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松南下白垩统油气系统可划分出下部、中部、上部3个天然气成藏组合。成藏特征分析结果表明,松南下白垩统油气系统主要以下白垩统沙河子组和营城组暗色泥岩和煤层为生烃源岩,河湖相中细砂、含砾砂岩为主要储层,无区域封盖层。系统的高热演化程度及有机质类型表明,其天然气勘探潜力大,尤其是其中下部成藏组合。上部成藏组合依附于中、下部成藏组合,是承接中、下部(油)气藏改造破坏后二次乃至三次运移而形成。总体看来,这一系统具有多期成藏、气藏类型多、单个气藏小的特点。  相似文献   
银川平原深层地下水14C年龄校正   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
地下水14C年龄的校正精度取决于对地下水溶解无机碳演化过程中影响地下水14C活度主要因素的准确识别及其影响程度的定量评价。以银川平原为例,在进行银川平原承压水反向地球化学反应路径模拟的基础上,识别出影响区内深层地下水碳酸演化的主要作用并进行深层地下水14C年龄的校正。研究认为,控制银川平原深层地下水化学演化的主要反应路径为碳酸盐矿物的沉淀和长石、角闪石、石膏等矿物的溶解以及Ca-Na离子交换。地下水流路径上所发生的水文地球化学反应对路径上14C的浓度变化影响较小。地下水14C年龄校正结果表明,除补给区和承压水水位漏斗区外,银川平原承压水年龄均在2 000 a以上,属“古水”,天然条件下径流缓慢、地下水更新速度小。在承压水水位漏斗区外,沿地下水流方向,地下水年龄逐渐增大;而在承压水集中开采区,承压水的年龄明显小于路径上游地下水,潜水与承压水之间的垂向水力联系比较密切。  相似文献   
Miocene siliciclastic sediments of the Marañón Foreland Sub‐basin in Peru record the sedimentary response to regional marine incursions into Amazonia. Contrary to previous interpretations, the Late Miocene Nauta Formation provides evidence of the last known marine incursion before the current Amazonia river basin became established. Sedimentological, ichnological and palynological data from well‐exposed outcrops along a ca 100 km road transect suggest that the Nauta Formation represents a shallow, marginal‐marine channel complex dominated by tidal channels developed in the inactive, brackish‐water portions of a delta plain. The main facies associations are: FA1 – slightly bioturbated mud‐draped trough cross‐stratified sand; FA2 – locally, pervasively bioturbated inclined heterolithic stratification (IHS); and FA3 – moderately bioturbated horizontally bedded sand–mud couplets. These identify subtidal compound dunes, tidal point bars and shallow subtidal to intertidal flats, respectively. Bi‐seasonal depositional cycles are ascribed to the abundant metre‐ to decimetre‐scale sand–mud couplets that are found mainly in the IHS association: semi‐monthly to daily tidal rhythmicity is inferred from centimetre‐ and millimetre‐scale couplets in the mud‐dominated parts of the decimetre‐scale couplets. The ichnology of the deposits is consistent with brackish depositional conditions; the presence of Laminites, a variant of Scolicia, attests to episodic normal marine conditions. Trace fossil suites are assigned to the Skolithos, Cruziana and mixed Skolithos–Cruziana ichnofacies. Pollen assemblages related to mangrove environments (e.g. Retitricolporites sp., Zonocostites sp., Psilatricolporites maculosus, Retitricolpites simplex) support a brackish‐water setting. Uplift of the Mérida Andes to the North and the consequent closure of the Proto‐Caribbean connection, and the onset of the transcontinental Amazon drainage, constrain the deposition of the Nauta sediments with around 10 to 8 Ma, probably contemporaneous to similar marine incursions identified in the Cuenca (Ecuador), Acre (Brazil) and Madre de Dios (Southern Peru) (sub)basins, and along the Chaco‐Paranan corridor across Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina.  相似文献   
湛江市区地面沉降自20世纪80年代发生以来,随着地下水开采深度的增加,地面已出现了不同程度的沉降,影响了社会的稳定和经济的可持续发展。文章根据多年来的地面沉降与地下水动态监测、调查成果,对湛江市区滨海平原地面沉降历史与现状、地面沉降基本规律进行总结,提出了地面沉降防治措施建议,为地方制定水资源规划和地下水资源的管理决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   
运用石油地质综合方法,结合现代测试技术、测井技术,将宏观与微观相结合、区域资料与单井资料相结合,在对岩石学、粒度、岩心沉积相标志及测井曲线等进行详细研究的基础上,对子北油田涧峪岔油区三叠系长6油层组各小层沉积微相及其分布规律进行了深入研究。长6油层组储层均属于三角洲平原沉积,发育分流河道和分流间湾两种主要的沉积微相。砂体展布受北东—南西走向的分流河道控制,自长62至长61,主砂体走向及分布位置有一定的继承性。分流河道砂体对本地区油气聚集有重要控制作用。  相似文献   
中欧盆地三叠系是典型的海陆过渡相沉积,松辽盆地白垩系是含有海侵事件记录的陆相河湖盆地。两盆地的共同特点是:①大陆克拉通上长期发育的大型坳陷盆地;②靠近古大洋和(或)有向海通道;③主要由互层状泥岩、粉砂岩、碳酸盐岩和膏盐层组成;④无典型海相化石,可能发育有半咸水和(或)高盐度生物;⑤海侵层中自生矿物的δ^34S,δ^13C,δ^18O同位素比值及介质盐度指数(Sr/Ba)、碱度指数(Ca Mg)/(Si Al)、还原性指标(Zn Ni)/Ga、硫沉积通量指数(归一化硫含量)等显著高于相邻层位背景值。  相似文献   
松辽盆地及外围地区石炭系—二叠系烃源岩的特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
松辽盆地及外围地区晚古生代构造层因长期以来被视为中—新生代盆地的变质褶皱“基底”而受到油气勘探界的忽略。近4年的野外调查和室内研究结果表明,本区上古生界除局部遭受不同程度的动力接触变质或热力变质外,并没有发生区域变质作用。初步查明本区石炭系—二叠系在区域上分布4套烃源岩,自上而下为:上二叠统(林西组、索伦组)、中二叠统(哲斯组、吴家屯组)、上石炭统—下二叠统(本巴图组、阿木山组)和下石炭统(白家店组、红水泉组)。其中上二叠统和中二叠统中的暗色泥岩单层最大厚度达百余米、累计厚度达数百米至千余米,区域分布广,依据有机地球化学主要指标(有机碳、成熟度、干酪根类型),综合评价为中等—好烃源岩,是本区上古生界2套区域主力生烃层系,具有良好的油气资源远景,可望构成松辽及外围地区油气勘探战略接替新层系。  相似文献   
