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为研究城市小型河流中污染物的物理迁移过程规律,分析基流条件下流动水体与暂态存储区之间的滞留交互作用,采用溴化锂(LiBr)作为保守性示踪剂进行野外现场示踪试验,结合一维溶质运移存储模型(One-dimensional Transport with Inflow and Storage model, OTIS)定量解析潜流交换特性,估算纵向弥散系数(D)、潜流交换面积(As)、主河道断面面积(A)和潜流交换系数(α).模型度量指标DaI值和均方根误差值结果表征参数模拟结果可靠性高,拟合效果理想.由泵入点O至下游1 300 m设置的A、B、C、D 4处监测点的模拟结果表明,水文参数D、As、A和α均随水文条件而变,OB河段(0~600 m)潜流交换能力较弱,主要以对流弥散过程为主;BD河段(600~1 300 m)具有较强的暂态存储能力,对溶质的滞留时间长;BC(600~1 000 m)和CD(1 000~1 300 m)河段交换系数分别为(3.42×10-6±0.65×10-6)s-1和(2.87×10-6±0.81×10-6 )s-1;河段BC存在2.2×10-5m3/(s·m)的侧向补给流量.4个河段对比发现,城市河流渠道化、河床沉积物贫瘠等特征导致潜流交换能力弱化. 相似文献
南海粘土沉积学的以往研究都认为粘土矿物主要是陆源碎屑提供,包括蒙脱石在内的粘土矿物都是在周边流域经风化作用形成后输入到南海,再经不同洋流的搬运作用而发生沉积,忽略粘土矿物在海底的自生成岩作用及海底火山物质原地风化作用的影响。然而,南海表层及晚第四纪沉积物中蒙脱石含量过高(达到30%~40%以上),似乎同周边流域沉积物的供给能力相矛盾。研究认为,南海蒙脱石有两种最可能的潜在来源或成因: 1)主要是陆源碎屑提供,粘土矿物被输入到海洋环境后发生的差异沉降和分选作用可能大幅度提高蒙脱石的相对含量; 2)海底火山物质的原地化学风化作用,基性火山喷发物质容易在海水作用下原地风化成自生蒙脱石。文章建议在南海粘土沉积学的未来研究中,加强调查粘土矿物的差异沉降和分选作用以及火山灰的原地风化作用,在理论和机制上研究南海蒙脱石的成因。 相似文献
我国著名大型锡矿大厂矿区的100号矿体是一个不规则的大脉状矿体,由质密锡铅锌矿石组成。该大脉矿体长度约1200多米。大厂矿区矿床形成过程有两个主要矿化阶段:早期锡石硫化物阶段和晚期的硫盐锡石多金属矿化阶段。矿物流体包体数据表明:早期形成于300~400℃(450℃)条件下,有高盐度流体包体与低盐度流体包体共存,流体处于从超临界流体进入近临界的气液两相不混溶区过渡阶段,有流体沸腾现象;晚期流体盐度变化小处于降温过程。而100号矿体形成于300~360℃,压力较低,仅为8.24MPa。本次研究设计一含锡溶液从超临界态进入亚临界态的气液不混溶区的实验,研究金属在气-液间再分配过程。实验模拟一个非平衡的气液分离反应动力学过程。重点研究含Sn-NaHCO3-HCl-H2O在近临界压(25~22MPa)和8~14MPa、380~300℃条件下,在亚临界态气-液两相不混溶区时相分离过程。气液分离实验是恒压降温过程。结果表明:近临界区NaHCO3-HCl-H2O的NaCl-H2O体系出现气-液(L-V)分离现象。降温远离临界点时,在V与L相里的Na、Cl浓度比:Na(V/L)、Cl(V/L)比值多数远小于1,Na、Cl主要分布在液相里。实验表明出现含Sn溶液的V-L两相分离过程,并且,Sn已在L-V间再分配,Sn(V/L)多数大于1。说明Sn多数情况下分布于气相里(贫NaCl富H2OCO2)。在380~250℃范围内NaCl-H2O-CO2体系包含的H2O-CO2体系也出现V-L两相不混溶区。实验发现H2O-CO2的L-V分离过程中,气相里HCO-3和CO2-3分布很少,CO2多。同时,锡在H2O-CO2的L-V间也存在再分配,锡分布在富CO2气体里。实验说明富CO2气体迁移锡。实验为地质解释提供依据,说明100号矿体形成于快速减压的大型裂隙条件下。在300~360℃下压力减低,使含金属流体迅速进入L-V两相不混溶区,气体快速迁移金属,快速沉积金属矿石。 相似文献
The volume fraction of the solid and liquid phase of debris flows,which evolves simultaneously across terrains,largely determines the dynamic property of debris flows. The entrainment process significantly influences the amplitude of the volume fraction. In this paper,we present a depth-averaged two-phase debris-flow model describing the simultaneous evolution of the phase velocity and depth,the solid and fluid volume fractions and the bed morphological evolution. The model employs the Mohr–Coulomb plasticity for the solid stress,and the fluid stress is modeled as a Newtonian viscous stress. The interfacial momentum transfer includes viscous drag and buoyancy. A new extended entrainment rate formula that satisfies the boundary momentum jump condition(Iverson and Ouyang,2015) is presented. In this formula,the basal traction stress is a function of the solid volume fraction and can take advantage of both the Coulomb and velocity-dependent friction models. A finite volume method using Roe's Riemann approximation is suggested to solve the equations. Three computational cases are conducted and compared with experiments or previous results. The results show that the current computational model and framework are robust and suitable for capturing the characteristics of debris flows. 相似文献
Lars-Göran Danielsson Bertil Magnusson Stig Westerlund Kerong Zhang 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》1983,17(1):73-85
The concentrations of the trace metals Cd, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn in the Göta River estuary have been investigated. The following metal fractions have been determined: acid-leachable, dissolved, labile and particulate.The estuary represents a salt wedge type estuary and is situated in a densely populated region of Sweden. The metal concentrations found for the dissolved fraction is in the range of what can be considered as background levels for freshwater. It is difficult to evaluate any estuarine processes other than conservative mixing for Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn. The dissolved levels in the freshwater end member are Cd, 9–25 ngl?1; Cu, 1·1–1·4 μgl?1; Fe, 20–75 μg l?1: Ni, 0·7–0·9 μg l?1: Pb 0·09–0·2 μg l?1; and Zn, 6–7 μg l?1:The results from the acid-leachable fraction show that at high suspended load the particles sediment in the river mouth. The trace metal levels in this fraction are subject to large variations. 相似文献
