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This paper explores the dynamics behind the changing regimes of urban renewal and its social impacts in Taiwan. Before the 1980s, the state was willing to solely shoulder the job of urban renewal with a wholly supportive financial budget and land appropriation law, while in the 1990s it became financially overburdened due to its renewal policy. Around the year 2000, the state turned towards promoting urban regeneration as a key business model. Through this historical exposition, the Taiwanese story of state transformation in urban renewal policy brings two issues to the fore. The first issue is the learning process concerning the policy of public-private partnership (PPP) initiatives. Trans-border policy mobility connects and constitutes cities, such as Taipei, with other places, such as London, through visits and seminars attended by policy makers and experts. However, policy transferred from abroad is “localized” in the learning process and used to prioritize the regeneration of public lands in the urban area. The PPP model is transformed in the face of domestic political struggles. The second issue is the social exclusion as a result of property-led regeneration. Rather than playing the role of an impartial institutional moderator, the state privileged landowners and developers and sacrificed the rights of tenants to stay put. By doing so, the state secures political support from landowner-cum-citizens and initiates a political culture of property in which local citizenship is predicated on ownership.  相似文献   
The sea floor topography around Taiwan is characterized by the asymmetry of its shallow and flat shelves to the west and markedly deep troughs and basins to the south and east. Tectonics and sedimentation are major controls in forming the submarine physiographic features around Taiwan. Three Pliocene-Quaternary shelves are distributed north and west of Taiwan: East China Sea Shelf (passive margin shelf), the Taiwan Strait Shelf (foreland shelf), and Kaoping Shelf (island shelf) from north to south parallel to the strike of Taiwan orogen. Off northeastern Taiwan major morpho/tectonic features associated with plate subduction include E-W trending Ryukyu Trench, Yaeyama accretionary wedge, forearc basins, the Ryukyu Arcs, and the backarc basin of southern Okinawa Trough. Off eastern Taiwan lies the deep Huatung Basin on the Philippine Sea plate with a relatively flat floor, although several large submarine canyons are eroding and crossing the basin floor. Off southeastern Taiwan, the forearc region of the Luzon Arc has been deformed into five alternating N-S trending ridges and troughs during initial arc-continent collision. Among them, the submarine Hengchun Ridge is the seaward continuation of the Hengchun peninsula in southern Taiwan. Off southwestern Taiwan, the broad Kaoping Slope is the major submarine topographic feature with several noticeable submarine canyons. The Penghu Canyon separates this slope from the South China Sea Slope to the west and merges southwards into the Manila Trench in the northern South China Sea. Although most of sea floors of the Taiwan Strait are shallower than 60 m in water depth, there are three noticeable bathymetric lows and two highs in the Taiwan Strait. There exists a close relationship between hydrography and topography in the Taiwan Strait. The circulation of currents in the Taiwan Strait is strongly influenced by seasonal monsoon and semidiurnal tides. The Penghu Channel-Yunchang Ridge can be considered a modern tidal depositional system. The Taiwan Strait shelf has two phases of development. The early phase of the rift margin has developed during Paleoocene-Miocene and it has evolved to the foreland basin in Pliocene-Quaternary time. The present shelf morphology results mainly from combined effects of foreland subsidence and modern sedimentation overprinting that of the Late Pleistocene glaciation about 15,000 years ago.  相似文献   
