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针对鄂尔多斯盆地陕北斜坡中部特低渗透储层识别主体骨架砂体微相带及筛选含油有利区工作,提出利用单渗砂层能量厚度控制划分最为有利的沉积微相带。利用多种测井响应提取单渗砂层沉积能量及其能量厚度信息,使其曲线幅度、厚度、形状、接触关系、次级形态等特征和数据大小能够集中反映相对高渗的单渗砂层最大沉积能量及厚度变化,确认出三角洲前缘水下分流河道微相及其河道叠置型河口坝微相骨架砂体的发育、规模及分布范围,有效地克服了层段中几个成因相近薄砂层或砂泥互层中砂层累加厚度识别和划分主体骨架砂体微相带的失误。通过该区目的层段自然电位、自然伽马、密度、中子、声波、电阻率测井曲线和岩性、物性及其能量厚度统计,建立起单渗砂层能量厚度下限标准及夹层扣除标准,在该区长4+511特低渗透储层中提取单渗砂层及其沉积能量信息,控制划分出有利沉积微相带及其骨架砂体分布,预测和筛选出不同类型相对高渗高产含油有利区,它们不同程度勾画出河道主体带油藏与南西部华池油藏连片延伸趋势、形态和特征,为该区特低渗透油田增储上产提供有利目标和重点层位及井区。  相似文献   
Organic geochemical studies have been carried out to assess the qualities of source rocks penetrated by four wells (Kemar-1, Murshe-1, Tuma-1 and Ziye-1) in the Nigerian sector of the Chad basin. The Chad basin is a large intracratonic basin in Central West Africa. Commercial hydrocarbon accumulations have been discovered in some sectors of the basin outside the Nigerian border in a structurally related contiguous basin. Fair to poor quality source rocks are inherent in the sequences penetrated by the studied wells. About 80% of all samples have their total organic carbon (TOC) contents more than 0.5 wt.%, the minimum limit for hydrocarbon generation. Juxtaposition of the hydrogen indices against the TOC and Tmax indicates that the source rocks are entirely gas-prone. However, biomarker chromatograms and extract vs. TOC plots indicate the presence of oil shows in Ziye-1 well at a depth of 1210 m. Although generated hydrocarbons (wherever they have accumulated) would be overwhelmingly gaseous, gas is the energy of the future. The gas resources of this part of Nigeria's inland basins can be economically exploited through policies that will increase the tempo of gas-utilization projects and the construction of a national grid of gas pipelines with nodal points of input and output.  相似文献   
苏门答腊岛(印尼)成矿带的岩浆作用和源区及其对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了苏门答腊岛上两个成矿带(即铜-金矿成矿带和锡矿成矿带)的矿产分布,岩浆岩的岩石类型和地球化学特征。根据本研究课题在巴东地区岩石化学资料,本文总结了铜-金矿成矿带含矿母岩的地球化学特征,探讨其岩浆岩成因和源区。同时,将其锡矿成矿带岩浆岩的岩石类型和地球化学-大地构造环境与其相邻地体进行对比。研究结果表明:西苏门答腊地体的铜-金矿成矿带的含矿母岩为SI-型埃达克质花岗岩,形成于活动大陆边缘(ACM)火山弧构造环境,其岩浆物质主要来源于俯冲洋壳板片局部熔融叠加上弱的地幔楔熔融-混染作用(MASH)。而东苏门答腊地体‘锡岛’和"暹缅马苏"地体的锡矿带含矿母岩为过铝质(S-型)花岗岩类,其形成构造环境为碰撞带的弧后盆地和陆内裂谷,物质源区来自地壳重熔和岩浆分异。地球化学资料表明,该两地体具有共同的深部岩浆源区。  相似文献   
Major,trace and rare earth element(REE) concentrations of Late Triassic sediments(finegrained sandstones and mudstones) from Hongcan Well 1 in the NE part of the Songpan-Ganzi Basin, western China,are used to reveal weathering,provenance and tectonic setting of inferred source areas. The Chemical Index of Alteration(CIA) reflects a low to moderate degree of chemical weathering in a cool and somewhat dry climate,and an A-CN-K plot suggests an older upper continental crust provenance dominated by felsic to intermediate igneous rocks of average tonalite composition.Based on the various geochemical tectonic setting discrimination diagrams,the Late Triassic sediments are inferred to have been deposited in a back-arc basin situated between an active continental margin(the Kunlun-Qinling Fold Belt) and a continental island arc(the Yidun Island Arc).The Triassic sediments in the study area underwent a rapid erosion and burial in a proximal slope-basin environment by the petrographic data. while the published flow directions of Triassic lurbidites in the Aba-Zoige region was not supported Yidun volcanic arc source.Therefore,we suggest that the Kunlun-Qinling tcrrane is most likely to have supplied source materials to the northeast part of the Songpan-Ganzi Basin during the Late Triassic.  相似文献   
