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天山山区近40a年降水变化特征与南、北疆的比较   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
袁玉江  何清  喻树龙 《气象科学》2004,24(2):220-226
本文分析了天山山区近40 a来年降水变化的基本特征,并与南疆、北疆进行了比较,所得的主要结果如下:(1)天山山区在年降水量干湿变化阶段上与北疆的相似性强于南疆。(2)年降水量的空间分布的同步变化性以北疆为最好,南疆最差,天山山区居中,而年降水量的空间分布的反向变化性,以天山山区为最大,北疆最小,南疆居中。(3)天山山区与南疆从60年代到90年代,年降水均表现出了持续的增加的趋势,北疆年降水从60年代到90年代,除70年代外,不断增多。  相似文献   
文中重点分析了中国科学院大气物理研究所LASG最新发展的全球大气环流谱模式(R42L9)与一全球海洋环流模式(T63L30)耦合形成的全球海洋-大气-陆面气候系统模式(GOALS/LASG)新版本已积分30 a的模拟结果,通过与多种观测资料的对比分析,讨论了赤道太平洋海表温度(SST)的年际变化及其纬向传播、赤道东太平洋SST异常与其他洋面SST变化之间的遥相关关系、赤道太平洋浅表层海温的年际变化特征等研究内容.结果表明,COALS模式模拟出了赤道太平洋SST异常出现不规则的年际变化特点;赤道东太平洋SST异常的向西传播过程;赤道太平洋混合层海温变化由西向东、由深层向浅层的传播过程;同时也模拟出了赤道东太平洋SST变化与赤道西太平洋以及与西南太平洋海温之间的反相关关系,与南印度洋和副热带大西洋SST之间的正遥相关关系等实际观测现象.但COALS模式也存在明显的不足,如对赤道东、中太平洋SST异常的年际变化幅度明显偏小,没能模拟出赤道东太平洋的SST变化比赤道中太平洋强的特点;赤道太平洋SST从东向西的传播速度明显比实际观测慢得多,但混合层海温极值变化由西向东的传播速度明显比实际情况快得多;没能模拟出赤道东太平洋SST变化同西北太平洋SST的负相关和北印度洋海温变化的正相关现象,因此也影响了对南亚、东南亚降水年际变化的模拟能力.  相似文献   
柴达木盆地北缘"沙柳河岩群"的重新启用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
柴北缘变质基底岩系中的表壳岩包含了岩石组合、沉积建造、变质程度和地质时代不同的两套岩石组合。其中,分布在柴达木地块的沙柳河、鱼卡河等地的以大理岩、石英岩和含石榴石英片岩为主含榴辉岩透镜体的表壳岩系,时代限定在1.0~1.3Ga,与分布在欧龙布鲁克微陆块的全吉山、德令哈等地形成时代大约2.3~2.4Ga的达肯大坂岩群有着明显的不同,后者以斜长角闪岩、石榴石英片岩和黑云变粒岩为主,并具有较强的钾质混合岩化。由于前者岩石组合清楚,沉积建造特征明显,构造意义独特,且有一定的区域分布性和可比性,所以具备建立新的岩群的条件。根据定名优先的原则,决定重新启用沙柳河岩群。  相似文献   
This paper estimates the coefficients of volume compressibility from variation in compressible layer thickness and changes in piezometric heads by using detail ground surface surveys and a multilayer monitoring well at a selected site (Shigang) within the Choshui River alluvial fan in west Taiwan. The paper integrates various types of in situ monitoring tools, including leveling surveys, continuous global position system (GPS) stations, multilevel layer compression and groundwater pressure head-monitoring wells, to investigate the situation and progress of the subsidence problem in the region. The results from the cross-analyses of the measured data show that surface settlement caused by the compression of strata is between the depths of 60 and 210 m where the clayey stratum within 120-180 m was most pronounced and contributes up to 53% of the total compression. The results indicate that the clayey stratum is under normal consolidation. The results also reflect the fact that 20% of settlement contribution comes from the sandy stratum within 90-120 m; the elasto-plastic behavior of this sandy stratum is clear. The coefficients of volume compressibility of the clayey and sandy stratum analysed from the stratum's compression records; they were 6.38×10−8 and 5.71×10−9 m2/N, respectively. Ultimately, this parameter estimation would permit to control and predict land subsidence based on change in pressure head which are related to groundwater extraction.  相似文献   
