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哈尔滨市地下水中29种抗生素分布特征研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
当前对抗生素滥用监管及其研究正在加强,近年来中国主要水域中抗生素均有不同程度的检出,地表水及地下水中抗生素的污染状况持续受到关注。因进入环境中的抗生素种类繁多、结构复杂,一般实验室难以实现同时分析多种类抗生素。本文在哈尔滨市共采集地下水样品26组,采样范围包括人口密集、工业生产、农畜业等生活生产地区。利用超高效液相色谱-三重四极杆串联质谱联用技术分析了样品中的磺胺类、喹诺酮类、大环内酯类、β-内酰胺类、四环素类、林可酰胺类等6大类共29种典型抗生素含量,研究了哈尔滨市地下水中典型抗生素的检出及分布状况。结果表明:①哈尔滨市地下水中6大类典型抗生素均有不同程度检出,其中以磺胺类、喹诺酮类、大环内酯类、四环素类为主,检出率分别为61.5%、46.2%、42.3%、38.5%;②哈尔滨市地下水检出的抗生素含量范围在0.02~612ng/L之间,其中磺胺噻唑、磺胺嘧啶、林可霉素检出的最高浓度超过100ng/L,相比于国内外部分地区(如中国北京、天津,西班牙巴塞罗那)喹诺酮类整体含量偏低;③检出抗生素含量较高的采样点位主要分布在城市的中部、南部和东部地区,这些区域也是该市人口相对密集区,且附近普遍分布有制药厂、家禽牲畜养殖厂、城市排污口等。由此揭示了哈尔滨市城市地下水中抗生素分布特征受人类生产生活活动影响且具有明显的相关性。  相似文献   
黄河下游典型灌区河南段是豫北平原重要的农业种植区。该地区浅层水质整体较差,因常用于作物灌溉或家畜饮用,会对人体健康产生风险,因此对该地区地下水中砷与氟浓度变化特征和机制的研究将有助于提高对该地区地下水污染的认识水平。本文基于2010年和2020年在灌区范围内采集的327组浅层地下水样品,研究区内地下水砷和氟分布情况,并在此基础上对比研究十年间灌区浅层地下水中砷、氟的演化特征,探索分析砷与氟浓度及空间变化机制。研究结果表明:该地区浅层地下水中存在砷与氟超标问题,2020年浅层地下水中高砷(砷浓度大于10μg/L)和高氟(氟浓度大于1mg/L)的样品数量分别占总数的26.1%和26.06%。高砷水分布在太行山前洼地与黄河冲积平原等泥沙互层结构的沉积环境中,还原性较强,同时地下水径流不畅,较强的阳离子交换作用使得其所处环境中Ca2+浓度较高。近十年间砷浓度增加的水样占总数31.8%,砷浓度减少的水样占36.7%。砷浓度的增长(减少)是地下水还原性增强(减弱)使得锰氧化物溶解释放(吸附)导致。近十年间不同地区农业灌溉和水源置换等用水方式导致水位变化是引起砷浓度变化的潜在因素。高氟水主要分布在河南新乡与濮阳的黄河沿线,氟离子浓度受到沉积物中萤石等钙质矿物溶解影响,使得高氟地下水出现在低钙环境中。近十年间研究区中氟离子浓度减少的占总数60.2%,氟离子浓度增加的占32.1%,整体变化趋势向好,但是高氟区中氟离子浓度继续增加。氟浓度的变化同样受到Ca2+变化影响,在Ca2+浓度降低(升高)时氟浓度进一步升高(降低)。地下水中氟升高地区分布在黄河沿线,因此受到黄河水补给影响较大,地下水径流条件较好,阳离子交换作用减弱,使得Ca2+浓度降低,此时地下水中砷浓度受到环境影响而降低,因此研究区氟增加地区中砷与氟的分布和演化呈现反向关系。  相似文献   
近年来长江中下游来沙量持续减少,河道面临长距离、长历时的冲淤调整,河道蓄泄关系发生变化,对防洪造成影响。在长江中下游河道冲淤及其蓄泄能力变化预测成果的基础上,对比计算了现状和未来河道蓄泄能力条件下,遇1954年洪水,长江上游水库防洪调度和中下游地区超额洪量的变化情况。结果表明,未来随着长江中下游河道进一步冲刷,河道槽蓄容积增加,相同防洪控制水位下的河道安全泄量增大,三峡水库在进行防洪调度时可下泄流量增大,总拦蓄洪量减小,长江中下游地区总超额洪量减小,但超额洪量在地区分布上存在从上游向下游转移的情况。  相似文献   
两种方法在地下水位估值中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于许多区域水资源问题,用数值方法进行潜水水流模拟时,需要给出每个节点上地下水位值.本文首先简单介绍了趋势面方法,然后着重阐述了泛克里格方法的基本原理及它们在地下水位估值中的应用,通过比较两种方法的计算结果可以得出泛克里格方法是进行地下水位估值的空间最优估计方法.  相似文献   
海岸带地下水的水文地球化学特征及其成因研究对海岸带地区地下水合理利用、保护和污染防治等具有重大意义。利用Piper图、矿物相平衡分析、离子比例系数和Gibbs分析,揭示了海南南部沿海黎安港Z1、三亚湾Z2和板桥Z3监测井在大、小潮时段地下水的水文地球化学过程、水岩交互作用、成矿趋势和地下水的成因。结果表明,Z1、Z2和Z3的地下水分别为盐水、淡水和极度咸水。水化学类型分别为Cl-Na型、HCO3·Cl-Na·Ca型和Cl-Na型。硬石膏、石膏和岩盐溶解是该区地下水中的主要离子来源。Z1和Z3的地下水来源与受蒸发浓缩控制型的高矿化度的海水紧密相关,Z2的水化学环境主要受含钠硅酸盐矿物的岩石风化溶解作用影响。研究结果为进一步开展海岸带地下水环境监测和污染防治提供基础资料。  相似文献   
为落实国家地下水监测工程与地下水质监测工作任务,实现对西辽河平原地下水动态的有效监测,国家地下水监测工程(自然资源部分)在西辽河平原监测区共布设了国家级地下水自动监测井117 眼,其中新建监测井93 眼,改建机民井24 眼,安装自动监测仪器117 套.监测区控制面积57 000 km2,主要监测层位为第四系松散沉积物孔隙水含水层,监测层位最大深度为206 m.建成了国家地下水监测工程信息服务系统,提升了地下水监测信息获取、分析、共享和服务能力.该项目的实施大幅度提高了监测区地下水的监测频次以及信息的时效性、可靠性和准确性.  相似文献   
This paper presents an alternative Boussinesq equation considering hysteresis effect via a third‐order derivative term. By introducing an improved moisture–pressure retention function, this equation describes, with reasonable precision, groundwater propagation in coastal aquifers subject to Dirichlet boundary condition of different oscillation frequencies. Test results confirmed that it is necessary to consider horizontal and vertical flows in unsaturated zone, because of their variable influences on hysteresis. Hysteresis in unsaturated zone can affect the water table wave number of groundwater wave motion, such as wave damping rate and phase lag. Oscillations with different periods exert different hysteresis effect on wave propagation. Truncation/shrinkage of unsaturated zones also affects the strength of hysteresis. These impacts can be reflected in the alternative Boussinesq equation by adjusting the parameter representing the variation rate of moisture associated with pressure change, as opposed to traditional computationally expensive hysteresis algorithms. The present Boussinesq equation is simple to use and can provide feasible basis for future coupling of groundwater and surface water models. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Interaction between groundwater and surface water in watersheds has significant impacts on water management and water rights, nutrient loading from aquifers to streams, and in‐stream flow requirements for aquatic species. Of particular importance are the spatial patterns of these interactions. This study explores the spatio‐temporal patterns of groundwater discharge to a river system in a semi‐arid region, with methods applied to the Sprague River Watershed (4100 km2) within the Upper Klamath Basin in Oregon, USA. Patterns of groundwater–surface water interaction are explored throughout the watershed during the 1970–2003 time period using a coupled SWAT‐MODFLOW model tested against streamflow, groundwater level and field‐estimated reach‐specific groundwater discharge rates. Daily time steps and coupling are used, with groundwater discharge rates calculated for each model computational point along the stream. Model results also are averaged by month and by year to determine seasonal and decadal trends in groundwater discharge rates. Results show high spatial variability in groundwater discharge, with several locations showing no groundwater/surface water interaction. Average annual groundwater discharge is 20.5 m3/s, with maximum and minimum rates occurring in September–October and March–April, respectively. Annual average rates increase by approximately 0.02 m3/s per year over the 34‐year period, negligible compared with the average annual rate, although 70% of the stream network experiences an increase in groundwater discharge rate between 1970 and 2003. Results can assist with water management, identifying potential locations of heavy nutrient mass loading from the aquifer to streams and ecological assessment and planning focused on locations of high groundwater discharge. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate rainfall–groundwater dynamics over space and annual time scales in a hard‐rock aquifer system of India by employing time series, geographic information system and geostatistical modelling techniques. Trends in 43‐year (1965–2007) annual rainfall time series of ten rainfall stations and 16‐year (1991–2006) pre‐monsoon and post‐monsoon groundwater levels of 140 sites were identified by using Mann–Kendall, Spearman rank order correlation and Kendall rank correlation tests. Trends were quantified by Kendall slope method. Furthermore, the study involves novelty of examining homogeneity of pre‐monsoon and post‐monsoon groundwater levels, for the first time, by applying seven tests. Regression analysis between rainfall and post‐monsoon groundwater levels was performed. The pre‐monsoon and post‐monsoon groundwater levels for four periods – 1991–1994, 1995–1998, 1999–2002 and 2003–2006 – were subjected to geographic information