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This paper reports the results of continuous monitoring of turbidity, water depth, salinity (using an Optical Backscatter Sensor (OBS)), and current velocity (using a Current meter (SLC9-2)) in the South Passage of the Changjiang Estuary over a spring–neap period in February 2003 (dry season). The turbidity measured via OBS was closely correlated with the suspended sediment concentration (SSC), which was highly variable. Over the study period, the SSC in the middle layer ranged from 110 to 1400 mg/l. The minimum SSC occurred during a late ebb tide, and the maximum SSC occurred during a late flood tide. On average, the SSC was 1.5 times higher during flood tide than during ebb tide. Vertically within the water column, SSC increased downward, with the ratio of SSC measured near the bed to that measured at the surface ranging from 1.90 to 18.3. The temporal variability in SSC is jointly governed by tides and wind-induced waves, whereas the vertical variability in SSC is attributed to the effect of gravity and vertical water circulation.  相似文献   
Hydrochemical regime of saline lakes in the Southeastern Transbaikalia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Results from hydrochemical investigations into macrocomponent composition of some of the lakes in the Southeastern Transbaikalia are presented. The region's saline lakes, as a rule, are soda-chloride or chloride-soda lakes according to their chemical composition. The lakes hydrochemistry is determined by a combination of evaporative concentration of salt composition, intra-water body hydrobiological processes, especially by the production of organic matter and reduction of sulfates as well as by hydrogenic sedimentation.  相似文献   
This paper studies a landfill where there are three faults running through.As serious pollution has occurred to the geological environment,the landfill is to be closed up and renovated.The paper aims to explore the role of fracture structure in leachate pollution at the landfill.The research was carried out in several stages.First,mathematical models of the pre-renovation landfill with three faults running through and the landfill after renovation were established.And then,the boundary conditions and parameters of the two mathematical models were determined.The groundwater level of the landfills was simulated in order to modify the two mathematical models.As a result,a feasible mathematical model was achieved.Based on this model,a comparison was made of the COD concentration variations in the inside leachate and outside leachate between the two landfills. Accordingly,the impacts of the fracture structure on the pollution of leachate at the landfills could be identified.The study results show that while faults contribute to the migration of leachate,they also serve as a confluence of leachate,thus further deteriorating the environment.The COD concentrations of the inside leachate and the outside leacbate of the pre-renovation landfill are respectively 800 mg/L and 220 mg/L higher than those of the post.renovation landfill.Therefore,measures must be taken to handle the leachate seepage in areas where there are faults as well as the neighboring areas so as to get the environmental pollution under control.  相似文献   
