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Three crater lakes from Mexican volcanoes were sampled and analyzed at various dates to determine their chemical characteristics. Strong differences were observed in the chemistry among the three lakes: Nevado de Toluca, considered as dormant, El Chichón at a post-eruptive stage, and Popocatépetl at a pre-eruptive stage. Not surprisingly, no influence of volcanic activity was found at the Nevado de Toluca volcano, while the other volcanoes showed a correlation between the changing level of activity and the evolution of chemical trends. Low pHs (<3.0) were measured in the water from the active volcanoes, while a pH of 5.6 was measured at the Nevado de Toluca Sun lake. Changes with time were observed at Popocatépetl and El Chichón. Concentrations of volcanic-gas derived species like Cl, SO42− and F decreased irregularly at El Chichón from 1983 until 1997. Major cations concentrations also diminished at El Chichón. A 100% increase in the SO42− content was measured at Popocatépetl between 1985 and 1994. An increase in the Mg/Cl ratio between 1992 (Mg/Cl=0.085) and 1994 (Mg/Cl=0.177) was observed at Popocatépetl, before the disappearance of the crater lake in 1994. It is concluded that chemical analysis of crater lakes may provide a useful additional tool for active-volcano monitoring.  相似文献   
Eruptions through crater lakes or shallow seawater, referred to here as subaqueous eruptions, present hazards from hydromagmatic explosions, such as base surges, lahars, and tsunamis, which may not exist at volcanoes on dry land. We have systematically compiled information from eruptions through surface water in order to understand the circumstances under which these hazards occur and what disastrous effects they have caused in the past. Subaqueous eruptions represent only 8% of all recorded eruptions but have produced about 20% of all fatalities associated with volcanic activity in historical time. Excluding eruptions that have resulted in about a hundred deaths or less, lahars have killed people in the largest number of historical subaqueous eruptions (8), followed by pyroclastic flows (excluding base surges; 5) tsunamis (4), and base surges (2). Subaqueous eruptions have produced lahars primarily on high (>1000 m), steep-sided volcanoes containing small (<1 km diameter) crater lakes. Tsunamis and other water waves have caused death or destroyed man-made structures only at submarine volcanoes and at Lake Taal in the Philippines. In spite of evidence that magma–water mixing makes eruptions more explosive, such explosions and their associated base surges have caused fewer deaths, and have been implicated in fewer eruptions involving large numbers of fatalities than lahars and tsunamis. The latter hazards are more deadly because they travel much farther from a volcano and inundate coastal areas and stream valleys that tend to be densely settled.  相似文献   
1. INTRODUCTIONAs a wide range of size distirbution including usually a certain POrtion of cohesive material is thecommon feature of the sediment constituting hyperconcentrated flows. it is desirable to study the settling properties of mixtures of cohesive and non--cohesjve sediment particles at high concentrations.Past studies on the settling of discrete particles in a suspension of fine cohesjve sediment is scarcein the literature. The Sediment Research Laboratory of Tsinghua Universi…  相似文献   
为了提升地震诱发堰塞湖突发灾难应急处置能力和充分利用灾区基础数据开展高效决策,本文结合遥感影像、DEM、水文资料和GIS技术,开展利用水文流量演算法和二维水动力学模型法快速评估堰塞湖溃决后下游淹没风险的方法研究。通过对唐家山堰塞湖690m溃坝洪水算例的应用,分别计算基于上述两种方法的下游潜在淹没影响范围,得到的两种计算结果均显示该规模的洪水将淹没下游北川县城的结果。最后通过分析对比两种影响范围计算结果的精度、数据需求、计算时长,评估两种方法在地震诱发堰塞湖下游淹没风险快速评估研究中的时效性、准确性和互补性。  相似文献   
