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Metanorites from two eclogitized metagabbros of the Hercynian French Massif Central preserve coronitic textures of hornblende, garnet, quartz and/or kyanite produced at the expense of the primary magmatic assemblage orthopyroxene and plagioclase. Using a petrogenetic grid in the CFMASH system, two possible PT evolutions for the origin of the coronas are evaluated. The sequence of reactions involving the formation of Hbl (–Ky) ± Grt and Qtz coronitic assemblages is consistent with an isobaric cooling at high pressure (c. 1–2 GPa) under hydrated conditions. However, this PT path, inferred by using only petrographical observations, is inconsistent with the geochronological constraints: emplacement of the gabbro at 490 Ma and high‐pressure metamorphism at 410 Ma. In order to reconcile petrographical observations with geochronological constraints, we propose a discontinuous two‐stage evolution involving a change in water activity with time. (1) Emplacement and cooling of the norite at low pressure under anhydrous conditions, at 490 Ma. (2) During the Hercynian orogeny, the norite experienced an increase in pressure and temperature under fluid‐present conditions. Adding water to the system implies a dramatic change in the petrogenetic grid topology, restricting the orthopyroxene–plagioclase assemblage only to high temperatures. Therefore, the breakdown of the unstable magmatic assemblage, through apparent retrograde reactions, occurred along the prograde PT path which never crossed the equilibrium boundaries of these reactions.  相似文献   
A multi-layered aquifer, typical of riverbank alluvial deposits in Korea, was studied to determine the hydrologic properties. The geologic logging showed that the subsurface of the study site was comprised of four distinctive hydrogeologic units: silt, sand, highly weathered and fresh bedrock layers. The electrical resistivity survey supplied information on lateral extension of hydrogeologic strata only partially identified by a limited number of the geologic loggings. The laboratory column tracer test for the recovered core of the sand layer resulted in a hydraulic conductivity of 5.00×10−2 cm/s. The slug tests performed in the weathered rock layer yielded hydraulic conductivities of 4.32–7.72×10−4 cm/s. Hydraulic conductivities for the sand layer calculated from the breakthrough curves of bromide ranged between 2.08×10−3 and 2.44×10−2 cm/s with a geometric mean of 6.89×10−3 cm/s, which is 7 times smaller than that from the laboratory column experiment. The trend of increasing hydraulic conductivity with an increase in tracer travel length is likely a result of the increased likelihood of encountering a high conductivity zone as more of the aquifer is tested. The combined hydrogeologic site characterization using hydraulic tests, tracer tests, and column test with geologic loggings and geophysical survey greatly enhanced the understanding of the hydrologic properties of the multi-layered alluvial aquifer.  相似文献   
Extensive high-grade polydeformed metamorphic provinces surroundingArchaean cratonic nuclei in the East Antarctic Shield recordtwo tectono-thermal episodes in late Mesoproterozoic and lateNeoproterozoic–Cambrian times. In Western Dronning MaudLand, the high-grade Mesoproterozoic Maud Belt is juxtaposedagainst the Archaean Grunehogna Province and has traditionallybeen interpreted as a Grenvillian mobile belt that was thermallyoverprinted during the Early Palaeozoic. Integration of newU–Pb sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe and conventionalsingle zircon and monazite age data, and Ar–Ar data onhornblende and biotite, with thermobarometric calculations onrocks from the H.U. Sverdrupfjella, northern Maud Belt, resultedin a more complex PTt evolution than previouslyassumed. A c. 540 Ma monazite, hosted by an upper ampibolite-faciesmineral assemblage defining a regionally dominant top-to-NWshear fabric, provides strong evidence for the penetrative deformationin the area being of Pan-African age and not of Grenvillianage as previously reported. Relics of an eclogite-facies garnet–omphaciteassemblage within strain-protected mafic boudins indicate thatthe peak metamorphic conditions recorded by most rocks in thearea (T = 687–758°C, P = 9·4–11·3kbar) were attained subsequent to decompression from P >12·9 kbar. By analogy with limited U–Pb