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Establishing a shallow water cover over tailings deposited in a designated storage facility is one option to limit oxygen diffusion and retard oxidation of sulfides which have the potential to form acid mine drainage (AMD). The Old Tailings Dam (OTD) located at the Savage River mine, western Tasmania contains 38 million tonnes of pyritic tailings deposited from 1967 to 1982, and is actively generating AMD. The OTD was constructed on a natural gradient, resulting in sub-aerial exposure of the southern area, with the northern area under a natural water cover. This physical contrast allowed for the examination of tailings mineralogy and geochemistry as a function of water cover depth across the OTD. Tailings samples (n = 144, depth: ≤ 1.5 m) were collected and subjected to a range of geochemical and mineralogical evaluations. Tailings from the southern and northern extents of the OTD showed similar AMD potential based on geochemical (NAG pH range: 2.1 to 4.2) and bulk mineralogical parameters, particularly at depth. However, sulfide alteration index (SAI) assessments highlighted the microscale contrast in oxidation. In the sub-aerial zone pyrite grains are moderately oxidized to a depth of 0.3 m (maximum SAI of 6/10), under both gravel fill and oxidized covers, with secondary minerals (e.g., ferrihydrite and goethite) developed along rims and fractures. Beneath this, mildly oxidized pyrite is seen in fresh tailings (SAI = 2.9/10 to 5.8/10). In the sub-aqueous zone, the degree of pyrite oxidation demonstrates a direct relationship with cover depth, with unoxidized, potentially reactive tailings identified from 2.5 m, directly beneath an organic-rich sediment layer (SAI = 0 to 1/10). These findings are broadly similar to other tailings storage facilities e.g., Fox Lake, Sherritt-Gordon ZnCu mine, Canada and Stekenjokk mine, Sweden where water covers up to 2 m have successfully reduced AMD. Whilst geotechnical properties of the OTD restrict the extension of the water cover, pyrite is enriched in cobalt (up to 2.6 wt%) indicating reprocessing of tailings as an alternative management option. Through adoption of an integrated mineralogical and geochemical characterization approach for tailings assessment robust management strategies after mine closure can be developed.  相似文献   
Stratigraphic offsets in the peak concentrations of platinum-group elements (PGE) and base-metal sulfides in the main sulfide zone of the Great Dyke and the precious metals zone of the Sonju Lake Intrusion have, in part, been attributed to the interaction between magmatic PGE-bearing base-metal sulfide assemblages and hydrothermal fluids. In this paper, we provide mineralogical and textural evidence that indicates alteration of base-metal sulfides and mobilization of metals and S during hydrothermal alteration in both mineralized intrusions. Stable isotopic data suggest that the fluids involved in the alteration were of magmatic origin in the Great Dyke but that a meteoric water component was involved in the alteration of the Sonju Lake Intrusion. The strong spatial association of platinum-group minerals, principally Pt and Pd sulfides, arsenides, and tellurides, with base-metal sulfide assemblages in the main sulfide zone of the Great Dyke is consistent with residual enrichment of Pt and Pd during hydrothermal alteration. However, such an interpretation is more tenuous for the precious metals zone of the Sonju Lake Intrusion where important Pt and Pd arsenides and antimonides occur as inclusions within individual plagioclase crystals and within alteration assemblages that are free of base-metal sulfides. Our observations suggest that Pt and Pd tellurides, antimonides, and arsenides may form during both magmatic crystallization and subsolidus hydrothermal alteration. Experimental studies of magmatic crystallization and hydrothermal transport/deposition in systems involving arsenides, tellurides, antimonides, and base metal sulfides are needed to better understand the relative importance of magmatic and hydrothermal processes in controlling the distribution of PGE in mineralized layered intrusions of this type.  相似文献   
