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张朝凯  李祥辉 《地质通报》2015,34(12):2236-2245
采用野外地质点观察、岩相分析及碎屑锆石U-Pb定年方法,对雅鲁藏布江缝合带东段南侧的朗县白垩纪混杂岩(KL)进行研究。分析结果显示,以乃东-金东-莫洛断裂为界,该断裂南侧具有以板岩/千枚岩为主夹砂岩、粉砂岩的特征,属于海底扇沉积,其碎屑锆石年龄谱有230Ma和530Ma 2个峰值,与南部的上三叠统复理石郎杰学群极其相似;而该断裂北侧狭长地带的KL则主要为陆棚相板岩与大理岩,属于拉萨南缘沉积。为此认为,南部主体属于上三叠统郎杰学群,暗示印度大陆与欧亚大陆在西藏东南部的缝合碰撞边界可能是乃东-金东-莫洛断裂,而不是北侧的泽当-加查-朗拉岗则断裂或南侧的乃东-曲松-白露断裂。  相似文献   
The Campos Gerais Domain (CGD) in southeastern Brazil is an approximately 180 km × 35 km area of Archean–Proterozoic rocks located southwest of the São Francisco Craton (SFC). The Archean–Paleoproterozoic evolution of the CGD — alongside its potential correlation with the SFC or other cratonic blocks in the region — is currently poorly-constrained. We present the results of systematic petrography, bulk-rock geochemistry, mineral chemistry and geochronology for a suite of scarcely studied mafic–ultramafic rocks from the CGD. We also provide a compilation of previously reported bulk-rock geochemical and spinel group mineral chemical data for mafic–ultramafic rocks throughout the CGD, and geochronological information for various lithotypes in the region. The CGD records a protracted Mesoarchean to Statherian (3.1–1.7 Ga) crustal evolution, which we interpret to share a common history with the southern SFC and their related reworked segments, suggesting that it is a westward extension of this cratonic terrain. The metavolcano-sedimentary rocks of the Fortaleza de Minas and Alpinópolis segments represent a Mesoarchean greenstone belt that is stratigraphically and chemically comparable to Archean greenstone belts worldwide, and that is broadly coeval with a local suite of tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) gneisses and migmatites. U-Pb SHRIMP zircon data from a subalkaline metagabbro yielded a concordia age of ca. 2.96 Ga, revealing a previously unrecognized phase of Archean magmatism in the CGD that can be chrono-correlated with metakomatiite and TTG generation elsewhere in the São Francisco paleocontinent. Our data contradict a hypothesis whereby the metavolcano-sedimentary rocks of the Jacuí-Bom Jesus da Penha and Petúnia segments represent an ophiolite, as previously suggested, instead presenting features that point to formation in association with a continental arc. Coupled with a U-Pb (SHRIMP) crystallization age of ca. 2.13 Ga recorded by zircon grains from a metaultramafic rock, these data highlight that a magmatic event was chrono-correlated with the main accretionary phase of the Minas Orogeny, and with the Pouso Alegre/Amparo and São Vicente complexes. Finally, a U-Pb (SHRIMP) concordia age of ca. 590 Ma — obtained from metamorphic-textured zircon grains from a metaultramafic rock — points to a late metamorphic overprint related to upper amphibolite conditions, brittle fault activation and the juxtaposition of crustal blocks in association with the latest stages of western Gondwana’s assembly in the southern SFC, with later retrogression to greenschist-facies.  相似文献   

真猛犸象(Mammuthus primigenius)是晚更新世古北界最典型的动物之一,曾广泛分布于欧亚大陆和北美地区。了解真猛犸象的食物结构对探讨其演化乃至灭绝极具科学意义。目前,通过真猛犸象化石及伴生动物群的C、N稳定同位素分析揭示真猛犸象的食物结构,国际上已有不少报道,却缺少东亚地区的研究案例。为此,本文以黑龙江省大庆博物馆馆藏的东北地区晚更新世真猛犸象及伴生动物群的骨骼化石为研究对象,开展了包括真猛犸象、披毛犀、马科、牛科等9种33个个体的C、N稳定同位素分析。研究结果显示:在所有动物中,真猛犸象具有最高的δ15N值,高于植食和肉食动物。显然,与其他动物相比,真猛犸象具有独特的摄食行为,可能受到生态环境、生理特点、食粪行为等多个因素的影响。结合国际上已发表的关于真猛犸象化石的同位素数据,笔者发现:真猛犸象的食物来源较为稳定,食物专门化程度较高。由此可见,真猛犸象具有的独特摄食行为,可能是其不能很好适应更新世晚期环境和气候变化而造成灭绝的动因之一。

张守连 《安徽地质》2007,17(3):213-215
铜管砼拱桥在皖南山区受到应用限制的主要因素是钢管加工困难,构件运输的自然环境条件差,大型预制构件不易到达桥位处,加之某些区域的环境因素影响,使钢管砼拱桥施工,养护和维修成为主要问题.文章主要叙述了钢管砼拱桥的几种施工方法,对各种施工方法的适用条件及技术要点进行了分析,供同行参考.  相似文献   