The Upper Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation (K2qn) and Nenjiang Formation (K2n) in the Songliao Basin (SLB), China, contain discrete ostracod-bearing deposits. The ostracod-bearing layers range in thickness from 5 to 380 cm. Based on integrated analysis of seismic, drilling, core and logging data, the sedimentary characteristics, distribution patterns and hydrocarbon implications of the ostracod-bearing beds have been studied. Compared with mudstone and sandstone in lacustrine settings, ostracod-bearing beds have distinctive characteristics in terms of seismic response and logging features. Three types of depositional pattern of ostracod-bearing beds are recognised in different facies: mixed siliciclastic–ostracod deposits in the delta front, sheeted ostracod deposits, and dotted ostracod deposits in shallow or semi-deep lacustrine settings. In plan view, ostracod-bearing beds mainly occur in the Daqing area, the Longhupao–Honggang terraces and the Heidimiao depression, and are relatively less developed in the east of the SLB. Shallow and semi-deep lacustrine settings were favourable environments for the survival of ostracods. In the stratigraphic succession, ostracod-bearing beds mainly occur in the upper K2qn1, K2qn2, lower K2qn3 and K2n1 units. High-frequency sequence cycles controlled ostracod reproduction and death, and mass mortalities of ostracods commonly occurred during periods in which the lake base-level fell, leading to water shallowing, increasing salinity and sand intrusion into the shore-shallow lakes. Ostracod mortality was not associated with expansion of the lake area, marine transgression or volcanic eruptions. The ostracod-bearing beds were widely formed in shallow and semi-deep lacustrine settings in the SLB. Tight oil/gas reservoirs can be developed in thick ostracod-bearing beds. In addition, areas containing ostracod can be regarded as sweet spots for mud or shale oil/gas exploration, because extensive ostracods can improve the content of brittle minerals in mudstone.  相似文献   
A coastal environment has been interpreted from 110 cm thick mudstone deposits found at the base of a 10 m immature laterite profile, which forms the modern coastal cliff on Mosqueiro Island in northeastern Pará state, northern Brazil. The late Tertiary sediment deposits of the Barreiras Formation are studied by multi-element geochemistry and pollen analyses. The mineralogical and geochemical results show that the gray, organic-rich deposits are composed of kaolinite, quartz, and illite/muscovite, as well as pyrite and anatase. They are rich in SiO2, Al2O3, and some FeO. The composition is homogenous, indicating that the detritus source area is formed of lateritic soils derived from acid rock composition. Their chemical composition, including trace elements, is somewhat comparable to continental shale, and the values are below the upper continental Earth crust composition. The pollen analytical data document that the mudstone deposits were formed by an ancient mangrove ecosystem. Mineralogical, geochemical, and pollen analytical data obtained from late Tertiary mangrove deposits are compared with modern mangrove deposits from the Bragança Peninsula of the northeastern coast of Pará state. Although the pollen composition of the deposits is very similar to the modern one, the geochemical and mineralogical composition is different. Smectite was only found in the modern deposit; illite/mica occurs in the ancient deposit, along with Mg, K, and Na. The pollen signature and detrital minerals (kaolinite, quartz and anatase) found in both mangrove deposits show that during the Miocene, a humid tropical climate condition prevailed, similar to modern conditions.  相似文献   
详细研究了七段、约130km长的近垂直反射地震剖面所揭示的松辽盆地下的壳幔结构。松辽盆地之下壳幔之间为相对厚的Moho过渡带。可分为薄Moho和透镜状Moho以及过渡型Moho,与之对应的壳幔结构也有差异。松辽盆地的发育阶段明显地可分为断陷期、拗陷期以及夭折期,不同的壳幔结构可能与松辽盆地不同的发育期存在密切联系。此外,通过对比,认为裂谷盆地区具有类似的特殊壳幔结构。在裂谷区,壳幔之间强烈相互作用,不同的地壳组成和裂谷形成的不同阶段是形成不同壳幔结构的主要原因,而且它们之间具有成因上的联系,并与裂谷的形成阶段相一致。  相似文献   
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