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Large-eddy simulations of a clear convective boundary layer (CBL)and a stratocumulus-topped boundary layer are studied. Bottom-upand a top-down scalars were included in the simulations, and theprinciple of linear superposition of variables was applied toreconstruct the fields of any arbitrary conserved variable.This approach allows a systematic analysis of countergradient fluxesas a function of the flux ratio, which is defined as the ratio betweenthe entrainment flux and the surface flux of the conserved quantity.In general, the turbulent flux of an arbitrary conserved quantityis counter to the mean vertical gradient if the heights where thevertical flux and the mean vertical gradient change sign do notcoincide. The regime where the flux is countergradient is thereforebounded by the so-called zero-flux and zero-gradient heights. Becausethe vertical flux changes sign only if the entrainment flux has anopposite sign to the surface flux, countergradient fluxes arepredominantly found for negative flux ratios. In the CBL the fluxratio for the virtual potential temperature is, to a good approximation,constant, and equal to -0.2. Only if the moisture contribution to thevirtual potential temperature is negligibly small will the flux ratio forthe potential temperature be equal to this value. Otherwise, theflux ratio for the potential temperature can have any arbitrary(negative) value, and, as a consequence, the fluxes for thepotential temperature and the virtual potential temperature willbe countergradient at different heights. As a practical application ofthe results, vertical profiles of the countergradient correction termfor different entrainment-to-surface-flux ratios are discussed.  相似文献   
东亚地区水汽输送与重庆夏季旱涝的联系   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
利用NCEP/NCAR(1960—2006年)的全球再分析格点资料,研究了东亚地区水汽输送异常与重庆夏季旱涝的关系。结果表明:当重庆夏季(7~8月)降水偏多(涝)时,欧亚地区中高纬维持"两脊一槽"的"双阻"型:乌拉尔山和鄂霍茨克海地区分别存在阻高,贝加尔湖地区为一槽区。冷空气沿着贝加尔湖槽后偏北风和乌拉尔山阻塞高压的南支西风南下进入中国。热带太平洋地区为显著的高度距平正异常区。副热带地区是高度距平负异常区,西太平洋副热带高压脊线位置偏南、强度偏强。来自热带海洋地区的暖湿气流分别沿西太平洋副热带高压西南侧和经印度、孟加拉湾两条主要路径进入中国。当来自高、低纬地区的冷、暖空气在长江流域中上游相遇,就会造成重庆等长江中上游地区降水异常偏多,发生洪涝。反之,降水偏少(旱)年,在欧亚中高纬地区存在"一槽一脊"的环流形势:乌拉尔山附近为一深厚的槽区;鄂霍茨克海阻塞高压异常发展,一直延伸到贝加尔湖附近;西欧地区维持着深厚的高压脊。西太平洋副热带高压位置偏北、偏东,主体基本退出中国大陆地区。整个热带为高度距平负异常区。这样环流形势致使东亚地区中高纬地区受乌拉尔山大槽影响盛行偏南风,不利于冷空气南下。低纬地区的暖湿气流沿着西太平洋副热带高压南面的东南气流从华南进入中国。这样的环流配置易造成南下的冷空气偏弱,同时使来自热带地区的暖空气向北推进到中国华北和东北地区,致使冷、暖空气无法在长江中上游地区交汇,该区域降水显著减少,形成干旱。  相似文献   
3个登陆台风引发阳江特大暴雨的水汽输送对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用区域自动站资料及NCEP再分析资料,对0915号"巨爵"、1006号"狮子山"和1011号"凡亚比"登陆后引发阳江特大暴雨的水汽输送特征进行了对比分析,并应用HYSPLIT-4轨迹模式验证了水汽来源。结果表明:1)它们引发阳江特大暴雨期间,低纬西南季风活跃。"巨爵"影响时由来自印度洋与副高西侧偏南气流汇合产生强降雨,水汽来源于中南半岛和孟加拉湾;"狮子山"影响时西南水汽输入明显减弱,主要由偏东气流携南海近海水汽的注入引发了局地短而强的降雨,水汽来源于南海近海;"凡亚比"登陆后,北部湾超低空急流的暴发,有利于强西南气流携带水汽经粤西往"凡亚比"输送,引发粤西地区特大暴雨,水汽主要来源于北部湾。2)强降雨都是始于阳江特大暴雨区纬向风转东风或经向风转南风阶段。"巨爵"、"凡亚比"引发阳江强降雨前后,850 h Pa南海、北部湾经向风南风明显增大,加强了海上水汽的向北输送。"狮子山"影响时则是由于近海短时间转东风,水汽由东输入并加强了辐合。3)水汽输送以"巨爵"最强、"狮子山"最弱,水汽辐合层次"巨爵"和"狮子山"较"凡亚比"要浅薄。它们的低层水汽辐合中心与特大暴雨区有很好的对应关系。  相似文献   
