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对于象引黄入晋工程这样的由多个混凝土建筑物紧密且“硬性”衔接而成的,高精度、超长线路工程来说,村号系统设计是一个十分重要且具有实际应用意义的问题,为了避免高斯投影误差与高程投影误差对桩号的影响,解决桩号方面由此而引起的矛盾,以及满足工程远程运营管理对桩号的要求,作者提出了在工程的勘测设计、施工和运营管理等阶段中,应分别使用设计桩号、施工桩号和管理桩号,这3种桩号就构成了超长线路工程的桩号系统。文中  相似文献   
大别山早白垩世变质核杂岩的结构与演化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
大别山中部混合岩-片麻岩穹隆的构造属性认识方面一直众说纷纭.通过对中大别杂岩及其边界剪切带或断裂带的构造解析,并结合对前人相关研究的总结,我们将中大别杂岩厘定为早白垩世的变质核杂岩,其中商麻断裂与晓天-磨子潭断裂和水吼-五河剪切带构成了一个完整的拆离断层带,并将变质核杂岩的形成时间限定在145~120 Ma.中大别杂岩...  相似文献   
基于主干地震剖面的解释结果,本文探讨了柴达木西部地区新生代主控性断裂的活动模式、活动时间及空间演化过程。结果表明,断裂演化明显存在两个大的旋回:路乐河组—下干柴沟组上段沉积期间(约54~31 Ma)和下油砂山组沉积至今(约22 Ma至今); 其中第2个构造期断裂活动强烈,尤其是狮子沟组沉积以来(约8 Ma至今),中部及北部区域北西西向断裂开始大规模逆冲活动,反映了盆地晚期强烈变形过程。断层生长指数定量分析结果与其空间演化过程相吻合,共同记录了印度—欧亚板块碰撞远程效应控制下的柴达木盆地在新生代具有阶段性变形特征,从而为青藏高原东北部分阶段隆升模式提供了新的证据。  相似文献   
本文采用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-AES)轴向和径向测定土壤中铜、锰、钒、锌四种金属元素的含量,比较分析了在不同三酸[硝酸(HNO3)、氢氟酸(HF)、高氯酸(HCLO4)]用量(配比)下对5种国家标准物质的消解性差异和对四种元素轴向和径向测定结果的影响。结果表明:(1)消解过程中f、g、h配比的三酸消解速度较快,d、e次之,a、b、c相对较慢。(2)对于低含量试样径向观测对轴向观测灵敏度较高;同时三酸消解用量不同,其结果差异性不明显,而发现中高含量范围内横向观测比径向观测相对偏差较小,说明了轴向观测效果较好。(3)通过采用f配比的三酸经过前处理进行稳定性分析,结果可知标准偏差(SD)均小于10,相对标准偏差(RSD)均小于5%,对于高含量锰元素横向观测较径向观测稳定性高,其余元素差异性不明显。  相似文献   
新疆尼勒克、巩留交界6.0级地震震中烈度为Ⅶ度,地震没有造成人员伤亡,但个别民宅倒塌,大量村镇居民房屋遭受中等以上破坏,一些教育、卫生等公房遭破坏;交通和水利设施有一定程度破坏,经及时抢修,未对灾区生产生活产生明显影响。通过实地抽样调查和统计计算,评估出本次地震造成的直接经济损失为67 846万元,需恢复重建的经费120 349万元。  相似文献   
中国南方下寒武统石煤的特征,沉积,环境和成因   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在早寒武世,中国南方存在着四种类型的含石煤地层一南岭型、扬子型、江南型和华南型,其中的石煤在量和质的方面均各不用问,据研究,这主要与当时的沉积背景(一个浅水台地、一个深水盆地和三个深水大陆斜坡)差异有关。作者通过对石煤的分布、厚度、物质组分、岩石类型、物理化学性质和伴生元素的讨论,认为其形成机理为:海平面上升,由上升洋流携带富养海水在沉积速率缓慢和少泥的条件下,促使菌藻类大量发育,并由此引起海底缺氧环境;菌藻类死亡后沉积在海底,经过复杂的成岩变质作用就形成了石煤。  相似文献   
人工养虾池生态系统结构特点及其控制对策   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
崔玉珩 《海洋科学》1994,18(2):64-65
为养殖对虾而修筑的大大小小的养虾池都是一相对独立的生态系统。在池内生态条件适于对虾正常要求的情况下,对虾可以在其中生存、生长。如果生态条件逐步恶化,非但影响对虾的正常生活、生长,严重时甚至导致全部对虾死亡。粗放式的养殖,其影响也相对小些,高密度养殖情况下潜在的危险较大,对养殖池的环境状况要特别注意。l人工养虾生态系统的基本特点1·1人工养殖池是一个结构简单的生态系统。在池内除放养的对虾(有时混养贝类等)外自然存在的生物通常是浮游植物和浮游动物,食物链大体上是二个层次(对虾靠投饵喂养例外)。养虾池…  相似文献   
Based on the seismic observation report data provided by the Xinjiang Digital Seismic Network from 2009 to 2014,we calculate the wave velocity ratio and its background value for medium and small earthquakes by using the multi-station method in Tianshan,Xinjiang.This paper analyzes the variation of the wave velocity ratio disturbance value to highlight the abnormal,and also back-traces 7 moderate earthquakes at the research area.The results show that:(1)the background value of the wave velocity ratio is almost 1.70,the wave velocity ratio obviously decreases in the middle-eastern part of Tianshan and the region near the Puchang fault;(2)the wave velocity ratio disturbance value is mostly low in the epicenter before four earthquakes of M≥5.0 from 2011 to 2013 in the study area;(3)before 7 moderate strong earthquakes,the earthquake events with low value of the wave velocity ratio account for over 60% of corresponding total events near the epicenters,and the low value of the wave velocity ratio is relatively obvious before moderate earthquakes.  相似文献   
