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目前,测绘项目普遍存在着工期难以把握、质量难以控制、责任难以明确、信息化水平低等问题,针对这一现状,本文将精细化管理方式引入测绘项目管理中,采用ASP.NET技术构建了一套基于浏览器/服务器(Browser/Server,B/S)架构的测绘项目精细化管理系统。该系统以项目为主线,设计了各个功能模块及相应数据库,系统覆盖了项目从创建到资料归档所有环节,实现了项目全过程管理。 相似文献
锚板基础是一类在海工系泊系统中广泛应用的锚固基础,其特点是具有较高的承载力和稳定性。锚板的承载能力是基础设计的重要参考因素,而承载能力与土体的性质密切相关。现有关于锚板承载力的研究多集中在单一均质土层中,而对层状土尤其是上硬下软这类层状土体中的承载特性认识不足。基于数值分析,综合考虑层状土的分层性质,对锚板基础在硬黏-软黏层状土体及砂土-软黏土复合土体中的承载特性展开研究,分析锚板埋深、土层抗剪强度比、层厚比及土体性质等关键因素对锚板周围土体破坏模式和承载力的影响。结果表明:在硬黏-软黏土体中,随着抗剪强度比、层厚比的增加,极限承载力均显著增加;在砂土-软黏土体中,极限承载力同样随着层厚比的增加而增加,当下层软黏土中的锚板破坏进入局部破坏后,层厚比对承载力的影响逐渐减弱。研究可以为上硬下软层状土中锚板基础的承载力确定提供计算方法和理论参考。 相似文献
水下同步定位与地图构建(SLAM)技术是水下机器人探索未知区域的重要手段,在复杂海洋环境中广泛应用。水下 SLAM 主要分为 3 种主流技术:前视声呐 SLAM、水下光学 SLAM 及基于测深信息的 SLAM。首先,对这些技术在海底地形测绘和深海资源勘探中的应用进行了总结,不同的技术显示出不同的适用性和准确性,其中多波束声呐技术因其高分辨率和大范围覆盖能力,在大规模海底地图构建中展现了优越性。然后,总结了人工智能技术等关键技术在处理复杂海底数据中的应用,例如通过神经网络优化的数据处理提高了地图构建的效率和精度。最后,对未来的 SLAM 技术进行了展望,未来通过算法优化和硬件发展, 进一步提升数据处理速度和降低能耗。 相似文献
文章基于第六次国际耦合模式比较计划(CMIP6)的情景模式比较子计划的4种强迫情景,利用6个模式的输出数据对北极海区海冰密集度和海冰厚度的未来空间分布和长期变化趋势进行分析,并结合海面气温分析了其对海冰变化的可能影响。结果表明,不同强迫情景下2030年、2040年和2050年北极大部分海域海冰密集度均超过50%,海冰厚度约为1.5 m左右,其中东格陵兰海、巴伦支海、喀拉海和楚科奇海部分海域海冰密集度和厚度相对较小。2015—2050年两者整体均呈现下降的特征,部分海区的海冰密集度在高强迫情景下每年降低最大可超1%。2050年高强迫情景的季节变化结果显示,大部分海区冬春季海冰密集度超过90%,且各月均呈现下降趋势。海冰厚度方面,冬春夏大部分海区海冰厚度超过1 m,而秋季大部分海区海冰厚度小于等于0.5 m。12月至翌年5月全域海冰厚度以减小为主,其余月份却出现小范围海冰厚度增加的区域。至2100年的长期变化趋势方面,北冰洋中心区、东格陵兰海和楚科奇海海冰密集度和海冰厚度均随时间增加而减小,其中北冰洋中心区减小速率最大,同时三个海区海面气温将在未来持续增温。此外,海面气温的空间分布和长期变化趋势均与海冰密集度间存在较明显的相反变化特征,说明了气温对海冰的可能影响。本研究可为未来北极海冰在不同的强迫情景下的变化特征提供一定的参考。 相似文献
为研究不同陆面模式对中国区域土壤温度的模拟效果,基于中国气象局陆面数据同化系统(CMA Land Data Assimilation System,CLDAS)大气驱动数据分别驱动Noah和Noah-MP陆面模式进行中国区域土壤温度的模拟(简称:CLDAS_Noah和CLDAS_Noah-MP试验),使用2010—2018年中国气象局2380个土壤温度观测站点10和40 cm观测数据以及美国全球陆面数据同化系统(The Global Land Data Assimilation System,GLDAS)驱动的Noah模式(GLDAS_Noah试验)模拟的土壤温度结果,从空间分布、季节、分区等角度进行了评估,实现了不同驱动数据相同陆面模式和相同驱动数据不同陆面模式的对比分析。结果表明: GLDAS_Noah、CLDAS_Noah和CLDAS_Noah-MP试验均能合理模拟出中国区域土壤温度空间分布,但在量级上有一定差异,主要表现在中国东北、新疆、青藏高原等积雪区。对于相同陆面模式不同驱动数据,均方根误差显示CLDAS_Noah试验在季节与分区上均优于GLDAS_Noah试验,间接表明CLDAS大气驱动数据优于GLDAS大气驱动数据,且大气驱动数据是提高土壤温度模拟精度的重要因素之一;对于相同驱动数据不同陆面模式,总体上CLDAS_Noah-MP试验棋拟效果优于CLDAS_Noah试验,其中CLDAS_Noah试验模拟的10和40 cm深度土壤温度在冬季积雪区误差明显大于CLDAS_Noah-MP试验,可能与Noah-MP模式改进了积雪方案有关,但10和40 cm深度下CLDAS_Noah-MP试验在东北、华北、青藏高原地区对春季土壤温度模拟误差明显大于CLDAS_Noah试验,可能与Noah-MP模式融雪方案有关。总之,本研究对于后续开展土壤温度多模式集成、土壤温度站点资料同化,最终研制中国区域高质量土壤温度数据集具有一定的参考意义。 相似文献
熊伟 《武汉大学学报(信息科学版)》2019,34(1):101-105, 138
测绘科技发展已进入一个相对关键的时期,需要从战略层面来考虑如何推动其未来发展。基于对测绘科技发展历史的系统回顾,深刻剖析了测绘科技发展的一般规律,即所处的科学范畴、应用需求、新技术发展是影响和决定测绘科技发展方向的三大关键因素。这一规律是研究确定未来测绘科技发展战略思路的基本遵循。基于此,在重点分析人工智能技术发展趋势及其对测绘科技发展已有影响的基础上,阐述了人工智能与大地测量、地理信息数据获取、地理信息数据处理与应用等技术融合发展下的未来智能化测绘科技发展趋势,提出了传统的野外测量将逐渐被无人驾驶飞机、汽车、轮船以及卫星等智能化的机器所替代的设想,以及实现这一设想需要解决的系列难题。 相似文献
POURMASOUMI Masoumeh KHORMALI Farhad AYOUBI Shamsollah KEHL Martin KIANI Farshad 《山地科学学报》2019,16(8):1848-1868
