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西南天山哈布腾苏河沿岸的含石墨的石榴石多硅白云母石英片岩中出露一套若干大小不等的布丁状变基性岩块,产状与区域面理一致。本文对其中保存完好的榴辉岩体进行了较为细致的岩石学研究和温压演化条件计算。根据主要矿物的含量,将该套榴辉岩大致分为两类一角闪榴辉岩和钠云母榴辉岩,二者的主要矿物均为Grt+Omp+Na—Ca-Amp+Pg+Dol/Cal+Rt±Qtz。石榴石变斑晶两阶段生长明显,从核部到边部XMn和XFe降低,XMg和XCa升高,指示了升温降压的变质过程。根据石榴石核部和边部的包体组合特征,确立了两期榴辉岩相变质作用:前一阶段经历了高压但较低温的硬柱石.硬绿泥石(仅见假象)榴辉岩相,变质温度为400~5000C,压力不低于1.8~1.9GPa,表明早期经历了快速俯冲过程;后一阶段的变质温度为570±300C,压力为2.0~2.5GPa。在退变质绿帘角闪岩相阶段,形成低压脉体(矿物组合为Ab4-Di+Na—Ca—Amp+Ep/Czo+Cal)和一系列退变质反应结构.如Dol的Cal增生边.Omp的Di+Ab后成合晶结构。利用Dol—Cal分溶温度计和Di的Jd分子含量得到该阶段的温度约500—530℃,压力小于0.9~1.1GPa,表明其退变质经历的是降温降压过程。这与利用Thermocale 3.1在NCFMASH体系下计算的PT视剖面图是一致的。  相似文献   
与变基性岩有关的铜矿 ,是在中条山西南段新发现的一种新的铜矿类型 ,其形成是在原始基性岩浆侵入或喷发作用形成的矿源岩或矿化体基础上 ,经过区域变质和印支 -燕山期构造 -岩浆热液的改造加富而成 ,其成因应属与变基性岩有关的变质 -热液改造型铜 (镍、铁 )矿床。  相似文献   
超基性岩本身难以生长锆石的特性,使得研究其中的锆石需要特别谨慎。超基性岩中的锆石虽然具有多解性,但是锆石也携带了很多演化信息。产出不同地质背景的超基性岩,其中的锆石特征不同。本文总结现有的研究实例表明:(1)经历高温高压变质作用的石榴橄榄岩通常通过交代作用获得锆石,且锆石能够记录峰期变质时代,其中的继承锆石较少,可能在高温高压条件下,继承锆石发生分解重结晶;(2)大洋蛇绿岩型超基性岩和地幔岩捕掳体中通常具有年龄分布很广的锆石年龄特征,锆石年龄峰值通常与区域上构造事件相吻合,为捕掳晶锆石。接下来本文以西南天山超高压(UHP)蛇纹岩为例,对其锆石年龄进行解释。西南天山蛇纹岩为经历过超高压变质作用的大洋蛇绿岩型超基性岩,2个蛇纹岩样品中锆石的阴极发光图像分析和SIMS U-Pb定年分析结果显示,西南天山UHP蛇纹岩中的锆石包含捕掳晶锆石和变质锆石,捕掳晶锆石的年龄为2.1~1.0Ga,对应该区变泥质岩中碎屑锆石记录的年龄峰值。409~537Ma可能代表了蛇纹岩原岩结晶时代。区域上的变质压力峰期年龄(~320Ma)在蛇纹岩中没有记录,仅有1颗锆石记录了309±5Ma的近峰期时代。270~155Ma的退变质时代在西南天山蛇纹岩中出现较广,这与榴辉岩中出现的退变年龄相吻合,代表了折返过程中较为普遍的后期热液事件。基于对超基性岩中锆石特征的初步了解,结合西南天山蛇纹岩的研究实例,认为通过研究锆石的年代学,结合锆石矿物化学、包体矿物学、同位素地球化学等特征,不仅可以提供年代学信息,还可以对超基性岩的来源和演化过程进行解析。  相似文献   
晴隆锑矿床中萤石的稀土元素特征及其指示意义   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
本文系统地研究了黔西南晴隆锑矿床中萤石的稀土元素地球化学,表明不同颜色、不同矿物组合的萤石的稀土元素含量变化较大,但具有固定的REE分配模式,以明显的负Ce异常、富MREE、分配曲线相对平缓为特征;这种配分模式主要是受其晶体化学因素的控制,而与溶液中REE络合物的稳定性关系不大。萤石的稀土元素组成与其矿物共生组合关系不大,但与其颜色关系较密切。萤石的Ce、Eu异常主要是受氧逸度的控制,流体源区的氧逸度较高,矿物沉淀场所的氧逸度相对较低,从而导致该矿中萤石呈明显的负Ce异常,或正或负的Eu异常。晴隆锑矿床形成于开放体系条件下,水/岩反应很可能是导致萤石发生沉淀的主要机制。萤石中的Ca部分来自茅口组灰岩,部分来自大厂层玄武岩;而矿化剂F可能主要来自外部。  相似文献   
Summary. A residual map of the total magnetic field (above 25 000 nT base) is presented for a portion of the central crystalline shield area of Nigeria and overlapping small portions of the Chad basin and the Benue rift (8°30'−12° 00'lat, and 7°−10°30' long). The map (based on a dataset digitized from recently released aeromagnetic sheets of Nigeria) leads to four results. (1) A magnetic boundary, evident on the map, separates the Younger Granite complexes into two groups. The groups are petrologically different, and the boundary may be a fault line with uplift to the south. (2) South of the boundary the map is dominated by a system of sub-parallel anomalies striking NE–SW, possibly representing major tectonic trends, and a set of fractures through which the Younger Granite complexes were intruded. The trend of the system parallels the Benue rift and lineaments in the oceanic crust off West Africa. (3) Negative magnetic anomalies lie over most of the known ring complexes, and over some suspected buried ring complexes and other intrusions. (4) 2½-and 3-D modelling shows that the larger complexes extend to 12 km depth, and the smaller ones to 6 km. They have nearly vertical sides, and magnetization contrasts range from 0.3 to 0.5 A m−1.  相似文献   