In studies of large-scale ocean dynamics, often quoted values of Sverdrup transport are computed using the Hellerman–Rosenstein wind stress climatology. The Sverdrup solution varies, however, depending on the wind set used. We examine the differences in the large-scale upper ocean response to different surface momentum forcing fields for the North Atlantic Ocean by comparing the different Sverdrup interior/Munk western boundary layer solutions produced by a 1/16° linear numerical ocean model forced by 11 different wind stress climatologies. Significant differences in the results underscore the importance of careful selection of a wind set for Sverdrup transport calculation and for driving nonlinear models. This high-resolution modeling approach to solving the linear wind-driven ocean circulation problem is a convenient way to discern details of the Sverdrup flow and Munk western boundary layers in areas of complicated geometry such as the Caribbean and Bahamas. In addition, the linear solutions from a large number of wind sets provide a well-understood baseline oceanic response to wind stress forcing and thus, (1) insight into the dynamics of observed circulation features, by themselves and in conjunction with nonlinear models, and (2) insight into nonlinear model sensitivity to the choice of wind-forcing product.The wind stress products are evaluated and insight into the linear dynamics of specific ocean features is obtained by examining wind stress curl patterns in relation to the corresponding high-resolution linear solutions in conjunction with observational knowledge of the ocean circulation. In the Sverdrup/Munk solutions, the Gulf Stream pathway consists of two branches. One separates from the coast at the observed separation point, but penetrates due east in an unrealistic manner. The other, which overshoots the separation point at Cape Hatteras and continues to flow northward along the continental boundary, is required to balance the Sverdrup interior transport. A similar depiction of the Gulf Stream is commonly seen in the mean flow of nonlinear, eddy-resolving basin-scale models of the North Atlantic Ocean. An O(1) change from linear dynamics is required for realistic simulation of the Gulf Stream pathway. Nine of the eleven Sverdrup solutions have a C-shaped subtropical gyre, similar to what is seen in dynamic height contours derived from observations. Three mechanisms are identified that can contribute to this pattern in the Sverdrup transport contours. Along 27°N, several wind sets drive realistic total western boundary current transport (within 10% of observed) when a 14 Sv global thermohaline contribution is added (COADS, ECMWF 10 m re-analysis and operational, Hellerman–Rosenstein and National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) surface stress re-analysis), a few drive transport that is substantially too high (ECMWF 1000 mb re-analysis and operational and Isemer–Hasse) and Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC) surface stresses give linear transport that is slightly weaker than observed. However, higher order dynamics are required to explain the partitioning of this transport between the Florida Straits and just east of the Bahamas (minimal in the linear solutions vs. 5 Sv observed east of the Bahamas). Part of the Azores Current transport is explained by Sverdrup dynamics. So are the basic path of the North Atlantic Current (NAC) and the circulation features within the Intra-Americas Sea (IAS), when a linear rendition of the northward upper ocean return flow of the global thermohaline circulation is added in the form of a Munk western boundary layer.  相似文献   
