in the cratonic area relative to the fold belts. On the other hand, the São Francisco craton and the intracratonic São Francisco sedimentary basin in the southwestern parts are characterized by relatively higher gradient values, in the range of 14–42°C/km, with the corresponding heat flow values falling in the range of 36–89 mW/m2. Maps of regional variations indicate that high heat flow anomaly in the São Francisco craton is limited to areas of sedimentary cover, to the west of the Espinhaço mountain belt. Crustal thermal models have been developed to examine the implications of the observed intracratonic variations in heat flow. The thermal models take into consideration variation of thermal conductivity with temperature as well as change of radiogenic heat generation with depth. Vertical distributions of seismic velocities were used in obtaining estimates of radiogenic heat production in crustal layers. Crustal temperatures are calculated based on a procedure that makes simultaneous use of the Kirchoff and Generalized Integral Transforms, providing thereby analytical solutions in 2D and 3D geometry. The results point to temperature variations of up to 300°C at the Moho depth, between the northern Salvador and southern São Francisco cratons. There are indications that differences in rheological properties, related to thermal field, are responsible for the contrasting styles of deformation patterns in the adjacent metamorphic fold belts.  相似文献   
研究“源兆”的若干问题及途径分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
王贵宣  张肇诚 《地震》1996,16(4):391-395
从位场理论的观点讨论了场和源的概念,建议将“场兆”改称为构造前兆,将“源兆”称为震源前兆。文中还分析了震源体与各种前兆观测方法探测的深度,并根据地磁与重力观测方法不同的物理基础和地质基础,指出震磁效应对于研究震源前兆的特殊意义,文中还介绍了1976唐山地震观测到震源前兆的部分实际地磁资料。  相似文献   
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