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太湖风浪场的计算与比较 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
首先探讨了浅水风浪数值模型—SWAN模型应用于模拟内陆湖泊风浪生成和传播变形时的特点。该模型存在不能有效地模拟近固壁边界处风浪场的缺点,以能正确地模拟湖区的风浪场和节约计算时间为原则,确定了计算范围。对太湖进行了风场和风浪场的现场观测。分别利用规范公式和SWAN模型两种方法、根据观测和预报的风场计算了湖区的有效波高,并将计算结果和现场观测值进行了详细比较。结果表明基于观测的风场,利用两种方法所计算的太湖风浪场的精度基本相当;在根据观测的风场、利用SWAN模型计算内陆湖泊的风浪场时,需要精心选择恰当的风场;在根据预报的风场预报湖区风浪场时,SWAN模型的精度要高于规范公式的精度。 相似文献
The 3 310-m-high Chia-min Lake records the climatic history since 4 ka B. P. in Taiwan. The warm/wet period before 2.2 ka
B.P. seemed to correspond to the later part of the Holocene Megathermal, and the cold/dry period during 0–2.2 ka B. P. corresponded
to the Katathermal. Before the termination of the Megathermal, an especially warm and humid segment (2.2–2.4 ka B. P.) emerged.
The paleoclimatic records from Yuen-yang and Chi-tsai Lakes support the notion that the Megathermal in Taiwan terminated during
2—2.3 ka B. P. A warm segment (820–1 320 AD) in the Katathermal could be considered the Medieval Warm Period. The climate
turned cold and dry after 1 320 AD and this indicated the onset of the Little Ice Age. These paleoclimatic variations are
also in good agreement with those recorded in Great Ghost Lake. 相似文献
2022年夏季长江流域遭受极端干旱,在此背景下,围绕长江荆江河段(松滋-城陵矶),东、西、南洞庭湖,松滋河、虎渡河、藕池河三口水系,湘江、资水、沅江、澧水四水尾间河段,以及环洞庭湖主要垸区,开展了原位监测和采样工作,测定了湖泊、河道、沟渠、池塘等各类水体中氮、磷、碳等生源要素和叶绿素a浓度,以及浮游植物种类和丰度。结果显示,东、西、南洞庭湖中,总氮、总磷、溶解态有机碳和叶绿素a浓度均值分别为0.57 mg/L、0.45 mg/L、38 mg/L和5.38μg/L,氮、磷分别以溶解态和颗粒态为主;浮游植物共检出6门37种,以硅藻和绿藻为主,藻类生物量约1.337 mg/L。就综合营养状态指数而言,洞庭湖处于中营养状态,并不显著高于长江和三口四水。极端干旱导致荆江-洞庭湖的水文连通削弱,洞庭湖来自三口的生源要素通量减少,来自四水和湖内自源生产的比重增加;洞庭湖垸区与外部自然河湖的阻隔限制垸内水体自由流动,导致生源要素累积,造成富营养化。2022年极端干旱气象条件下,洞庭湖总磷、叶绿素a、浮游植物数量相比历史阶段数据处于高位,但总氮浓度低于历史水平。恢复水文连通,改善江湖关系,削减内源污染释... 相似文献
1988-2016年洞庭湖大型底栖动物群落变化及驱动因素分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
洞庭湖是我国第二大淡水湖泊,其水文条件对湖泊湿地生态系统健康的维系发挥着不可替代的作用.近年来,水环境恶化日益威胁湖区水生态系统健康.然而,有关底栖动物水生态健康评价的研究仍然停留在物种群落结构方面,缺乏底栖动物群落功能对水污染响应的研究,尤其在较长时间尺度上.因而,本研究分析了19882016年近30 a来洞庭湖的水质和底栖动物群落数据,探寻底栖动物群落功能对水环境恶化的响应规律.结果表明,洞庭湖水体总氮浓度是威胁底栖动物物种和功能群落变动的主要因素.此外,不断恶化的水环境驱动底栖动物物种和功能群落结构改变,表现为敏感水生昆虫的比例下降,寡毛类、小型软体动物比例的上升,并伴随着体长为1.00~1.99 cm、背扁型、侧扁型、不移动等功能性状类别比例的下降.同时,水环境恶化降低物种丰富度、功能丰富度和劳氏二次熵多样性.基于距离的冗余分析结果显示,水体氮营养盐、重金属离子和有机污染物共同驱动底栖动物物种群落结构的变异,而营养盐类与无/有机污染物决定着其功能群落结构的变异.鉴于洞庭湖水质不断恶化的状况,本研究建议采取一系列措施,包括合理管控湖区周边废水直排入湖、取缔湖区内的非法采砂以及调控枯水季洞庭湖水位等.生物监测和评价方面,建议将底栖动物物种和功能群落一并纳入评价体系,且优先选用物种丰富度、功能丰富度和劳氏二次熵指数评估换水周期较短的大型浅水湖泊水质变化对底栖动物物种和功能多样性的影响. 相似文献
大通湖及东洞庭湖区生物体重金属的水平及其生态评价 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
