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DQM2000d、UGM05和EGM2008地球重力场模型精度比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
给出由地球重力场模型计算重力异常和垂线偏差的公式,利用36阶、360阶、1 800阶DQM 2000d、UGM 05以及EGM 2008地球重力场模型计算国内某地区格网点重力异常和地面垂线偏差,并将其与实测数据进行比较,从而对三种模型的精度进行评估。结果表明,在表示国内某地区格网点重力异常时,UGM 05模型精度最高,DQM 2000d模型精度次之,EGM 2008模型精度最低;在表示地面垂线偏差时,三种模型的精度相当。  相似文献   
刘振宇  高炳浩 《测绘学报》2010,39(5):441-443
针对CQG2000精度无法满足实际工作的情况,提出一种新的重力似大地水准面与GPS水准的拟合方法—残差模型法,利用CQG2000、较密集的GPS水准点,采用残差模型法建立吉林省西部地区似大地水准面模型(JiLin West Quasi-Geoid,JLWQG)。论述建立JLWQG的三角剖分双线性内插算法及其适用性,检测结果表明,JLWQG精度达到了±0.05m,JLWQG在吉林省西部地区基础测绘更新工作中进行了大面积的应用,取得了满意的结果。  相似文献   
作为土地资源调查工作主要成果的土地利用现状图,主要为反映土地利用的特点和利用的合理程度,改良土地利用方式并进一步挖掘土地潜力提供科学依据。目前土地利用数据由大比例尺向中小比例尺转换工作主要由手工操作或是基于商用软件包进行;由于手工操作环节多,工作量大、所耗周期长、技术性强、作业人员的干扰因素多,较易产生误差和错误;而商用软件包在进行土地利用数据制图综合的过程中则缺乏相关的知识规则。本文以此问题为出发点进行研究,结合土地利用数据制图综合理论体系,在ArcEngine环境下对土地利用制图综合规则及操作进行开发,生成土地利用数据制图综合模块;利用实例数据对土地利用数据制图综合模块的功能进行检验,实验结果显著地克服了手工操作中的缺点,并使综合制图的自动化体系得到完善。  相似文献   
Concepts for the Evaluation of Contaminant Mobility in Soil and Waste Materials Elution tests (S4, pHstat, and SDS test) are presented, enabling the evaluation of the mobility of hydrophilic/hydrophobic and inorganic/organic contaminants in soil and waste materials. While elution tests for estimation of the mobilization potential of hydrophilic substances are performed following the pHstat method, for hydrophobic species surfactant-containing eluents are used. The individual parameters of the elution process are selected assuming a "worst-case" scenario. In principle, because of economic reasons, detailed analytical investigations should be preceded by relevant screening tests.  相似文献   
A method that combines calibration and identifiability analysis of a dynamic water quality model to evaluate the relative importance of various processes affecting the dynamic aspects of water composition is illustrated by a study of the response of suspended sediment and dissolved nutrients to a flood hydrograph in a rural catchment area in the Netherlands. Since the water quality model simulates the observed concentrations of suspended sediment and dissolved nutrients reasonably well, the most important processes during the observed flood hydrograph could be determined. These were erosion, exchange between dissolved phase and bed sediments and denitrification. It is concluded that the method is very useful for identifying the most significant model parameters and processes that are essential for water quality modelling. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
“Belt and Road” regions include Asia, Europe and eastern and northern Africa, with a wide spatial distribution. The cryosphere is undergoing rapid changes in the Belt and Road regions with global warming, and has an important impact on water resources, ecosystems and Arctic waterways in these regions. This article reviewed recent cryospheric changes and associated impacts on water resources in the Belt and Road regions during the last decades. The main cognitions are as follows: Most glaciers are shrinking and glacier mass balances are most negative, but there are regional differences in the changes of glaciers. Global temperature rise has resulted in permafrost degradation, including a rise in permafrost temperature and decreasing permafrost thickness as well as an increase in active layer thickness. There is a significant decrease in snow cover extent and an increase in snow depth. Snow cover duration has shortened, the onset