The southern Irumide Belt (SIB) is an ENE–WSW-trending,late Mesoproterozoic orogenic belt located between the Congo–Tanzania–Bangweulu(CTB) and Kalahari cratons in central southern Africa. It isseparated from the late Mesoproterozoic Irumide Belt (IB) tothe north by Permo-Triassic graben, raising the possibilitythat the younger rifts reactivated a suture between the twobelts that has been rendered cryptic as a result of youngerKaroo cover. Both belts are dominated by calc-alkaline gneisses,but in addition the SIB contains abundant metavolcanic and metasedimentaryrocks. In this study we present detailed geochemical, isotopicand geochronological data for volcanic and plutonic lithologiesfrom the southernmost part of the SIB, the Chewore–RufunsaTerrane. This terrane comprises a wide variety of supracrustalto mid-crustal rocks that have major- and trace-element compositionssimilar to magmas formed in present-day subduction zones. Chondrite-normalizedrare earth element (REE) profiles and whole-rock Sm–Ndisotope compositions indicate that the parental supra-subductionmelts interacted with, and were contaminated by sialic continentalcrust, implying a continental-margin-arc setting. Secondaryionization mass spectrometry dating of magmatic zircon has yieldedcrystallization ages between c. 1095 and 1040 Ma, similar toelsewhere in the SIB. U–Pb dating and in situ Lu–Hfisotopic analyses of abundant xenocrystic zircon extracted fromthe late Mesoproterozoic granitoids indicate that the contaminantcontinental basement was principally Palaeoproterozoic in ageand had a juvenile isotopic signature at the time of its formation.These data are in contrast to those for the IB, which is characterizedby younger, c. 1020 Ma, calc-alkaline gneisses that formed bythe direct recycling of Archaean crust without significant additionof any juvenile material. We suggest that the SIB developedby the subduction of oceanic crust under the margin of an unnamedcontinental mass until ocean closure at c. 1040 Ma. Subsequentcollision between the SIB and the CTB margin led to the cessationof magmatism in the SIB and the initiation of compression andcrustal melting in the IB. KEY WORDS: geochemistry; Mesoproterozoic; SHRIMP zircon U–Pb dating; Sm–Nd isotopes; Southern Irumide Belt  相似文献   
The large low-grade Piaotang W–Sn deposit in the southern Jiangxi tungsten district of the eastern Nanling Range, South China, is related to a hidden granite pluton of Jurassic age. The magmatic-hydrothermal system displays a zonation from an inner greisen zone to quartz veins and to peripheral veinlets/stringers (Five-floor zonation model). Most mineralization is in quartz veins with wolframite > cassiterite. The hidden granite pluton in underground exposures comprises three intrusive units, i.e. biotite granite, two-mica granite and muscovite granite. The latter unit is spatially associated with the W–Sn deposit.Combined LA-MC-ICP-MS U–Pb dating of igneous zircon and LA-ICP-MS U–Pb dating of hydrothermal cassiterite are used to constrain the timing of granitic magmatism and hydrothermal mineralization. Zircon from the three granite units has a weighted average 206Pb/238U age of 159.8 ± 0.3 Ma (2 σ, MSWD = 0.3). The cathodoluminescence (CL) textures indicate that some of the cassiterite crystals from the wolframite-cassiterite quartz vein system have growth zonations, i.e. zone I in the core and zone II in the rim. Dating on cassiterite (zone II) yields a weighted average 206Pb/238U age of 159.5 ± 1.5 Ma (2 σ, MSWD = 0.4), i.e. the magmatic and hydrothermal systems are synchronous. This confirms the classical model of granite-related tin–tungsten mineralization, and is against the view of a broader time gap of >6 Myr between granite magmatism and W–Sn mineralization which has been previously proposed for the southern Jiangxi tungsten district. The elevated trace element concentrations of Zr, U, Nb, Ta, W and Ti suggest that cassiterite (zone II) formed in a high-temperature quartz vein system related to the Piaotang granite pluton.  相似文献   