2013年7月7~11日,四川盆地大部分地区出现了持续性强降雨天气(以下简称四川“7.9”暴雨).此次过程的降水中心稳定少动、降水强度及总量大、持续时间长,累积降水量最高达到了1000ram以上,造成严重灾害.为分析位于孟加拉湾地区的大气河对四川“7.9”暴雨的影响.利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,通过研究孟加拉湾大气河水汽对这次暴雨的作用及影响,得到的结果表明:此次持续性暴雨过程中,孟加拉湾大气河受西太平洋副高东撤影响,并在200 hPa和850 hPa高低空急流的共同作用下,不断向四川地区输送水汽.这种水汽输送一直持续到11日才停止,此时降水也趋于结束.在整个暴雨过程中,850 hPa上孟加拉湾大气河输送的水汽由于云贵高原阻挡,而绕开云贵高原在南海地区与西太副高外围的水汽以及南半球的越赤道气流汇合后,在低空急流左侧辐合气流作用下输送到四川盆地,为暴雨产生提供水汽.同时,700 hPa上的水汽直接越过云贵高原到达四川盆地.孟加拉湾大气河的这两种输送方式为四川盆地持续性暴雨提供了充足的水汽供应.  相似文献   
A Lagrangian tracer model is set up for Hangzhou Bay based on Coupled Hydrodynamical Ecological model for Regional Shelf Sea (COHERENS). The study area is divided into eight subdomains to identify the dominant physical processes, and the studied periods are March (the dry season) and July (the wet season). The model performance has been first verified by sea-surface elevation and tidal current observations at several stations. Eight tracer experiments are designed and Lagrangian particle tracking is simulated to examine the impact of physical processes (tide, wind and river runoff) on the transport of passive tracer released within the surface layer. Numerical simulations and analysis indicate that: (1) wind does not change the tracer distribution after 30 days except for those released from the south area of the bay during the wet season; (2) the tide and the Qiantang River runoff are important for particle transport in the head area of the bay; (3) the Changjiang River runoff affects the tracer transport at the mouth of the bay, and its impact is smaller in the dry season than in the wet season. Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (No.40576080); National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program, No. 2007AA12Z182)  相似文献   
文章设置饱水及随后失水处理自然生长的5种喀斯特植物叶片,测定其叶绿素荧光参数,分析各植物光合过程的响应特征。结果显示:盐肤木(Rhus chinensis)PSII反应中心活性及电子传递受严重失水影响,而其稳定的光能转化及光化学效率得益于叶绿素浓度的不断增加;构树(Broussonetia papyrifera)和金银花(Lonicera japonica)的叶绿素浓度逐渐升高随后趋于稳定,构树PSII反应中心对失水敏感,其活性及光能转化对随后持续失水逐渐适应。金银花光合结构及PSII反应中心表现稳定;火棘(Pyracantha fortuneana)叶绿素浓度从第4小时开始增加,光合结构趋于稳定,电子传递速率及光能转化逐渐增加;杨梅(Myrica rubra)电子传递速率及光化学效率均较低。  相似文献   


为探究三峡水库持续下泄清水条件下长江中游沙卵过渡段内卵石局部冲刷、搬运和淤积现象的成因,采用近期水文、泥沙和地形观测资料,结合河道平面二维水动力模型,计算了研究河段内各级流量下的泥沙起动粒径分布,分析了上游来流、下游水位变化的影响,辨析了河床冲淤的成因。结果表明:①45 000 m3/s以上流量时,粒径大于30 mm的卵石可沿洪水主流带连续搬运;流量低于15 000 m3/s时,大粒径卵石只能沿枯期主流在浅滩河段局部搬运;流量介于两者之间时,水流对大粒径卵石的输移动力相对较弱。②三峡建库后,洪水量级削减而枯水天数增多,不利于卵石长距离下移,而水位下降不断溯源传递,促使枯水流路上原本稳定的区域开始冲刷。③局部淤积现象由枯期水动力增强所导致,与长江中游沙卵过渡段特殊的地貌和沉积环境有关。卵石局部冲淤调整可能在河段内多个位置长期存在,需引起关注。  相似文献   
The measurement of hillslope erosion can be a difficult, costly and time‐consuming activity. Many techniques are available, ranging from using environmental tracers, to LiDAR. Erosion measurements using erosion pins are assessed and compared with regional scale erosion data, hillslope data obtained using 137Cs and erosion modelling results. The pins produced erosion rates which are within the range determined using 137Cs and model data but above that of regional denudation rates. Our findings demonstrate that inexpensive erosion pins can provide reliable data on hillslope erosion. © 2015 Commonwealth of Australia. Hydrological Processes © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
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