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The latest Cretaceous continental vertebrate faunas of the wider Transylvanian area figured prominently in discussions concerning the Cretaceous–Paleogene Boundary (K-Pg) events when they were first described by Nopcsa between 1897 and 1929, because they were assumed to be late Maastrichtian in age. Subsequently their age was reconsidered as early Maastrichtian, and were thus regarded of lesser importance in understanding the K-Pg boundary events in Europe and worldwide. Moreover, Transylvanian continental vertebrate assemblages (the so-called ‘Haţeg Island’ faunas) were often lumped together as a temporally restricted assemblage with a homogenous taxonomic composition. Recent fossil discoveries and more precise dating techniques have considerably expanded knowledge of the Transylvanian vertebrate assemblages, their ages, and their evolution. A synthesis of the available stratigraphic data allows development of the first comprehensive chronostratigraphic framework of the latest Cretaceous Transylvanian vertebrates. According to these new data, expansion of continental habitats and emergence of their vertebrate faunas started locally during the latter part of the late Campanian, and these faunas continued up to the second half of the Maastrichtian. During this time, long-term faunal stasis appears to have characterized the Transylvanian vertebrate assemblages, which is different from the striking turnovers recorded in western Europe during the same time interval. This suggests that there was no single ‘Europe-wide’ pattern of latest Cretaceous continental vertebrate evolution. Together, the available data shows that dinosaurs and other vertebrates were relatively abundant and diverse until at least ca. 1 million years before the K-Pg boundary, and is therefore consistent with the hypothesis of a sudden extinction, although this must be tested with future discoveries and better age constraints and correlations.  相似文献   
本文介绍新的杜会保障体系。  相似文献   
Several recent extreme natural events resulted in great humanitarian tragedies because of weak preventive disaster management. Here we analyze several factors (natural, economical, political, awareness, and preparedness) that brought about the humanitarian tragedies of the early 21st century. We discuss then the role of science in the preventive disaster management of extreme natural events.  相似文献   
钟自然 《地质论评》2018,64(1):6401010-6401014
正各位代表,同志们:下午好!在刚刚结束的全体理事大会上,大家选举我担任中国地质学会第40届理事会理事长,我感到非常荣幸,也深感责任重大。在此,我代表新当选的第40届理事会对大家的信任表示衷心的感谢!我将认真履行理事长的职责,和全体常务理事一道,在中国科协和国土资源部的领导下,在历届理事会工作的基础上,团结带领全体理事,认真学习宣传贯彻党的十九大精神,以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指  相似文献   
张国友  黄剑  朱竑  何沛东 《地理学报》2019,74(11):2197-2208
中国地理学会前身是1909年在天津成立的中国地学会。1934年3月中国地理学会的成立与同年9月《地理学报》的创办,不仅是中国地理学科史上的大事,也是中国教育史乃至科学史上的亮点。这是新文化运动中所提倡“赛先生”,即科学观念不断在近代中国传播的重要节点。中国地理学会的成立,清晰地将近代地理学与传统舆地学分离开来,以独立学科的形态出现在中国历史舞台上。《地理学报》的创刊,则使中外地理学家们在中国开始享有高水准的专业学术窗口。这是中国地理学界仁人志士对“科学救国”“科技兴国”等思潮的实践。在中国地理学会的组织和推动下,老一代地理学家艰苦奋斗,将一系列重要的研究成果刊登在《地理学报》,中国地理学家在当时的国家顶层设计中占有了一席之地。虽然,当时对地理科学的重要性认知还主要停留在权力高层与专业学术圈内,但为后来中国地理科学的蓬勃发展播下了火种,也为唤醒普通民众的地理科学意识打下了坚实的科学基础。回顾历史,中国地理学会的成立与《地理学报》的创办可谓是中国地理科学的发轫,自此成为中国地理科学发展的推动者和见证者。值此中国地理学会创立110周年、《地理学报》创刊85周年之际,深入领会“不忘初心、牢记使命”,回顾中国地理学会与《地理学报》发展,以继承和发扬老一辈地理学家的精神,进一步推动地理科学发展,使之成为可持续发展的基础学科,更好地服务于国家建设,服务于人类命运共同体建设。  相似文献   

The National Geographic Society's Geography Education Program continues to work on improving geography in the nation's schools. A successful network of geography education Alliances is in place across the United States. These state-based Alliances emphasize grass-roots involvement by teachers and other geography educators. Features of the Geography Education Program include inservice teacher training at Alliance-sponsored summer institutes, institutes held at the Society's headquarters in Washington, and specialized institutes devoted to a specific topic such as technology in education, or water issues. In the near future, the Society's projects include urban outreach, technology training and application, development of preservice programs, and the implementation and dissemination of world-class standards in geography.  相似文献   
焦奇  沈舒  徐红燕 《地质论评》2023,69(4):2023040017-2023040017
本文简要回顾了中国地质学会成立的过程,分析了学会成立背景中青年的作用,从制度的建立、奖项设置、组织建设、学术活动上等方面梳理了学会百年历程中对青年会员工作的重视,提出传承优良传统,坚定地质文化自信,丰富并开拓新的服务方式,凝聚广大地质青年,发挥青年会员在学会服务地质科学和经济社会发展中的作用。  相似文献   
中国地球物理学会的成立与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文较详细地叙述了中国地球物理学会成立的筹备情况、成立过程及其发展历史.中国地球物理学会自1947年8月3日在上海成立以来,不断发展壮大,由成立初期的几十名会员,发展到1993年底的10449名;会员的分布由初期的石油、地矿、水文、气象、测量、海洋、科研、院校,扩展到有色、冶金、地震、核工业、空间科学、煤炭、铁道、工程勘察等近20个部门.中国地球物理学会是名副其实的跨行业、跨部门的学会.中国地球物理学会在改革中前进  相似文献   
本文对中国地震学会会员情况的资料从年龄、学历、职称、性别、地区和部门等的分布进行了统计分析。中国地震学会吸引了广大地区和不同部门的大量地震工作者,作为中国地震学界的群众性学术团体,具有充分的代表性和权威性。然而,目前学会存在着年龄老化、后继乏人的严重问题,10余年后会出现70%现有会员进入退休年龄的局面。建议中国地震学会应采取适当措施,吸引国内外的青年学子更积极地参与学会的活动,发挥他们的才能。对于未来10余年中即将退休的大批地震学者,也应及时采取措施,发挥这批宝贵人才在科研、咨询、开发等方面的作用。  相似文献   
21世纪的大气科学──纪念中国气象学会成立70周年   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
周秀骥 《气象学报》1994,52(3):257-260
根据21世纪社会经济及科学技术的发展,分析展望了大气科学在探测、预报、服务以及人工影响的体系与观念上可能产生的飞跃。指出大气科学应该成为全球系统科学中有机的组成部分,并积极发挥主导作用。  相似文献   
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