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三江平原中东部沼泽湿地形成及其演化趋势的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三江平原中东部是沼泽湿地集中连片分布地区。研究区有阶地沼泽和河漫滩沼泽两大类型沼泽分布,进一步可划分为4个沼泽体,即小叶章(Calamagrostis angustifolia)—毛苔草(Carex lasiocarpa)沼泽;毛苔草沼泽;睡菜(Menyanthes trifoliata)—水木贼(Equisetum limosum)沼泽;漂筏苔草(Carex pseudocuraica)—毛苔草沼泽。研究区沼泽湿地形成的主要自然因素为:①新构造运动的大面积沉降;②地势低平,坡降平缓、河道变迁,复杂的微地貌,易于积水,促使沼泽湿地的大面积形成;③厚3~17m的第四纪粘土层沉积地表,使地表渗透性差;④气候因素,研究区处于温带大陆性湿润季风气候区,雨量集中于夏季,且多秋雨,冬季积雪深度大,封冻期长,季节性冻土层厚;⑤水文因素,河流比降小,糙率大,流速缓,多为沼泽性河流,春汛与夏汛之间只出现平水不出现枯水,洪水期间,洼地和河流受松花江、黑龙江等大河、大江的洪水顶托,研究区的承泄条件差,内水不能外排,长期积蓄地表。目前研究区沼泽有变干的趋向。  相似文献   
In recent years, large areas of farmland in the North China Plain have been converted into short-rotation poplar plantations. To analyze the impacts of poplar plantations on soil, 22 soil samples were collected and assayed from the soil profiles of a corn field and a poplar plantation. The results showed that the average soil moisture content of the soil profile in the poplar field was 2.6 percent lower than that of the arable land. The maximum difference in soil moisture content was found in the upper 0-10 cm of topsoil. Soil organic matter and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the cornfield were significantly higher than in the poplar field. Higher nutrient content in the corn field may result from higher fertilizer inputs and the practice of returning straw to the cropped field. The analysis also showed no significant increase in soil organic matter content in deeper soil layers of the poplar field, which means that the conditions are not favorable for the formation of soil organic matter, or that soil organic matter needs a longer time to develop. Elements such as magnesium, iron, manganese and copper in both the corn field and the poplar field had a tendency to accumulate with increasing soil depth. Magnesium, iron, manganese and copper in the 0-80 cm soil layer of the poplar field were higher than those of the cornfield, but the situation was reversed at depths greater than 80 cm. It is concluded that poplar trees consume a large amount of soil moisture and soil nutrients. Local governments should prevent the development of new plantations of fast-growing trees in farmland and help farmers to recover their farmland from forestry plantations.  相似文献   
Abandoned channel belts, ponds and point bar deposits of palaeochannels in the interfluve regions of the central Ganga Plain suggest changes in the morphohydrologic conditions during the Latest Pleistocene–Holocene. Stratigraphy of these ponds comprises channel sand at the base overlain by shell-bearing clayey silt. The contact of the two facies marks the phase when channels converted into standing water bodies. Point bar deposits of some palaeochannels are overlain by oxidised aeolian sand, indicating that the channel abandonment possibly occurred due to the desiccation and aridity in the region.Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) chronometry of the pond sediments suggests that the deposition of the basal channel sand started before 13 ka and continued up to 8 ka. The ponds formed around 8–6 ka when the channel activity ceased. Evidence from the point bar deposits also indicates that the fluvial activity in the region ended sometime during 7–5 ka. This was followed by aeolian aggradation. The present study thus suggests that the hydrologic conditions in the Gangetic plains, i.e. initiation of channels and their abandonment, formation of microgeomorphologic features such as ponds and their eventual siltation, were controlled largely by climatic changes (i.e. monsoon changes) supported by tectonic activity. For the past 2 ka, increasing human and related agricultural activity has substantially accentuated the natural siltation rate of ponds.  相似文献   
王圣保  姜国华 《湿地科学》2011,9(4):367-372
三江平原是中国著名的低平原沼泽分布区、农业生态示范区和国家重要的商品粮生产基地,拥有丰富的旅游资源.对三江平原区域旅游资源保护性开发,具有非常重要的社会意义、经济意义和生态意义.三江平原旅游资源主要分为自然景观、历史文化景观和现代农业观光景观.三江平原区域旅游应充分挖掘该区湿地资源,推广湿地旅游品牌,整合旅游资源,规划...  相似文献   
大型山丘平原交错区复杂的自然地理和人类活动特征增加了水文循环研究和水资源评价、管理的难度,地表水地下水耦合模型作为流域/区域水文循环模拟的重要工具,为解决这类大型区域诸多水文水资源问题提供了便利.针对目前地表水地下水耦合模型难以兼顾精度和效率的问题,论文提出了一种新型半松散耦合机制,将三维有限差分地下水流数值模型嵌入半...  相似文献   
依据松辽盆地西南部新站地区嫩江组三段孢粉和藻类化石百分含量纵向变化特征,自下而上划分7个能识别水体盐度变化的孢粉和藻类组合:Cyathidites Pinuspollenites Dinogymniopsis组合,指示缩小的微咸水湖相沉积环境;Dinogymniopsis Leiosphaeridia Pinuspollenites组合,代表水域扩大的微咸水湖相沉积环境;Cicatricosisporites Pinuspollenites Botryococcus组合,代表水域缩小的淡水-微咸水湖相沉积环境;Dinogymniopsis Chlamydophorella Taxodiaceaepollenites组合,反映淡水与微咸水频繁交互变化的浅湖相沉积环境;Cicatricosisporites Pinuspollenites Pediastrum组合,代表水域缩小的淡水湖相沉积环境;Nenjiangella Balmula Cyathidites组合,代表水域范围较大的淡水湖相沉积环境;Cyathidites Trilobosporites Botryococcus组合,指示水域缩小的微咸水湖相沉积环境。  相似文献   
A continuous terrestrial succession was recovered from the Songke-2(SK-2) borehole in the Songliao Basin, Northeastern China. This borehole provides a unique material for further research on the continental paleoclimate during Cretaceous greenhouse period, following a series of achievements of the Songke-1(SK-1) core. In this study, thorium(Th) logging data were chosen as a paleoclimate proxy to conduct a detailed cyclostratigraphic analysis. The Th series varies quasi-periodically; power spectr...  相似文献   
勘探实践证明,松辽盆地葡萄花油层成藏条件优越,具有“满凹含油”特征,是开展石油资源精细勘探的主力层系,剩余资源主要分布于成熟探区及其周边。优选位于成熟源岩区内的敖南地区作为典型刻度区,利用岩芯、测井和试油等资料,对葡萄花油层的源岩、储层及油藏进行了详细解剖和刻画,认为该区具备3个有利成藏的地质条件:①有效烃源岩控制油气分布范围;②三角洲前缘亚相薄互层砂体构成油气储集层;③砂体、构造匹配发育大面积岩性油藏。通过综合评价,确定敖南地区含油面积为256.3 km^2,采用容积法和油藏规模序列法估算该区资源量为5057.1×10^4 t,并获取运聚系数、可采系数和资源丰度等可代表资源评价的关键参数。  相似文献   
松辽盆地深层断陷沙河子组烃源岩分布预测与生气潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王志宏  李剑  夏利 《世界地质》2014,33(3):630-639
松辽盆地下白垩统沙河子组是深层断陷的主要烃源岩发育层系,目前钻井揭示其厚度大(700 m),埋藏深(3 500 m),但钻井大都分布于深层断陷的边部,断陷内部烃源岩层揭示少。根据断陷结构样式及地震反射特征,总结出单断箕状断陷和双断地堑式断陷两种沙河子组烃源岩发育模式,并确定深层烃源岩主要有五种存在形式。断陷中部席状平行结构、成层性、连续性好的地震反射特征的烃源岩最为落实,主要为深湖--半深湖相,暗色泥岩厚度大,暗地比高(45%~70%)。深层沙河子组烃源岩总生气量约148.38×1012m3,天然气资源潜力巨大。  相似文献   
针对广乐高速公路先行段,分别建立天然软土地基和钢管桩处理地基的两种平面应变有限元模型。通过施工阶段分析,分别计算得出在两种条件下地基在路堤施工过程中每阶段的位移场和应力场。通过对比分析揭示钢管桩加固软黏土地基的机理。结果表明软土地基经过桩处理后的整体性得到改善,桩通过承担很大的上部荷载减小了软弱土层的受力进而减小地基变形。此外,路堤中心处土层的应力和变形均较大,从经济角度考虑,可在路堤中心小范围内加密桩,两侧减少桩。  相似文献   
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