Groundwater exploitation is an essential aspect of the numerous processes of transforming the urban natural environment for human gains. We use the political ecology of borehole exploitation in Nigeria’s urban environment to understand the micro-and macro-level processes mediating the transformation and changes in urban “groundwater scape”. The fieldwork processes depend on field counting of borehole distribution, in-depth and semi-structured interviews, and a review of secondary literatures. We argue that the social and environmental changes arising from the exploitation of groundwater bespeak the active and continual manifestation of the interplay of combustible interests and power friction among institutional agents within the permissible range of the natural environment. Such dynamic power relations engender a pattern of socio-natural transformation consistent with Swyngedouw’s notion of urban metabolism- “a series of interconnected heterogeneous and dynamic but contested and contestable processes of continuous quantitative and qualitative transformations that re-arranges humans and non-humans in new and often unexpected ways”.  相似文献   
野外考察和室内综合分析表明,日本中央构造线的右旋位错自上新世以来一直延续至今.资料表明,晚更新世以来的平均位错速率达6 .1 m m/a .高滑动速率而近1 ka 来无强破坏性地震发生的事实意味着该断裂现今可能处在蠕滑运动为主的相对稳滑状态.断裂带结构简单、走向稳定、高角度而无横向断裂切割等特点有利于断裂的蠕滑运动.  相似文献   
三叠纪末期大型鄂尔多斯盆地遭受了中生代成盆以来首次较大规模的抬升剥蚀,显著改造了中晚三叠世延长期盆地面貌,并控制了侏罗纪早期沉积格局和油藏分布,对盆地演化及矿产资源分布产生了重要影响。本文利用地质及大量钻井资料揭示了该期构造事件对盆地的剥蚀改造特征,盆地及周邻地区磷灰石裂变径迹年代学记录并约束了此次构造抬升的时限与过程;综合周邻区域构造研究成果,探讨了其发育的动力学背景。结果表明,鄂尔多斯盆地三叠纪末期的剥蚀具西南强、东北弱的特点,西南部大范围内延长组地层残缺不全,剥蚀量最大可达1000余米;前侏罗纪沉积古地貌总体呈西南高、北东低的特点;其抬升时间始于205~190Ma,西南部稍早于盆地腹部,抬升速率大于1℃/Myr,可持续至中侏罗世(约160Ma)。该期抬升剥蚀事件范围可涉及至盆地西南缘更广阔的区域,与同期秦岭造山带内出现的快速抬升冷却事件具有较好的时空耦合关系,是对秦岭造山带区域构造环境转变的响应和纪录。该研究丰富和发展了三叠纪末期构造事件在华北克拉通的影响,对该区油气、煤炭资源的进一步勘探和评价提供了新的思路,具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   
《China Geology》2020,3(4):602-610
Thirty-nine crude oils and twenty-one rock samples from Niger Delta Basin, Nigeria have been characterized based on their isotope compositions by elemental analysis-isotope ratio mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry. The bulk carbon isotopic values of the whole rock extracts, saturate and aromatic fractions range from –28.7‰ to –26.8‰, –29.2‰ to –27.2 ‰ and –28.5 ‰ to –26.7 ‰, respectively while the bulk carbon isotopic values of the whole oils, saturate and aromatic fractions range from –25.4 ‰ to –27.8 ‰, –25.9 ‰ to –28.4 ‰ and –23.5 ‰ to –26.9 ‰, respectively. The average carbon isotopic compositions of individual alkanes (nC12-nC33) in the rock samples range from –34.9‰ to –28.2‰ whereas the average isotopic values of individual n-alkanes in the oils range from –31.1‰ to –23.8‰. The δ13C isotope ratios of pristane and phytane in the rock samples range from –29.2 ‰ to –28.2 ‰ and –30.2 ‰ to –27.4 ‰ respectively while the pristane and phytane isotopic values range from –32.1‰ to –21.9‰ and –30.5‰ to –26.9‰, respectively. The isotopic values recorded for the samples indicated that the crude oils were formed from the mixed input of terrigenous and marine organic matter and deposited under oxic to sub-oxic condition in lacustrine-fluvial/deltaic environments. The stable carbon isotopic compositions were found to be effective in assessing the origin and depositional environments of crude oils in the Niger Delta Basin.  相似文献   
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