This paper discusses new structural, kinematic and geochronological data from polymetallic (Pb-Zn-Cu-Ag ± Au) vein-type deposits hosted in the metamorphic basement of the southern Sierras de Córdoba. A Carboniferous age was established for the hydrothermal event between ∼329 and 315 Ma (Late Mississippian-Early Pennsylvanian) by the K/Ar fine-fraction dating method of sericitic alteration related to metallic ore deposition in the Las Guindas and Oro districts. The obtained ages postdate the spatially associated Devonian magmatism and overlap the A-type Early Carboniferous magmatism defined for the Eastern Sierras Pampeanas. The presence of non-exhumed granitic bodies at shallow depths, possibly related to mineralization, is supported by available geophysical and field evidence.The strain fabric and 3-D kinematic analyses constitute first kinematic data for the Carboniferous basement of the Southern Sierras Pampeanas demonstrating that mineralization was controlled by NNW- and ENE-trending brittle-ductile transtensional shear zones that overprint the earlier high-strain deformation fabrics of the basement. Transtensional deformation has accommodated large amounts of strike-slip movements and subordinated extensional components. The calculated kinematic axes indicate a coherent kinematic pattern of the mineralized systems in the two studied districts, with a maximum extension direction oriented NNE- to NE and maximum shortening direction oriented WNW- to NW. This deformation regime, active during mineralization, point to a non-compressive setting at the Late Mississippian-Early Pennsylvanian boundary. In line with other regional evidence, we propose a distinctive Carboniferous deformational phase in the Eastern Sierras Pampeanas, dominated by transtension. This period would have occurred after the transition with the Devonian compressional/transpressional orogenic regime.  相似文献   
东北地震活动性短期预报方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了1970年以来东北地区发生的MS≥5·0浅源地震孕育过程中地震活动性参数和地震活动图像的变化特征,并对地震活动性参数进行了比较系统地综合预报效能评价,结果显示:东北9次(组)浅震地震前,所研究的5项地震活动性参数中,88·9%出现了持续3个月以上的短期异常变化,且5项参数R值评分结果都满足97·5%的置信水平;88·9%地震前震源区附近出现了孕震空区,有87·5%孕震空区在空区边缘或空区内部出现了ML≥4·0逼近地震,逼近地震以单个或成对的形式出现。66·7%的地震在震源区附近出现了地震条带异常。最后给出东北地区中强震的短期预报方法,这对未来东北地区的地震预报工作将起着一定的参考意义。  相似文献   
Cropland cover change in Northeast China during the past 300 years   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Land use/cover change induced by human activities has emerged as a “global” phenomenon with Earth system consequences. Northeast China is an area where the largest land cultivation activities by migrants have happened in China during the past 300 years. In this paper, methods including documentary data calibration and multi-sourced data conversion model are used to reconstruct historical cropland cover change in Northeast China during the past 300 years. It is concluded that human beings have remarkably changed the natural landscape of the region by land cultivation in the past 300 years. Cropland area has increased almost exponentially during the past 300 years, especially during the past 100 years when the ratio of cropland cover changed from 10% to 20%. Until the middle of the 19th century, the agricultural area was still mainly restricted in Liaoning Province. From the late 19th century to the early 20th century, dramatic changes took place when the northern boundary of cultivation had extended to the middle of Heilongjiang Province. During the 20th century, three agricultural regions with high ratio of cropland cover were formed after the two phases of spatial expansion of cropland area in 1900s–1930s and 1950s–1980s. Since 1930s–1940s, the expansion of new cultivated area have invaded the forest lands especially in Jilin and Heilongjiang Provinces. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40571165) and Innovation Foundation of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. KZCX2-YW-315)  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTIONFrom 1989 to 1993, as project managers of the UNDP/UNESCO project entitled Regional TrainingProgramme on Erosion and Sedimentation for Asia, the writers had the privilege of meeting manyoutstanding hydraulic engineers of this region and came to learn of some important erosion andsedimentation problems thereof. Some issues as noted by the writers are presented in the followingalong the some comments. These issues are mainly concerned with rivers. It should be stated tha…  相似文献   
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