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在小宽断裂带构造解析基础之上,根据地质资料以及前人提供的岩石物理学参数建立了梨树断陷区的二维地质和数值模型。进行了构造应力场数值模拟,分析了梨树断陷小宽断裂带断陷期小宽断裂带断陷期在沙河子期(K1sh)、营城期(K1yc)、登楼库期(K1d)的构造应力场特征。模拟结果显示:(1)沙河子期在左旋走滑应力状态下,小宽断裂带处于近NE—SW方向的拉张应力状态,剪应力在沿着断裂带SW—NE走向逐渐减小; (2)营城期在右旋走滑的应力状态下,小宽断裂带处于近NW—SE向的拉张力状态,剪应力最大值位于断裂带的最中间部位;(3)登楼库期在左旋走滑的应力状态下,断裂带处于SWW—NEE向的张拉应力状态,剪应力最大值位于断裂带西南段。  相似文献   
苏门答腊弧后裂谷盆地带是印尼乃至东南亚最大的油气产区,由于勘探程度高, 近十年来勘探成效差,盆地油气发现进入瓶颈期。为了指明苏门答腊弧后裂谷盆地带勘探方向,以盆地带构造演化为主线,以构造带为研究对象,在构造特征、构造对成藏模式控制作用等多方面研究的基础上,预测了苏门答腊盆地带有利勘探领域。根据构造特征分析,苏门答腊弧后裂谷盆地带可划分为近岛弧带、中央反转带和远岛弧带3个构造带。近岛弧带以继承性隆起为构造特征,油气主要通过断裂垂向运移,聚集在局部构造高部位生物礁和背斜之中,近岛弧带为旁生侧储型成藏模式,基底潜山圈闭是近岛弧带未来的勘探方向;中央反转带构造样式为挤压反转的半地堑、铲式正断层,中央反转带油气来自底部深凹陷,上部多层系做储层,垂向断层或侧向砂体发育,沟通烃源岩与圈闭,具有近水楼台的优势成藏条件,为下生上储型成藏模式,该带基底潜山圈闭和源内构造—岩性圈闭也具有较好的烃—运—储匹配关系,可能形成好的油气藏;远岛弧带以单斜构造背景为主,局部发育深洼陷,远岛弧带局部洼陷具有一定的生烃能力,该构造带钻井揭示了地层超覆油气藏,但目前勘探程度较低,尚存在较大勘探潜力。  相似文献   
近年来,稳定同位素技术已被广泛应用于食物网研究中。然而,生物样品取样部位对食物网构建的影响的研究相对少见。大型底栖动物作为潮间带食物网的重要组成部分,在食物网研究中有必要对其采样部位进行统一,以增加研究结果的准确性及可比较性。本研究选取黄河三角洲和烟台潮间带10种代表性的大型底栖动物,比较δ13C和δ15N在不同采样部位中的差异。结果显示,对于大多数底栖动物而言,采样部位将直接影响到δ13C和δ15N的测定结果。当底栖动物作为摄食者,需分析其食性和营养级时,应统一采用肌肉组织,如贝类的闭壳肌或足部肌肉,蟹类的鳌足肌肉,鱼类的背部肌肉;当底栖动物作为被摄食者,需分析次级消费者的食性和营养级时,除多毛类采用去除消化道内容物的体壁外,其他种类应选取整体(难以被消化的组织除外),如贝类的软体部,蟹类肌肉与鳃等的混合组织。  相似文献   
1Introduction With the development and application of remotesensing technology, people fromthe international re-mote sensing community have realized the issue thatwe have immoderately emphasized characteristics ofvast volume data and great detail of remot…  相似文献   
A Preliminary Study of Shear Wave in Seafloor Surface Sediments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article preliminarily reports and analyses the transmission characteristics and behaviors of shear wave in the offshore seafloor surface sediments in China, discusses the relationships between the physical and mechanical features of the shear wave and the compression wave, and compares the testing results with that of Hamilton and Chen et al. The result shows that the shear wave can be tested if the seafloor surface sediment has tangent modulus. The shear wave velocity ranges from 50-600 m/s and the measuring frequency from 50-200 kHz. The sound velocity rate of shear wave and compression wave can be used to appraise the stress-strain feature of seafloor surface sediments. This study provides a basis for further describing and appraising the seafloor sedimentary acoustic-mechanical feature and building a geological-acoustic model on China's offshore sea area.  相似文献   
This article presents results from a series of Ko-consolidated compression and extension triaxial tests on specimens from undisturbed samples of Hong Kong Marine Deposits (HKMD). To investigate the strain-rate effects, a total of seven Ko-consolidated triaxial tests were conducted including four compression tests and three extension tests. After Ko-consolidation, the triaxial test specimens were sheared at step-changed axial strain rates under three different confining pressures of 50 kPa, 150 kPa, and 400 kPa, respectively. The step-changed strain rates were applied in the following order: +2%/h, +0.2%/h, +20%/h, -2%/h (unloading) and +2%/h (reloading) for the four compression tests and -2%/h, -0.2%/h, -20%/h, +2%/h (unloading) and -2%/h (reloading) for the three extension tests. The results are reported and analyzed in the paper. The results show that the strain rate effects, the stress-strain characteristics, and the effective stress paths of the specimens for tests in a compression state are different from those for tests in an extension stage. One order of magnitude increase in axial strain rate causes an average 8.6% increase in undrained shear strength for compression tests and a 12.1% increase for extension tests. It is also found that the failure mode of the specimens in compression is different from that in extension. The stress-strain behavior of specimens shows strain-softening and a clear shear band in compression tests, but strain-hardening without any clear shear band in extension tests for the same absolute value of axial strain.  相似文献   