In addition to mineral analyses, REE and trace element geochemical characteristics of fine- and coarse-grained sands in the Ordos deserts and other sediments in surrounding areas are investigated.Commonly the samples consist of quartz, feldspar and muscovite and less clinochlore, dolomite and ankerite. In few samples muscovite is absent.REE and trace compositions are spatially uniform for the same grain-size sands, suggesting that they could have the same sources or/and were well homogenized. However, fine- and coarse-grained sands in the Ordos deserts show different REE and trace element compositions. Fine-grained sands show higher contents of REE and trace elements than those of coarse-grained sands. They differ in Eu anomalies and (La/Yb)N ratios although both fractions are characterized by the steep LREE and smooth HREE patterns. The fine- and coarse-grained sands are also distinct in some characteristic element ratios (e.g., Th/Co, La/Sc, Th/Sc and Y/Ni).REE and trace element patterns of the two different grain-size fractions are closely associated with geological properties of individual sources rather than the mineralogical differentiation induced by wind sorting. The coarse-grained sands mainly resulted from sandstone weathering in the Ordos deserts and movements of coarse particles by wind. REE and trace element patterns of fine-grained sands in the Ordos deserts differ from those of sandstones in the Ordos deserts, the alluvial sands in the surrounding mountains and the coarse fluvial sands in the Yellow River. They resemble the fine fluvial sands in the Yellow River. In addition, arid areas of Northwest China such as the Tarim Basin and the Alxa Plateau should not be ruled out as the source of the fine-grained sands in the Ordos deserts because these arid areas reserve plenty of fine-grained sediments and also located in the upwind directions of the Ordos deserts.  相似文献   
世界主要深水含油气盆地烃源岩特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对墨西哥湾、巴西东部大陆边缘、西非被动大陆边缘、澳大利亚西北陆架、挪威中部陆架、南海等六个地区的22个深水含油气盆地烃源岩特征(主力烃源岩形成的时代、构造背景、沉积环境、类型、地球学化指标等)的综合研究结果表明,世界深水含油气盆地主力烃源岩主要集中在白垩系,其次为第三系和侏罗系;裂谷期烃源岩占绝对优势,其次为被动陆缘期...  相似文献   
随着农业和农村经济的发展,特别是农业产业化经营的兴起和农村劳动力转移的推进,农村土地承包经营权流转速度明显加快,规模不断扩大。该文论述了我国农村土地承包经营权流转的现状,针对目前农村土地承包经营权流转过程中出现的问题,从现行的法律体系中寻找解决思路,并对现行法律中的不足之处,提出了改良建议。  相似文献   
Lipid biomarkers widely dotted in marine sediments, as their distribution characteristics accurately record huge information on the metabolism of the original organisms and migration and transformation of these organic components, are often used to reconstruct the paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental conditions. This paper reviewed the progress in the study of paleoclimatic-environmental changes during the late Quaternary using abundant core lipids Glycerol Dialkyl Glyceryl Tetraethers (GDGTs) and long-chain alkyl diols in marginal sea sediments. It is pointed out that clarifying the “source-sink” process of lipid biomarkers buried in marine sediments is a prerequisite for paleoclimatic-environmental reconstruction. It is believed that the use of multiple indicators that are less affected by early diagenesis can increase the accuracy of reconstructing paleoclimatic changes. In the large-river dominated marginal seas, the mechanism of land-sea climate coupling evolution stimulated by the paleoclimatic-environmental changes can be elucidated based on paleoclimatic records reconstructed from core lipids GDGTs and long-chain alkyl diols in marine sediments. It is hoped that this paper can provide reliable technical means and a solid theoretical basis for predicting future temperature and rainfall changes.  相似文献   
在多因素叠合法优选页岩气发育有利区的基础上,构建了涵盖地质背景、页岩生烃、储集、保存、资源和开采条件6个方面17项指标的页岩气发育有利区综合评价原始指标体系,并运用主成分分析法对湘鄂西地区下寒武统牛蹄塘组页岩气发育有利区进行了实例分析。结果表明,主要影响湘鄂西地区牛蹄塘组页岩气发育有利区分布的因子为页岩品质的优劣、资源规模的大小和保存条件的好坏,通过定量评价,综合得分排在前3位的有利区分别为中央复背斜有利区、桑植—石门复向斜南有利区和宜都—鹤峰复背斜有利区。  相似文献   
笔者通过改进先前提出的基于专家证据权重法的成矿远景区划与评价方法的不足之处,重新对青海东昆仑地区Au、Cu和Co3矿种进行成矿远景区划与评价,将各矿种的远景区按成矿潜力大小划分为A、B、C三级。在此基础上,提出了将多个单矿种远景区合成综合成矿远景区的评价方法和手段,最终圈定出青海东昆仑的综合远景区25个,并对它们也按成矿潜力大小划分为A、B、C三级。从青海东昆仑地区已知Au、Cu、Co矿床(点)在各综合远景区内的数量和规模分布情况来看,结果令人满意。青海东昆仑地区的综合选区研究成果可望为该区进一步找矿工作部署提供部分科学依据。  相似文献   
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