singlezircon age data and on circumstantial textural grounds, thisearlier eclogite-facies metamorphism is ascribed to subductionand accretion around 565 Ma. Post-peak metamorphic K-metasomatismunder amphibolite-facies conditions is ascribed to the intrusionof post-orogenic granite at c. 480 Ma. The recognition of extensivePan-African tectonism in the Maud Belt casts doubts on previousRodinia reconstructions, in which this belt takes a pivotalposition between East Antarctica, the Kalahari Craton and Laurentia.Evidence of late Mesoproterozoic high-grade metamorphism duringthe formation of the Maud Belt exists in the form of c. 1035Ma zircon overgrowths that are probably related to relics ofgranulite-facies metamorphism recorded from other parts of theMaud Belt. The polymetamorphic rocks are largely derived froma c. 1140 Ma volcanic arc and 1072 ± 10 Ma granite. KEY WORDS: Maud Belt; Pan-African orogeny; geochronology; PTt path, East Antarctica  相似文献   
In the underground waste isolation projects such as the ANDRA'one in the site of Bure, the transport properties of the surrounding rock mass is of fundamental importance. To measure very low permeability, we use the modified version of the pulse test proposed by Hsieh et al. [Hsieh, P.A., Tracy, J.V., Neuzil, C.E., Bredehoeft, J.D., Silliman, S.E., 1981. A transient laboratory method for determining the hydraulic properties of ‘tight’ rocks — I. Theory. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. Geomech. Abstr. Vol. 18, pp. 245-252] which enables the intrinsic permeability, k, and the specific storage coefficient, Ss, of rocks such as mudstone to be characterized. In this paper, the special effort performed on the laboratory apparatus design, to ensure a good sensitivity of the rock response with respect to both parameters, k and Ss, is presented. In addition, two parameters identification procedures are proposed: the graphical method given by Hsieh et al. [Hsieh, P.A., Tracy, J.V., Neuzil, C.E., Bredehoeft, J.D., Silliman, S.E., 1981. A transient laboratory method for determining the hydraulic properties of ‘tight’ rocks — I. Theory. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. Geomech. Abstr. Vol. 18, pp. 245-252] and a parameter identification based on the solution of an inverse problem. The efficiency of the apparatus design and the parameters identification procedures is then demonstrated though some pulse tests performed on the Meuse/Haute-Marne mudstone.  相似文献   
海水拌养混凝土耐久性试验与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对海水拌养混凝土耐海水侵蚀试验和海水中化学成分对水泥胶砂与骨料的影响分析,以及海水拌养混凝土的工程应用与调查结合长龄期强度跟踪观测,研究了海水拌养素混凝土的耐久性.旨在为淡水资源匮乏的海岛工程建设应用海水拌养混凝土,减少从大陆船运施工用淡水,节省工程投资提供资料.  相似文献   
颗粒大小对颗粒材料力学行为影响初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴北冰  杨峻  周翠英 《岩土力学》2014,35(7):1878-1884
利用一种特殊颗粒材料-玻璃珠进行了一系列室内直剪试验,研究颗粒大小对颗粒材料力学行为的影响。试验一共考虑了3条近乎平行的级配曲线和4种颗粒摩擦情况:干燥状态、水浸润状态、水淹没状态和油浸润状态。试验结果表明,颗粒大小对颗粒材料的力学行为有显著影响,剪胀性随着粒径的增大而增强。为考虑颗粒大小对剪胀性的影响,提出了一种新的剪胀关系式。在该剪胀关系式中,剪胀系数为依赖于颗粒大小和颗粒摩擦等颗粒基本性质的变量。试验研究同时表明临界状态摩擦角随着颗粒大小的增加而增加。此外,从颗粒细观运动的角度提出了颗粒滑动的功能模型,推导出了功能方程,并以此揭示了颗粒大小对临界状态摩擦角影响的细观机制。  相似文献   
试验模型位移场中的几种光学测量方法比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白义如 《岩土力学》2009,30(9):2783-2786
详细地分析了几种光学测试方法在模型试验中的使用情况。自动网格法在模型表面布置网格点容易,由于开挖或裂缝等原因去掉网格点,改进后的程序仍能自动编码,必要时可通过人机对话手工编码。散斑互相关法,在模型表面布置散斑较容易,改进后的程序在开挖情况下也能自动处理,但在散斑场遭受严重破坏情况下无法比较相关性。其他光学测试技术由于受试验条件的限制,而不适合使用。  相似文献   
ZTS-172M电磁波随钻测量系统及其在胜利油田的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
简述了从俄罗斯引进的ZTS-172M电磁波随钻测量系统的工作原理、组成和主要技术参数.为检验该系统的性能,在胜利油田的试验1井和试验2井进行了生产试验.该系统成功地接收到试验1井地下1 200m、试验2井地下1 600m深处发射的电磁波信号.生产试验结果表明该系统在胜利油田取得了初步成功.根据试验情况,提出了对该系统进行改进的相关建议.  相似文献   
考虑颗粒抗转动的砂土双轴试验离散元模拟   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
颗粒间抗转动作用是影响砂土力学行为的重要因素。将蒋明镜等(2005年)提出的考虑颗粒抗转动作用的颗粒接触模型植入PFC2D中,对砂土双轴试验进行了模拟,研究颗粒抗转动作用对砂土力学行为的影响。研究显示:颗粒抗转动对砂土力学行为影响显著。抗转作用越强,砂土强度越高;抗转系数为0.4时,松砂亦出现软化及剪胀现象。抗转动作用对孔隙比及配位数变化趋势影响也很显著。  相似文献   
45a来塔里木河流域气温、降水变化及其对积雪面积的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
对塔里木河流域19个台站45 a(1958-2002年)的气温、降水序列进行非参数检验,查明其变化趋势及特征,在此基础上,对近20 a(1982-2001年)流域的积雪面积(SCA,%)变化进行趋势与相关分析.结果表明:流域的气温和降水均在20世纪80年代中期发生了阶段式的跳跃增长,气温和降水增加的主要季节分别为冬季和夏季.流域总体的积雪面积呈缓慢增加态势,其中北区和西区增加较为稳定,而南区相对不稳定.在垂直方向上,海拔<2 500 m的区域积雪面积表现缓慢增加,而海拔≥2 500 m的区域则减少.相比较,低海拔区域更易受降水影响,而高海拔区域更易受气温影响.海拔2 500~5 000 m的高度带是对气候变化较为敏感的区域.20世纪90年代与80年代相比,降雪和融雪的速度都更快.积雪与冷季降水呈正相关,但与冷季气温没有明显的相关关系.  相似文献   
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