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和政军  牛宝贵 《地质论评》2004,50(5):464-470
外来岩片不但在构造变形上应具有显著的特征标志,而且在其卷入的各类地质体中也应该表现出与原地系统之间具有明显的差异.近年来,承德地区两条断裂之间所夹地质体,被部分学者认为是晚侏罗世时期从该地区南部向北推覆而来的"逆掩片",水平位移量超过40km.本文对比研究了"逆掩片"内部和"根带区"中元古代长城系原始沉积特征和相带展布以及其他证据,发现承德地区长城系各相带原始展布和格局与周边同期沉积并无显著差别,这表明晚侏罗世期间发生自南向北大规模水平位移(>40km)的可能性很小,研究结果不支持"外来岩片"的认识.  相似文献   
古特提斯东昆仑活动陆缘及其区域成矿   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
东昆仑地质构造特征、石炭—三叠系火山 -沉积建造及区域岩浆作用研究显示 ,海西 -印支期 ,该区属于古特提斯北侧活动陆缘的组成部分。活动陆缘区特殊的沉积环境、区域岩浆活动及构造变形动力等作用 ,构成了区域矿产形成的主要背景和控制因素 ,从而使不同类型和元素组成的矿床得以形成 ,并表现区域成矿的总体分带规律。  相似文献   
the Kalpin nappe is an important multiple thrust system. It is important to study the Cenozoic tectonic of the Tianshan Mountain. Holocene active characteristics and paleoearthquake of the Kalpin nappe can be used to evaluate the neotectonic of this area. In this paper, we accurately measured the fault scarp in the front of three thrust-fold faults and analyzed paleoearthquake events in the trenches of the Kalpin nappe. Using the 10Be exposure age, we obtained those geomorphic surface ages and paleoearthquake times. The result showed that the slip rates of the west Kalpintag fault, aozitag fault and the tuoketag fault were 1.45(+1.68/-0.44) mm/a, 0.81(+0.35/-0.19) mm/a and (0.3±0.05) mm/a, respectively since the Holocene. The slip rate indicated that the increased activity transferred from back-row fault to front-row fault and accorded with the piggy-back propagation model in the Tianshan Mountain. Displacements and recurrence intervals of paleoearthquakes was similar to the slip rate characteristics. It also showed paleoearthquakes in the front row fault were stronger than paleoearthquakes of the back row fault. The strong paleoearthquake which caused the highest surface rupture happened in the Kalpintag fault. The interval of paleoearthquakes was about 4 ka and the displacement of every paleoearthquake was about 3 m in the west Kalpintag fault; the interval of paleoearthquakes was about 2 ka and the displacement of every paleoearthquake was about 1m in the aozitag fault; the tuoketag fault ruptured only one paleoearthquake since 7 ka. The Piqiang tear fault was the tectonic result of different shortening rate between the west Kalpin system and the east Kalpin system. The shortening rate of west Kalpin system was obviously stronger than the east Kalpin system. The huge separation distance was near 20 km between the east and the west back-row fault. Because the slip rate of system transferred to the front-row fault in the piggy-back propagation model, the separation distance (~4 km) between the east and the west front-row fault was increasing.  相似文献   