system‐based geostatistical modelling. The rainfall showed considerable spatiotemporal variations, with a declining trend at the Mavli rainfall station (p‐value < 0.05). The Levene's tests revealed spatial homogeneity of rainfall at α = 0.05. Regression analyses indicated significant relationships (r2 > 0.5) between groundwater level and rainfall for eight rainfall stations. Non‐homogeneity and declining trends in the groundwater level, attributed to anthropogenic and hydrologic factors, were found at 5–61 more sites in pre‐monsoon compared with post‐monsoon season. The groundwater declining rates in phyllite–schist, gneiss, schist and granite formations were found to be 0.18, 0.26, 0.21 and 0.14 m year?1 and 0.13, 0.19, 0.16 and 0.02 m year?1 during the pre‐monsoon and post‐monsoon seasons, respectively. The geostatistical analyses for four time periods revealed linkages between the rainfall and groundwater levels. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Lacustrine groundwater discharge (LGD) transports nutrients from a catchment to a lake, which may fuel eutrophication, one of the major threats to our fresh waters. Unfortunately, LGD has often been disregarded in lake nutrient studies. Most measurement techniques are based on separate determinations of volume and nutrient concentration of LGD: Loads are calculated by multiplying seepage volumes by concentrations of exfiltrating water. Typically low phosphorus (P) concentrations of pristine groundwater often are increased due to anthropogenic sources such as fertilizer, manure or sewage. Mineralization of naturally present organic matter might also increase groundwater P. Reducing redox conditions favour P transport through the aquifer to the reactive aquifer‐lake interface. In some cases, large decreases of P concentrations may occur at the interface, for example, due to increased oxygen availability, while in other cases, there is nearly no decrease in P. The high reactivity of the interface complicates quantification of groundwater‐borne P loads to the lake, making difficult clear differentiation of internal and external P loads to surface water. Anthropogenic sources of nitrogen (N) in groundwater are similar to those of phosphate. However, the environmental fate of N differs fundamentally from P because N occurs in several different redox states, each with different mobility. While nitrate behaves essentially conservatively in most oxic aquifers, ammonium's mobility is similar to that of phosphate. Nitrate may be transformed to gaseous N2 in reducing conditions and permanently removed from the system. Biogeochemical turnover of N is common at the reactive aquifer‐lake interface. Nutrient loads from LGD were compiled from the literature. Groundwater‐borne P loads vary from 0.74 to 2900 mg PO4‐P m?2 year?1; for N, these loads vary from 0.001 to 640 g m?2 year?1. Even small amounts of seepage can carry large nutrient loads due to often high nutrient concentrations in groundwater. Large spatial heterogeneity, uncertain areal extent of the interface and difficult accessibility make every determination of LGD a challenge. However, determinations of LGD are essential to effective lake management. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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