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罗布泊东阿奇克谷地雅丹地貌与库姆塔格沙漠形成的关系   总被引:13,自引:15,他引:13  
阿奇克谷地位于罗布泊洼地之东, 93°E以西, 东西长约150km, 南北宽20~30km。为新生代北山与阿尔金山之间的地堑凹地的一部分, 与东面河西走廊的地堑凹地相通。根据出露的雅丹地层河湖相沉积样品所作的ESR测年(2272~10094kaBP)和本区的地质地貌特征可将阿奇克谷地演化与库姆塔格沙漠的发育史归纳为4个时期。①早更新世至中更新世罗布泊古湖扩大时期, 东部湖湾宽约50~60km, 向东延伸至93°15′E或更东; ②中更新世晚期山地上升与古湖湾退缩消失时期, 距今30万年前左右, 青藏高原强烈隆升, 阻挡了海洋水汽的进入, 亚洲内陆加速变干, 由于阿尔金山的左旋向东滑动, 在北面古湖区地层发生了与阿尔山斜交的羽毛状断裂谷群, 并因东北向的断裂上升与东西向的河西地堑谷地斜交, 阻断了疏勒河水不再向西流入罗布泊, 使东部湖湾向西退缩并逐步消失; ③中更新世晚期至晚更新世初, 暴雨径流与强烈的风蚀作用时期, 阿奇克谷地北部的洪积湖相沉积台地支沟口形成雅丹土丘群, 谷地南面库姆塔格沙漠北面羽毛状断裂谷群形成雅丹垄脊和风蚀谷, 谷地中央呈现出季节性的盐碱沼泽和零星雅丹土丘; ④晚更新世末至全新世库姆塔格沙漠扩大, 向北埋没了羽毛状断裂谷(风蚀谷)和雅丹垄脊, 形成了世界上独特的羽毛状沙丘。  相似文献   
六盘山植物区系基本特征的初步分析   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
六盘山位于陕甘宁交接地区,属于半湿润气候向半干旱气候的过渡带,是黄土高原生物多样性最丰富的地区之一,有维管植物836种,隶属于93科,359属。本区属于泛北极植物区、中国-日本森林植物亚区、华北植物地区的黄土高原亚地区。全部种子植物可分为13个分布区类型和12个变型,以北温带分布类型为主,与其他植物区系联系广泛,但特有属较贫乏。六盘山与小陇山、太白山和中条山的属相似性系数较高,均达60%以上,表明几座山体处于相似的生物气候背景之下,地理隔离性不明显。与贺兰山的属相似性系数低于60%,因为贺兰山位于干旱的荒漠与半荒漠区,可能有地理隔离作用。  相似文献   
将轮台天山南麓山前平原中下部自北至南分为4个地貌带:洪水剥蚀带、溢出带、三角洲带及两河交汇区带。并以土壤电导作为积盐程度的指标,分析了天山南麓山前平原4个地貌带土壤盐的分布特征:溢出带和三角洲带土壤盐分含量高,两端洪水剥蚀带和两河交汇区带盐分含量低。物种多样性及物种组成分析结果表明,自北至南物种多样性及物种数量都在下降,洪水剥蚀带主要为柽柳群落、琵琶柴群落,溢出带主要为柽柳群落、盐节木群落、盐角草群落,三角洲带及两河交汇区均为柽柳群落。通过相关性分析,土壤盐分与群落物种多样性相关性不显著。但是,土壤盐渍化的变化明显影响到植物群落物种组成的变化、群落类型的空间分布和演替。  相似文献   
逆冲断层运动学过程研究可为造山作用和盆地演化提供重要的信息。位于青藏高原东北缘的祁连山北缘逆冲断裂(NFT)是一条主要的边界断裂,控制着祁连山晚新生代以来的隆升变形,但对于该断裂系统的运动学过程缺乏研究。甘肃张掖西南莺落峡附近,黑河口断层(祁连山北缘断裂的一部分)穿过红沙沟并导致其阶地面错断和褶皱变形。为了研究该区域褶皱变形特征和断层运动学过程,我们首先在红沙沟区域进行了详细的野外考察并对变形的地层和阶地面进行了测量,然后通过数值模拟方法来验证褶皱模型。红沙沟保存有9级河流阶地,利用差分GPS对阶地面的高程进行了测量,同时在野外测量了部分地层的产状。多处断层剖面表明该区域变形属于基底卷入的构造类型,另外变形的阶地面在近断层处表现出明显的褶皱形态。结合阶地面变形特征以及地层的变形,三角剪切断层传播褶皱模型被初步用于该区域构造变形的解释。模型模拟得到自T5、T6和T7形成以来断层滑动量分别是 44±7m、59±10m和 164±28m;结合T6年代得到自约9万年以来该断层的平均滑动速率为 0.68±0.19mm/a,垂直分量为 0.58±0.13mm/a。根据地层与阶地变形特征,并结合模型模拟结果,我们认为祁连山山前基底断层卷入的构造中,在断层出露地表之前,断层顶端存在一个分散式的三角形变形区,区域的应力状态控制着下伏地层和上覆地貌面的褶皱变形。  相似文献   
东昆仑大干沟以北地区造山后形成的牦牛山组磨拉石建造不整合覆盖于前泥盆系之上,其形成时代对限定柴达木盆地加里东造山作用的结束时间及晚古生代裂解作用的开始时间具有重要意义。应用单颗粒锆石离子探针质谱仪(SHRIMP)方法,对牦牛山组上部火山岩段的样品进行精确的锆石U-Pb测年。结果表明,牦牛山组上段火山岩样品DG01和DG02中的岩浆锆石206Pb/238U平均年龄分别为403.6±5.1Ma和409±3.4Ma。综合前人研究认为,造山后牦牛山组伸展型磨拉石的形成时代为晚志留世-早泥盆世,限定了晚古生代裂解的开始时间,也意味着早古生代加里东造山运动在晚志留世-早泥盆世之前已经结束。  相似文献   
Significantly different peak pressure–temperature (P–T) conditions (18–26 kbar and 630–760°C versus 29–37 kbar and 750–940°C) have previously been published for eclogite and related metabasites from the south-eastern flank of the Pohorje Mountains in Slovenia. These rocks can show a bimodal distribution of chromium in the rock-forming minerals, particularly garnet, the role of which in their metamorphic evolution is unclear. Therefore, we studied an eclogite and a related rock with clinopyroxene containing only 17 mol% jadeite + acmite (sample 18Ca35a). KαCr intensity maps of garnet particularly in sample 18Ca35a show a sharp irregular boundary between the core (Gt1) and the mantle (Gt2). Gt1 of millimetre-sized garnet in this rock is nearly Cr-free and unzoned, whereas Gt2 is of different composition (0.22 wt.