2019年6月8—10日江西出现了一次持续的大暴雨天气过程.使用常规观测资料、FY-2G卫星TBB资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,在天气尺度环流背景和中尺度系统分析的基础上,利用WRF模式对大暴雨过程进行数值模拟,分析罗霄山脉地形对此次持续暴雨过程的影响.结果表明:此次暴雨过程发生在稳定维持的"两槽一脊"环流形势下,高空西风气流、低空西南急流、沿海大槽、上游移来短波槽和近地面辐合线是大暴雨过程形成的主要天气系统.中尺度云团不断生成于江西省西北部的罗霄山脉北支和中支的迎风坡附近,受沿海大槽阻挡而缓慢东移,与系统性云团合并从而导致江西省西北部地区出现持续性强降水.湘、赣两省交界处的罗霄山脉北支和中支地形对暴雨强度有实质性的影响,去除相应罗霄山脉地形的数值试验模拟的降水量明显减少.罗霄山脉附近持续长时间的辐合线是引发此次大暴雨过程的直接中尺度天气系统,其生成与低层风场辐合、低空急流和地形均有关.受地形抬升作用,对流天气系统在地形迎风坡附近不断生成并持续向东移过江西省西北部,是造成暴雨持续的重要原因.  相似文献   
N_2O是大气中最重要的温室气体之一,目前已经有大量的研究对海洋N_2O循环及海洋对N_2O收支的贡献进行追踪报道。然而,极区相关研究仍然十分有限。本研究利用中国第25、26次南极科学考察的机会,对南大洋进行的采样以及实验室分析,结果显示,南大洋表层海水存在亚热带锋附近N_2O过饱和,亚南极锋附近接近饱和,和极锋以南洋面的不饱和的特征。海冰融化后,其融冰水的注入是N2O不饱和特征形成的主要原因。运用正态分布选取站观测风速95%以上的风速范围进行平局估算出极锋以南洋区海气通量,结果显示,极锋区以南表层海水是大气N_2O的汇区,年吸收通量约为3.5×10~(-4)—7.7×10-4Tg·a-1(百万吨氮/年)。  相似文献   
藏南沉错湖泊沉积多指标揭示的2万年以来环境变化   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
通过对藏南沉错湖芯TC1孔的研究,分析了TC1孔的粒度、TOC、TN、C/N、Fe/Mn、Sr/Ba以及环境磁学参数等环境代用指标,基本上获得了这一地区2万年以来的环境变化记录。结果显示约19 800~18 000 Cal aBP的温度下降在各指标中具有明显的反映;约16 000 Cal aBP左右,温度在一次跃动上升之后,随即出现急剧下降;约15 200~12 000 Cal aBP,是降温之后的缓慢回升过程;约12 000~9 500 Cal aBP,各种指标均显示湖区环境处于不适宜阶段,特别是11 600~10 400 Cal aBP,湖区环境显著恶化。进入全新世后,湖区环境经历了3次明显的暖期(约9 500~7 600 Cal aBP、约6 800~5 800 Cal aBP、约4 800~3 800 Cal aBP) 和2次冷期(约7 600~6 800 Cal aBP、约5 800~4 800 Cal aBP),呈现出暖干/冷湿的交替规律,具有南亚季风(西南季风) 区气候变化的特征。沉错湖区2万年来的气候环境变化序列中的某些特征时段与格陵兰冰芯记录和青藏高原其他记录相比具有较好的一致性,反映了湖区及藏南地区的气候环境演变特征具有全球性特征。  相似文献   
勉略构造带作为秦岭造山带内重要的构造边界,关于其构造属性及晚古生代以来的地质背景,一直是学术界争论的焦点。碎屑锆石U-Pb年代学在限定地层单元的最大沉积年龄、研究区域构造岩浆事件及约束构造地质背景等方面行之有效。基于此,通过对勉略带内五郎坪北侧两河口变沉积地层和侵入其中的变形花岗岩脉体进行LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年代学研究。获得2件变形花岗岩脉的结晶年龄均为406±1Ma。碎屑锆石主年龄谱分别为422~456Ma和558~826Ma,峰值年龄为441Ma和771Ma、813Ma,次级年龄谱分别为942~1495Ma和1658~2981Ma,峰值年龄不明显。依据最小一组碎屑锆石的峰值年龄(441Ma),和侵入其中的变形花岗岩脉(406±0.6Ma),限定该变沉积地层形成时代为406~441Ma(S1-D1)。碎屑锆石年龄谱显示该套变沉积地层物质来源较为复杂,其中秦岭造山带及扬子板块北缘早古生代、新元古代岩浆岩为其提供了74%±的物源,古老变质基底为其提供了26%±的物源。通过与区域上已有资料对比,认为勉略构造带内晚古生代沉积地层形成环境与邻区大致相同,且本次所获得的变沉积岩碎屑锆石年龄谱也与邻区泥盆系相似。综合认为,勉略构造带与邻区在晚古生代应属同一构造环境,晚古生代"勉略海盆"应当包括整个南秦岭。  相似文献   
通过野外地质调查和系统的稀土元素地球化学研究,探讨了阿尔泰山南缘乔夏哈拉式铁铜矿床中磁铁矿矿体和块状富铜矿体的成因关系及找矿意义。研究表明,乔夏哈拉铁铜矿床中铁矿体和富铜矿体的稀土元素组成及配分模式迥然不同。前者具有低∑REE、富轻稀土元素及正铕异常等特点,指示火山成因性质;后者异常富集轻稀土元素、配分曲线向右倾陡,其成因可能与造山期中基性浅成岩浆作用有关。据此认为,铁矿体和铜矿体并非“同生”成因关系,很可能是两期成矿作用在空间上的“同位叠生”关系。  相似文献   
In this paper, a literature‐based compilation of the timing and history of salt tectonics in the Southern Permian Basin (Central Europe) is presented. The tectono‐stratigraphic evolution of the Southern Permian Basin is influenced by salt movement and the structural development of various types of salt structures. The compilation presented here was used to characterize the following syndepositional growth stages of the salt structures: (a) “phase of initiation”; (b) phase of fastest growth (“main activity”); and (c) phase of burial’. We have also mapped the spatial pattern of potential mechanisms that triggered the initiation of salt structures over the area studied and summarized them for distinct regions (sub‐basins, platforms, etc.). The data base compiled and the set of maps