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南海海盆15°N附近呈东西向展布的珍贝-黄岩海山被认为是32~17Ma前南海海盆的残留扩张中心.对采自黄岩海山的两个火山岩样品(9DG,9DG-2)进行了岩石学、地球化学和年代学研究.两个样品的SiO2含量分别为60.3%和63.6%,Al2O3含量分别为17.56%和17.55%,TiO2含量分别为0.48%和0.31%,碱度率分别为3.88和3.62.根据岩石学和岩石化学分类,样品属碱性系列的粗面岩.对稀土元素和微量元素分析表明岩石具有洋岛玄武岩(OIB)型配分型式,轻重稀土总量比(∑c(LREE)/∑c(HREE))和球粒陨石标准化镧镱比((La/Yb)N)分别高达17.22和27.23,并具有铕负异常和锶、磷、钛亏损的特点.样品9DG的锶-钕-铅同位素分析结果为锶-87的含量与锶-86的含量之比值为0.704183,钕-143的含量与钕-144的含量之比值为0.512827,铅-206的含量与铅-207的含量之比值为18.68668,铅-207的含量与铅-204的含量之值为15.67962,铅-208的含量与铅-204的含量之比值为39.00261,表明初始岩浆来自软流圈地幔,具有与珍贝海山玄武岩相似的同位素组成.经钾-氩法测年,粗面岩的年龄为(7.77±0.49)Ma,略晚于珍贝海山玄武岩的年龄[(9.1±1.29)~10.0±1.80Ma],属于南海扩张期后晚中新世火山活动的产物.对比珍贝海山玄武岩的地球化学和同位素特征,认为两者有相同的岩浆源区,但是它们经历了不同程度的结晶分异过程,在晚中新世期间珍贝-黄岩海山可能有地幔柱活动.  相似文献   
南海西缘断裂带右行走滑的地球动力学机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林长松  唐勇  谭勇华 《海洋学报》2009,31(1):159-167
南海西缘断裂带,北端始于17°30'N附近的海南岛南部,往南延伸止于北西走向的卢帕尔断裂,南北延伸长度约达1 600 km,十分壮观(见图1)。该断裂带除了其名称和延伸长度在不同研究者的文章中各有所不同[1—4]之外,其名称和作用至少在20世纪80年代初已得到广泛的应用,早已成习惯,如在《亚洲地质》[5]一书和杨树康等[1]、陈国达[4]等许多著名科学家的论著中不断地得到了应用。该断裂带的构造地位和作用得到地学界的普遍重视,到目前为止地学界基本上认为它就是印支亚板块与南海亚板块之间的区域性边界断裂。  相似文献   
南海东北部新构造运动及其动力学机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南海东北部地处欧亚板块与菲律宾海板块的交汇区,新构造运动活跃。根据地震活动性、震源机制解和GPS资料对该区的新构造活动特征进行分析,在此基础上讨论该区新构造运动的动力学机制。分析发现,菲律宾海板块NW向俯冲对该区的影响最为显著,导致了该区较强的地震活动性以及与俯冲方向一致的构造应力场。而印藏碰撞产生的侧向应力传递也影响到该区,控制华南地块向SE方向运动,并与菲律宾海板块的NW向俯冲共同作用,使华南地块在SE向运动的同时伴有逆时针旋转。印藏碰撞的SE向应力传递对俯冲产生的NW向水平挤压的抵消作用,使得地震活动性自东向西减弱以及构造应力场P轴方位角顺时针旋转。在这一背景下,区内滨海断裂带的活动控制了该区的地震、海岸带构造升降等新构造运动。  相似文献   
The overall effects of trawling on benthic habitats and their assemblages are dependent on the distribution and intensity of trawl effort. The benthic habitats of the Spencer Gulf prawn trawling grounds are subjected to known variable levels of trawling disturbance recorded from fisher's logbooks. These habitats have not been quantitatively investigated. The aim of the study was firstly to characterise the macro-faunal and -floral assemblages and secondly, to comparatively assess trawl impact by testing the null hypothesis of no differences between five sites exposed to different intensity of trawl effort. The distribution and abundance of benthic macro-fauna and -flora were studied at two sampling resolutions by using beam trawl sampling (10,000 m2) and underwater stereophotography (4.5 m2) at five sites with different levels of trawl disturbance (effort). The results showed that the Spencer Gulf prawn trawling grounds are characterised by sandy sediments with a low content of silt and clay, with the exception of one site with very fine gravel. Biomass, abundance and cover of macro-fauna and -flora were generally low throughout, but with large differences among sites. Biomass, abundance and cover were found to be negatively correlated to both trawl hours from 1994–1998 and during the period of study. ANOSIM and SIMPER analyses using biomass, abundance and percentage cover as variables showed significant differences between sites with eight species or taxonomic groups contributing more than 10% to the observed similarity within sites. The two northern