% Cr2O3) and slightly zoned. Nearly Cr-free amphibole, (clino)zoisite, kyanite and staurolite inclusions are present in Gt1. The matrix consists of garnet and Cr-bearing clinopyroxene, (clino)zoisite and amphibole. Thermodynamic modelling suggests peak P–T conditions of 22.5 ± 2 kbar at 710 ± 25°C (Gt1) and 23 ± 2 kbar at 700 ± 25°C (Gt2) in both samples. We interpret these findings to suggest that olivine- and hornblende-bearing gabbros with some chromite experienced early metamorphism in the eclogite facies, when Gt1 formed. The rock was subsequently exhumed and cooled leading to significant garnet corrosion. A second stage of metamorphism, recognized by mappable Cr contents in garnet, led to the growth of Gt2 and other Cr-bearing minerals at the expense of chromite relics, which survived stage I. The peak P–T conditions of stage II are compatible with those previously derived by same authors and support the view that probably no ultrahigh-pressure eclogite exists in the Pohorje Mountains. We relate the two metamorphic events to the Cretaceous and Palaeogene high-pressure events recently reported from micaschists of the Pohorje Mountains.  相似文献   
本文基于Vening Meinesz区域均衡模型,通过试验不同参数计算Vening Meinesz均衡补偿深度,将其与CRUST1.0模型给出的莫霍面深度进行拟合,得到适应于天山及邻区的平均补偿深度、"地区性指标"以及区域补偿半径.结合地球重力场模型EIGEN-6C4与地形数据,利用球冠体积分方法进行地形效应、沉积层效应计算和均衡校正,得到了研究区的Vening Meinesz均衡重力异常.结果显示天山及邻区的均衡重力异常幅值在-110~120 mGal之间,表明了天山及周边盆地岩石圈所处于的均衡状态,同时揭示了研究区的壳幔密度分布特征.天山、塔里木盆地、准噶尔盆地等块体的地壳垂向形变可能部分地由均衡调整引起,且均衡调整趋势与地面形变测量结果相契合.通过对均衡重力异常成因的解释,从地壳均衡角度分析了该地区复杂的构造背景及其新生代以来的演化历程.  相似文献   
A combined mineral magnetic and scaled chrysophyte study of lake sediments from Lake Lacawac and Lake Giles in northeastern Pennsylvania was conducted to determine the effects of land-use and sediment source changes on the variation of pH, conductivity, and alkalinity inferred from biotic changes. Ten 30–40 cm long gravity cores were collected from Lake Lacawac and three from Lake Giles. Isothermal remanent magnetizations (IRMs) were given to the lake sediments in a 1.3 T magnetic field to measure magnetic mineral concentration variations. IRM acquisition experiments were conducted to identify magnetic mineralogy. The bedrock, soils and a peat bog on the shores of Lake Lacawac were also sampled for magnetic analysis to determine possible lake sediment sources. The top 10 cm of sediment collected from Lakes Lacawac and Giles was two to four times more magnetic than deeper sediment. 