不同生活型水生植物对水环境的影响和碳固持能力不同,开展大尺度范围内不同生活型水生植物的时空分布和动态变化研究,是全面掌握湖泊水生态环境变化趋势、准确核算水生生态系统碳源/碳汇的前提。以长江中下游10 km2以上(共131个)的湖泊为研究对象,基于野外调查和先验知识,通过光谱分析,研发了不同生活型水生植物遥感高精度机器学习识别算法,解析了长江中下游湖泊群不同生活型水生植物的时空变化规律。研究表明,长江中下游湖泊群不同生活型水生植物遥感监测精度为0.81,Kappa系数为0.74;1986—2020年长江中下游湖泊群水生植物面积为2541.58~4571.42 km2,占湖泊总面积的15.99%~28.77%,沉水植物是优势类型(Max1995=2649.21 km2,Min2005=921.38 km2),其次是挺水植物(Max2005=1779.44 km2,Min2020=569.05 km2)和浮叶植物(Max2015=685.68 km2,Min2000=293.04 km2);水生植物主要分布在长江干流流域湖泊群,其次是鄱阳湖流域、洞庭湖流域、太湖流域和汉江流域;变化趋势上,1986—2020年长江中下游湖泊群水生植物面积呈现先增长(1986—1995年)、后下降(1995—2010年)、再增加(2010年后)的趋势。本研究可为长江中下游湖泊群生态环境调查及水环境管理提供重要参考。  相似文献   
铷、铯是我国战略性关键矿产资源。西藏盐湖卤水中赋存着丰富的铷、铯资源,但是品位普遍低于10 mg/L。根据热泉与盐湖锂、铷、铯等元素的补给关系和含量差异特征及铷、铯极易被黏土矿物吸附等特点,推测盐湖沉积物中赋存一定规模的铷、铯资源。为验证该推测,本文选取西藏拉果错、聂尔错、依布茶卡、当穹错、扎布耶茶卡等5个典型盐湖,采集卤水和沉积物样品各5件,开展水体中铷、铯含量和沉积物矿物成分分析,结合沉积物分相淋滤实验,得出如下结论:西藏拉果错、当穹错、聂尔错盐湖卤水铷、铯含量和资源量与其补给量差异显著,大量的铷、铯资源消耗于盐湖沉积物中;盐湖沉积物中的铷、铯含量远高于卤水。铷、铯在沉积物水溶相、碳酸盐相中含量较低,主要以吸附形式赋存于黏土矿物(主要为伊利石),吸附点位包括基面位置、难解吸的磨损边缘及层间位置。盐湖沉积物铷、铯资源量远超大型矿床规模,黏土矿物中铷、铯含量高达100 n×10-6,超过固体盐类矿产综合评价指标,相较于现有盐湖钾产品中的铷资源、含铯硅华中的铯资源开发,具有较好的开发利用性,是一种潜在的铷、铯资源。本研究成果有助于完善盐湖铷、铯富集成矿机制,并为高效开发盐湖中的铷、铯资源提供理论支撑。  相似文献   
郑丙辉  曹晶  王坤  储昭升  姜霞 《湖泊科学》2022,34(3):699-710
目前,我国湖泊富营养化及蓝藻水华问题十分突出,国家高度重视湖泊的生态环境保护.自“九五”以来,国家就投入太湖、巢湖、滇池“老三湖”等重污染湖泊的治理,但成本巨大,且历经近30年才初见成效.按照湖泊污染程度,湖泊治理与保护可分为“污染治理型”“防治结合型”“生态保育型”3大类.“老三湖”的治理是典型的“先污染、后治理”的模式,水质较好湖泊主要属于生态保育型湖泊,因此,“老三湖”治理模式不适用于水质较好湖泊的保护.本文系统总结了我国水质较好湖泊优先保护理念的形成和水质较好湖泊专项实施的历程.根据水质较好湖泊的特点,及其生态系统退化与修复的一般过程,提出了水质较好湖泊保护的基本思路.从热力学角度,阐明了氮磷营养盐输入湖泊生态系统中是熵增过程,也是湖泊生态系统退化的根本原因,湖泊氮磷污染负荷源头控制是关键.湖泊流域生态安全格局是确保湖泊生态系统健康的基础,从景观生态学角度,阐明了优化湖泊流域水土资源利用、优化发展模式是减轻湖泊环境压力的重要途径.在浅水湖泊生态系统,以沉水植物占优势的“清水态”和以浮游植物占优势的“浊水态”转换过程不是沿着同一条途径,存在上临界阈值和下临界阈值,水生态修复过程表现出一种迟滞的现象.从湖泊水生态系统稳态转换理论角度,阐明了湖泊生态修复工程应在湖泊生态系统发生退化转变之前实施,才能获得较高的环境效益.通过国家财政专项对81个水质较好湖泊的支持,既能促进湖泊流域经济社会发展,又能确保湖泊水环境质量变好,湖泊水生态系统逐步改善.建议加强不同类型湖泊保护模式的总结,深入对水质较好湖泊生态系统演替理论和保护技术研究,支撑国家系统开展水质较好湖泊保护.  相似文献   
我国盐湖钾盐资源现状及提钾工艺技术进展   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
中国是一个农业大国, 钾肥缺口很大。中国又是一个多盐湖的国家, 盐湖中蕴藏着丰富的钾盐资源, 有望解决中国的缺钾问题。中国已经建立了青海察尔汗和新疆罗布泊两个钾肥生产基地, 但还是远远满足不了国内钾肥需求, 70%需要依赖进口。因此, 有必要继续加强钾盐开发研究, 建立新的钾肥生产基地。通过长期攻关, 我国氯化物型和硫酸盐型盐湖形成了比较成熟的提钾工艺路线, 但是, 碳酸盐型盐湖提钾研究刚刚起步。本文对青海察尔汗盐湖和新疆罗布泊盐湖两大中国钾肥生产基地的资源及生产工艺进行了分析研究, 其成功的开发经验可用来指导我国同类型其他盐湖钾资源的开发; 探讨了开发我国碳酸盐型盐湖钾盐的可行之路, 碳酸盐型盐湖通过技术创新, 可以在盐湖现场获得钾肥产品; 指出我国不同水化学类型的盐湖应采取不同的资源利用工艺路线。  相似文献   
The utility of ostracod-based palaeoenvironmental reconstruction was evaluated using instrumental data for Lake Qarun, Egypt. The euryhaline ostracod Cyprideis torosa was the only species found in the lake’s recent sediment record. This species is known to tolerate salinity levels and water solute compositions that may prevent colonisation by other species. Oxygen and carbon isotope ratios of ostracod carbonate from lake sediments covary with changes in instrumental values for lake level and salinity for the period 1890–1974. δ13C-values correlate negatively with lake water salinity (r 2 = 0.87) and δ18O-values correlate negatively with measured lake level changes (r 2 = 0.41). Other ostracod proxy data provide qualitative information on lake level trends. Fossil assemblage data (juvenile/adult and valve/carapace ratios and valve preservation) provide information on wave energy. Ecophenotypic variation of C. torosa valves provided some useful palaeolimnological information. Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios in ostracods were not found to reflect water composition, due to the uncoupling of these ratios with salinity in Lake Qarun. Overall, our results highlight the need to calibrate ostracod proxy data in modern systems prior to their use for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction.  相似文献   
卤水资源开发利用技术述评(续完)   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
总结并讨论了国内外从卤水中提取钾、镁、锂、硼、溴等资源的分离提取技术,并对其技术的应用范围、优缺点及技术发展趋势进行了述评。  相似文献   
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