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近百余年上海气温变化的若干特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
徐家良 《地理学报》1993,48(1):26-32
本文根据1873—1990年上海的年、冬、夏平均气温资料,并利用1956—1990年其郊区气温资料,对城市热岛效应对气温的影响作了处理,重建了近118a的上海气温序列。在此基础上对上海的气温变化特征进行分析,并与同期的北半球气温变化作了比较。结果表明,上海的气温变化有其明显的阶段性、跃变性和周期性。近百余年上海气温变化的总体特征与北半球相似,呈缓慢变暖趋势,但具体的变化过程和幅度有差别,尤其近20多年来的变化与北半球不一致,没有明显的增温现象。  相似文献   
贵州省黔北地区铝土矿钻探工艺运用探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黔北铝土矿地层复杂、矿体埋藏深度变化大,矿石结构多样性。如何在铝土矿矿区的勘查中,提高勘查钻探施工质量和效率,降低生产成本,获取最佳的勘探经济效益,是钻探施工首先应考虑问题。在长期的钻探施工的生产实践中,针对黔北铝土矿不同地层条件及矿物特征等特点,从设备选型、钻探工艺技术、质量保证措施等方面,采用了综合治理的方法,在实际钻探施工中取得了较好的勘查效果,极大的满足了地质勘查对钻探施工质量要求,本文对此进行了系统的归纳,并提出最佳的优选工艺技术措施,以便铝土矿矿区的勘查施工借鉴及参考。  相似文献   
煤矿中煤层断层与层间滑动构造(简称层滑构造)发育普遍,可出现不同形式的组合。进行煤层断层与层滑构造及其组合型式的研究,对分析区域构造变形史、查明和预测煤层赋存规律、研究煤的耗散流变、煤层气的开发以及预防煤与瓦斯突出都具有重要作用。本文以淮北矿区海孜煤矿为例,在现场观测的基础上,分析总结了7、8、9和10煤层的断层与层滑构造的组合型式,并探讨了其形成机制。由于7、8、9和10煤层及顶、底板岩层组合的差异,不同煤层构造变形有较大区别。由于海孜煤矿岩层和煤层经历了多次构造活动,断层和层滑构造间产生了不同的空间组合,具体表现为3种型式:断层与层滑构造的同期扩展、断层与层滑构造组成块体及断层与层滑构造间的相互切割和限制。煤层的构造组合型式在很大程度上取决于构造应力作用、含煤地层的岩石力学性质和应变环境等。  相似文献   
湖北省主要煤系地层是下二叠统“梁山煤系”、上二叠统“龙潭煤系”和上三叠统-下侏罗统“香溪煤系”。“粱山煤系”和“龙潭煤系”主要分布在鄂东南、鄂西南地区,“香溪煤系”零星分布在鄂州-赤壁、远安-当阳、巴东-兴山、利川等地。研究认为:二叠纪成煤环境属近海型,而晚三叠世、早侏罗世属于内陆型。控制聚煤作用的主要因素有:①成煤环境为滨岸沼泽相区,沼泽发育之前沉积物若为砂质、粉砂质岩类,则含煤性好,反之若为泥质或粘土质岩类,则含煤性差;(爹煤系沉积的早期沉积基底剥蚀夷平为坳陷地带,到中晚期坳陷逐渐增大,能形成宽阔的聚煤(盆地)带;⑧地壳沉降幅度大,升降速度乎稳,泥炭沼泽发育时间长;④地壳振荡次数频繁,沉积旋回多,煤层厚度较大,含煤性好,反之.沉积旋回少或不完整,煤层少,且薄,含煤性差。通过分析有利的聚煤因素,提出了各煤系的找煤方向。  相似文献   
Monitoring offshore platforms, long span bridges, high rise buildings, TV towers and other similar structures is essential for ensuring their safety in service. Continuous monitoring assumes even greater significance in the case of offshore platforms, which are highly susceptible to damage due to the corrosive environment and the continuous action of waves. Also, since a major part of the structure is under water and covered by marine growth, even a trained diver cannot easily detect damage in the structure. In the present work, vibration criterion is adopted for structural monitoring of jacket platforms. Artificial excitation of these structures is not always practicable and ambient excitation due to wind and waves may not be sufficient for collecting the required vibration data. Alternate methods can be adopted for the same purpose, for example, the application of an impact or a sudden relaxation of an applied force for exciting the structure. For jacket platforms, impact can be applied by gently pushing the structure at the fender while relaxation can be accomplished by pulling the structure and then suddenly releasing it using a tug or a supply vessel in both cases. The present study is an experimental investigation on a laboratory model of a jacket platform, for exploring the feasibility of adapting vibration responses due to impulse and relaxation, for structural monitoring. Effects of damage in six members of the platform as well as changes