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尚培颖  侯龙海 《江苏地质》2005,29(4):198-203
云台山黄铁矿是江苏唯一的大型黄铁矿,矿区勘查经历了勘查-认识-再勘查-再认识至发现矿床的曲折过程,从中反映出基础地质与综合研究在矿床勘查中的重要地位。云台山黄铁矿说明了在现今的矿床勘查中必须重视和加强基础地质和综合研究这两方面的工作。基础工作是找矿取得突破的基本保证,综合研究可进一步掌握客观地质规律、指导地质勘查及提高工作成效。  相似文献   
杨勤生 《云南地质》2012,(3):285-291
国家能源局《页岩气发展规划(2011-2015)》中,云南昭通列为全国19个页岩气勘探开发区之一。滇东北下志留统龙马溪组中施工的2口深孔均有良好的页岩气显示。其中,镇雄昭104孔获工业气流,测得日产页岩气12 800m3/d气量,这是中石油及其下属公司部署在我省勘查页岩气取得的重大突破。详细研究龙马溪组地层层序、岩性特征、分层标志等基础资料,为下一步页岩气勘探建立统一正确的录井分层提供依据。  相似文献   
考洲洋化学耗氧量(COD)的含量特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1999年2月和8月对考洲洋海水、表层沉积物COD含量进行了调查研究.结果表明考洲洋海水COD含量为0.82~2.71 mg·L-1,表层沉积物COD含量为0.44~10.45 mg·L-1,其水质质量达到我国国家二类海水水质标准(COD<3 mg·L-1).海水与表层沉积物COD含量平面分布总的呈西北部水域和湾中部水域向湾口降低的趋势.表层沉积物COD含量与有机质、硫化物含量呈显著的正相关(P<0.05).与粤东邻近的网箱养殖水域比较,海水COD含量居中,表层沉积物COD含量较低.  相似文献   
坎普斯盆地为典型的被动大陆边缘拉伸裂谷盆地,由前裂谷期(非海相)、同裂谷期(过渡相)及后裂谷期(海相)三个构造层组成.含盐层序为区域盖层,盐下层序泥页岩和盐上层序坎普斯组泥页岩为局部盖层;主要烃源岩为下白垩统拉高亚费耶组湖相黑色钙质页岩;古近系和新近系浊积砂岩为主力储集体,上白垩统浊积岩也是重要储层,下白垩统尼欧克姆阶...  相似文献   
准噶尔盆地南缘中-新生界地层主要分布于准噶尔盆地南缘与天山耦合部位。通过X射线荧光光谱(XRF)和电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)对准噶尔盆地南缘中-新生界沉积岩样品进行了测试。本文根据样品中常量元素、微量元素及稀土元素(REE)特征以及特征元素比值等地球化学参数,探讨了准噶尔盆地南缘中-新生界物源区构造背景、物源性质及风化程度。通过常量、微量元素构造判别图(含量及比值)判断得出中-新生界沉积岩源岩以长英质岩石为主,构造背景为活动性大陆边缘。准噶尔盆地南缘中-新生界具有较低化学蚀变指数(CIA)和较高成分成熟度变化指数(ICV)的特征,分布范围分别为52~89、0.37~1.82,反映准南中-新生界物源区古风化程度低、沉积物成分成熟度低,表明物源区构造活动强烈,属于快速剥蚀和搬运的构造环境。  相似文献   
Structurally controlled, syn-rift, clastic depocentres are of economic interest as hydrocarbon reservoirs; understanding the structure of their bounding faults is of great relevance, e.g. in the assessment of fault-controlled hydrocarbon retention potential. Here we investigate the structure of the Dombjerg Fault Zone (Wollaston Forland, NE Greenland), a syn-rift border fault that juxtaposes syn-rift deep-water hanging-wall clastics against a footwall of crystalline basement. A series of discrete fault strands characterize the central fault zone, where discrete slip surfaces, fault rock assemblages and extreme fracturing are common. A chemical alteration zone (CAZ) of fault-related calcite cementation envelops the fault and places strong controls on the style of deformation, particularly in the hanging-wall. The hanging-wall damage zone includes faults, joints, veins and, outside the CAZ, disaggregation deformation bands. Footwall deformation includes faults, joints and veins. Our observations suggest that the CAZ formed during early-stage fault slip and imparted a mechanical control on later fault-related deformation. This study thus gives new insights to the structure of an exposed basin-bounding fault and highlights a spatiotemporal interplay between fault damage and chemical alteration, the latter of which is often underreported in fault studies. To better elucidate the structure, evolution and flow properties of faults (outcrop or subsurface), both fault damage and fault-related chemical alteration must be considered.  相似文献   
