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Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) to coastal southern Rhode Island was estimated from measurements of the naturally-occurring radioisotopes 226Ra (t1/2 = 1600 y) and 228Ra (t1/2 = 5.75 y). Surface water and porewater samples were collected quarterly in Winnapaug, Quonochontaug, Ninigret, Green Hill, and Pt. Judith–Potter Ponds, as well as nearly monthly in the surface water of Rhode Island Sound, from January 2002 to August 2003; additional porewater samples were collected in August 2005. Surface water activities ranged from 12–83 dpm 100 L− 1 (60 dpm = 1 Bq) and 21–256 dpm 100 L− 1 for 226Ra and 228Ra, respectively. Porewater 226Ra activities ranged from 16–736 dpm 100 L− 1 (2002–2003) and 95–815 dpm 100 L− 1 (2005), while porewater 228Ra activities ranged from 23–1265 dpm 100 L− 1. Combining these data with a simple box model provided average 226Ra-based submarine groundwater fluxes ranging from 11–159 L m− 2 d− 1 and average 228Ra-derived fluxes of 15–259 L m− 2 d− 1. Seasonal changes in Ra-derived SGD were apparent in all ponds as well as between ponds, with SGD values of 30–472 L m− 2 d− 1 (Winnapaug Pond), 6–20 L m− 2 d− 1 (Quonochontaug Pond), 36–273 L m− 2 d− 1 (Ninigret Pond), 29–76 L m− 2 d− 1 (Green Hill Pond), and 19–83 L m− 2 d− 1 (Pt. Judith–Potter Pond). These Ra-derived fluxes are up to two orders of magnitude higher than results predicted by a numerical model of groundwater flow, estimates of aquifer recharge for the study period, and values published in previous Ra-based SGD studies in Rhode Island. This disparity may result from differences in the type of flow (recirculated seawater versus fresh groundwater) determined using each technique, as well as variability in porewater Ra activity.  相似文献   
沿雅鲁藏布江缝合带分布的日喀则群(K2TK)砂泥质细粒复理石中发育着一种独特的沉积单元——蛇绿岩质砂砾质海底扇。这些扇体规模小,内扇和中扇相序典型。无论是内扇还是中扇,水道都特别发育,而且水道游荡作用明显。盛行砂砾质高密度浊流和粘性碎屑流沉积,沉积物粒度粗,含大量卵石级以上的粗碎屑,具有近源、快速堆积的特点。其碎屑组分为世界现代和古代海底扇沉积所罕见,主要是蛇绿岩碎屑,并含少量岛弧火山-岩浆岩碎屑和老地层的碎屑。这些扇体具有活动边缘型海底扇的典型特征,但又有其特殊性,它们发育在雅鲁藏布洋盆闭合、印度板块与藏北板块开始碰撞时的残留复理石盆地边缘。板块碰撞导致蛇绿岩质杂岩体和洋壳物质逆冲、抬升形成一个外弧造山带。该外弧造山带成为这些扇体的主要物源区。同时,强烈的逆掩和纳布作用也可将部分岛弧岩和老地层带到残留盆地边缘,一起作为来源母岩。  相似文献   
The wave pressure and uplift force due to random waves on a submarine pipeline (resting on bed, partially buried and fully buried) in clayey soil are measured. The influence of various parameters viz., wave period, wave height, water depth, burial depth and consistency index of the soil on wave pressures around and uplift force on the submarine pipeline was investigated. The wave pressures were measured at three locations around the submarine pipeline (each at 120° to the adjacent one). It is found that the wave pressure and uplift force spectrum at high consistency index of the soil is smaller compared to that of low consistency index. Just burying the pipeline (e/D=1.0) in clayey soil reduces the uplift force to less than 60% of the force experienced by a pipeline resting on the seabed (e/D=0.0) for Ic=0.33.  相似文献   
建德铜矿床的海底喷流沉积成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建德铜矿床是浙江西部多金属成矿带中一个引人瞩目的重要矿床。它产于中石炭统底部伴有火山岩、硅质岩和碧玉岩的白云岩中。整合块状矿体之下有一筒状矿化蚀变带。其成分以Cu>Zn>Pb为特征。根据矿床地质、地球化学特征以及近年来研究所获得资料,认为该矿床属海底喷流沉积成因  相似文献   
The authors have previously determined that the effectiveness and failure pattern of the ice cover caused by flexural-gravity waves generated by a submerged body motion near the bottom ice can greatly depend on the depth of the water area. In its turn, the presence of a ledge on the ice surface may affect a wave propagation pattern. This paper presents an experimental study of the bottom contour influence on the deflection and length of flexural-gravity waves. The authors describe a numerical model for the analysis of the deformed state of ice caused by hydrodynamic loads due to a submarine motion, taking into account the bottom contour. The experiments are carried out in the ice tank. The results of calculations and experiments are compared.  相似文献   
This work presents results from a nearly two-year monitoring of the hydrologic dynamics of the largest submarine spring system in Florida, Spring Creek Springs. During the summer of 2007 this spring system was observed to have significantly reduced flow due to persistent drought conditions. Our examination of the springs revealed that the salinity of the springs' waters had increased significantly, from 4 in 2004 to 33 in July 2007 with anomalous high radon (222Rn, t1/2=3.8 days) in surface water concentrations indicating substantial saltwater intrusion into the local aquifer. During our investigation from August 2007 to May 2009 we deployed on an almost monthly basis a continuous radon-in-water measurement system and monitored the salinity fluctuations in the discharge area. To evaluate the springs' freshwater flux we developed three different models: two of them are based on water velocity measurements and either salinity or 222Rn in the associated surface waters as groundwater tracers. The third approach used only salinity changes within the spring area. The three models showed good agreement and the results confirmed that the hydrologic regime of the system is strongly correlated to local precipitation and water table fluctuations with higher discharges after major rain events and very low, even reverse flow during prolong droughts. High flow spring conditions were observed twice during our study, in the early spring and mid-late summer of 2008. However the freshwater spring flux during our observation period never reached that reported from a 1970s value of 4.9×106 m3/day. The maximum spring flow was estimated at about 3.0×106 m3/day after heavy precipitation in February-March 2008. As a result of this storm (total of 173 mm) the salinity in the spring area dropped from about 27 to 2 in only two days. The radon-in-water concentrations dramatically increased in parallel, from about 330 Bq/m3 to about 6600 Bq/m3. Such a rapid response suggests a direct connection between the deep and the surficial aquifers.  相似文献   