Using a two-dimensional primitive equation model, we examine nonlinear responses of a semidiurnal tidal flow impinging on a seamount with a background Garrett-Munk-like (GM-like) internal wavefield. It is found that horizontally elongated pancake-like structures of high vertical wavenumber near-inertial current shear are created both in the near-field (the region over the slope of the seamount) and far-field (the region over the flat bottom of the ocean). An important distinction is that the high vertical wavenumber near-inertial current shear is amplified only at mid-latitudes in the far-field (owing to a parametric subharmonic instability (PSI)), whereas it is amplified both at mid-and high-latitudes (above the latitude where PSI can occur) in the near-field. In order to clarify the generating mechanism for the strong shear in the near-field, additional numerical experiments are carried out with the GM-like background internal waves removed. The experiments show that the strong shear is also created, indicating that it is not caused by the interaction between the background GM-like internal waves and the semidiurnal internal tides. One possible explanation is proposed for the amplification of high vertical wavenumber near-inertial current shear in the near-field where tide residual flow resulting from tide-topography interaction plays an important role in transferring energy from high-mode internal tides to near-inertial internal waves.  相似文献   
Between June 2004 and September 2004 a temporary seismic network was installed on the northern insular shelf of Iceland and onshore in north Iceland. The seismic setup aimed at resolving the subsurface structure and, thus, the geodynamical transition from Icelandic crust to typical oceanic crust along Kolbeinsey Ridge. The experiment recorded about 1,000 earthquakes. The region encloses the Tjörnes Fracture Zone containing the Husavik–Flatey strike-slip fault and the extensional seismic Grimsey Lineament. Most of the seismicity occurs in swarms offshore. Preliminary results reveal typical mid-ocean crust north of Grimsey and a heterogeneous structure with major velocity anomalies along the seismic lineaments and north–south trending subsurface features. Complementary bathymetric mapping highlight numerous extrusion features along the Grimsey Lineament and Kolbeinsey Ridge. The seismic dataset promises to deliver new insights into the tectonic framework for earthquakes in an extensional transform zone along the global mid-ocean ridge system.  相似文献   
莱州湾地区郯庐断裂带的构造特征及其新生代演化   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
郯庐断裂带中段分东西两支从莱州湾进入渤海,在莱州湾地区的构造特征与演化历史一直鲜为人知。通过对横穿研究区的两条地震测线的解释和分析,揭示了该区郯庐断裂带中段在研究区的构造差异,研究表明郯庐断裂带东西两支在该研究区表现出不同的断裂性质,西支断裂表现为正断层,东支断裂表现为走滑断层。郯庐断裂是本研究区的主控断裂,通过对本地区地层形态及其组合、断层的剖面形态和空间展布规律的深入研究,揭示了郯庐断裂带在莱州湾地区新生代以来的构造演化历史:古新世—始新世的伸展阶段、渐新世—中新世早期的挤压和右行走滑阶段、中新世中晚期至今的稳定发展阶段,这几个不同时期的演化阶段主要受太平洋板块运动的方向和速度变化的控制。  相似文献   
对位于渤海湾西北岸平原的滨海湖埋藏牡蛎礁中各层牡蛎壳的泥质充填物做硅藻分析,整个牡蛎礁中海水砂质潮间带指标种标志种的Auliscus caelatus含量较高,为19%~42%,表明滨海湖礁体形成于潮间带环境。根据主要硅藻含量的变化,结合14C测年,自下而上将礁体发育期间的古环境分为3个带:I带为2 445~2 327 cal.aBP,礁体在向上建礁的过程中,海水作用逐渐减弱,潮间带特征愈加明显,为受河流影响较强且较为开放的潟湖潮间带环境;Ⅱ带咸水种硅藻Thalassionema nitzschioides的比例急剧增加;外洋指标种的Coscinodiscus spp.和Actinocyclus spp.急剧下降,表明在约2 327 cal.aBP,海岸带砂嘴闭合,形成较为封闭的潟湖内侧潮间带环境,且河流作用减弱导致潟湖的咸度明显增加;Ⅲ带为2 327~2 287 cal.aBP,由封闭的潟湖环境又转向较开放的潟湖潮间带环境。  相似文献   
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