在对台湾以北海域浮游桡足类生物海洋学特征进行数量分布方面的研究后的续篇,重点对本海区浮游挠足类的群落结构和群落性质以及与栖区环境条件间的关系作了分析探讨.结果表明,本区桡足类群落结构种类组成复杂,出现种类共237种,但周年共有种比例仅占32%.桡足类群落的多样度和均匀度年均值各为3.714和0.690,在平面分布上呈外部海区高于近岸海区的大体趋势.本区群落可划分为5个生态类群,其中暖水性外海高温偏低盐类群和热带大洋高温高盐类群可分别指示台湾海峡水和黑潮表层水的季节消长过程.从不同侧面的计算分析均表明,冬季在环境条件上均有异于其他3季.在春、夏、秋季,以普通波水蚤最具优势,盐度是影响群落特征值的主导因子,群落的性质是以暖水性外海种类为主、热带大洋种也占相当比例的亚热带-热带群落结构的特点;在冬季,主要优势种是海洋真刺水蚤,温度是群落特征值的主要制约因子,群落呈现以热带大洋种占支配地位的热带大洋群落结构属性.  相似文献   
I~IOWDuceetal.(1980)calculatedthattheair-seaexchangeprocesscouldsupply80%--90%ofthediforedironinputtothephotcrzoneoftheSargassoAsfromairand16%--76%tothecentralNorthPacific.CuisessentialtotheTnarineorganisms,butexcessiveCuistoxictOtheOrganisms.CdandPh...  相似文献   
地震-重力联合反演可以降低多解性,针对大勘探范围内岩石波速-密度关系存在较大散布的问题,引入交叉梯度结构约束构建统一的目标函数是一种有效的解决方案。利用台湾海峡南部HX-13测线进行验证:由于火成岩侵入体的存在,部分区域难以拾取可靠的地震初至,常规的走时反演无法准确恢复基底面的形态。搜集研究区的船测重力资料,根据地震地质条件和数据特点设置合适的反演参数,实现基于物性和结构双重约束的重力-地震联合反演。由对反演结果的分析和解释可以看出,该方法可在很大程度上弥补地震数据不完备的缺陷,使反演过程稳定,并提高模型的可靠性。  相似文献   
ThisstudywassupportedbytheStateEducationalCommittee(SEC)ofChina.INTRODUCTIONThedissolvedorganiccarbon(DOC),ordissolvedorganicmatter(DOM),isoneofthemostimPortantorganiccarbonreservoiroftheworld,whichmayaffectthecontentofCO2intheatmospherewithatime-scaleof1OOO~1OOOOyears(Hedges,1992).Theratesofproduction,degradationortransPortationofDOCareseveralmaindynamicalparametersofDOCintheeu-photiclayer.Inthispaper,wefocusonthediurnalvariationsofDOCinordertoestimatetheseparameters.METso…  相似文献   
厦门港湾和闽南-台湾浅滩海域鱼类感染吸虫的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据1980~1986年厦门港湾和闽南-台湾浅滩海域的调查资料,报道了该海区鱼类感染复殖吸虫的概况。在我们检查的106种鱼类中,从其中54种的消化道和1种的体腔中发现复殖吸虫标本1269个,感染率为28.24%。本海区鱼类生态习性虽有差异,其感染率和阳性鱼的感染度可能有明显差异,但从总体上看,不同生态类群鱼类的吸虫密度分布甚为均匀。  相似文献   
Based on the analysis of newly collected data of plate tectonics, distribution of active faults and crustal deformation, the Taiwan area is divided into two seismic regions and six seismic belts. Then, correlation fractal dimensions of all the regions and belts are calculated, and the fractal characteristics of hypocenteral distribution can be quantitatively analyzed. Finally, multifractal dimensions Dq and f(α) are calculated by using the earthquake catalog of the past 11 years in the Taiwan area. This study indicates that (1) there exists a favorable corresponding relationship between spatial images of seismic activity described with correlation fractal dimension analysis and tectonic settings; (2) the temporal structure of earthquakes is not single but multifractal fractal, and the pattern of Dq variation with time is a good indicator for predicting strong earthquake events.  相似文献   
Settling velocities of suspended cohesive sediment in estuaries vary over a range of several orders in magnitude. Variations in the suspended sediment concentration are often considered as the principal cause. Turbulence and the suspended sediment concentration, as well as other factors such as salinity, dissolved organic substances, flocculation ability, and the rate of floc growth affect setting velocities. A laterally–averaged finite difference model for hydrodynamics and cohesive sediment transport is developed and applied in the Tanshui River estuary, Taiwan. The model has been calibrated and verified with water surface elevation, longitudinal velocity, salinity, and cohesive sediment measured. The overall performance of the model is in qualitative agreement with the available data. The model is used to investigate the influence of settling velocity on cohesive sediment transport dynamics. The simulation indicates that the turbidity maximum zone is near Kuan–Du. When settling velocities increase the surface cohesive sediment concentration at Kuan–Du station trends to decrease and bottom cohesive sediment concentration increases. Both surface and bottom cohesive sediment concentrations decrease at Taipei Bridge and Pa–Ling Bridge. This implies that suspended sediment advected seaward and deposited. There is consequently a net seaward flux of suspended sediment near surface, and a net landward flux near the bed.  相似文献   
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