210Pb dating suggests that this intensity increase commenced circa 1900. SEM images of magnetic extracts from the highly magnetic sediments indicates the presence of magnetic fly ash microspheres from fossil fuel burning electric power generation plants. The similarity in magnetic coercivity in the top 8 cm lake sediments and in the peat bog supports an atmospheric source for some of the magnetic minerals in the youngest lake sediments. The highly magnetic sediments also contain an antiferromagnetic mineral in two cores closest to Lake Lacawacs southeastern shore. This magnetic mineral is only present deep in the soil profile and would suggest erosion and significant land-use changes in the Lacawac watershed as another cause for the high magnetic intensities (concentrations) in the top 10 cm of the lake sediments. The most significant changes in the scaled chrysophyte flora occurred immediately above the 10 cm level and were used to infer a doubling of the specific conductivity between circa 1910 and 1929. These variations also support land-use changes in the Lacawac catchment at this time. A similar shift in the scaled chrysophte flora was not observed in the top of Lake Giles, however, distinct changes were found in the deeper sections of the core coupled with a smaller peak in magnetic concentration. Fourier analysis of the 210Pb-dated lake sediment magnetics indicates the presence of a 50 year period, low amplitude variation in the Lake Lacawac, Lake Giles, and Lake Waynewood (Lott et al., 1994) magnetic concentration records. After removal of the land-use/fly ash magnetic concentration peak by Gaussian filtering, the 50 year variation correlates strongly from lake to lake even though the lakes are in different watersheds separated by up to 30 km. When this magnetic variation is compared with Gaussian-filtered rainfall variations observed in New York City and Philadelphia over the past 120–250 years there is a strong correlation suggesting that magnetic concentration variations can record regional rainfall variations with an approximately 50 year period. This result indicates that magnetics could be used to document regional variations in climatic change.  相似文献   
通过降水,土壤水分,天然草场产草量之间建立的统计关系,来说明水分供应是影响牧草产量的重要因素,并依据降水和土壤水分与牧草产草量的关系划分出牧草生长中水分供给的正常,干旱等指标。  相似文献   
以天山北麓总面积达93 936 km~2的山地-绿洲-荒漠生态样带为例,利用生态-遥感光能利用率模型NPP-PEM,使用1 km分辨率SPOT/VEGETATION遥感等数据资料,估算了生态样带净初级生产力(NPP)空间分布及其季节变化.结果表明山地-绿洲-荒漠生态样带平均NPP为161.06 g C·m~(-2)·a~(-1),样带陆地生态系统年总碳吸收量或年总NPP累积量为15.081 Tg C(1Tg=10~(12)g),其中绿洲农田、山地草甸草原、平原荒漠草原和山地森林对的碳吸收贡献率分别为32.67%、28.16%、12.41%和9.15%.夏季是各类生态系统NPP增加量最大的季节,而沙漠由于早春短命植被覆盖而具有生长双峰现象.样带NPP空间分布及其季相变化特征是自然环境、地貌、气候以及人类生产活动长期共同作用和影响的结果,其中水热条件和基质是控制干旱区陆地生态系统NPP空间格局的决定因子.结果检验表明模拟效果较为合理,证明NPP-PEM模型在干旱生态系统的应用是可行的.研究为干旱区陆地生态系统碳循环研究开辟了途径,可为干旱区生态系统评估、监测和管理提供研究方法和参考依据.  相似文献   
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