in deck masses were studied. A finite element model of the structure was used to analyze all the cases for comparison of the results as well as system identification. A data acquisition and analysis procedure for obtaining the response signatures of the platform due to the impulse and relaxation procedure was also developed for possible adoption in on-line monitoring of offshore platforms. From the study, it has been concluded that both impulse and relaxation responses are useful tools for monitoring offshore jacket platforms. The present work forms the basis for the development of an automated, on-line monitoring system for offshore platforms, using neural networks.  相似文献   
褚耀君  佟匡胤  刘智明 《吉林地质》2006,25(2):16-18,41
兴隆金矿区韧性剪切带受兴隆沟深断裂影响,其韧性剪切变质变形控制着本区金矿(化)体的空间分布。韧性剪切带由片麻岩、糜棱岩化岩、糜棱岩及超糜棱岩组成,矿物组分和化学成分发生了明显变化,促使金的活化带出,在适当温压条件下充填并沉淀于叶理构造中而形成韧性剪切带型金矿。  相似文献   
红旗渠是举世文明的引水工程,全长4 013.6 km.红旗渠沿线地质条件极为复杂,地质灾害频繁发生.林州市任村镇白家庄至尖庄一带为本次工作的勘查区,勘查中共发现零星崩塌3处,崩塌带1处、沟谷泥石流3处.本文针对发现的地质灾害的类型、规模、形态等进行描述并给以稳定性评价.  相似文献   
山西高平地震   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
阐述了发生在山西高平的地震和对高平有影响的地震,分析了高平市的地震灾害,通过分析得出高平地震与晋获断裂带活动有关的结论。  相似文献   
提出了一种基于多分辨率小波高频特征系数的高光谱遥感影像亚像素目标识别方法。首先利用多尺度小波变换将光谱信号分解为不同尺度的高频特征信号,然后借助接收操作特性曲线(ROC)和马氏距离投影寻踪求取一维最佳识别特征,最后通过高斯最大似然决策函数求解亚像素目标的存在概率。通过38种小波函数的高光谱数据实验证明,该方法对亚像素目标的识别效果较好。  相似文献   
Structural studies of the Barmer Basin in Rajasthan, northwest India, demonstrate the important effect that pre-existing faults can have on the geometries of evolving fault systems at both the outcrop and basin-scale. Outcrop exposures on opposing rift margins reveal two distinct, non-coaxial extensional events. On the eastern rift margin northwest–southeast extension was accommodated on southwest- and west-striking faults that form a complex, zig-zag fault network. On the western rift margin northeast–southwest extension was accommodated on northwest-striking faults that form classical extensional geometries.Combining these outcrop studies with subsurface interpretations demonstrates that northwest–southeast extension preceded northeast–southwest extension. Structures active during the early, previously unrecognised extensional event were variably incorporated into the evolving fault systems during the second. In the study area, an inherited rift-oblique fault transferred extension from the rift margin to a mid-rift fault, rather than linking rift margin fault systems directly. The resultant rift margin accommodation structure has important implications for early sediment routing and depocentre evolution, as well as wider reaching implications for the evolution of the rift basin and West Indian Rift System. The discovery of early rifting in the Barmer Basin supports that extension along the West Indian Rift System was long-lived, multi-event, and likely resulted from far-field plate reorganisations.  相似文献   
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