于2005年11月采集了大通湖及东洞庭湖区湖水和水生生物样品,并测定了水和水生生物样品中重金属(Cd、Pb、Hg、As)的含量,并对湖区生物体重金属进行了污染评价.研究结果表明,大通湖及东洞庭湖区湖水中重金属含量较小,绝大部分采样点水质都属于国家Ⅰ类水标准;水生生物体内CD、Pb含量为虾>螺>鱼,Hg的含量为鱼>螺>虾,As的含量为螺>虾>鱼;而鱼类重金属含量则为底栖鱼类>中上层鱼类,肉食性鱼类>植食性鱼类.大通湖及东洞庭湖区生物体中CD、Pb的污染指数为虾>螺>鱼,Hg的污染指数则为鱼>螺>虾,As的污染指数则为螺>虾>鱼. 相似文献
本文以1:50000的地形图为工作底图,采用手持GPS技术、利用实地调查与分解森林资源分布图相结合的方法,对洞庭湖区植被分布状况进行了外业调绘的研究。建立了外业调绘过程中植被群落斑块最小面积和边界的确定原则及其斑块类型与编码。探讨了手持GPS实现WGS-84坐标系向1954北京坐标系的转化方法。并进行了精度估算,其点位误差≤5.8m,完全可以满足洞庭湖区植被分布外业调绘的精度要求。运用该方法进行植被分布的外业调绘,可以解决运用传统的定位测量方法在湖区定位难的问题,提高了外业作业效率。 相似文献
Liancong LUO Boqiang QIN Guang GAO Guangwei ZHU Jinshan ZHANG 《国际泥沙研究》2006,21(4):312-320
1 INTRODUCTION Large amounts of nutrients and contaminants such as trace metals are transported into large lakes frominflow rivers and then absorbed onto or associated with fine-grained sediment particles (Sheng and Lick,1979). The nutrients and contamina… 相似文献
Analysis of the interannual variability of annual daily extreme water levels in the St Lawrence River and Lake Ontario from 1918 to 2010 下载免费PDF全文
We compared the interannual variability of annual daily maximum and minimum extreme water levels in Lake Ontario and the St Lawrence River (Sorel station) from 1918 to 2010, using several statistical tests. The interannual variability of annual daily maximum extreme water levels in Lake Ontario is characterized by a positive long‐term trend showing two shifts in mean (1929–1930 and 1942–1943) and a single shift in variance (in 1958–1959). In contrast, for the St Lawrence River, this interannual variability is characterized by a negative long‐term trend with a single shift in mean, which occurred in 1955–1956. As for annual daily minimum extreme water levels, their interannual variability shows no significant long‐term change in trend. However, for Lake Ontario, the interannual variability of these water levels shows two shifts in mean, which are synchronous with those for maximum water levels, and a single shift in variance, which occurred in 1965–1966. These changes in trend and stationarity (mean and variance) are thought to be due to factors both climatic (the Great Drought of the 1930s) and human (digging of the Seaway and construction of several dams and locks during the 1950s). Despite this change in means and variance, the four series are clearly described by the generalized extreme value distribution. Finally, annual daily maximum and minimum extreme water levels in the St Lawrence and Lake Ontario are negatively correlated with Atlantic multidecadal oscillation over the period from 1918 to 2010. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献