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单斌  熊熊  金笔凯  郑勇 《地球物理学报》2012,55(7):2329-2340
松潘-甘孜块体位于中国大陆西南部、南北地震带的中段,其东段与扬子块体相接,拥有多条活动断裂带,是青藏高原北部的主要构造单元.该地区地震活动性强烈,历史上曾发生过多次灾难性地震.本文基于地震触发原理和黏弹松弛分层地壳模型,计算了松潘-甘孜块体东北端历史强震之间应力传输和相互作用的过程.模型结果显示,受之前地震导致的库仑应力场变化的影响,1879年武都地震和1976年8月23日松潘M7.2级地震震中库仑应力积累提升,将促进这些地震提前发生;1933年M7.5叠溪地震和1973年M6.5松潘地震震中库仑应力降低,前续地震的影响可能使得这两次地震的发震时间推迟;在研究历史地震对1960年漳腊M6.7级地震、1976年8月16日M7.2级和1976年8月22日M6.7级松潘地震的作用时,有效摩擦系数的取值十分重要,当有效摩擦系数取0.8时,前续地震导致的应力场变化将促进以上三次地震的发生.松潘-甘孜块体东北端的强震活动有效地增强了西秦岭北缘断裂、东昆仑断裂玛沁-玛曲段、鲜水河断裂康定-道孚段和岷江断裂中段上的库仑应力积累,将提升这些断裂今后发生地震的概率;有效降低了龙日坝断裂上库仑应力的积累,降低了该断层上发生地震的概率.松潘-甘孜块体的地震活动降低了汶川地震震中位置的库仑破裂应力,但提升了破裂面东北段的应力积累,有助于汶川地震向东北端破裂.  相似文献   
高俊  党发宁  马宗源 《岩土力学》2020,41(5):1730-1739
随着沥青混凝土心墙堆石坝的快速发展,超高沥青混凝土心墙堆石坝建设迎来了前所未有的机遇,但随着坝高的增加,心墙的安全挑战也变得异常突出。基于应力水平的定义,提出降低超高沥青混凝土心墙高应力水平的措施,依托心墙应力水平的敏感性研究,推算了独立满足和综合满足心墙屈服剪切破坏控制标准的心墙材料强度参数(最敏感材料参数)取值范围。研究表明,心墙应力水平随坝高和河谷岸坡坡比的增加而显著增大;心墙破坏比Rf、黏聚力c和内摩擦角φ属于高敏感性参数;增大心墙破坏比Rf、黏聚力c和内摩擦角φ,能够显著地降低心墙应力水平;推荐适宜建设超高沥青混凝土心墙堆石坝的心墙破坏比Rf、黏聚力c和内摩擦角φ取值范围:Rf≥0.8、c≥0.4MPa和φ≥31.5°(坝高h=200 m),且随坝高的增长梯度按5%/25 m、15%/25 m和5%/25 m进行调整。  相似文献   
李英玉  赵坚  吕辉  陈斌 《水科学进展》2016,27(3):423-429
为揭示低温水影响下的河岸带潜流层的温度场和流场分布特性,利用野外水温水位实时监测试验,研究河岸带潜流层温度场在不同季节、不同空间位置上的分布特性,并利用水温资料计算获得地下水流速。结果表明:河岸带潜流层温度场在夏季和冬季分别呈现出"上暖下冷"和 "上冷下暖"的温度分层现象;通过对温度示踪方法的4种计算方法进行分析比较,得到Hatch相位法计算的地下水流速具有较高的准确性,在2014年12月15—31日时段内流速大小为1.03×10-4~7.96×10-4m/s,在空间上,断面深度增加,地下水流速降低,且不同深度流速曲线接近平行。  相似文献   
In studies of large-scale ocean dynamics, often quoted values of Sverdrup transport are computed using the Hellerman–Rosenstein wind stress climatology. The Sverdrup solution varies, however, depending on the wind set used. We examine the differences in the large-scale upper ocean response to different surface momentum forcing fields for the North Atlantic Ocean by comparing the different Sverdrup interior/Munk western boundary layer solutions produced by a 1/16° linear numerical ocean model forced by 11 different wind stress climatologies. Significant differences in the results underscore the importance of careful selection of a wind set for Sverdrup transport calculation and for driving nonlinear models. This high-resolution modeling approach to solving the linear wind-driven ocean circulation problem is a convenient way to discern details of the Sverdrup flow and Munk western boundary layers in areas of complicated geometry such as the Caribbean and Bahamas. In addition, the linear solutions from a large number of wind sets provide a well-understood baseline oceanic response to wind stress forcing and thus, (1) insight into the dynamics of observed circulation features, by themselves and in conjunction with nonlinear models, and (2) insight into nonlinear model