Laboratory experiments, recent paleoenvironmental analyses of rock varnish, and surface exposure dating of geomorphic units have led to new insights into the process of entrenchment and segmentation of alluvial fans, and into the history of Quaternary sedimentation in Death Valley. Entrenchment begins at the fanhead. As the trench deepens, its down-slope end migrates down-fan, taking several tens of thousands of years to reach lower parts of the fan. Laboratory experiments suggest, however, that a new segment begins to grow at the toe long before the trench reaches this part of the fan. Furthermore, the initial slope of the segment is not the equilibrium slope. Field evidence supports this model. The tectonic tilting that caused entrenchment and segmentation in Death Valley may have been triggered by loading of the valley with water. Sedimentation on the salt pan in southern Death Valley is not, at present, in equilibrium with that on the fans. Rather, it seems to be adjusting to an increase in the amount of fine material reaching the playa, due in part to breaching of the outlet of Lake Tecopa somewhat after 600 ka BP, and in part to subsidence of different parts of the valley at different rates. Failure to recognize this disequilibrium resulted in errors in earlier estimates of the age of the segmentation events.  相似文献   
Coral diseases are currently playing a major role in the worldwide decline in coral reef integrity. One of the coral species most afflicted by disease in the Caribbean, and which has been the focus of much research, is the sea fan Gorgonia ventalina. There is, however, very little information regarding the capacity of sea fans to recover after being infected. The aim of this study was to compare the rehabilitation capacity of G. ventalina after diseased‐induced lesions were eliminated either by scraping or extirpating the affected area. Scraping consisted of removing any organisms overgrowing the axial skeleton from the diseased area as well as the purple tissue bordering these overgrowths using metal bristle brushes. Extirpation consisted of cutting the diseased area, including the surrounding purpled tissue, using scissors. The number of scraped colonies that fully or partially rehabilitated after being manipulated and the rates at which the sea fans whose lesions were scrapped grew back healthy tissue were compared among: (i) colonies that inhabited two sites with contrasting environmental conditions; (ii) colonies of different sizes and (iii) colonies with different ratios of area of legions to total colony area (LA/CA). Both strategies proved to be very successful in eliminating lesions from sea fans. In the case of scraping, over 51% of the colonies recovered between 80% and 100% of the lost tissue within 16 months. The number of colonies that recovered from scraping was similar among sites and among colony sizes, but differed significantly depending on the relative amount of lesion to colony area (LA/CA). When lesions were extirpated, lesions did not reappear in any of the colonies. We conclude that lesion scraping is useful for eliminating relatively small lesions (i.e. LA/CA < 10%), as these are likely to recover in a shorter period of time, whereas for relatively large lesions (LA/CA ≥ 10%) it is more appropriate to extirpate the lesion.  相似文献   
The deep-water fold and thrust belt of the southern Niger Delta has prominent thrusts and folds oriented perpendicular to the regional slope that formed as a result of the thin-skinned gravitational collapse of the delta above overpressured shale. The thrust-related folds have grown in the last 12.8 Ma and many of the thrusts are still actively growing and influencing the pathways of modern seabed channels. We use 3D seismic reflection data to constrain and analyse the spatial and temporal variation in shortening of four thrusts and folds having seabed relief in a study area of 2600 km2 size in 2200–3800 m water depth. Using these shortening measurements, we have quantified the variation in strain rates through time for both fault-propagation and detachment folds in the area, and we relate this to submarine channel response. The total amount of shortening on the individual structures investigated ranges from 1 to 4 km, giving a time-averaged maximum shortening rate of between 90 ± 10 and 350 ± 50 m/Myr (0.1 and 0.4 mm/yr). Fold shortening varies both spatially and temporally: The maximum interval shortening rate occurred between 9.5 Ma and 3.7 Ma, and has reduced significantly in the last 3.7 Ma. We suggest that the reduction in the Pliocene-Recent fold shortening rate is a response to the slow-down in extension observed in the up-dip extensional domain of the Niger Delta gravitational system in the same time interval. In the area dominated by the fault-propagation folds, the channels are able to cross the structures, but the detachment fold is a more significant barrier and has caused a channel to divert for 25 km parallel to the fold axis. The two sets of structures have positive bathymetric expressions, with an associated present day uphill slope of between 1.5° and 2°. However, the shorter uphill slopes of the fault-propagation folds and increased sediment blanketing allow channels to cross these structures. Channels that develop coevally with structural growth and that cross structures, do so in positions of recent strain minima and at interval strain rates that are generally less than −0.02 Ma−1 (−1 × 10−16 s−1). However, the broad detachment fold has caused channel diversion at an even lower strain rate of c. −0.002 Ma−1 (−7 × 10−17 s−1).  相似文献   
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