西藏岩浆岩放射性生热率的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
测定了采自喜马拉雅和冈底斯地块露头和钻孔的97块岩石标本的放射性生热率(A),结果表明:藏南花岗岩(n=12)和藏北花岗岩(n=24)的平均生热率A值分别为3.2±1.5μW/m~3和2.6±1.6μW/m~3,与全球17个热流省的统计数据相比,两者均具有中等的放射性生热元素丰度;两者的平均钍铀比十分接近,分别为4.4±2.7和4.5±1.4,岩浆分异程度属中等。这些说明了:(1)本文作者在前期研究中选用的A值量级是适宜的;(2)花岗岩类作为壳内主要的放射性生热岩层,其生热率A值并未呈现异常量级。换言之,应着重从构造演化过程及其诱发的深部热作用机制,探讨藏南藏北高热流异常的成因。  相似文献   
国际地球参考框架:现状与未来   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
地球参考框架是研究地球整体和局部运动以及探讨地球各圈层运动机制的一个重要基准。简要回顾地球参考架的发展和现状,主要分析当前取得的成绩及其存在问题和局限性,着重提出未来地球参考架的目标和若干建议。  相似文献   
Geoenvironmental concerns involve unsaturated soils in problems like soil contamination, waste disposal and ground-atmosphere interactions. This paper deals with the two first points. To tackle geoenvironmental problems in unsaturated soils, it is necessary to identify experimentally the retention and transfer phenomena that govern the movements of fluids and chemical species in the unsaturated soil. Some of the experimental techniques used in unsaturated soils can be adapted to face these problems, but extensions accounting for the various physico-chemical processes involved in soil contamination and waste disposal are necessary, including temperature effects and the mechanical couplings resulting from the changes in temperature and chemical concentrations. After an introduction to the geoenvironmental problems that are related to unsaturated soils, the paper presents a series of experimental developments carried out in relation to retention and transfer properties of water (pure or with dissolved species), hydrocarbons and gas, also accounting for temperature effects and chemical effects. The techniques presented are applicable to soil contamination and waste disposal, with a special concern addressed to nuclear waste disposal, in which the effects of desaturation of the geological barrier together with the unsaturated nature of compacted engineered barriers appeared to be quite important.  相似文献   
甘肃阳山金矿独居石Th—U—Pb化学年龄及其地质和成矿意义   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:10  
阳山金矿是西秦岭地区新发现的超大型金矿,作者运用电子探针测定了含矿花岗斑岩脉的独居石Y-Th-U-Pb含量,采用ChemAge软件计算了各测点的表面年龄.各测点表面年龄落入3个组.第一组包括9个数据,来自独居石的核心部位,表面年龄变化于297-251Ma,等时线年龄为268±4Ma(MWSD=0.24),记录了勉略洋俯冲引发的晚古生代弧岩浆活动.第二组包括12个数据,表面年龄变化于237~207Ma,等时线年龄为220±3Ma(MWSD=0.20),属花岗斑岩侵入结晶年龄,与西秦岭碰撞型花岗岩开始大规模发育的时间一致.第三组包括7件位于独居石边缘的测点,表面年龄变化于200~179Ma,等时线年龄为190±3Ma(MSWD=0.15),属阳山金矿的成矿时间.因此,阳山金矿成矿时间与西秦岭中生代陆陆碰撞体制的大规模流体成矿事件一致,是陆陆碰撞体制流体成矿作用的典型代表.  相似文献   
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