In order to investigate the development of forest soils formed on loess, six representative modern soil pedons were selected along a precipitation gradient extending from eastern Golestan (mean annual precipitation, MAP = 500 mm) to eastern Mazandaran Provinces (MAP = 800 mm). Physiochemical, micromorphological and magnetic properties, as well as clay mineralogy of soils were studied using standard methods. Soils are mainly classified as Alfisols and Mollisols. Downward decalcification and the subsequent clay illuviation were the main criteria of soil development in all study areas. Pedogenic magnetic susceptibility of pedons studied varied systematically across the precipitation gradient in Northern Iran, increasing from 14.66 × 10 −8 m3 kg−1 at the eastern part to 83.75 × 10−8 m3 kg−1 at the western margin of this transect. The frequencydependent magnetic susceptibility showed an increasing trend with rainfall as well. The micromorphological study of soils indicated that there is a positive relationship between climate gradient (increasing rainfall) and the micromorphological index of soil development (MISECA). The area and thickness of clay coatings showed an increasing trend with rainfall. Grain size analysis indicates that pedogenic processes are responsible for changing original grain size distribution of loess in our soils. The correlation achieved among modern soil properties and precipitation could be applied to the buried paleosols in the whole study area to refer degree of paleosol development and to reconstruct the paleoclimate. 相似文献
An ancient landslide, situated in Deqin County, Yunnan Province, China, was used to investigate the reactivation by water infiltration. This study considers the infiltration process and landslide stability using finite-element method (FEM)-based models. The results show that the reactivation of old landslide deposit was triggered by the long-term leakage of diversion ditch before October 2012, and the reactivation was triggered again by the intense rainfall on 7–9 October 2012. The old cracks, which formed in the earlier reactivation of landslide, played a key role for the rainfall infiltration. They offered a preferential path for much more rainfall to infiltrate fast into deep soil, and caused wetting front to move down faster in landslide. The old slip zone with lower permeability was another important factor to cause the infiltrated water to accumulate and form a high pore water pressure above slip zone. Then the high pore water pressure decreased the shear strength of slip zone and triggered the reactivation of the old landslide deposit again. 相似文献
Due to the Tibetan Plateau's unique high altitude and low temperature climate conditions, the region's alpine steppe ecosystem is highly fragile and is suffering from severe degradation under the stress of increasing population, overgrazing, and climate change. The soil stoichiometry, a crucial part of ecological stoichiometry, provides a fundamental approach for understanding ecosystem processes by examining the relative proportions and balance of the three elements. Understanding the impact of degradation on the soil stoichiometry is vital for conservation and management in the alpine steppe on the Tibetan Plateau. This study aims to examine the