of snow cover has delayed, and the end of snow cover has advanced. However, there are still obvious regional differences in the changes of snow cover. Arctic sea ice has declined precipitously in both extent and thickness in summer, and multi-year sea ice has decreased,indicating the precipitous retreat of sea ice. The freeze-up date of some lakes has been delayed, the break-up date has advanced, and the ice cover duration of river/lake ice has significantly shortened. Glacial runoff has increased significantly in China. Snowmelt and permafrost degradation have also increased the basin runoff, which indicates the important impact of cryospheric changes on runoff. This study will provide a baseline and important scientific support for addressing climate change and regional sustainable development.  相似文献   
2015年1月14日乐山金口河M5.0地震发生在历史地震强度较低的川南山区与四川盆地交界一带。基于四川区域地震台网的震相报告与波形资料,采用双差定位法对地震序列进行重新定位,同时,采用CAP波形反演方法及HASH方法反演了主震及序列中8次ML≥2.0地震的震源机制解。另外,利用Coulomb3计算了主震发生后库仑应力改变量,得到的结果如下:①重新定位结果显示,金口河M5.0地震位于(103.18°E,29.32°N),震源深度16.6km,略深于波形反演结果(12km)。序列分布在NNW向天全-荥经断裂和NE向西河-美姑断裂的交汇部位,余震序列在空间上呈NE向展布。②M5.0主震的机制解为节面Ⅰ:走向350°/倾角46°/滑动角107°,节面Ⅱ:走向146°/倾角47°/滑动角73°,表现为走向NW(NNW)、中等倾角的逆冲型运动方式。序列中其余8次ML≥2.0余震大多以走向NE的逆冲型地震为主,个别为走滑或正断层类型。主震和大部分余震的节面方向不一致,主震节面方向与余震长轴方向也不一致。③主震后库仑应力改变量显示,余震主要发生在主震引起的库仑破裂应力增加的区域。综合分析推测,NNW向天全-荥经断裂为本次地震主震的发震构造,倾向NE的机制解节面Ⅰ指出了该断裂的几何产状;M5.0主震发生后,立即触发了其旁侧的NE向西河-美姑断裂,并激发了多次余震。  相似文献   
通过分析墨江5.9级地震前预测意见和预测资料,认为云南地区M≥5.5地震平静异常突出,M≥5.0地震连续间隔时间达200天以上,通海2次5.0级地震震级偏小是震前地震活动异常的显著特征;通海地震的指示意义、前兆异常M≥5.7地震中期和M≥5.0地震短临综合预测指标是判断地震短期可能性的主要依据;1900年以来,通海50km范围内M≥5.0地震后云南地区发生M≥5.0地震优势对应关系和GNSS表征的区域面应变变化特征为地点判定提供了线索。墨江5.9级地震的预测经验及资料的论证丰富了对地震孕育复杂性的认识,为震例积累了新的资料。  相似文献   
以2017年3月27日漾濞5.1级地震为例,根据区域特性和信噪比要求,选取数据较为完整的6个台站记录的2017年1月1日~6月6日期间的宾川地震信号发射台气枪震源波形资料,采用互相关检测技术提取6个台站各自稳定震相的走时数据,并对漾濞5.1级地震前后走时数据的变化情况进行分析。结果表明,漾濞5.1级地震前后6个台站各自稳定震相存在较为明显的走时变化,且短期内走时变化具有较好的同步性,相关台站异常幅度大小和异常出现时间存在细小差异。地震发生前,6个台站走时低值异常过程明显,以YUL台最为显著。地震发生前后走时变化形态特征为双“V”型,漾濞5.1级地震发生在第1个“V”型末端。地震发生后,不同方位相关台站受地震的影响程度不同,走时波动大小存在差异。  相似文献   
The Western Yunnan Earthquake Predication Test Site set up jointly by the China Earthquake Administration, the National Science Foundation Commission of America, and United States Geological Survey has played an important role in development of early earthquake research work in China. Due to various objective reasons, most of the predicted targets in the earthquake prediction test site have not been achieved, and the development has been hindered. In recent years, the experiment site has been reconsidered, and renamed the “Earthquake Science Experimental Site”. Combined with the current development of seismology and the practical needs of disaster prevention and mitigation, we propose adding the “Underground Cloud Map” as the new direction of the experimental site. Using highly repeatable, environmentally friendly and safe airgun sources, we could send constant seismic signals, which realizes continuous monitoring of subsurface velocity changes. Utilizing the high-resolution 3-D crustal structure from ambient noise tomography, we could obtain 4-D (3-D space + 1-D time) images of subsurface structures, which we termed the “Underground Cloud Map”. The “Underground Cloud Map” can reflect underground velocity and stress changes, providing new means for the earthquake monitoring forecast nationwide, which promotes the conversion of experience-based earthquake prediction to physics-based prediction.  相似文献   
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