sites were dominated by sponges and the bearded mussel, Trichomya hirsutus, and the southern hammer oyster, Malleus meridianus. Other species that contributed to the similarity within sites were the ascidian, Polycarpa viridis, mobile epifauna (the blue swimmer crab, Portunus pelagicus, and the western king prawn, Penaeus (Melicertus) latisulcatus) and demersal fish species (Degens leatherjacket, Thamnaconus degeni, and the Melbourne silver belly, Parequula melbournensis). Simpson's Index of Diversity (1 − λ) and species richness in the beam trawl samples were fairly even across all sites, but a significant effect of site was found in the stereophotographic transect samples. It was concluded that prawn trawling has a strong influence on the structure of the benthic habitats of the Spencer Gulf prawn fishing grounds highlighted by the magnitude of change and the strength of the gradient of effects. Confounding factors linked to the biophysical attributes of the sites are believed to be minor.  相似文献   
The concentrations of cadmium, phosphorus, and aluminum in size-fractionated phytoplankton, zooplankton, and sinking particles are determined using ICPMS to evaluate the roles of biotic and abiotic particles on the cycling and ratios of Cd and P in the water column. Plankton were collected with a filtration apparatus equipped with 10-, 60-, and 150-μm aperture plankton nets on two occasions (2002 and 2006), and sinking particles were sampled by moored sediment traps deployed at depths of 120, 600, and 3500 m from 2004 to 2005. In contrast to what our previous study revealed, i.e., that most of the other bioactive trace metals in plankton were strongly correlated with abiotic Al and adsorbed on phytoplankton [Ho, T.Y., Wen, L.S., You, C.F., Lee, D.C., 2007. The trace metal composition of size-fractionated plankton in the South China Sea: biotic versus abiotic sources. Limnol Oceanogr 52, 1776–88.], Cd/P ratios, ranging from 0.12 to 0.34 mmol/mol P, did not vary with Al and exhibited fairly consistent values among different sizes of plankton, showing that Cd was mostly incorporated on an intracellular basis. In terms of the sinking particles, fluxes in Cd and P as well as in Cd/P ratios were strongly influenced by both biotic and abiotic particles. Overall, the Cd/P ratios in the sinking particles ranged from 0.03 to 1.2 mmol/mol, with the highest value observed in traps at 120 m during the productive season. The lowest value was observed in deep water during high flux periods for lithogenic particles. At surface depth, flux and Cd/P ratios were elevated during the most productive season in the region. The elevated ratios in the traps at 120 m were most likely related to preferential uptake of Cd for the dominant species (coccolithophores) during the productive period. Relatively, Cd/P ratios sharply decreased with increasing Al flux in deep water and ratios were much lower than the expected Cd/P ratios obtained from the relative portion of lithogenic and biogenic particles, indicating that the adsorption of soluble P into lithogenic particles was