produced from it provide a detailed overview of the spatial and temporal distribution of salt tectonic activity enabling the correlation of tectonic phases between specific regions of the entire Southern Permian Basin. Accordingly, salt movements were initiated in deeply subsided graben structures and fault zones during the Early and Middle Triassic. In these areas, salt structures reached their phase of main activity already during the Late Triassic or the Jurassic and were mostly buried during the Early Cretaceous. Salt structures in less subsided sub‐basins and platform regions of the Southern Permian Basin mostly started to grow during the Late Triassic. The subsequent phase of main activity of these salt structures took place from the Late Cretaceous to the Cenozoic. The analysis of the trigger mechanisms revealed that most salt structures were initiated by large‐offset normal faults in the sub‐salt basement in the large graben structures and minor normal faulting associated with thin‐skinned extension in the less subsided basin parts.  相似文献   
Daily meteorological data are the critical inputs for distributed hydrological and ecological models. This study modified mountain microclimate simulation model (MTCLIM) with the data from 19 weather stations, and compared and validated two methods (the MTCLIM and the modified MTCLIM) in the Qilian Mountains of Northwest China to estimate daily temperature (i.e., maximum temperature, minimum temperature) and precipitation at six weather stations from i January 2000 to 31December 2009. The algorithm of temperature in modified MTCLIM was improved by constructing the daily linear regression relationship between temperature and elevation, aspect and location information. There are two steps to modify the MTCLIM to predict daily precipitation: firstly, the linear regression relationship was built between annual average precipitation and elevation, location, and vegetation index; secondly, the distance weight for measuring the contribution of each weather station on target point was improved by average wind direction during the rainy season. Several regression analysis and goodness-of-fit indices (i.e., Pearson's correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination, mean absolute error, root-mean-square error and modelingefficiency) were used to validate these estimated values. The result showed that the modified MTCLIM had a better performance than the MTCLIM. Therefore, the modified MTCLIM was used to map daily meteorological data in the study area from 2000 to 2009. These results were validated using weather stations with short time data and the predicted accuracy was acceptable. The meteorological data mapped could become inputs for distributed hydrological and ecological models applied in the Qilian Mountains.  相似文献   
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