D. L. Dunkerley 《水文研究》1992,6(4):417-433
Streams draining the Barrier Range uplands in arid western N.S.W. are ephemeral and undergo rapid channel contraction away from the uplands as a consequence of transmission loss. These processes are documented on the basis of surveys of channel form and bed material at sequential sites located along the contracting lowland reaches of two representative streams. Channel width and depth display considerable fluctuation downstream, but cross-sectional area and maximum bed surface grain size decline in a very regular manner. Flood discharge, estimated from the channel capacity and predicted critical and mean flow velocities, also declines regularly. the trends are well fitted by log-linear models, and are reported in terms of a half-distance, the channel length in km over which the value of a morphometric parameter declines by 50 per cent. Rates of channel contraction and transmission loss are inferred to be inversely proportional to the volume of flow delivered from the upland section of the drainage basin. Unusual channel characteristics, including extensive tree growth in the bed, make application of ordinary flow equations difficult, because friction factors cannot be estimated with confidence. Systematic changes in the nature of the bed surface in contracting streams such as those studied here also have implications for the application of critical velocity equations, and highlight a need for further study of desert channels. 相似文献
Jesper Bartholdy 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》1984,18(5):527-541
The river Varde Å discharges into the bay of Ho Bugt on the western coast of Jutland forming a small, bar-built estuary. This paper deals with tidal fluxes of water and sediment in the Varde Å estuary.The inflowing water at flood tide is part of a turbidity maximum in the northern part of the bay. At high tide slack water the suspended material deposits inside the estuary. During ebb-tide it is resuspended, and the estuary bottom is washed clean coinciding with the influx of relatively pure freshwater from the drainage area.From one station in the estuary mouth, current velocities and concentrations of suspended material have been measured during 10 tidal periods covering all four seasons. It is shown how these data can be used in a quantitative calculation of the transport of water and suspended material through the cross-section of study.A model has been formulated which—based on half-tidal periods—quantifies the transport of water and suspended material through the estuary mouth.The model is calibrated on the basis of measurements made during the above-mentioned 10 tidal periods. The rather small number of measurements is to some extent compensated for by a carefully pre-arranged selection of tidal periods.The model is discussed in relation to the prediction of net suspended transport through the estuary mouth in different weather and tidal situations. 相似文献