response of soil stoichiometry to degradation and explore the underlying biotic and abiotic mechanisms in the alpine steppe. We conducted a field survey in a sequent degraded alpine steppe with seven levels in Northern Tibet. The plant species, aboveground biomass, and physical and chemical soil properties such as the moisture content, temperature, pH, compactness, total carbon (C), total nitrogen (N), and total phosphorus (P) were measured and recorded. The results showed that the contents of soil C/N, C/P, and N/P consistently decreased along intensifying degradation gradients. Using regression analysis and a structural equation model (SEM), we found that the C/N, C/P, and N/P ratios were positively affected by the soil compactness, soil moisture content and species richness of graminoids but negatively affected by soil pH and the proportion of aboveground biomass of forbs. The soil temperature had a negative effect on the C/N ratio but showed positive effect on the C/P and N/P ratios. The current study shows that degradation-induced changes in abiotic and biotic conditions such as soil warming and drying, which accelerated the soil organic carbon mineralization, as well as the increase in the proportion of forbs, which were difficult to decompose and input less organic carbon into soil, resulted in the decreases in soil C/N, C/P, and N/P contents to a great extent. Our results provide a sound basis for sustainable conservation and management of the alpine steppe. 相似文献
We propose a multi-sensor multi-spectral and bi-temporal dual-polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data integration scheme for dry/wet snow mapping using Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-1 data which are freely available to the research community. The integration is carried out by incorporating the information retrieved from ratio images of the conventional method for wet snow mapping and the multispectral data in two different frameworks. Firstly, a simple differencing scheme is employed for dry/wet snow mapping, where the snow cover area is derived using the Normalized Differenced Snow Index (NDSI). In the second framework, the ratio images are stacked with the multispectral bands and this stack is used for supervised and unsupervised classification using support vector machines for dry/wet snow mapping. We also investigate the potential of a state of the art backscatter model for the identification of dry/wet snow using Sentinel-1 data. The results are validated using a reference map derived from RADARSAT-2 full polarimetric SAR data. A good agreement was observed between the results and the reference data with an overall accuracy greater than 0.78 for the different blending techniques examined. For all the proposed frameworks, the wet snow was better identified. The coefficient of determination between the snow wetness derived from the backscatter model and the reference based on RADARSAT-2 data was observed to be 0.58 with a significantly higher root mean square error of 1.03% by volume. 相似文献