sensitivity to the choice of wind-forcing product.The wind stress products are evaluated and insight into the linear dynamics of specific ocean features is obtained by examining wind stress curl patterns in relation to the corresponding high-resolution linear solutions in conjunction with observational knowledge of the ocean circulation. In the Sverdrup/Munk solutions, the Gulf Stream pathway consists of two branches. One separates from the coast at the observed separation point, but penetrates due east in an unrealistic manner. The other, which overshoots the separation point at Cape Hatteras and continues to flow northward along the continental boundary, is required to balance the Sverdrup interior transport. A similar depiction of the Gulf Stream is commonly seen in the mean flow of nonlinear, eddy-resolving basin-scale models of the North Atlantic Ocean. An O(1) change from linear dynamics is required for realistic simulation of the Gulf Stream pathway. Nine of the eleven Sverdrup solutions have a C-shaped subtropical gyre, similar to what is seen in dynamic height contours derived from observations. Three mechanisms are identified that can contribute to this pattern in the Sverdrup transport contours. Along 27°N, several wind sets drive realistic total western boundary current transport (within 10% of observed) when a 14 Sv global thermohaline contribution is added (COADS, ECMWF 10 m re-analysis and operational, Hellerman–Rosenstein and National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) surface stress re-analysis), a few drive transport that is substantially too high (ECMWF 1000 mb re-analysis and operational and Isemer–Hasse) and Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC) surface stresses give linear transport that is slightly weaker than observed. However, higher order dynamics are required to explain the partitioning of this transport between the Florida Straits and just east of the Bahamas (minimal in the linear solutions vs. 5 Sv observed east of the Bahamas). Part of the Azores Current transport is explained by Sverdrup dynamics. So are the basic path of the North Atlantic Current (NAC) and the circulation features within the Intra-Americas Sea (IAS), when a linear rendition of the northward upper ocean return flow of the global thermohaline circulation is added in the form of a Munk western boundary layer.  相似文献   
将黄渤海海域概化为矩形海湾,山东半岛概化为垂直于海岸的巨型丁坝,形成一个带丁坝型半封闭矩形海湾。利用DELFT3D-FLOW计算模块在上述海湾中进行了M2分潮数值模拟,对其无潮点和辐射状潮流场的特性进行了分析。研究发现:考虑科氏力影响和巨型丁坝反射作用,坝前形成了明显的无潮点,但在等水深条件下并未形成辐射状潮流场,而叠加上倾斜海底地形后其得以形成;无潮点和辐射状潮流场顶端位置受水深影响明显,随着平均水深的增大,无潮点将向湾口和湾中轴线方向偏移,而辐射状潮流场顶端则向湾口方向偏移。研究结果有助于加深对带丁坝型半封闭矩形海湾中驻潮波系统形成机制和动力特性的理解和认识。  相似文献   