The movement of chemicals through soil to groundwater is a major cause of degradation of water resources. In many cases, serious human and stock health implications are associated with this form of pollution. The study of the effects of different factors involved in transport phenomena can provide valuable information to find the best remediation approaches. Numerical models are increasingly being used for predicting or analyzing solute transport processes in soils and groundwater. This article presents the development of a stochastic finite element model for the simulation of contaminant transport through soils with the main focus being on the incorporation of the effects of soil heterogeneity in the model. The governing equations of contaminant transport are presented. The mathematical framework and the numerical implementation of the model are described. The comparison of the results obtained from the developed stochastic model with those obtained from a deterministic method and some experimental results shows that the stochastic model is capable of predicting the transport of solutes in unsaturated soil with higher accuracy than deterministic one. The importance of the consideration of the effects of soil heterogeneity on contaminant fate is highlighted through a sensitivity analysis regarding the variance of saturated hydraulic conductivity as an index of soil heterogeneity. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Zhang Sheng Li Tongjin Wang LiankuiGuangzhou Institute of Geochemistry Chinese Academy of SciencesWushan Guangzhou 《《地质学报》英文版》1997,71(4):433-445
The Changkeng gold-silver deposits consist of a sediment-hosted, disseminated gold deposit and a replacement-type silver deposit. The mineralizations of gold and silver are zoned and closely related to the silicification of carbonate and clastic rocks, so that siliceous ores dominate in the deposit. The mineralizing temperature ranges mainly from 300 to 170℃, and K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, and Cl- are the major ions in the ore-forming fluid. Calculations of distribution of metal complexes show that gold is mainly transported by hydrosulphide complexes, but chloride complexes of silver, iron, lead, and zinc, which are transformed into hydroxyl and hydrosulphide complexes under neutral to weak-alkaline circumstances in the late stage, predominate in the ore-forming solutions. Water-rock interaction is confirmed to be the effective mechanism for the formation of silver ores by computer modelling of reaction of hydrothermal solution with carbonate rocks. The solubility analyses demonstrate that the precipitation 相似文献
The response of subaqueous dunes to floods in sand and gravel bed reaches of the Dutch Rhine 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Abstract The branches of the River Rhine in the Netherlands, characterized by a sand–gravel bed in the upstream part and a sand bed in the downstream part of the river system, show migrating dunes, especially during floods. In the last 20 years, these dunes have been studied extensively. High-resolution echo-sounding measurements of these dunes, made with single and multibeam equipment, were analysed for three different sections of the Rhine river system during several floods. This analysis was done to quantify the growth, decay and migration rates of the dunes during floods. In addition, the migrating dunes were used to calculate bedload transport rates with dune tracking. The results of dune growth and decay and migration rate are shown to be very different for the various sections during the various floods, and these differences are related to differences in grain size of the bed and to differences in the distribution of discharge over the main channel and the floodplain. The relations are used to show that the growth and migration rate of dunes, and the calculated bedload transport rates during the rising stage of a flood wave can be predicted from the mobility of the bed material with simple power relations. 相似文献