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在苏丹东部地区新元古代地层中,新发现的BIF铁矿是与火山岩密切相关的Algoma型铁矿,矿石品位TFe 37.78%,对进一步研究努比亚地盾的形成时代和古地理环境有一定的参考意义。苏丹79区块发现的含铁石英砂岩,呈北东向带状分布, 角度不整合于努比亚地盾之上,通过与西澳CID型铁矿对比,存在交错层理和底砾岩等明显的再生沉积特征,矿石品位TFe 31.91%~39.33%;通过对BIF型铁矿、CID型铁矿和努比亚杂砂岩三者部分元素及氧化物含量的分析对比,以及控矿地质因素分析, CID型铁矿是由BIF铁矿风化剥蚀后搬运沉积于附近古河道内;苏丹努比亚地盾区CID型铁矿的发现,为今后找矿工作提供了新目标,具有十分重要的找矿意义。  相似文献   
苏丹Muglad盆地FN油田沥青垫的确认及成因分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
窦立荣  程顶胜  李志 《地球化学》2004,33(3):309-316
Fula坳陷位于苏丹 Muglad盆地东北部,面积约 5 000 km2,已发现有较大规模的油气储量.FN油田是到目前为止该坳陷发现的最大油田,储量近亿吨,主要储层是上白垩统 Aradeiba组和下白垩统 Bentiu组.油田地质地球化学研究表明,水洗和生物降解作用是稠油形成的主要原因.该油田普遍发育有沥青垫,开发难度较大.对该油田两口井原油和油砂详细的地球化学分析以及对沥青垫成因的探讨,为进一步的油气勘探开发提供了决策依据.  相似文献   
苏丹东北部金矿成矿特征及成矿远景浅析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
胡建勇 《地质与勘探》2011,47(3):505-511
文章在对苏丹东北部金矿区域构造背景、含金建造及金地球化学特征研究成果的基础上,分析了哈塞、洁比特、瑞达和哈马迪等4个研究程度较高的典型金矿床的矿体赋存规律、矿床类型和金矿石的结构构造等特征,认为该地区至少存在石英脉型、火山成因块状硫化物和韧性剪切带等3种以上金矿床类型.金矿床的形成与岩石建造、构造作用关系密切,总结了苏...  相似文献   
We investigate the complex relationship between small‐scale farming, urban‐rural remittances and rural development. We highlight a successful, innovative self‐reliance approach in which traditional farmers changed their mode of production, improved their income, and enhanced rural development, including urbanization, in Shubbola village of western Sudan. The major initial driver was investment from remittances by family members who had migrated to urban centers, thus overcoming the problem of access to credit/capital. Consequently, the increased use of tractor technology helped farmers overcome agricultural labor shortages, and increase their farm size and productivity. Increased income from remittances and farming broadened economic and social improvements, including lifestyle and the built environment. In the process, Shubbola has grown into a viable and vibrant town, providing its residents with diverse socioeconomic services and modern infrastructure. This case illustrates the potential of development from within with minimal direct input from the government, nongovernmental organizations, and international donors.  相似文献   
2011年7月9日南苏丹举行了开国庆典,世界上最年轻的国家诞生了,而苏丹履行了诺言,成为第一个承认南苏丹独立的国家。压倒多数赞成独立的民意,国际社会的普遍欢迎态度,苏丹摆脱自身困境的考量,中国建设性的调解作用等,都是导致南苏丹独立进程能够和平顺利完成的原因与条件。南苏丹共和国的诞生是苏丹南方人民的共同意愿和自主选择。苏丹北南双方坚持和平选择,铸剑为犁,结束非洲历史上时间最长的内战,和平进程开花结果的实践,为冲突不断的非洲大陆和平解决类似矛盾与争端,争取建立好邻居、好伙伴、好兄弟的和睦关系提供了范式。  相似文献   
Low‐temperature thermochronology provides information on the timing of rifting and denudation of passive margins, and the Red Sea with its well‐exposed, young rift margins is a suitable setting for its application. Here we present new apatite fission‐track (AFT) data from Sudan northern hinterland and Red Sea coastal areas. From the former region we obtained ages between 270 ± 2 Ma ad 253 ± 53 Ma, and from the coastal belt between 83 ± 8 Ma and 39 ± 7 Ma. These data prompted a review and comparison with low‐temperature thermochronological data from the whole Nubian Red Sea Margin, and a discussion on their implication in assessing the margin evolutionary style. AFT data are available for Egypt and Eritrea as well as apatite (U‐Th)/He (AHe) ages for two transects transversal to the margin in Eritrea. Both in Egypt and Eritrea AFT data record a cooling event at about 20–25 Ma (Early Miocene) and an earlier, more local, cooling event in Egypt at about 34 Ma (Early Oligocene). The thermal modeling of the Sudan samples provides an indication of a rapid cooling in Miocene times, but does not support nor rules out an Early Oligocene cooling phase. The re‐assessment of new and existing thermochronological data within the known geological framework of the Nubian and conjugate Arabian margins favours the hypothesis that early rifting stages were affecting the whole Gulf of Suez–Red Sea–Gulf of Aden system since the Oligocene. These precocious, more attenuated, phases were followed by major extension in Miocene times. As to the mode of margin evolution, AFT age patterns both in Egypt and Eritrea are incompatible with a downwarp model. The distribution of AHe ages across the Eritrean coastal plain suggests that there the escarpment was evolving predominantly by plateau degradation. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
哈佳吉金矿区位于尼罗河大型韧性剪切带次级构造带上,属岩浆热液破碎带蚀变岩型金矿床。该文通过论述矿区地质特征,总结控矿因素,证实该区矿体严格受构造蚀变带控制,近EW向韧性剪切构造,尤其是构造转弯部位、构造膨大部位、不同级别构造复合部位,以及多期成矿作用叠加部位是矿床形成的有利空间。并与岩性和蚀变矿化关系密切,赋存于黄铁矿化碎裂岩、黄铁矿化硅化变粒岩质碎裂岩带中,产状与蚀变矿化带一致。  相似文献   
通过识别地震剖面构造样式、恢复骨干剖面构造演化历史,研究了苏丹-南苏丹穆格莱德盆地苏夫焉凹陷构造特征及其构造演化。结果表明:苏夫焉凹陷整体为南陡北缓的地堑结构,构造格局呈现东西分区、南北分带,正断层相关构造样式可识别出“两类五种”,其中以基底卷入型铲式正断层、沉积盖层旋转型平面正断层为主。伴随中非剪切带以及周缘板块的构造演化,凹陷经历了早白垩世巴雷姆期-晚白垩世土伦期、晚白垩世末期-古近纪古新世、新近纪至今3期强-弱-弱断坳演化阶段,其中在第一演化阶段的早期-Abu Gabra组第四段、第五段沉积时期,沉积中心位于凹陷中南部,而之后的演化阶段,沉积中心位于紧邻南部边界断层的洼陷带,并由此推测凹陷中部将是深层系(Abu Gabra 4段)油气勘探的有利区。  相似文献   
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