多龙矿集区位于班公湖_怒江成矿带西段、羌塘地块南缘的岩浆弧中。过去十多年来,西藏地勘局第五地质大队在多龙矿集区内已发现和评价了多不杂、波龙、地堡那木岗、拿若、荣那等5处大型、超大型铜金多金属矿床,目前已探明的铜资源量近1000万吨,金300余吨。区内以斑岩型铜金矿床为主,兼有斑岩_浅成低温热液型和斑岩_角砾岩型矿化组合。研究发现,矿区黄铁矿的δ34S值变化于-2.2‰~2.3‰之间,平均为0.2‰,峰值在-1‰~1‰之间,塔式效应明显,接近幔源硫,显示成矿物质来源于深部岩浆;成矿温度介于250~420℃之间,成矿深度1~5 km,成矿流体为残余岩浆流体,大气降水在成矿过程中的作用不明显。作者根据多年的勘查实践,总结出多龙矿集区斑岩型铜金矿最有效的找矿勘查方法技术组合是:地质+化探(水系沉积物)+物探(高精度磁测、激电中梯)+钻探。  相似文献   
采用偕胺肟化聚丙烯腈/蒙脱土(APAN/MMT)复合纳米吸附材料对海水中的铀进行吸附,考察了吸附条件对APAN/MMT吸附铀量的影响,并对APAN/MMT吸附铀的动力学和热力学进行了探讨.结果表明:铀初始浓度、溶液温度较高、采用磁力搅拌吸附方式有利于吸附速率的提高,溶液pH对吸附性能有一定的影响,在pH为5时,平衡吸附...  相似文献   
基于1960-2018年的日降水资料,计算辽河流域降水集中指数(CI),分析日降水集中程度的时空特征。结果表明:降水集中指数CI可以有效描述辽河流域降水集中程度,辽河流域年CI指数平均为0.67,降水集中程度总体呈现出东部和西部低、南部和北部高的鞍型空间分布特征;夏季降水集中程度最高,各站点季平均CI指数为0.65,空间分布与年分布较一致,冬季平均CI指数最低,为0.60,由东南向西北递减;研究时段内年CI指数表现为不显著的减小趋势,其中东部区域减小的趋势最大;各子区域年CI指数平均变化周期为3 a左右,其中1985年以前,变化周期较短,在2 a左右,1985年以后,变化周期超过3 a。  相似文献   
煤中微量元素富集的主要因素分析   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
在对兖州矿区煤中微量元素成因分析及总结前人结论的基础上,将煤中微量元素富集因素划分为原生、次生和后生三个阶段,分别对每一个阶段影响微量元素富集的主要因素进行研究和分析。结果表明,煤在形成的过程中影响微量元素迁移、富集的因素很多,植物生长的种类、生长中水化学条件、泥炭沼泽形成中大气、海水的入侵、煤在煤化过程中岩浆热液的作用、煤与顶、底板岩石的物质交换作用等都影响着煤中微量元素富集。因此,煤中微量元素的形成、聚集是煤在形成的各个时期、各种地质因素综合影响的结果。   相似文献   
In the early stages of economic development in Korea, national territorial planning was used as a policy tool to guide spatial structure and to provide physical infrastructure for urban and industrial development. Such a top-down approach was inevitable because Korea maintained the centralized political and government system until the early 1990s. Circumstances, however, have changed recently since the 1990s with progress in democratization and localization. In addition, forces of globalization are making significant impacts on the parameters of national territorial planning. Reflecting these changes in both internal and external conditions, the Fourth National Territorial Plan (2000–2020) has adopted a different approach from the past three territorial plans. This paper reviews the socio-economic background that necessitated such changes in approaches to national territorial planning. A major thrust of the Fourth Plan, a focus on emergent or anticipated planning issues in Korea, is discussed. Finally, the paper examines the rationale for long-term strategic planning in the highly fluctuating situation facing Korean society in the new century.  相似文献   
根据河套盆地周缘断裂带泉水的氢、氧同位素组成和水化学组分,讨论了该区地下水的化学类型、成因及其与地震活动的关系。于2014年9月下旬和2015年4月15日MS5.8阿左旗地震震后在河套盆地周缘的乌拉山断裂带、色尔腾断裂带、狼山断裂带以及桌子山断裂带采集了17个泉水和井水样品,测得水样的TDS分布在143.8~42 553.0mg/L范围内,δD和δ18O值分别在-83.6‰~66.56‰和-11.16‰~8.2‰的范围内,来源为大气降水。根据舒卡列夫分类法,震前水样可划分为13种水化学类型,震后西山咀、圐圙朴隆等5个点采样点泉水的水化学类型发生变化。其中,乌拉山断裂带的水样以HCO3-Ca型低矿化度地表水为主;色尔腾断裂带、狼山断裂带泉水受白垩系含水层影响,矿化度较高,富含HCO-3及SO2-4;桌子山一带受煤矿开采影响,水样以富SO2-4和Cl-的高矿化度水为特征。地震前后TDS、阴、阳离子以及γNa/γCl、γ(SO4+Cl)/γHCO3、γHCO3/γCl等毫克当量比值能够较好地反映地震。2015年4月15日阿左旗MS5.8地震后,呼鲁斯太、迪延阿贵庙及八一井的水化学组成变化较大,对地震响应较为敏感。呼鲁斯太地区泉水的TDS稍有降低,但HCO-3在阴离子中所占比例有所增加,表明震后该地区含水层的泉水与较低矿化度的含碳酸盐岩含水层水发生了混合;八一井的TDS值有所增加,γNa/γCl比值有所降低,表明深部高矿化度水的混入;迪延阿贵庙水样的TDS稍有下降,但NaCl的相对含量较震前有所升高,表明有低矿化度NaCl水的混入。本工作不仅确定了该区水文地球化学背景,而且对地震监测和预测具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   
彭勤文 《水科学进展》2006,17(1):113-115
考虑湖泊中影响总磷沉积过程的众多生态因子的变化过程,假定湖泊中总磷沉积过程由标准布朗运动驱动,建立了一个总磷浓度的随机扩散方程,推广确定性富营养化Vollenweider水质模型为随机扩散模型,获得了总磷浓度过程的解析解,进而求出了总磷浓度过程的均值和方差,指出了一种依据沉积系数调控湖泊中总磷浓度的方法。模型被应用于巢湖总磷浓度过程的模拟。  相似文献   
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