The development of Taiwan's agricultural sector contributed significantly to the country's transformation from virtual poverty after World War II to a modern industrial nation. Success resulted from the use of appropriate technologies, developed through an exceptionally close working relationship between government, research and development institutions, extension services and farmers in Taiwan. As part of their overseas development aid programme, the Republic of China on Taiwan has established Technical Missions in those developing countries where it receives political recognition. Among these is The Gambia, West Africa, where one focus of Taiwan's current Technical Mission is the development of women's market gardens. Although the gardens have proved successful, there is doubt as to whether their achievements will be sustained once Taiwan's Technical Mission in The Gambia has ended. Field research in Taiwan and in The Gambia, based largely on participatory techniques, has revealed that the low-tech methods introduced from Taiwan are appropriate for the Gambian environment. However, much depends on whether women participating in the schemes can commit sufficient time and energy to the gardens, as at present this is a limiting factor. The potential of the gardens may also be constrained by a lack of appropriate institutional infrastructure, particularly the scope for profitable disposal of garden produce. A major conclusion of the article is that successful transfer of appropriate technology to The Gambia is likely to be impeded by poorly developed coordination between groups that proved to be key 'players' in the development of agriculture in Taiwan: government, research and development institutions, extension services and producers.  相似文献   
2003年2月14日新疆石河子南发生了5.0和5.4级地震。地震发生在北天山石场东南高山区内,位于亚马特断裂与斜切天山的博罗科努断裂所夹持断块的南缘。地震仅对石河子南山矿区所属的红沟煤矿、小沟煤矿与沙湾县煤矿等50、60年代建造的部分危房造成了轻微的破坏,大部分地区的房屋基本完好。造成地震灾害减轻的主要原因为多条断裂的隔震作用与居民点位于山区较平缓地带、场地条件较好等因素。  相似文献   
新疆北天山中东段地区震源参数研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
本文首先利用经验格林函数方法证明了新疆北天山中东段地区的震源谱基本满足ω-2 模型。在此基础上 ,通过对S波观测谱中的噪音、仪器、路径、场地等影响的逐一消除 ,得到了研究区 10 5次ML2 5~ 5 7地震的震源谱 ,进而根据Brune的圆盘震源模型计算了地震矩、应力降、震源半径等震源参数。结果表明 ,这些地震的标量地震矩M0 与ML 震级线性相关较好 ,关系为Log10 M0 =1 10ML+ 17 2 0 ;震源半径在 10 0~ 15 0 0m之间 ;应力降介于 1~ 16 0bar之间 ,优势分布于 1~ 10 0bar。地震矩与拐角频率的关系呈现出两段趋势 ,可能表明了研究区震源的多重标度特征 :当M0 小于 4× 10 2 1dyne cm时 (相当于ML4 0地震 ) ,应力降显示出对M0 有依赖关系 ;当M0 大于 4× 10 2 1dyne cm时 ,地震的应力降不依赖于M0 。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONThe structural mine earthquake in coal mines refers to the quake induced by excavationengineeringthatleadstorupturingor change of geological structure and weakness surfaceintheinteriorof rock mass.According to the origin,mine earthquakes can b…  相似文献   
程裕淇主编《中国地层典》记失   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
张守信 《地质科学》2005,40(1):145-152
文章列数了《中国地层典》5个方面的重要失误:不是中国地层名称全览性的工具书,急于采用处于争议中的术语,大量地层单位名称的出处因考证不到位而形成张冠李戴,采用的历史优先律不是国际共识,在编撰过程中建立新名称。文章用选出的泰山杂岩、滹沱系、秦岭片岩和仑山石灰岩4个名称为例说明《中国地层典》对其出处的考证不到位,进而论证《中国地层典》的诸多解释可信度低。文章严肃地指出“历史优先律”给中国地层学造成的不良后果:它破坏了地层命名法的标准性,颠倒了中国地层命名史,干扰了中国地层名称的管理。  相似文献   
基于不同人口需要而进行的人类活动对“三江并流”区的地理环境产生了巨大影响,形成了独具特色的人地作用机制。这一作用机制一方面对“三江并流”世界遗产的保护构成了威胁,但另一方面,通过人口生态生产,实现人口数量、质量、结构和分布的生态化,改进人类活动,也可优化“三江并流”区的地理环境,保护“三江并流”世界遗产,实现该地区的可持续发展。  相似文献   
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