A 2-year (October 2003–October 2005) high-resolution sediment trap study was conducted in Sacrower See, a dimictic hardwater lake in northeastern Germany. Geochemical and diatom data from sediment trap samples were compared with a broad range of limnological and meteorological parameters to quantify the impact of single parameters on biochemical calcite precipitation and organic matter production. Our goals were to disentangle how carbonaceous varves and their sublaminae form during the annual cycle to better understand the palaeorecords and to detect influences of dissolution, resuspension as well as of global radiation and stratification on lake internal particle formation. Total particle fluxes in both investigated years were highest during spring and summer. Sedimentation was dominated by autochthonous organic matter and biochemically precipitated calcite. Main calcite precipitation occurred between April and July and was preceded and followed by smaller flux peaks caused by resuspension during winter and blooms of the calcified green algae Phacotus lenticularis during summer. In some of the trap intervals during summer up to 100% of the precipitated calcite was dissolved in the hypolimnion. High primary production due to stable insolation conditions in epilimnic waters began with stratification of the water column. Start and development of stratification is closely related to air and water surface temperatures. It is assumed that global radiation influences the onset and stability of water column stratification and thereby determining the intensity of primary production and consequently of timing and amount of calcite precipitation which is triggered by phytoplanktonic CO2 consumption. Sediment fluxes of organic matter and calcite are also related to the winter NAO-Index. Therefore these fluxes will be used as a proxy for ongoing reconstruction of Holocene climate conditions.  相似文献   
Ultrasonic detection technology is of great significance in the detection and evaluation of physical and mechanical properties of frozen soil, but wave propagation characteristics in frozen soil are unclear. Based on the three-phase composition of frozen saturated soil and the mixture theory, considering Bishop's effective stress formula, the wave propagation equations are establish for frozen saturated soil. In wave propagation, an entropy inequality was introduced to describe the coupling of different phases. The analytic expressions of propagation velocity and attenuation law of waves in frozen soil are obtained, and wave propagation characteristics in frozen saturated soil are discussed. Results show that four types of waves(i.e., P1, P2, P3 and S) are found in frozen saturated soil and all four wave types are dissipative waves, in which the attenuation of P3 is the maximum. The velocity of four waves increases sharply at the excitation frequency range of 10~3–10~9 Hz,but the wave velocity at high-frequency and low-frequency is almost constant. When volume ice content increases, the wave propagation velocity of P1 and S decreases dramatically, and the velocity of P2 increases gradually, but P3 velocity increases first and then decreases to zero with increasing saturation. The attenuation coefficients of P1 and S waves begins to increase gradually when the volume ice content is about 0.4, P2 increases first and then decreases with an increase of volume ice content and P3 increases with the volume ice content and decreases rapidly from extreme to zero.  相似文献   
Several researchers have reported that the mean effective stress of unsaturated soils having a relatively high degree of saturation gradually decreases under fully undrained cyclic loading conditions, and such soils can be finally liquefied like saturated soils. This paper describes a series of simulations of fully undrained cyclic loading on unsaturated soils, conducted using an elastoplastic model for unsaturated soils. This model is a critical state soil model formulated using effective stress tensor for unsaturated soils, which incorporates the following concepts: (a) the volumetric movement of the state boundary surface containing the critical state line owing to the variation in the degree of saturation; (b) the soil water characteristic curve considering the effects of specific volume and hydraulic hysteresis; and (c) the subloading surface concept for considering the effect of density. Void air is assumed to be an ideal gas obeying Boyle's law. The proposed model is validated through comparisons with past results. The simulation results show that the proposed model properly describes the fully undrained cyclic behavior of unsaturated soils, such as liquefaction, compression, and an increase in the degree of saturation. Finally, the effects of the degree of saturation, void ratio, and confining pressure on the cyclic strength of unsaturated soils are described by the simulation results. The liquefaction resistance of unsaturated soils increases as the degree of saturation and the void ratio decrease, and as the confining pressure increases. Furthermore, the degree of saturation has a greater effect on the liquefaction resistance than the confining pressure and void ratio. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The groundwater of the Korba plain represents major water resources in Tunisia. The Plio‐Quaternary unconfined aquifer of the Cap‐Bon (north‐east Tunisia) is subject to the intensive agricultural activities and high groundwater pumping rates due to the increasing of the groundwater extraction. The degradation of the groundwater quality is characterized by the salinization phenomena. Groundwater were sampled and analysed for physic‐chemical parameters: Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl, SO42‐, HCO3, NO3, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), and the temperature (T°). The hydrochemical analysis is coupled with the calculation of the saturation indexes (SI gypsum, SI halite, SI calcite and SI dolomite), ionic derivation and with the ion correlations compared to chloride concentrations: Na+/ Cl, Ca2+/ Cl and Mg2+/ Cl ratios. Seawater fractions in the groundwater were calculated using the chloride concentration. Those processes can be used as indicators of seawater intrusion progression. EC methods were also conducted to obtain new informations on the spatial scales and dynamics of the fresh water–seawater interface of coastal groundwater exchange. The mixing zone between freshwater and saltwater was clearly observed from the EC profile in the investigated area where a strong increase in EC with depth was observed, corresponding to the freshwater and saltwater interface. Results of hydrochemical study revealed the presence of direct cation exchange linked to seawater intrusion and dissolution processes associated with cations exchange. These results, together with EC investigation, indicated that the groundwater is affected by seawater intrusion and is still major actor as a source of salinization of the groundwater in Korba coastal plain. Further isotopic and hydrological investigations will be necessary to identify and more understood the underlying mechanisms. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract Current research suggests that strategies to control sediment and phosphorus loss from non-point sources should focus on different runoff components and their spatial and temporal variations within the river basin. This is a prerequisite for determining effective management measures for reducing diffuse source pollution. Therefore, non-point source models, especially in humid climatic regions, should consider variable hydrologically active source areas. These models should be able to consider runoff generation by saturated overland flow, as well as Hortonian overland flow. A combination of the hydrological model WaSiM-ETH and the erosion and P-transport model AGNPS was chosen for this study. The models were run in the WaSiM runoff generation mode (Green & Ampt/TOPMODEL or Richards equation approach) and the SCS curve number mode to assess the effect of these different runoff calculation procedures on the dissolved phosphorus yield. A small and a medium-sized river basin, of the area of 1.44 and 128.9 km2, respectively, in central Germany were selected for the investigation. The results show that the WaSiM–AGNPS coupling produces more accurate results than the SCS curve number method. For the spatial distribution, the more physically-based model approach computed a much more realistic distribution of water and phosphorus yield-producing areas.  相似文献   
针对遥感影像只具有红(R)、绿(G)、蓝(B)3个可见光波段时无法利用归一化植被指数(NDVI)方法提取植被信息的现状,本文提出了一种基于色调饱和度亮度(HSL)模型的可见光植被提取方法。利用自主研发的系统,将影像从RGB彩色空间变换至HSL彩色空间,构建归一化色调亮度植被指数(NHLVI),通过分析植被与非植被信息在HSL彩色空间中的特征,以及NHLVI、H、S、L、R、G、B各分量的特征,确定协同NHLVI、S分量提取植被信息,利用B分量特征剔除结果中的非植被信息,从而实现植被信息提取,并提高提取精度。研究表明,该方法在现有NHLVI指数方法基础上,加入S分量,提升了可见光植被提取的精度及方法的适用性。  相似文献   
正As an excellent chemical fertilizer,Potassium Sulphate(K2SO4)could provide both potassium and sulfur elements for crops.However,it is well known that potassium resource is very poor in China.To understand the Crystallization Kinetics(CK)of K2SO4could be conducive to utilize the limited potassium resource,promote the yield and purity of K2SO4.In this study saturated solution of potassium sulphate was prepared according to the phase diagram of Mg2+、  相似文献   
花岗岩地区水-岩反应次生矿物的沉淀饱和指数估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水-岩反应次生矿物的沉淀作用不仅控制着地下水成分的演化,而且对核素的迁移和阻滞作用有重要影响。但在常温系统中,矿物的成核生长需要过饱和驱动力的存在,而且不同次生矿物成核生长所需的过饱和度有差异。本文在对日本和加拿大花岗岩地区水-岩系统的地质和地球化学特征进行分析研究的基础上,使用地球化学模拟软件PHREEQC2.15和数据库Ilnl.dat计算了次生矿物在地下水中的饱和指数,从而对各种矿物的沉淀饱和指数进行了估算。结果表明,方解石的化学活动性较强,容易溶解和沉淀,其沉淀饱和指数大约为0.5;针铁矿是地下水中铁的主要沉淀形式,其饱和指数的计算结果与pe值关系密切,沉淀饱和指数高达4.0±0.5;结合高岭石、伊利石、钙蒙脱石和钠蒙脱石之间的相平衡关系,估算其沉淀饱和指数分别为4.0±0.5、4.5±0.5、4.3±0.5和4.3±0.5。  相似文献   
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