The determination of uranium series disequilibria in fluvial environments is proposed as a method of calculating catchment mass balances. The technique is based on two main principles. Firstly, 234U is more mobile than 238U, especially during the early stages of weathering. Secondly, uranium is far more mobile than either thorium or protactinium. Consequently, teaching during weathering results in the loss of the uranium found in the fresh rock, leaving the two immobile daughters behind. The ratio of uranium carried by sediment to that dissolved, US/UW can, therefore, be determined from river water and sediment isotopic activity ratios. Fluxes of uranium can then be calculated from average concentrations in the water and the associated sediment, from which a sediment yield can be inferred. The Witham catchment in Lincolnshire has been used to test the proposed method. A US/UW ratio of between 5 and 7 is determined and a sediment yield of 2.51 ± 2.12 tonnes yr?1 km?2 is proposed. Although some problems concerning environmental chemistry have arisen, the validity of the approach is confirmed by the close correspondence between the results obtained and those inferred by earlier workers using more conventional methods.  相似文献   
The occurrence percentage and abundance of General Aerobic Hetero- trophic Bacteria (GAB) were determined by using the method of MPN for 182 sub- samples from 10 sediment cores taken from the Canadian basin and the Chukchi Sea at two different culturing temperatures. The results showed that the general occurrence percentage of GAB was quite high, average abundanees of GAB at cultured temperatares of 4℃ and 25℃ were 4.46 ×10^7 and 5.47×10^7 cells·g^-1(wt), respectively. The highest abundance of GAB occurred at 20 -22 cm section in the sediment. GAB abundances changed among the section of sediments, but there is a trend : the a-bundances at the middle or lower sections were lower than those at upper section. Cultivation at 25℃ could improve the occurrence percentage and abundances of GAB, which suggests that the increasing of temperature may change the living circum-stances of GAB. The differences of GAB among the latitudes areas indicated that occurrence percentage and abundances of GAB in middle latitude areas were higher than those in the higher or lower latitude areas, and were more obvious at 4℃ than those at 25℃. The GAB abundances in sediment under the shallower water seemed to be low- er than those in sediments under the deeper water and this status was more obvious at 25℃ than that at 4℃.  相似文献   
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