significant in the deep water during high lithogenic particle flux periods. Using averaged annual fluxes and standing stock in the water column, the residence time of biogenic Cd and P are 0.10 and 0.20, 250 and 100, and 9100 and 5000 years respectively in the top 120 m, 600 m, and water column as a whole, also showing preferential removal for Cd in the euphotic zone but relatively higher removal rates for P in the deep water. Our study suggests that the shift in microalgal community structure along with input of lithogenic minerals are both potentially important factors in influencing Cd/P ratios in oceanic water on a geological time scale.  相似文献   
分形几何作为定量描述自然界中复杂非线性现象的强有力工具,将其应用于南海南部断裂体系的研究中,通过数盒子法计算了断裂分布的分维值。研究结果表明这种方法是可行的,断裂分布的分维值能有效地描述断裂的空间分布特征。南海南部断裂体系在标度区间25~250km内具有很好的统计自相似性,全部断裂的分维值为1.6601,北东向断裂的为1.3875,北西向断裂的为1.2693。根据断裂分维等值线,沿西南海盆扩张轴,两侧断裂呈对称展布;北东向的与北西向的在空间上有一定的互补性,这反映了两组断裂在发育过程中的相互制约性。结合南海的构造演化及南海南部油气盆地的分布,初步探讨了断裂分形特征与南海的构造演化及断裂分形特征与油气盆地分布之间的关系。  相似文献   
通过对南海东部 149 站深海柱状剖面的孢粉、藻类研究,根据孢粉成分的变化将该孔沉积层从下至上划分为 4 个孢粉组合带.1 带:Pinus-Quercus(常绿)-Umbellferae-Gramineae-Pteris 孢粉带(407~270cm);2 带:Dacrydium-Quercus-Cyathea-Pinus-Polypodiaceae 孢粉带(270~105 cm);3 带:Pinus-Polypodiaceae-Quercus(常绿)-Pteridium 孢粉带(105~30 cm);4 带:Gleditsia-Cyathea-Pinus-Polypodiaceae 孢粉带(30~0 cm).并相应恢复了南海东部 7.5 万 a 以来 4 个植被、气候、古环境演替阶段:热带北缘半常绿季雨林、热带季雨林、热带北缘半常绿季雨林和热带季雨林.结合氧同位素测年资料,对 149 站柱状地层时代作了划分.  相似文献   
通过分析沉积物声波测量过程能量损失的实质,阐述平行轴差距衰减测量法和垂直轴差距衰减测量法的研究基础——差动式衰减测量方法原理,并推导了其衰减系数公式。根据南海沉积物的柱状样品分装的特点,结合以上两种方法,提出了同轴差距衰减测量法,这种方法具有原理上的合理性并且其可操作性强;运用此方法测量了沉积物在常温和温度控制变化条件下的声波信号,计算了衰减系数,研究了温度对沉积物声波传播能量的影响,得出南海深水海底沉积物具有以下声衰减特性:沉积物含砂量高,声衰减系数大;随着温度的升高,沉积物的声衰减系数变化具有不均匀性,整体呈非线性减小趋势。以上研究将为声学遥测和反演海底沉积物的物理力学特性提供数据和方法支持。  相似文献   
This study aims to report baseline soil nutrients, specifically the organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus profile, in soil samples collected from Puntta Fort William on Greenwich Island in maritime Antarctic. Samples were collected along two transect lines during the early summer of 2008. Ward's method of hierarchical agglomerative clustering was employed to group the sampling points based on their physico-chemical properties. In this context, the soil samples can be grouped into three major clus- ters: (1) Samples with intensive biological activities, (2) samples from the area recently exposed by glacial retreat and (3) samples from barren and dried areas. Nutrient contents in Punta Fort William are driven by the intensity of biological activities as well as melt water from the Qnito glacier.  相似文献   
mODUCnONGravityflowsedimentationonthenorthwsterncontinentalsl0PeoftheSOuthChinaSea(SCS)are0fgreatinterestfromthescientificandengineeringP0intofview-Th0roughknOWedgofcontinentalsloPepmeessesanddepositionfeatUresispreregUisiteforhydID-carbenexploraion0fdeepwaerandforprotectionofoffhoredrineeopneeringstrUcbes(PlaifonnsandpiPelines)againstnaedhed.ManykindsofmassmovmentPIDCess-eswerefoUndtobeactiveonthen0rthernSCS(Damuth,l979;l98O).High-freqUency(3.5ffo)echo-chaIaCterInaPPingisawell…  相似文献   
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