针对网格化和数据量庞大的中尺度海洋标量场数据在其三维可视化中表现出来的构造效率较低和表达连续性效果较差的问题,以剖分重构为核心思想,采用三线性插值算法对数据进行加密处理,基于不同角度平面对温度场进行剖分和色彩映射,最后采用OpenSceneGraph图像渲染引擎的颜色、光照、透明度和回调等渲染技术展现更为真实的、科学的动态三维温度场,提供一种简洁、高效、科学的中尺度海洋温度场表达方法。  相似文献   
星载SAR对雨团催生海面风场的观测研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
雨团或对流雨是热带与亚热带地区的主要降雨形式,较易被高分辨率星载合成孔径雷达(SAR)探测到。SAR图像上的雨团足印是由大气中雨滴的散射与吸收、下沉气流等共同导致形成的。本文以RADARSAT-2卫星100 m分辨率的SAR图像上雨团引起的海面风场及其结构反演与解译作为实例进行分析。使用CMOD4地球物理模式函数,分别以NCEP再分析数据、欧洲MetOp-A卫星先进散射计(ASCAT)和中国HY-2卫星微波散射计的风向为外部风向,进行了SAR图像的海面风场反演。反演的海面风速相对于NCEP、ASCAT和HY-2的均方根误差(RMSE)分别为1.48 m/s,1.64 m/s和2.14 m/s。SAR图像上一侧明亮另一侧昏暗的圆形信号图斑被解译为雨团携带的下沉气流对海面风场(海面粗糙度)的改变所致。平行于海面背景风场其通过雨团圆形足印中心的剖面上的风速变化可拟合为正弦或余弦曲线,其拟合线性相关系数均不低于0.80。背景风场的风速大小、雨团引起的风速大小以及雨团足印的直径可利用拟合曲线获得,雨团足印的直径大小一般为数千米或数十千米,本文的8例个例解译与分析均验证了该结论。  相似文献   
This article presents a case history of determination of effective depth of prefabricated vertical drains (PVDs) under embankment loading on a very soft clay deposit in central China, near Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province. The height of the embankment was 5.3 m and construction time was about one year. The PVDs were installed to a depth of 8.5 m at a spacing of 1.5 m in a triangular pattern. Field observations and the finite element method (FEM) were employed to analyze the performance of the soft deposit during embankment construction. The influential depth of the embankment loading was evaluated based on settlement, excess pore pressure, and stress increase in subsoil, both from the observed data and FEM analysis. The effective PVD depth was determined in the following ways: (1) the depth of 5% subsoil settlement of surface settlement; (2) vertical stress increase in subsoil of 25% in-situ stress; and (3) consolidation time/PVD depth relation by FEM. Based on the analysis, the effective depth of PVDs was determined to be between 10 and 12.8 m for this field case.  相似文献   
模式集合样本的代表性和观测信息的可靠性是制约数据同化效果的重要因素,而前者对海浪模式同化的影响尤为显著。由于海浪模式对初始场的敏感性较弱,来自大气的风输入源函数是海浪的重要能量输入,如何合理地对风输入进行扰动,构造海浪的集合模式运行,是实现和改进海浪模式集合Kalman滤波同化的关键问题。为了实现海浪模式集合运行,本文提出了风场的三种集合扰动方案,分别为:纯随机数、随机场和时间滞后的风场扰动方法。本研究利用2014年1月ECMWF全球风场,基于这三种风场扰动方法开展了集合海浪模式的集合运行实验,并统计分析了海浪特征要素(有效波高)和二维波数谱对风场扰动的响应。结果表明,随机场集合扰动方案所构造的风场集合效果最佳,所得海浪模拟结果的集合样本发散度适中,能够较为合理地反映背景误差的统计特征,可用于进一步的集合Kalman滤波海浪数据同化实验。  相似文献   
浮托安装进船过程中护舷碰撞力实测研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
浮托安装法广泛应用于大型组块海上安装。导管架平台上部组块浮托安装进船过程中,风、浪、流引起的浮托驳船横向运动造成浮托驳船与导管架桩腿的碰撞,碰撞力可能会对导管架结构造成损伤。陆丰7-2上部组块浮托安装中,为了监测碰撞力大小,设计了碰撞力海上监测系统。通过在导管架外侧四个桩腿上安装光纤光栅应变传感器对碰撞过程中导管架桩腿进行应力监测,进而计算碰撞力。对碰撞过程,载荷作用位置、方向进行简化,并对载荷大小及垂向作用位置对计算的影响进行了研究。结构分析模型简化后,测点von-Mises应力与碰撞力大小成正比,对导管架整体结构建模计算并取局部结构计算比例系数,结合应力实测数据计算出进船过程中驳船对导管架桩腿碰撞力。  相似文献   
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